81,000 Car Breakins Last 7 Years in San Fran. 13 Arrests

San Franshitsco is to regular crime what Zerope is to Islam: cowardly, amoral enablers who see nothing wrong with it.
Makes you want to park your car in San Fran. Get your car broken into then shot thru the heart by an illegal who the San Fran jury will let off just to play politics.
Yet another once great city, going the way of Detroit. Leftism when left unopposed, always leads to dysfunction.
No different anywhere else. Car breakins are not a high priority for the police.
I was in Miami the last time my car was broken into, and when I called the police they took the report by phone, they could not even be bothered to come out and take the report in person.
San Francisco was once a beautiful city. Liberals have been running it for the last 50 years and now it's a shithole.
No different anywhere else. Car breakins are not a high priority for the police.
I was in Miami the last time my car was broken into, and when I called the police they took the report by phone, they could not even be bothered to come out and take the report in person.
81k break-ins over 7 years and only 13 arrests is no different than anywhere else....I beg to differ.

If you have been to SF, you know the city is overrun by indigents (bums). They urinate and defecate in the streets. Aggressively confront people just walking about. They are the likely culprits for this MASSIVE outbreak of car break-ins. Then accompany this with a police force that refuses to arrest these bums, for their criminal actions. Some think the police are actually protecting the bums.

Most cities in America, do NOT have this kind of high level of auto break-ins with a very low arrest rate.

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