89 Trillion now equals "free" in the warped minds of the AGW crowd.

The OP nails it.......nails it = nobody is ever going to care about the science.

The entire epic thread on this forum >> More Proof the skeptics are WINNING US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum .......details this. It is invariably on page one of this forum. When you read through it, you realize that US forces on Batan in 1942 had a better chance than the AGW crusaders of making "climate science" anything more than an internet hobby.

Once again I'll say and if one studies it just a bit it becomes very clear.........people on the far left, and almost all of whom support the AGW theory NEVER, NEVER, EVER account for "costs" with their shit......because costs never matter to those on the far left.

At best, we are looking at a MAXIMUM of 10% renewables by........ready for this......2050 ( well documented in the thread posted above......dozens of links ).

Its a Jonestown for these people........and if they dont realize it, they have some pronounced issues, as in, serious thinking issues.

The OP's information makes every day in here a day of winning. Its called navigating the internet in Realville.:biggrin::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:.

Now.......the ? of whether it is worth it to spend tens of trillions? Well.......we don't know, but one thing is 100% certain. Tens of trillions in expenditures necessarily means the entire planet MUS, MUST, MUST accept a far lower standard of living.

Chances of this happening = 0%

One error in your post good sir. Everyone on the planet would have to accept a much lower standard of living.....EXCEPT for the RULING ELITE. And that's what this farce is all about. It is the ultimate in class warfare and these socialist idiots are so fucking stupid they can't figure that part out.

Indeed.......you are quite correct. West my friend......check this out >>>

The emergence of Scientific Dictatorship.........

All this global warming BS has always been just part of the NWO plan.......went into hyper-drive just after 1990. They have a sufficient number of dummies who have signed on. The herding of the sheeple.

Yup. President Ike in his farewell address said it best...

"President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s legendary farewell speech is often cited in condemnation of the Military Industrial Complex, which is intimately connected to the subject at hand. However, there is another little discussed yet vital topic in the latter half of his speech. “The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded,” warned Eisenhower. “Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific technological elite.”

The Scientific Dictatorship Explained som blomblad i vinden
One of you warmie histrionics commies define "climate change". Are you talking about the climate change we saw in the Arctic that developed 500,000 sq. miles of new ice last year? I suppose it's too much to hope that any of you morons know anything about the 11 year cycles of flux on our own star that have a far more profound affect on the weather here on earth, than anything we pissant humans could ever hope to cause, sans thermonuclear war of course. No? That's an inconvenient truth, you say? Yea. There are lots and lots of those the inconvenient truth thingies warmies just don't want to talk about, aren't there? They tire of making themselves look like the silly asses they are.
"President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s legendary farewell speech is often cited in condemnation of the Military Industrial Complex, which is intimately connected to the subject at hand. However, there is another little discussed yet vital topic in the latter half of his speech. “The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded,” warned Eisenhower. “Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific technological elite.”

The Scientific Dictatorship Explained som blomblad i vinden

That's why all those senior NASA scientists had to wait until they retired to fire off jointly-signed letters to President Buckwheat, decrying the hoodoo and bullshit that passes for empirical earth science under this administration. It's nothing new for marxists. It happened with agronomy under Stalin back in the 30's. It was called "Lysenkoism".
Tom, being you're too brainwashed to understand how crazy your cult jabbering sounds to normal people, it's up to people like me to stage an intervention and let you know.

Normal people, when they see how the whole planet and all the data disagrees with them, will step back and consider how it's likely they may have made a mistake.

Those consumed by paranoia and narcissism, however, will declare that they and their cult are infallible, and that the only possible explanation for the disagreement is a globe-spanning conspiracy directed against them. That paranoid narcissist would be you.

You're acting crazy. And that's why the world ignores you. It really is that simple.
Tom, being you're too brainwashed to understand how crazy your cult jabbering sounds to normal people, it's up to people like me to stage an intervention and let you know.

Normal people, when they see how the whole planet and all the data disagrees with them, will step back and consider how it's likely they may have made a mistake.

Those consumed by paranoia and narcissism, however, will declare that they and their cult are infallible, and that the only possible explanation for the disagreement is a globe-spanning conspiracy directed against them. That paranoid narcissist would be you.

You're acting crazy. And that's why the world ignores you. It really is that simple.

The world ignores HIM??!!!!

Which would be closer to "cult" status? 31% or 69%??

Last time I checked, 31% is a distinct monority = losing.

69 Say It s Likely Scientists Have Falsified Global Warming Research - Rasmussen Reports trade


Show us where your side is winning s0n? Links please.......
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Tom, being you're too brainwashed to understand how crazy your cult jabbering sounds to normal people, it's up to people like me to stage an intervention and let you know.

Normal people, when they see how the whole planet and all the data disagrees with them, will step back and consider how it's likely they may have made a mistake.

Those consumed by paranoia and narcissism, however, will declare that they and their cult are infallible, and that the only possible explanation for the disagreement is a globe-spanning conspiracy directed against them. That paranoid narcissist would be you.

You're acting crazy. And that's why the world ignores you. It really is that simple.
The last thing my world needs is you interfering. Argh, :puke3:

As I stated a while ago, you sure are full of yourself. dude/ dudette, you are LoSiNg. :lmao:

In my world view, we don't want losers. So you stay with your little fantasy world of fear and taxation. 69% of the people agree in my world :lmao: I'll take that thank you very much. :rock:
More like 260,000 (which was actually pretty good if you ask me) and there were more Marxist morons than there were environmentalists.

It didn't go unnoticed either...if you subtract those who were out protesting something other than the "supposed" reason for the protest...there might have been 12 or 13 climate wackos out there....marxists love to complain and show up in droves whenever such things happen...large numbers of homeless are also bussed in who have no idea what is going on other than they are getting a few bucks in their pockets to wave a sign.
Tom, being you're too brainwashed to understand how crazy your cult jabbering sounds to normal people, it's up to people like me to stage an intervention and let you know.

Normal people, when they see how the whole planet and all the data disagrees with them, will step back and consider how it's likely they may have made a mistake.

Those consumed by paranoia and narcissism, however, will declare that they and their cult are infallible, and that the only possible explanation for the disagreement is a globe-spanning conspiracy directed against them. That paranoid narcissist would be you.

You're acting crazy. And that's why the world ignores you. It really is that simple.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Sure they are. So, hows that carbon tax in Australia working for you? For that matter how are carbon taxes worldwide working for you? And my oh my but that carbon trading board is just buried under work these days aren't they..... Oh wait. No....they're just buried!

ABN Amro Becomes Latest Bank to Withdraw From Carbon Trading
ABN Amro Becomes Latest Bank to Withdraw From Carbon Trading - Bloomberg

Now....what's that phrase that Skooks like to use:eusa_think: Oh yeah...WINNING!
Tom, being you're too brainwashed to understand how crazy your cult jabbering sounds to normal people, it's up to people like me to stage an intervention and let you know.

Normal people, when they see how the whole planet and all the data disagrees with them, will step back and consider how it's likely they may have made a mistake.

Those consumed by paranoia and narcissism, however, will declare that they and their cult are infallible, and that the only possible explanation for the disagreement is a globe-spanning conspiracy directed against them. That paranoid narcissist would be you.

You're acting crazy. And that's why the world ignores you. It really is that simple.

So you mean when someone or something is prosecuted in the media with results to sway the public not based on any fact or scientific fact for that matter, then it means that your basis for your religious stance is correct?
Tom, being you're too brainwashed to understand how crazy your cult jabbering sounds to normal people, it's up to people like me to stage an intervention and let you know.

Normal people, when they see how the whole planet and all the data disagrees with them, will step back and consider how it's likely they may have made a mistake.

Those consumed by paranoia and narcissism, however, will declare that they and their cult are infallible, and that the only possible explanation for the disagreement is a globe-spanning conspiracy directed against them. That paranoid narcissist would be you.

You're acting crazy. And that's why the world ignores you. It really is that simple.

Stop trying to sound intelligent. You just make a fool of yourself.
Sheeet.....Momooth gets smacked upside of the head once again.:slap::slap::slap:
Tom, being you're too brainwashed to understand how crazy your cult jabbering sounds to normal people, it's up to people like me to stage an intervention and let you know.

Normal people, when they see how the whole planet and all the data disagrees with them, will step back and consider how it's likely they may have made a mistake.

Those consumed by paranoia and narcissism, however, will declare that they and their cult are infallible, and that the only possible explanation for the disagreement is a globe-spanning conspiracy directed against them. That paranoid narcissist would be you.

You're acting crazy. And that's why the world ignores you. It really is that simple.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Sure they are. So, hows that carbon tax in Australia working for you? For that matter how are carbon taxes worldwide working for you? And my oh my but that carbon trading board is just buried under work these days aren't they..... Oh wait. No....they're just buried!

ABN Amro Becomes Latest Bank to Withdraw From Carbon Trading
ABN Amro Becomes Latest Bank to Withdraw From Carbon Trading - Bloomberg

Now....what's that phrase that Skooks like to use:eusa_think: Oh yeah...WINNING!

Brilliant post.........I cant stop laughing. In 2014, carbon trading is a joke, but the AGW nuts keep talking about how they are winning!!:boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::biggrin:

These assholes are falling deeper into the shitter by the day. The climate science isn't worth dick as applied in the real world. Its nothing but a banner. Oil production is booming. Natural gas production/exports are off the charts. Renewables are growing at a snails pace. Coal imports to Germany at an all time high. Electric vehicle sales slumping. Zero climate legislation. Arctic ice expanding. Tornado's and forest fires near record lows. Hurricanes not seen in years. Record cold spells seen all over the world.....in late summer!!! Climate Summit a total dud.

Need I say more?


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