87 year old Republican Grassley tests positive for the Rona


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Yikes. I wish him well. 87 is a rough age to get the WuFlu.

Liberals, try to stay classy. Try.

It is the intention of Camel Toe Harris that if Joe Biden does win the election through fraud, she will have the geezer catch the Kung Flu , die and she will assume the crown where she can continue to put black people who smoke dope behind bars....
Yikes. I wish him well. 87 is a rough age to get the WuFlu.

Liberals, try to stay classy. Try.

Crap, I hate to hear it. Hope he gets the kind of treatment trump got and wish him luck. Strange virus. How it hits you, if it hits you, does seem like a matter of luck.
Yikes. I wish him well. 87 is a rough age to get the WuFlu.

Liberals, try to stay classy. Try.

Crap, I hate to hear it. Hope he gets the kind of treatment trump got and wish him luck. Strange virus. How it hits you, if it hits you, does seem like a matter of luck.
That's an appearance thing...almost everyone is going to get the virus..but at least half won't know it. All about your immune system and the state of your lungs..seems to me.

heavy ciggie smokers and heavy pot smokers are hit harder than people who don't indulge.

BTW...I like Grassley--he's not missed a vote since 1933! Now that's doing the job!
| 525 x 219
Yikes. I wish him well. 87 is a rough age to get the WuFlu.

Liberals, try to stay classy. Try.

Crap, I hate to hear it. Hope he gets the kind of treatment trump got and wish him luck. Strange virus. How it hits you, if it hits you, does seem like a matter of luck.
That's an appearance thing...almost everyone is going to get the virus..but at least half won't know it. All about your immune system and the state of your lungs..seems to me.

heavy ciggie smokers and heavy pot smokers are hit harder than people who don't indulge.

BTW...I like Grassley--he's not missed a vote since 1933! Now that's doing the job!
Actually, you would consider me a heavy ciggarette smoker and I tried a couple of hits off a joint while it was ramping up. Eh.., don't do that, especially if you live at 230 ft and come down with it while staying between 9,000 and 10,000 feet. I was in a free man state. For me it was like a bad damn flu, but you would also say I am in pretty good shape for my age. Funny thing about cigarrette smokers and covid, smokers being t 20 to 25% in world population, but only represented 10 to 12% of covid hospitalizations. The article I read a couple of months ago speculated (as not investigated or proven, simply noted as a statistical anomaly) that smokers lungs may be somewhat coated with tars, nicotine residues and metabolites that may be a poor growth medium for the virus to rapidly multiply in. Maybe as a smoker, I screwed up in reverse this time? :dunno:
I hope he gets as sick as it takes for him to quit lying about the pandemic. That's what I wish for any republican.
You and "marcATl" are subhuman in my estimation. Wow. That's not even something to troll about. You are just scum
You rightwing MFers on USMB fail to realize that we're talking about some of the most powerful men in the world, the likes of this person that just got sick.

Their words, rhetoric and policies cause people's lives...literally.

I don't think it's out-of-bounds to state that they should get what they put out.

Stop crying for bullies.
Nope. If someone needs to die or nearly die to quit being a lying sack of shit that's a problem with them.
Your opinion of who 'needs to die' or who is 'lying' is not only ill informed but arrogant and full of hatred. As I said your hatred is eating your brain and stunting your humanity.
I hope he gets as sick as it takes for him to quit lying about the pandemic. That's what I wish for any republican.
Your hatred is eating your brain and stunting your humanity.
Nope. If someone needs to die or nearly die to quit being a lying sack of shit that's a problem with them.
Says the guy who claimed Grassley lied with no evidence. :rolleyes:
Name a republican that has not signed on to Trump's pandemic downplaying. If you can show me Grassley has never supported treating the pandemic like a hoax I'll give him a pass. You can't. If he had ever contradicted Trump you would want him dead right now.
You rightwing MFers on USMB fail to realize that we're talking about some of the most powerful men in the world, the likes of this person that just got sick.

Their words, rhetoric and policies cause people's lives...literally.

I don't think it's out-of-bounds to state that they should get what they put out.

Stop crying for bullies.
Conservatives don't follow political figures like lemmings they way Democrats do. Your straw-man 'rightwing MFers' is a manifestation of your own mind and your hatred toward Trump and the Americans who voted for him. It is really mental disability on your part.

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