79% support deal Obama reached on Syria Chemical Weapons. Another success.


If Mitt would have been President, we won't be involved in half of the shitty deals in the ME.

and Christians won't be slaughtered by MB in Egypt.

How exactly would the US, under a Dem or GOP President, have kept Mubarek in power?

By not tacitly giving moral support (if not financial and/or equipment) to the rebels in overthrowing Mubarek or Qadaffi. As unpalatable as being in bed with a dictator is, it is still easier to put the screws to a Mubarek or Qadaffi when necessary than it is to pressure a legislature.

It sucks that is the choice, but that's international politics for you.

It would have failed. Mubarek was a goner, and the reason the US did nothing to maintain him in power is mostly because it would have failed.

I'm glad he's gone. I'm also glad the MB took power. I thought the only way to prove that the MB was incompetent was to give them power so they could screw things up enough to lose legitimacy. I didn't think it would happen so fast.
Obama threatened, the Syrians backed down.

No money spent, no American lives lost.

It helps to have a smart president.

WRONG. Obama signed ON to a Kerry GAFF that PUTIN highlighted. Putin and Assad are laughing their asses off at the Boiking, Obama, while escorting his ass OUT of the ME.

Face it? Obama got Owned...as did Kerry. WE are looking weak. Hope you are happy.

The winners are Assad and PUTIN.


The winners are the American people, who opposed war. And now Russia and Syria are responsible for helping get rid of chemical weapons. How are Assad and Putin the winners.

And what should the US have done instead?
That many people supprt Putin! obama has a problem. That must be why Time put Putin on the cover of Time, describing his work in glowing terms in every country but this one. They made the US a special cover.

Obama threatened, the Syrians backed down.

No money spent, no American lives lost.

It helps to have a smart president.

WRONG. Obama signed ON to a Kerry GAFF that PUTIN highlighted. Putin and Assad are laughing their asses off at the Boiking, Obama, while escorting his ass OUT of the ME.

Face it? Obama got Owned...as did Kerry. WE are looking weak. Hope you are happy.

The winners are Assad and PUTIN.


The winners are the American people, who opposed war. And now Russia and Syria are responsible for helping get rid of chemical weapons. How are Assad and Putin the winners.

And what should the US have done instead?

Do you really think this is over and there's no war ? America is arming and training "rebels" as we speak. Putin and Assad bought some time to try to save the regime.
WRONG. Obama signed ON to a Kerry GAFF that PUTIN highlighted. Putin and Assad are laughing their asses off at the Boiking, Obama, while escorting his ass OUT of the ME.

Face it? Obama got Owned...as did Kerry. WE are looking weak. Hope you are happy.

The winners are Assad and PUTIN.


The winners are the American people, who opposed war. And now Russia and Syria are responsible for helping get rid of chemical weapons. How are Assad and Putin the winners.

And what should the US have done instead?

Do you really think this is over and there's no war ? America is arming and training "rebels" as we speak. Putin and Assad bought some time to try to save the regime.

Good. I want the regime to be saved. Minorities are safer under it. I want the US to stop helping the Islamist rebels. I mostly want the US to not bomb Syria over WMD or any reason at all.
The winners are the American people, who opposed war. And now Russia and Syria are responsible for helping get rid of chemical weapons. How are Assad and Putin the winners.

And what should the US have done instead?

Do you really think this is over and there's no war ? America is arming and training "rebels" as we speak. Putin and Assad bought some time to try to save the regime.

Good. I want the regime to be saved. Minorities are safer under it. I want the US to stop helping the Islamist rebels. I mostly want the US to not bomb Syria over WMD or any reason at all.

Putin, Assad and Iran agree with you.
Obama threatened, the Syrians backed down.

No money spent, no American lives lost.

It helps to have a smart president.

WRONG. Obama signed ON to a Kerry GAFF that PUTIN highlighted. Putin and Assad are laughing their asses off at the Boiking, Obama, while escorting his ass OUT of the ME.

Face it? Obama got Owned...as did Kerry. WE are looking weak. Hope you are happy.

The winners are Assad and PUTIN.


No. the winners are American people.
I love it when the rightwing nut view of a story bears no resemblance whatsoever to normal America's view of a story.

Says the sissy who refuses to acknowledge one negative thing about President Cracka Ass.
The winners are the American people, who opposed war. And now Russia and Syria are responsible for helping get rid of chemical weapons. How are Assad and Putin the winners.

And what should the US have done instead?

Do you really think this is over and there's no war ? America is arming and training "rebels" as we speak. Putin and Assad bought some time to try to save the regime.

Good. I want the regime to be saved. Minorities are safer under it. I want the US to stop helping the Islamist rebels. I mostly want the US to not bomb Syria over WMD or any reason at all.

WOW. I agree with this and your previous post and I never thought it could ever happen :D
If that was the case why throw it to Congress?

Because Obama knew he stepped in it once the UK said they weren't going to back the US. That way, Obama would either have a scapegoat if it turned bad or could claim he was bipartisan or some such thing if it worked. He didn't expect the American people to simply say no and for Kerry to step on his dick or for Putin to pressure Assad.

Obama blew this whole thing right from the beginning. All he can do now is hope the press covers for him and pray that they average American either didn't pay attention to the developing story or forgets it ASAP. It's just another foreign policy screw up.

true :clap2:
Obama threatened, the Syrians backed down.

No money spent, no American lives lost.

It helps to have a smart president.

Obama postured, the Syrians made threats, so did Iran. Russia, seeing the chance that it would loose all of its influence in the Middle East, stepped in with a solution that would keep their allies in place.

But you think Obama is a genius, so that makes it all part of the plan.
Public Backs Diplomatic Approach in Syria, But Distrusts Syria and Russia | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

The Morning Plum: On Syria, Beltway elites blow it with paint-by-numbers punditry
By Greg Sargent, Published: September 17 at 9:14 amE-mail the writer

There’s a lot to criticize about President Obama’s handling of Syria. He failed to make a strong case for military action and probably should never have entertained bombing without Congress’ support. That said, much Beltway elite criticism, which has focused largely on process and theatrics, is deeply misguided and disconnected from how Americans view the situation. A new Post/ABC News poll illustrates this clearly.

I noticed how the conservative non-stop pity party over bombing Syria died down on this board. Now we know why. The American people are happy with the deal, and don't give a fig how it was reached. Conservative criticism of his handling of the issue have totally flopped, and conservatives have given in. I don't blame you for not complaining anymore, Conservatives. Your preferred aggressive policies on Syria are political suicide in the country since Bush screwed up the Iraq War and made foreign intervention a non-option.

Over 60% of the American public--including the right--left and middle did not want to strike Syria. We're sick and tired of helping out terrorists--trying to overthrow dictators in the middle east--and we always get it in the rear afterwards.

But--the credit does not go to Obama--because he was the one who continually called for a strike along with John Kerry and John McCain. It was the American public that finally won over, and that's exactly why it stopped before it started.

As far as Bush--Hey it wasn't that long ago that Obama backed the overthrowing of Musharaf (a moderate) in Egypt--only to watch the "free election" elect the Muslim Brotherhood-(a considered enemy of the United States and Israel)--that had to be taken back by the military to install order in that country. Now there are riots and bloodshed in the streets. We also have witnessed what happened in Bengazi Lybia--which is a bad black mark on Obama and his administration for not securing that consulate or at least getting them out--(after they had repeatedly requested more security--and had already been attacked on 2 prior occasions.) 4 Americans died there including the Ambassador.

WELCOME TO THE MIDDLE EAST--and it's high time you take off your partisan goggles--they're all fogged up.

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Fact: Obama tried to start a war with Syria
Fact: most of the world and most Americans opposed another Obama war.
Fact: Obama lost credibility in the world
Fact: Obama lost the Democrat party a huge amount of it's base

So why do I care about the OP trying to defend Obama's huge failure on foreign policy?
How many times must I keep telling you? OBAMA NEVER BROKERED THE DEAL!

Putin did. How else did Syria suddenly act?

Come on Templar, are you trying to convince us that Putin would have brokered this deal without the threat of military action hanging over Assad's head? This entire scenario is a return to peace through strength as promoted by Ronald Reagan.

Yeah, he just stepped right into the breach and took control.



Be glad that he had that little heart to heart with your hero.

If this had been left to the R, we would be at war with Syria by now.

Thank you Mr President.

Not sure who my hero is (outside of Willie Mays), but I did notice that Obama and Kerry bumbled through this episode so feebly that it opened the door for the murderous thug Putin to step in and look like the statesman. Holy crap, that's quite an accomplishment. Putin, of all people. Jeebus.

Doesn't matter to me one way or the other. But it's amusing watching the partisan ideologues on the left make Obama look like the knight in shining armour after this embarrassment. Just another example of how partisan ideology warps reality and makes people say the GOOFIEST things.


Yeah, he just stepped right into the breach and took control.



Be glad that he had that little heart to heart with your hero.

If this had been left to the R, we would be at war with Syria by now.

Thank you Mr President.

iNot sure who my hero is (outside of Willie Mays), but I did notice that Obama and Kerry bumbled through this episode so feebly that it opened the door for the murderous thug Putin to step in and look like the statesman. Holy crap, that's quite an accomplishment. Putin, of all people. Jeebus.

Doesn't matter to me one way or the other. But it's amusing watching the partisan ideologues on the left make Obama look like the knight in shining armour after this embarrassment. Just another example of how partisan ideology warps reality and makes people say the GOOFIEST things.


Yup. The current jackass in Chief and Kerry fumbled their way through this with total incompetence.

Really. One could expect no less from the Community Organizer and his oh so incapable SOS.

Putin came out smelling like a rose and jackass and Kerry, well, they stunk but it wasn't roses we all smelled.

Don't think the rest of the world didn't watch and laugh. They sure did.

In fact, Putin is still laughing.

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