8th Grader arrested and suspended for wearing NRA T-Shirt to school

Maybe because it's such a stupid question. The answer would be obvious to most people.

It's obvious to me, but I doubt you even understand the question. Suppose you answer it and prove me wrong, OK?

Oh, shut up, Ernie.

Typical! You can't answer a question that would challenge your prejudices so you dismiss and insult. You are nothing more than Truthmatters with better spelling and punctuation.
How about you prove me wrong and answer the question? "Enlighten" me.
The reactionaries here are just pounding sand is all.

The yell "liberal" then cry when they are appropriately labeled and rebuked.

The school district is properly handling the issue.

Now for all of you reactionaries who are yelling about public school. Yes, if you own property, you will help pay for it. Tough beans. If you don't like it, send your child to private school or home school. You will still pay for public school, anywy. Tough beans.

Tough beans, indeed!
If the child failed to follow orders from the administrators that threatened neither life nor life nor injury and that could be negotiated later in simple fashion, then the child was right to be turned around, handcuffed, and carted off to jail. Stupid kid. Stupid parents.

And, oh, to Ernie's question: shut up Ernie.

what law did he break left wing reactionary?
If the child failed to follow orders from the administrators that threatened neither life nor life nor injury and that could be negotiated later in simple fashion, then the child was right to be turned around, handcuffed, and carted off to jail. Stupid kid. Stupid parents.

And, oh, to Ernie's question: shut up Ernie.

If you are trying to pretend to be a troll, you are way over doing it.

even trolls don't spout this kind of stuff as long as you have.
If the child failed to follow orders from the administrators that threatened neither life nor life nor injury and that could be negotiated later in simple fashion, then the child was right to be turned around, handcuffed, and carted off to jail. Stupid kid. Stupid parents.

And, oh, to Ernie's question: shut up Ernie.

If you are trying to pretend to be a troll, you are way over doing it.

even trolls don't spout this kind of stuff as long as you have.

The reactionaries, like you are, almost always are the trolls.

The kid was out of line. End of story.
out of line does not deserve arrest jakey

you're a far left wingnut

you can't even cite any law he broke, you're a just a reactionary
The contrary of that, then, bripat, would be that you would approve of the teacher beating the student?

The difference is that the one happened in a tax-supported public institution sanctioned and governed by the laws of the land.

Your hypothetical is parent-child relations in the home. Different game, different rules.

One of my daughters did require a serious intervention of awareness training: straighten up or a six-month no-furlough internment at a psychiatric hospital for teenagers who just don't get that they are not in charge. Bright child: she got it. That was almost twenty years ago. She and her little ones are going with me to the petting zoo on Saturday.

You were going to send the WRONG PERSON to the nut farm, dude!
"…the student is facing charges which include obstruction and disturbing the education process."

Disturbing the education process? What kind of nazi ass law is that?

It's what useless idiots like JakeTheFake cook up to make themselves feel powerful.
The contrary of that, then, bripat, would be that you would approve of the teacher beating the student?

The difference is that the one happened in a tax-supported public institution sanctioned and governed by the laws of the land.

Your hypothetical is parent-child relations in the home. Different game, different rules.

One of my daughters did require a serious intervention of awareness training: straighten up or a six-month no-furlough internment at a psychiatric hospital for teenagers who just don't get that they are not in charge. Bright child: she got it. That was almost twenty years ago. She and her little ones are going with me to the petting zoo on Saturday.

You were going to send the WRONG PERSON to the nut farm, dude!

Starkey is posting from the nut farm.
"…the student is facing charges which include obstruction and disturbing the education process."

Disturbing the education process? What kind of nazi ass law is that?

It's what useless idiots like JakeTheFake cook up to make themselves feel powerful.

If fakey ever became dictator of the USA, spitting on the sidewalk would become a capital crime. XXXXXXX No Family.
Ernie S., the story is what it is. If your child acted out in our school district when I was superintendent, I would have backed my administrators and teachers having your child sequestered until you got there. If you got loud and belligerent with them, you would have been on the way down to the county jail for booking then on to the magistrate. We found putting unruly parents under insurance bond based on performance always took care of the problem.

In public, we have laws. That you don't like them does not mean a fuck in there being executed.

Act out, and see what happens.

You were never superintendent, dude...that was the voices in your head telling you that!
Jake claims he would "sequester" my child until I arrived.

I have zero tolerance for inept school districts. The last one that "sequestered" one of my children, tied him to a chair and left a welt in the shape of a hand print on his face. He was 5.

They bought me a house.

for the most part

we didnt have much trouble with the schools

when my boys went to school

however when i was a kid (7th grade)

a teacher punched me on the back of the neck

dad went to school

i was switched into another class

he was able to continue to assault children

A psychotic nun hit my wife on the hand with a razor-edged ruler. (She still has a scar.) She didn't say anything, to anyone, but started bringing something extra to school every day. Psycho-nun tried it again, about a month later...and ended up with a broken jaw, eight missing teeth, and a concussion, courtesy of an uppercut to the point of the chin with a roll of dimes clenched in her fist.

Her father found out about psycho-nun and nearly killed the principal.
I knew this poor kid have to have a cuckoo parent!!!!

When Your Parents Are TEApublican Gun-Worshiping Idiots (Video)

A Logan County Ohio 8th grader named Jared Marcum was suspended, arrested and is now facing two charges — obstruction and disturbing the education process, for wearing a pro-NRA shirt featuring an assault weapon like the one used to slaughter 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary, to school.

WTRF7 News reported that Jared’s father, Allen Lardieri, wasn’t happy about leaving work early to pick up his son from jail.

Appearing in an interview by local news dressed up in his finest NRA gun-nut gear Allen Lardieri said, “I don’t see how anybody would have an issue with a hunting rifle and NRA put on a t-shirt, especially when policy doesn’t forbid it.”

Except that’s not a “hunting rifle” on the shirt; it’s a military-style assault-type weapon, which is only good for hunting people. This is a familiar semantic argument that TEApublicans try to use when claiming that their semi-auto assault weapons with military accessories and hi-capacity magazines are just like any other hunting rifle.

Lardieri went on to say that Jared didn’t become aggressive or violate any school policy, though Jared admitted that he refused to turn the shirt inside out, or put on a different one.

When Your Parents Are TEApublican Gun-Worshiping Idiots (Video) - Americans Against the Tea Party

It doesn't matter what kind of gun it is. There is no school policy against it.

Only liberals think it's a crime for someone to offend them.
for the most part

we didnt have much trouble with the schools

when my boys went to school

however when i was a kid (7th grade)

a teacher punched me on the back of the neck

dad went to school

i was switched into another class

he was able to continue to assault children
When I was in 8th grade, a teacher grabbed a classmate and took him to the hall pinned him to the wall and was beating the crap out of him. The girls ran to get help and the boys mobbed the teacher. He left in handcuffs.


on the other hand

the wood shop teacher would punish students that acted badly

mostly fooling around with the shop tools

by a paddling from a chunk of board from the scrap box ( one whack)

at least you got to pick which piece he would use


I went to school with a few people who would put him in the hospital for that. (My wife tops that list.) I might do something vicious...say, a pint of ammonia down the cowl of his car, or some ipeac in his coffee.
The rights of public safety always outweighs the right of a person's speech rights. No one gets to yell 'fire' in a theatre. No one is allowed to get overly vocal and belligerent with a teacher. The teacher is in charge and responsible for the welfare of the class, to which all class members must submit. Protocol exists for students to afterwards express complaints.

No one wonder the libertarian nonsense never gets much in the way of votes.

Yes, considering the state of American education, you're right. I'm surprised they get any votes at all since they are taught that the public rights (a fantasy) preclude individual rights.

That means no one has any rights but some nebulous concept called the public.

What a weak, silly country we've become.

And, if the shirt had a Vote For Obama message on it?
If it had a pro-gay rights message?
Pro-women's right to choose message?

All of you who are arguing for the kid's "right" to wear that message to school would be saying exactly the opposite if the message was for any of the above mentioned reasons. Every one of you have said you support giving away rights to The State.

As usual, the hypocrisy of the right wingers is just stunning.

I support him wearing any of those shirts. I might think he's wrong, but he has the right to wear it.
And, if the shirt had a Vote For Obama message on it?
If it had a pro-gay rights message?
Pro-women's right to choose message?

All of you who are arguing for the kid's "right" to wear that message to school would be saying exactly the opposite if the message was for any of the above mentioned reasons. Every one of you have said you support giving away rights to The State.

As usual, the hypocrisy of the right wingers is just stunning.
I tried to illustrate that in a previous post, Luddley.
Students have freedom of speech, period. They can, in the absence of a dress code preventing it, wear whatever message they want on their clothing, short the support of an illegal act.
Pro choice, gay rights, Alan Grayson for President, anti abortion, anti gay marriage or Alan West for President tee-shirts are protected, despite my feelings or yours.
It is not a teacher's job to promote an agenda. It is their job to teach a subject and promote individual thought, regardless of whether or not that thought is offensive to them personally.

So you see, The hypocrite is you, little man, as usual.


I really don't have time to waste on this but you can start by reading the 1st amend. Look very carefully for the word "government". Second, as was pointed out earlier, the kid cannot yell "fire" in a theater (or school), third, read the rules, first sentence. he broke that rule. Fourth, the nra pushes violence in schools. Schools have the right to do whatever they must to keep violence out. Fifth, the kid was physical with the teacher and the teacher has the right AND DUTY to keep the peace, if for no other reason than the safety of the other kids and teachers. The school is private property and just like your home, they have the right to disallow any message they want without having to explain themselves. They put that fact in writing and the parent/kid agreed to it.

The real culprit here is the shitty parent who used his kid to push a violent agenda. Read the link. He did not take responsibility for his actions and neither did the kid.

Just be glad no one in that classroom had a gun with which to settle the altercation.

Have a nice day.

Are you LYING, are you ILLITERATE, or are you actually THIS FUCKING STUPID?!
You are the people? How many, you sound like a marxist.

You have to follow basic rules in society.

You know that, you just don't like it.

Jake is a "Main Stream Republican" 15 votes
Jake is "An irrelevant Asshole" 32 votes

You know that. You just don't like it.

32 reactionary votes against me is a mark of my integrity and American virtue.

Reactionaries are nothing more than uber-sillies of the far right and don't count anymore.

That statement is a mark of your severe delusions! Seek professional psychiatric help!

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