81 % of the Syrians think ISIS was created by the US


Nov 14, 2012
A poll has been carried out in all across Syria and the results are very interesting.

"Syrians share a strong belief that someday their country will become united again and are holding out for a diplomatic solution to the crisis, a recent poll showed.

A survey by the British polling organization ORB International, an affiliate of WIN/Gallup International, found a hefty 81 percent of respondents saying that Islamic State was created by the United States and its allies, while 22 percent said the terrorist group was a positive influence.

A total of 79 percent agreed that foreign fighters made the war worse.

Less than 21 percent said they preferred their present life to the one they lived under President Bashar Assad.


Photo: Damascus 2015, Agence France-Presse

Fifty-seven percent said the situation was getting worse. Seventy percent opposed the country’s partition and 65 percent said Syrians could become one nation again.

Almost 49 percent spoke out against US and coalition airstrikes.

Fifty-one percent preferred a diplomatic solution to the crisis and 64 percent said a peaceful settlement of the conflict was possible.

The poll was conducted using 1,365 Syrians from all of the country’s 14 provinces."

Over 80 Percent of Syrians Believe ISIL Created by US
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Just proves you can be wrong all day long. Just say the word Syria, we'll save millions on bombs and missiles when you tell us to stop. People will often trade safety and liberty to maintain a "normal" life. We are well on our way to that right here.

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