8 dead including a cop....and the "suspect" is in custody.

Aaaand the left bring up dylan roof. Talk about off topic.

Lol, the problem with predicting the left wing racist responses is they are just too easy to predict.

Why is every left wing patronizing racist douche just so predictable? Oh, because they have a script and they cannot deviate from it.

America bad.
White people bad
Christians bad.
Males bad.
Republicans bad.
Racism racism racism racism racism

Baaaah Baaaaahh Baaaaahh
just ignore him Owl32 , i think , don't know for sure but i think that 'stat' is just some foreigner anyway !!

First, you don't "think".
You never "think"

Second, RWNJs always do this. You always insist that everybody should have guns.

Third, the only reason RWNJs are clutching their pearls and sighing is that the shooter is black.

Not one word about the victims or the shattered families. Just racist lies.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
------------------------------------- of course all FREE people should have guns and weapons . FREE Americans should all be equipped with the standard small arms and equipment of the American Combat infantryman . And many are equipped that way Luddley
and to see why all people , Americans especially should have weapons see the events going on right now in Venezuela . See 'maduros' thug militia and government that is starving and murdering the Venezuelan people that he disarmed a few years ago Luddley .
took a little searching for me to find out what or "who" the suspect was. Cause these news outlets sure avoided revealing "who" or WHAT did this. An example as reported by the great "USA Today

And that says it all. Bigots like you comb through the internet daily looking for any news casting blacks negatively. That gives you license to then project your general opinions of all blacks using the perp as the vehicle for your racist ranting.
Comparisons to apes were eerily absent from your posts when Dylan Roof killed 9 black conservatives worshipping in their church. I would like to see you explain the disparity in your worldview.
Roof was on the news 27/7 and rightfully so, but a black man does it shhhh.
The thrust of my post has nothing to do with news coverage. it's about theowl's dehumanizing use of the word ape to describe one killer, who is black, while not assigning that subhuman classification to a white killer who kille 9 good Christians.

Stop trying to divert....I've got theowl on the run...he doesn't want to explain his racist disparity.
It took a little searching for me to find out what or "who" the suspect was. Cause these news outlets sure avoided revealing "who" or WHAT did this. An example as reported by the great "USA Today."

Police say 8 dead in Mississippi shooting

BROOKHAVEN, Mississippi (AP) — Authorities in Mississippi say a suspect is in custody after eight people were killed in a shooting, including a sheriff's deputy.

Mississippi Bureau of Investigation spokesman Warren Strain said the shootings occurred at three separate homes Saturday night in rural Lincoln County.

Strain says charges have not yet been filed against the suspect and that it would be "premature" to discuss a motive.

It was not clear whether the suspect knew his victims before allegedly killing them.


Man, the great USA Today sure gave us a lot of useful information, didn't they?

Here, let me tell you. The pathetic ape's name is Cory Godbolt. A negro.

There. Now you know.

Ah, the whole "it's not us that did it, it wasn't our guns that did it, it was black people" argument.

The suspect is actually black......wasn't that sort of a give away as to who actually did it?
He is 'black'? Why don't we demand a DNA test to determine whether the majority of his DNA comes from white or black, after all, he is kind of light colored. Then we can assign the blame to whichever race the majority of his DNA came from.

Or maybe we can just consider that you are a bigoted asshole, and save the expense and silliness.
took a little searching for me to find out what or "who" the suspect was. Cause these news outlets sure avoided revealing "who" or WHAT did this. An example as reported by the great "USA Today

And that says it all. Bigots like you comb through the internet daily looking for any news casting blacks negatively. That gives you license to then project your general opinions of all blacks using the perp as the vehicle for your racist ranting.
Comparisons to apes were eerily absent from your posts when Dylan Roof killed 9 black conservatives worshipping in their church. I would like to see you explain the disparity in your worldview.

Why do you think they were black conservatives....blacks vote over 95% democrat....and being a democrat is a good sign you are not conservative, as is being a black democrat.....

No one defended the church shooter........or said you guys were only going after him because he was white....
No liberal has defended this murderer, either. And we went after Roof because he killed 9 citizens. Same as we will go after this miscreant because he killed 8 citizens. Same as we went after Timothy McVeigh because he killed 181 citizens.

You are the bigot here. Your every post demonstrates that.
Every country run by a black person is a cesspool.

Is that a fact or an opinion?
just ignore him Owl32 , i think , don't know for sure but i think that 'stat' is just some foreigner anyway !!

First, you don't "think".
You never "think"

Second, RWNJs always do this. You always insist that everybody should have guns.

Third, the only reason RWNJs are clutching their pearls and sighing is that the shooter is black.

Not one word about the victims or the shattered families. Just racist lies.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
------------------------------------- of course all FREE people should have guns and weapons . FREE Americans should all be equipped with the standard small arms and equipment of the American Combat infantryman . And many are equipped that way Luddley
Yep, makes damned fine equipment for clearing out grade school classrooms. By the way, what group of American citizens has the worst record for mass murder?

Who commits mass shootings? - CNN.com

According to data compiled by Mother Jones magazine, which looked at mass shootings in the United States since 1982, white people -- almost exclusively white men -- committed some 64% of the shootings.
The examples are infamous. Roof and the Charleston church massacre. Lanza and the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Holmes and the slaughter inside an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater.
Black people committed close to 16% of the mass shooting Mother Jones looked at, while Asians were responsible for around 9%. People identified as either Latino, Native American and unknown rounded out the study.
took a little searching for me to find out what or "who" the suspect was. Cause these news outlets sure avoided revealing "who" or WHAT did this. An example as reported by the great "USA Today

And that says it all. Bigots like you comb through the internet daily looking for any news casting blacks negatively. That gives you license to then project your general opinions of all blacks using the perp as the vehicle for your racist ranting.
Comparisons to apes were eerily absent from your posts when Dylan Roof killed 9 black conservatives worshipping in their church. I would like to see you explain the disparity in your worldview.

Why do you think they were black conservatives....blacks vote over 95% democrat....and being a democrat is a good sign you are not conservative, as is being a black democrat.....

No one defended the church shooter........or said you guys were only going after him because he was white....
What? Didn't you know that American conservatism is rooted in the early Democratic party? Some of the more liberal Democrats broke away and started the liberal anti-slavery Republican Party.

Party affiliation and ideologies have shifted demographically. around core values over time so party affiliation does not precisely define whether one is liberal or conservative.
Piouss Black Christians and Muslims are as Conservative as Jerry Fallwell or Billy Graham. Who would question the conservatism of Louis Farrakhan?

Name any of the tenets you value as a conservative and check them against the
Lifestyles and patriotism of the average God fearing Black Christian.
Yeap, not one good liberal gives one flying fuck that the animal killed anyone. Only in the way I reported the facts.

They are so fun for me to fuck with.
No. You are really very stupid, but this is no surprise. We all are disgusted when a murderer does what this guy did, but you went out of your way to make his race an issue in all of this, because you are a disgusting low-life, ill-educated racist pig with no decency in your pitiful body. We, on the other hand, are more than willing to read the ENTIRE story.
Thousands of people of many different colors kill people every day.
Statistics prove you're an uninformed idiot with homosexual fantasies.

Uhm, no. But please, go suck a big black cock and swallow down all it's jizz. You will certainly feel better afterwards.
You like to talk about black penises. Maybe you should make a trip to the ghetto and get a fix.
No luck. You got there long before me and DorklyFury214 swallowed up the rest, like he always does. Besides, I don't need it. Pussy is the way to go, little one.
took a little searching for me to find out what or "who" the suspect was. Cause these news outlets sure avoided revealing "who" or WHAT did this. An example as reported by the great "USA Today

And that says it all. Bigots like you comb through the internet daily looking for any news casting blacks negatively. That gives you license to then project your general opinions of all blacks using the perp as the vehicle for your racist ranting.
Comparisons to apes were eerily absent from your posts when Dylan Roof killed 9 black conservatives worshipping in their church. I would like to see you explain the disparity in your worldview.
Roof was on the news 27/7 and rightfully so, but a black man does it shhhh.
The thrust of my post has nothing to do with news coverage. it's about theowl's dehumanizing use of the word ape to describe one killer, who is black, while not assigning that subhuman classification to a white killer who kille 9 good Christians.

Stop trying to divert....I've got theowl on the run...he doesn't want to explain his racist disparity.
This is what useless, disgusting racists do. It's all they can do because they are so pitifully limited.
It took a little searching for me to find out what or "who" the suspect was. Cause these news outlets sure avoided revealing "who" or WHAT did this. An example as reported by the great "USA Today."

Police say 8 dead in Mississippi shooting

BROOKHAVEN, Mississippi (AP) — Authorities in Mississippi say a suspect is in custody after eight people were killed in a shooting, including a sheriff's deputy.

Mississippi Bureau of Investigation spokesman Warren Strain said the shootings occurred at three separate homes Saturday night in rural Lincoln County.

Strain says charges have not yet been filed against the suspect and that it would be "premature" to discuss a motive.

It was not clear whether the suspect knew his victims before allegedly killing them.


Man, the great USA Today sure gave us a lot of useful information, didn't they?

Here, let me tell you. The pathetic ape's name is Cory Godbolt. A negro.

There. Now you know.

Thousands of people of many different colors kill people every day. Only, they may not be disgusting fucked up racists like you are. Now, go suck a big black cock and swallow down all it's jizz, you racist turd. People who call black people pathetic apes are racists pieces of shit and you fit the bill exactly. Have a nice day, turdball.
Awww, look at what this pile of patronizing shit is offended by in this story. Not that ape that killed 8 people including a cop. No, it is me reporting the story about the ape that killed 8 people including a cop.

What a patronizing racist pile of left wing shit.

Oh, and how the fuck did a patronizing racist pile of shit like you get off my ignore list?
So the killer acted like Dylan Roof. Do you have a point?
took a little searching for me to find out what or "who" the suspect was. Cause these news outlets sure avoided revealing "who" or WHAT did this. An example as reported by the great "USA Today

And that says it all. Bigots like you comb through the internet daily looking for any news casting blacks negatively. That gives you license to then project your general opinions of all blacks using the perp as the vehicle for your racist ranting.
Comparisons to apes were eerily absent from your posts when Dylan Roof killed 9 black conservatives worshipping in their church. I would like to see you explain the disparity in your worldview.
Roof was on the news 27/7 and rightfully so, but a black man does it shhhh.
The thrust of my post has nothing to do with news coverage. it's about theowl's dehumanizing use of the word ape to describe one killer, who is black, while not assigning that subhuman classification to a white killer who kille 9 good Christians.

Stop trying to divert....I've got theowl on the run...he doesn't want to explain his racist disparity.
Well they are both are apes in my book.
took a little searching for me to find out what or "who" the suspect was. Cause these news outlets sure avoided revealing "who" or WHAT did this. An example as reported by the great "USA Today

And that says it all. Bigots like you comb through the internet daily looking for any news casting blacks negatively. That gives you license to then project your general opinions of all blacks using the perp as the vehicle for your racist ranting.
Comparisons to apes were eerily absent from your posts when Dylan Roof killed 9 black conservatives worshipping in their church. I would like to see you explain the disparity in your worldview.
Roof was on the news 27/7 and rightfully so, but a black man does it shhhh.
The thrust of my post has nothing to do with news coverage. it's about theowl's dehumanizing use of the word ape to describe one killer, who is black, while not assigning that subhuman classification to a white killer who kille 9 good Christians.

Stop trying to divert....I've got theowl on the run...he doesn't want to explain his racist disparity.
Well they are both are apes in my book.
Feel free to show us where you went out of your way to call Dylan Roof an ape. Then I will believe you. Otherwise, you have been smoking too much wacky weed.
FREE COUNTRY , Owl can say and express himself however he likes JohnQ !!
Agreed. I'm just exercising my freedom to question the value of. posting racist garbage on a message board. Its best to apply the antidote early before the poison spreads.

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