$8.6 Trillion In New Spending From THIS CONGRESS In Less Than 10 Months


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

$8.6 Trillion in new spending....equaling the new debt that Obama created from 2009-2017....and all in less than one year.
Democrats call it investment. We in the real world call it spending. Democrats consider tax cuts lost money that they could have used for their pet projects.
Democrats figure they know how better to spend our money than we do.....but that's not what they're doing anymore.
Much of our money is going to foreigners. Trillions are going to illegals and foreign oil.
Clearly congress cannot be trusted with our money anymore. They're practically burning it right before our eyes.

Well damn, son. The current crop of Demotards can't let themselves be outdone by that chimp GW, and that other chimp Barack Obama. Each one of them doubled the national debt.

Joe Biden says "Hold my beer and watch this."


2000 - $5,646,459,680,212

2008 - $10,903,291,720,345


2008 - $10,903,291,720,345

2016 - $20,121,841,372,530

Trump to 2021:

2016 - $20,121,841,372,530

2021 - $28,974,140,596,728

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$8.6 Trillion in new spending....equaling the new debt that Obama created from 2009-2017....and all in less than one year.
Democrats call it investment. We in the real world call it spending. Democrats consider tax cuts lost money that they could have used for their pet projects.
Democrats figure they know how better to spend our money than we do.....but that's not what they're doing anymore.
Much of our money is going to foreigners. Trillions are going to illegals and foreign oil.
Clearly congress cannot be trusted with our money anymore. They're practically burning it right before our eyes.


It all cost zero dollars
Right, but you said nothing when he was. Why would you expect others to be any different than you?
You don't remember what I said.
Clearly the president (Trump) had absolutely no say in what Congress chose to spend.
He could veto their virtue-signalling bills and their garbage bills....but he couldn't get money to buy a popcorn fart without a fight from Pelosi and Schumer.
You don't remember what I said.
Clearly the president (Trump) had absolutely no say in what Congress chose to spend.

This is why I dismiss you. He has every say. He had veto power in everything that gets passed. Nothing passed without him signing off on it.

He could veto their virtue-signalling bills and their garbage bills....but he couldn't get money to buy a popcorn fart without a fight from Pelosi and Schumer.

As we know, he would never put out the effort to actually fight for anything.
View attachment 566049

$8.6 Trillion in new spending....equaling the new debt that Obama created from 2009-2017....and all in less than one year.
Democrats call it investment. We in the real world call it spending. Democrats consider tax cuts lost money that they could have used for their pet projects.
Democrats figure they know how better to spend our money than we do.....but that's not what they're doing anymore.
Much of our money is going to foreigners. Trillions are going to illegals and foreign oil.
Clearly congress cannot be trusted with our money anymore. They're practically burning it right before our eyes.

You are very dishonest. They also planted 1000s of money trees to pay for this. These trees will bloom $100 bills by the thousands.

This is why I dismiss you. He has every say. He had veto power in everything that gets passed. Nothing passed without him signing off on it.

As we know, he would never put out the effort to actually fight for anything.
You only feel that way because you have a low opinion of him.
Trump's adm was filled with moles, spies, and backstabbers.
He did what he could to cut costs to the consumers by removing regulations which helped keep inflation down.
Meanwhile Pelosi and Schumer would go to his meetings and walk straight to the cameras afterwards and lie about everything that took place......so do us both a favor and stop insulting my intelligence.
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For all of my lifetime conservatives have warning about the danger of overspending

And like global warming doomsday from the left the worst fears of fiscal conservatives have not come true

That is both a blessing and a curse

Because when the nation hits that brick wall of bankruptcy it will be much worse

But party-hardy libs cannot be convinced till its too late
You only feel that way because you have a low opinion of him.
Trump's adm was filled with mole, spies, and backstabbers.
He did what he could to cut costs to the consumers by removing regulations which helped keep inflation down.
Meanwhile Pelosi and Schumer would go to his meetings and walk straight to the cameras afterwards and lie about everything that took place......so do us both a favor and stop insulting my intelligence.It's

No it's not just because I have such a low opinion of him. I have also said that I hope Biden's "BBB" fails as it is not paid for. It's the same BS the Republicans try and pull. He is going to pay for it supposedly with tax cuts for the rich.
No it's not just because I have such a low opinion of him. I have also said that I hope Biden's "BBB" fails as it is not paid for. It's the same BS the Republicans try and pull. He is going to pay for it supposedly with tax cuts for the rich.
You have a point......but the president is only one of 3 branches of government....yet the left always puts all of the blame on a Republican President when they know the Constitution says that all spending is their responsibility. The GOP is just as guilty of massive spending as Democrats....up until this year. Now the spending has become damaging to this country. Before it was just reckless. Now it has become like setting off a nuke in Washington....and the fallout will soon be felt everywhere in the country.
You have a point......but the president is only one of 3 branches of government....yet the left always puts all of the blame on a Republican President when they know the Constitution says that all spending is their responsibility. The GOP is just as guilty of massive spending as Democrats....up until this year. Now the spending has become damaging to this country. Before it was just reckless. Now it has become like setting off a nuke in Washington....and the fallout will soon be felt everywhere in the country.

I dont care what you think "the left" does. They, whoever they are, are not here discussing this.
View attachment 566049

$8.6 Trillion in new spending....equaling the new debt that Obama created from 2009-2017....and all in less than one year.
Democrats call it investment. We in the real world call it spending. Democrats consider tax cuts lost money that they could have used for their pet projects.
Democrats figure they know how better to spend our money than we do.....but that's not what they're doing anymore.
Much of our money is going to foreigners. Trillions are going to illegals and foreign oil.
Clearly congress cannot be trusted with our money anymore. They're practically burning it right before our eyes.

And it didn't cost us a dime......Joe tol me so
Right, but you said nothing when he was. Why would you expect others to be any different than you?
The problems arise when the new programs germinate and start growing. The green agenda is going to be go overseas to be made anyway after we waste 90% of the funds for it by corruption. The whole system is in on it. And we will be fleeced. In fact we are being fleeced now.

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