79% support deal Obama reached on Syria Chemical Weapons. Another success.

how many feel like obama fell into a bucket of @@@@ and came out smelling like a rose

If McCain or Mittypoo were President, we'd be at war with Syria by now, bogged down in yet another Middle East war. Most Americans are grateful neither of them are President. Don't bother denying it, because I won't be convinced otherwise.

Yes of course, YOUR opinion is the ONLY one that can be right.

Sorry, no.

President Cracka got his ass saved by Putin....Cracka was gonna bomb.
Putin didn't didn't do it to help Cracka...he did it to make Cracka look impotent, it worked.
Obama is in damage control mode. He got kicked in the teeth when the UK and the rest of the West said they weren't getting involved with Syria. Round 2 was when Obama looked like a fool to the rest of the world when he proudly proclaimed the US would go it alone if need be and was promptly told no by the American people. Then the Russians stepped in and brokered a deal. Obama is playing to the rubes at home and trying to make it look like he made all this happen on his own. He's hoping the party faithful will buy into this and give him some political capital, but for anyone paying attention Obama is the big loser in this game of oneupsmanship with the Russians and Syrians.
Public Backs Diplomatic Approach in Syria, But Distrusts Syria and Russia | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

The Morning Plum: On Syria, Beltway elites blow it with paint-by-numbers punditry
By Greg Sargent, Published: September 17 at 9:14 amE-mail the writer

There’s a lot to criticize about President Obama’s handling of Syria. He failed to make a strong case for military action and probably should never have entertained bombing without Congress’ support. That said, much Beltway elite criticism, which has focused largely on process and theatrics, is deeply misguided and disconnected from how Americans view the situation. A new Post/ABC News poll illustrates this clearly.

I noticed how the conservative non-stop pity party over bombing Syria died down on this board. Now we know why. The American people are happy with the deal, and don't give a fig how it was reached. Conservative criticism of his handling of the issue have totally flopped, and conservatives have given in. I don't blame you for not complaining anymore, Conservatives. Your preferred aggressive policies on Syria are political suicide in the country since Bush screwed up the Iraq War and made foreign intervention a non-option.

Just 26% Think Syria Will Give up Chemical Arms

You forgot to print that part, Gertrude....
How many times must I keep telling you? OBAMA NEVER BROKERED THE DEAL!

Putin did. How else did Syria suddenly act?

What's that matter? Americans didn't want a war, and he found a way not to get us into one. I don't care how it got that way. The end result is what matters.

If McCan't, Mittypoo or Dumbya were President, who knows what kind of clodhopping acts of diplomatic oafishness the GOP would have committed. We'd be at war on with Syria, that's undeniable.

McCain is Obama's stooge and a wannabe CIC. Oh and this counts for his position as well. He's bought and paid for. He really has to go.

Senators who backed Syria resolution got 83 per cent more defense lobby money than those who voted against it, campaign finance numbers show

McCain gets the most money. He's just a typical inside the beltway bastard cashing in.

Senators who backed Syria resolution got 83 per cent more defense lobby money | Mail Online

Obama still wants to bomb Syria to depose Assad but now just has to be content to arm Al Qaeda and the radical Islamist FSA.

Too bad. So sad.
how many feel like obama fell into a bucket of @@@@ and came out smelling like a rose

If McCain or Mittypoo were President, we'd be at war with Syria by now, bogged down in yet another Middle East war. Most Americans are grateful neither of them are President. Don't bother denying it, because I won't be convinced otherwise.


If Mitt would have been President, we won't be involved in half of the shitty deals in the ME.

and Christians won't be slaughtered by MB in Egypt.

How exactly would the US, under a Dem or GOP President, have kept Mubarek in power?
Public Backs Diplomatic Approach in Syria, But Distrusts Syria and Russia | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

The Morning Plum: On Syria, Beltway elites blow it with paint-by-numbers punditry
By Greg Sargent, Published: September 17 at 9:14 amE-mail the writer

There’s a lot to criticize about President Obama’s handling of Syria. He failed to make a strong case for military action and probably should never have entertained bombing without Congress’ support. That said, much Beltway elite criticism, which has focused largely on process and theatrics, is deeply misguided and disconnected from how Americans view the situation. A new Post/ABC News poll illustrates this clearly.

I noticed how the conservative non-stop pity party over bombing Syria died down on this board. Now we know why. The American people are happy with the deal, and don't give a fig how it was reached. Conservative criticism of his handling of the issue have totally flopped, and conservatives have given in. I don't blame you for not complaining anymore, Conservatives. Your preferred aggressive policies on Syria are political suicide in the country since Bush screwed up the Iraq War and made foreign intervention a non-option.


First, the poll doesn't say what you just said, second, it wasn't a success.

Most Americans support the not going to war. They got their way. And Syria agreed to get rid of it's Chem weapons. Where exactly is the lack of success?

What would have been a success?
If McCain or Mittypoo were President, we'd be at war with Syria by now, bogged down in yet another Middle East war. Most Americans are grateful neither of them are President. Don't bother denying it, because I won't be convinced otherwise.


If Mitt would have been President, we won't be involved in half of the shitty deals in the ME.

and Christians won't be slaughtered by MB in Egypt.

How exactly would the US, under a Dem or GOP President, have kept Mubarek in power?

By not tacitly giving moral support (if not financial and/or equipment) to the rebels in overthrowing Mubarek or Qadaffi. As unpalatable as being in bed with a dictator is, it is still easier to put the screws to a Mubarek or Qadaffi when necessary than it is to pressure a legislature.

It sucks that is the choice, but that's international politics for you.
How many times must I keep telling you? OBAMA NEVER BROKERED THE DEAL!

Putin did. How else did Syria suddenly act?

We have every reason to believe that without the threat of US actions, Syria would still denies it had the weapons. Why else would Putin suddenly feel compelled to tell Assad to fess up in the first place? Shit, if President Obama had done something like that the rabid righties would be calling him the second coming of "Chamberlin the Appeaser".
Putin has his own best interest in mind when it comes to this deal. Russia, after all, maintains a naval base in Syria...
How many times must I keep telling you? OBAMA NEVER BROKERED THE DEAL!

Putin did. How else did Syria suddenly act?

We have every reason to believe that without the threat of US actions, Syria would still denies it had the weapons. Why else would Putin suddenly feel compelled to tell Assad to fess up in the first place? Shit, if President Obama had done something like that the rabid righties would be calling him the second coming of "Chamberlin the Appeaser".

Then maybe Obama should have not stuck his nose in Syria in the first place. He thought he was going to be able to build some coalition and look like the good guy and pressure Syria, but his plan fell apart when the UK said they weren't interested in yet another problem in the Middle East. Unfortunately for Obama, he just isn't respected enough on the world stage or at home and just looks like an inept amateur when it comes to foreign policy. All he can do now is just hope the press pushes his image as being the peace broker (despite the Russians being the real power behind the deal), but Obama has egg on his face over the whole deal, something that never would have happened if he had just shrugged his shoulders and said "not our problem" in the first place.
Putin jumped in because Kerry the dumb ass opened the door so friggin wide how could Putin resist.
Obama and Kerry looked like the Keystone cops on this....

What military threat??? :lol:
The world knew with maybe the exception of Obama that no one was supporting Obama's military solution.
Even Kerry said our plan wasn't much of an attack at all.

C'mon people Obama got handed his hat,might end up getting what he wanted thanks to Putin...
First the majority of Americans right, left, and center were never in favor of taking military action so the numbers in this poll are hardly a surprise second here are some other numbers from the poll that people might find interesting.

By a 67% to 23% margin, the public approves of Barack Obama’s decision to delay military airstrikes and pursue a diplomatic effort to convince Syria to give up its chemical weapons. However, just 26% think Syria will give up control of its chemical weapons, while 57% think it will not.

More generally, the public has little trust in Syria. Just 8% say the United States can trust Syria a great deal or a fair amount, while 63% say Syria cannot be trusted at all and another 22% say it can’t be trusted much. The public is skeptical of Russia as well: just 24% say the United States can trust Russia even a fair amount, down from 33% last year.

So here is the million dollar question what will Obama do if Syria does not give up it's chemical weapons? There is a better than average possibility he may have just painted himself right back into the corner.
OP- Absolutely, but just check out all the Pubcrappe telling the hater dupes this way of doing it only proves that Obama is a failure and a monster. Great job, billionnaire a-hole Pub masters...LOL
So, I guess failure is the new victory?

Kind of like 90 is the new 25...
How many times must I keep telling you? OBAMA NEVER BROKERED THE DEAL!

Putin did. How else did Syria suddenly act?

What's that matter? Americans didn't want a war, and he found a way not to get us into one. I don't care how it got that way. The end result is what matters.

If McCan't, Mittypoo or Dumbya were President, who knows what kind of clodhopping acts of diplomatic oafishness the GOP would have committed. We'd be at war on with Syria, that's undeniable.

you don't speak for Americans...believe what want, you Obamabots will spin it anyway to make him some hero

funny his approvals should be 100% and not in the low 30's, but you know what Americans want

pew research, you might as well call it, the Dnc polling place
Last edited:
Good news about public support.

Even Sean H was having trouble trying to spin it. Come on, Sean, you want war or not?
First the majority of Americans right, left, and center were never in favor of taking military action so the numbers in this poll are hardly a surprise second here are some other numbers from the poll that people might find interesting.

By a 67% to 23% margin, the public approves of Barack Obama’s decision to delay military airstrikes and pursue a diplomatic effort to convince Syria to give up its chemical weapons. However, just 26% think Syria will give up control of its chemical weapons, while 57% think it will not.

More generally, the public has little trust in Syria. Just 8% say the United States can trust Syria a great deal or a fair amount, while 63% say Syria cannot be trusted at all and another 22% say it can’t be trusted much. The public is skeptical of Russia as well: just 24% say the United States can trust Russia even a fair amount, down from 33% last year.

So here is the million dollar question what will Obama do if Syria does not give up it's chemical weapons? There is a better than average possibility he may have just painted himself right back into the corner.
Public Backs Diplomatic Approach in Syria, But Distrusts Syria and Russia | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

"The Obama administration has reiterated that military airstrikes are still possible if Syria does not cooperate fully with the disarmament process, but the public remains, on balance, opposed to the use of force even under these circumstances."

This is shaping up like Iraq between '91 and '03 when UN inspectors would contact a Muslim research facility on a Friday, demand immediate access for inspection, receive the religious-based denial, then cue the politicians to call for air strikes for non-compliance.

Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Iran.
It's all the same war supported by DC Republicans AND Democrats alike.
Maybe the problem is too many Democrats AND Republicans in the US Congress?
Public Backs Diplomatic Approach in Syria, But Distrusts Syria and Russia | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

The Morning Plum: On Syria, Beltway elites blow it with paint-by-numbers punditry
By Greg Sargent, Published: September 17 at 9:14 amE-mail the writer

There’s a lot to criticize about President Obama’s handling of Syria. He failed to make a strong case for military action and probably should never have entertained bombing without Congress’ support. That said, much Beltway elite criticism, which has focused largely on process and theatrics, is deeply misguided and disconnected from how Americans view the situation. A new Post/ABC News poll illustrates this clearly.

I noticed how the conservative non-stop pity party over bombing Syria died down on this board. Now we know why. The American people are happy with the deal, and don't give a fig how it was reached. Conservative criticism of his handling of the issue have totally flopped, and conservatives have given in. I don't blame you for not complaining anymore, Conservatives. Your preferred aggressive policies on Syria are political suicide in the country since Bush screwed up the Iraq War and made foreign intervention a non-option.


First, the poll doesn't say what you just said, second, it wasn't a success.

Most Americans support the not going to war. They got their way. And Syria agreed to get rid of it's Chem weapons. Where exactly is the lack of success?

What would have been a success?

Obama wanted to attack Syria, the UN isn't going to give him the option. That makes it a failure.

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