79% support deal Obama reached on Syria Chemical Weapons. Another success.

How many times must I keep telling you? OBAMA NEVER BROKERED THE DEAL!

Putin did. How else did Syria suddenly act?

We have every reason to believe that without the threat of US actions, Syria would still denies it had the weapons. Why else would Putin suddenly feel compelled to tell Assad to fess up in the first place? Shit, if President Obama had done something like that the rabid righties would be calling him the second coming of "Chamberlin the Appeaser".

We who?
The President of the United States is arming Al Qaeda.

You Bammy Bot support.
YOU people are American excrement.

First, the poll doesn't say what you just said, second, it wasn't a success.

Most Americans support the not going to war. They got their way. And Syria agreed to get rid of it's Chem weapons. Where exactly is the lack of success?

What would have been a success?

Obama wanted to attack Syria, the UN isn't going to give him the option. That makes it a failure.

not only attack but to remove the regime and replace it with one friendly to America and it's allies.
Most Americans support the not going to war. They got their way. And Syria agreed to get rid of it's Chem weapons. Where exactly is the lack of success?

What would have been a success?

Obama wanted to attack Syria, the UN isn't going to give him the option. That makes it a failure.

not only attack but to remove the regime and replace it with one friendly to America and it's allies.

Now he has to work to keep him in power until all the weapons are handed over, which will take years.
First the majority of Americans right, left, and center were never in favor of taking military action so the numbers in this poll are hardly a surprise second here are some other numbers from the poll that people might find interesting.

By a 67% to 23% margin, the public approves of Barack Obama’s decision to delay military airstrikes and pursue a diplomatic effort to convince Syria to give up its chemical weapons. However, just 26% think Syria will give up control of its chemical weapons, while 57% think it will not.

More generally, the public has little trust in Syria. Just 8% say the United States can trust Syria a great deal or a fair amount, while 63% say Syria cannot be trusted at all and another 22% say it can’t be trusted much. The public is skeptical of Russia as well: just 24% say the United States can trust Russia even a fair amount, down from 33% last year.

So here is the million dollar question what will Obama do if Syria does not give up it's chemical weapons? There is a better than average possibility he may have just painted himself right back into the corner.

My bet is still that he'll shoot----he's dying to shoot and push out all Russian influence along with Assad.
It will take months if not years to remove the chemical weapons.
how many feel like obama fell into a bucket of @@@@ and came out smelling like a rose

If McCain or Mittypoo were President, we'd be at war with Syria by now, bogged down in yet another Middle East war. Most Americans are grateful neither of them are President. Don't bother denying it, because I won't be convinced otherwise.

Worse than that, they both wanted to bomb Iran also. McCain even sang a little ditty about bombing Iran.
how many feel like obama fell into a bucket of @@@@ and came out smelling like a rose

If McCain or Mittypoo were President, we'd be at war with Syria by now, bogged down in yet another Middle East war. Most Americans are grateful neither of them are President. Don't bother denying it, because I won't be convinced otherwise.

Worse than that, they both wanted to bomb Iran also. McCain even sang a little ditty about bombing Iran.

hang on to your hat......this road doesn't end in Damascus. Iran is next for Obama
how many feel like obama fell into a bucket of @@@@ and came out smelling like a rose

If McCain or Mittypoo were President, we'd be at war with Syria by now, bogged down in yet another Middle East war. Most Americans are grateful neither of them are President. Don't bother denying it, because I won't be convinced otherwise.

Worse than that, they both wanted to bomb Iran also. McCain even sang a little ditty about bombing Iran.

Nigga Cracka wanted to invade Pokeeestan.
That many people supprt Putin! obama has a problem. That must be why Time put Putin on the cover of Time, describing his work in glowing terms in every country but this one. They made the US a special cover.
Obama threatened, the Syrians backed down.

No money spent, no American lives lost.

It helps to have a smart president.
First the majority of Americans right, left, and center were never in favor of taking military action so the numbers in this poll are hardly a surprise second here are some other numbers from the poll that people might find interesting.

By a 67% to 23% margin, the public approves of Barack Obama’s decision to delay military airstrikes and pursue a diplomatic effort to convince Syria to give up its chemical weapons. However, just 26% think Syria will give up control of its chemical weapons, while 57% think it will not.

More generally, the public has little trust in Syria. Just 8% say the United States can trust Syria a great deal or a fair amount, while 63% say Syria cannot be trusted at all and another 22% say it can’t be trusted much. The public is skeptical of Russia as well: just 24% say the United States can trust Russia even a fair amount, down from 33% last year.

So here is the million dollar question what will Obama do if Syria does not give up it's chemical weapons? There is a better than average possibility he may have just painted himself right back into the corner.

My bet is still that he'll shoot----he's dying to shoot and push out all Russian influence along with Assad.
It will take months if not years to remove the chemical weapons.

My guess is he will do nothing he has already shown he won't go against public opinion which I don't see changing on Syria and if he truly wanted to push out Russian influence and Assad he would have done so when he had the chance.
First the majority of Americans right, left, and center were never in favor of taking military action so the numbers in this poll are hardly a surprise second here are some other numbers from the poll that people might find interesting.

By a 67% to 23% margin, the public approves of Barack Obama’s decision to delay military airstrikes and pursue a diplomatic effort to convince Syria to give up its chemical weapons. However, just 26% think Syria will give up control of its chemical weapons, while 57% think it will not.

More generally, the public has little trust in Syria. Just 8% say the United States can trust Syria a great deal or a fair amount, while 63% say Syria cannot be trusted at all and another 22% say it can’t be trusted much. The public is skeptical of Russia as well: just 24% say the United States can trust Russia even a fair amount, down from 33% last year.

So here is the million dollar question what will Obama do if Syria does not give up it's chemical weapons? There is a better than average possibility he may have just painted himself right back into the corner.

My bet is still that he'll shoot----he's dying to shoot and push out all Russian influence along with Assad.
It will take months if not years to remove the chemical weapons.

My guess is he will do nothing he has already shown he won't go against public opinion which I don't see changing on Syria and if he truly wanted to push out Russian influence and Assad he would have done so when he had the chance.

Oh he was ready to go against public opinion----Putin's offer short circuited that adventure.
Most Americans support the not going to war. They got their way. And Syria agreed to get rid of it's Chem weapons. Where exactly is the lack of success?

What would have been a success?

Obama wanted to attack Syria, the UN isn't going to give him the option. That makes it a failure.

not only attack but to remove the regime and replace it with one friendly to America and it's allies.

We tried that in Iraq, and now they're besties with Iran. Way to go, conservatives.
My bet is still that he'll shoot----he's dying to shoot and push out all Russian influence along with Assad.
It will take months if not years to remove the chemical weapons.

My guess is he will do nothing he has already shown he won't go against public opinion which I don't see changing on Syria and if he truly wanted to push out Russian influence and Assad he would have done so when he had the chance.

Oh he was ready to go against public opinion----Putin's offer short circuited that adventure.

If that was the case why throw it to Congress? in any event we will never know for sure.
Obama threatened, the Syrians backed down.

No money spent, no American lives lost.

It helps to have a smart president.

WRONG. Obama signed ON to a Kerry GAFF that PUTIN highlighted. Putin and Assad are laughing their asses off at the Boiking, Obama, while escorting his ass OUT of the ME.

Face it? Obama got Owned...as did Kerry. WE are looking weak. Hope you are happy.

The winners are Assad and PUTIN.

Obama threatened, the Syrians backed down.

No money spent, no American lives lost.

It helps to have a smart president.

They backed down hmm let's take a look at that a couple of years ago Obama said Assad must go he is still there he said the use of chemical weapons would be a game changer yet the game has not changed. If you can get a international force to take control of the chemical weapons in a war zone and if Assad follows through on the deal to destroy them you will have something but those are two very big if's.
If that was the case why throw it to Congress?

Because Obama knew he stepped in it once the UK said they weren't going to back the US. That way, Obama would either have a scapegoat if it turned bad or could claim he was bipartisan or some such thing if it worked. He didn't expect the American people to simply say no and for Kerry to step on his dick or for Putin to pressure Assad.

Obama blew this whole thing right from the beginning. All he can do now is hope the press covers for him and pray that they average American either didn't pay attention to the developing story or forgets it ASAP. It's just another foreign policy screw up.
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My guess is he will do nothing he has already shown he won't go against public opinion which I don't see changing on Syria and if he truly wanted to push out Russian influence and Assad he would have done so when he had the chance.

Oh he was ready to go against public opinion----Putin's offer short circuited that adventure.

If that was the case why throw it to Congress? in any event we will never know for sure.

He was passing the buck but still had hopes he could push it through. He was under a lot of pressure from his own staff and political machine.
But you're right---spilled milk.
Now he can allow the process of destroying WMDs to proceed or just find an excuse an fire away.
I love it when the rightwing nut view of a story bears no resemblance whatsoever to normal America's view of a story.

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