8 Facts From Obama's War On Veterans That Will Leave You Outraged

So you support hiring more Federal Workers to process these claims? Tell that to the Austerity whores.
That's right.

Now that Bush is gone we can drop the facade that libs care about the military.
Funny how libs find money to support their friends failed businesses with taxpayer-backed free loans, but all the military can look forward to is "mañana, mañana, mañana."


My mother always used to say "They send our best men off to war." To replace promises by breaking them or to ignore their contributions sucks. :evil:
The Obama administration, either due to a lack of attention or a surplus of ignorance, has severely failed American military veterans. The amount of veterans who are being denied timely access to the benefits that they have earned is staggering and growing by the day. You would think that an administration that has designed such a “wonderful” national healthcare system would be able to administer healthcare to those who have fought for our country.

8 Facts From Obama's War on Veterans -

As a retired veteran, I can tell you none of those problems started with Obama. I once got so sick of the delays of my medical bills not being paid in a timely manner, I actually threatened to blow up the claims building.

This was pre-9/11, or I would probably be in jail right now. :)

It is an old story. You see a doctor, the doctor sends the bill to Tricare, Tricare takes almost a year to pay the bill. In the meantime, the doctor's business gets tired of waiting to be paid and they sic bill collectors on your ass.

This is not an Obama thing. This is an inefficient military healthcare system thing.

And now, as part of the austerity kick, Congress is booting myself and millions of other retired vets off Tricare Prime. We are being converted to a much more expensive program.

Ever since I retired, I often ask myself how I could have been so stupid to serve for 20+ years.

The rules and regulations for military healthcare are written by Congress, not the President.

And I could tell you a medical nightmare story that occured in my life under Bush's watch that would make you extremely angry, but I would have to reveal too much about my personal life. But it is very similar to the story in your link about the soldier with the brain injury. There are all kinds of cracks in the system which we vets fall through on a regular basis.

So there is nothing in your link which leaves me outraged at Obama. I've been outraged since long before this newcomer came along.
Yes, veteran health care was bad before but according the stats Obama has made it 10 times worse. Before it was thousands waiting for their benefits. Now it's hundreds of thousands are waiting.

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