87% of the Fulton County Jail population is black…Shouldn’t Fani work on that and not Trump?

Maybe blacks should stop commiting crime…
Don’t you hate it when they get away with it for decades?
How much time, effort, energy and resources should be directed toward Trump when such inequities exist?
It seems like Fani and Fulton should focus and work on improving blacks and keeping them out of jails…no?
Sounds like social injustice to me.
Well here's the difference between you and surada, and me. I don't think ANYONE who is pre-trial and presumed innocent belongs in a jail full of lice and bedbugs. No one. Not one single America.

But you know. Fascists gonna fascist.

I disagree. Many criminals are violent or cruel or sadistic.
Maybe blacks should stop commiting crime and get a job.

That won't happen until white people ignore them or tell them to shut up everytime they talk about racism.

It's white peoples fault we have all these shitty nwords in America because we enable them. We create and breed them.

But you have the right idea. Don't want to go to jail? Then stop committing crimes.

Tired of living a shitty life? Get a job.

Want to be taken seriously? Then speak decent English, show some manners, cut off your ridiculous hair styles, improve your personal hygiene and read a book once in a while.
Well here's the difference between you and surada, and me. I don't think ANYONE who is pre-trial and presumed innocent belongs in a jail full of lice and bedbugs. No one. Not one single America.

But you know. Fascists gonna fascist.
Then put him in Gen Pop at Rikers...
And….and…and…the answer is that they are not committing crime but rather being picked on
Lib 101 Core Course
How much time, effort, energy and resources should be directed toward Trump when such inequities exist?
It seems like Fani and Fulton should focus and work on improving blacks and keeping them out of jails…no?
She's gentrifying the place...

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