8th Grader arrested and suspended for wearing NRA T-Shirt to school

School tells you to remove a t-shirt.....you do it
You don't have first amendment rights on the school grounds. If you would rather create a scene, you get arrested

When rules are arbitrary and capriciously enforced then there is no reason to follow them.

If you want to ban all T shirts with slogans and emblems that's fine but it has to be uniformly enforced.

It is a judgement call. You don't have a right to wear anything you want in school to make a political statement.

Kid chose to make a fuss and paid a price
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The state leges allow the school boards to make rules and regulations in accordance with the law.

You don't like it? No one cares. Home school.

A school rule is not a law. One does not get arrested for breaking a school rule.

Get it?

And I have never been happier not to have kids after I see what the fucking government is doing to them in the name of alleged education.

Then your kids are not in the public school system, so no one really worries about what you think.

A school rule is back by the law. If a student gets belligerent or wont' comply with directions, then he is breaking the law, and the LEO steps in.

We are not going to have reactionaries or libertarians or lefties making their own rules of the road when they are interacting with the rest of society. They will comply like everyone else.

Oh you're not, huh? Well, soon enough, we won't have Progressive dinosaurs like you making their own rules. You've had your chance and you've fucked it up rather badly.
Progressivism is not the solution, Fake. It is the problem.
I am not a Progressive, while you are certainly not mainstream, Ernie S.

You had your chances with our GOP, and that time is over for you.

You are finished as a political force, bub.
You don't have to send your child to a State-Run Education mess. Homeschooling is a viable alternative. More & more Parents are deciding on that nowadays. Unless Big Brother makes it illegal, you do have that option. Lets face it, our Public School System is crumbling. Why not Homeschooling?
Nope, libertarian argumentation is crumbling. Our state schools are doing what they need to do to reform, and that will only continue.

I know businesses here in the region that will not hire home schooled applicants, unless they have graduated from a respected, reputable four-year college.
School tells you to remove a t-shirt.....you do it
You don't have first amendment rights on the school grounds. If you would rather create a scene, you get arrested

When rules are arbitrary and capriciously enforced then there is no reason to follow them.

If you want to ban all T shirts with slogans and emblems that's fine but it has to be uniformly enforced.

It is a judgement call. You don't have a right to wear anything you wnat in school to make a political statement.

Kid chose to make a fuss and paid a price

Only if it's clearly spelled out in the policy and fairly enforced.

And no amount of "fuss" as you say is reason to have the kid arrested.

It just shows you how teachers are utterly inept at controlling their students.
Nope, libertarian argumentation is crumbling. Our state schools are doing what they need to do to reform, and that will only continue.

I know businesses here in the region that will not hire home schooled applicants, unless they have graduated from a respected, reputable four-year college.

It's time for change. State-Run Education is in rapid decline. Parents need a viable alternative. And as for businesses, well, they're not always right.
Nope, libertarian argumentation is crumbling. Our state schools are doing what they need to do to reform, and that will only continue.

I know businesses here in the region that will not hire home schooled applicants, unless they have graduated from a respected, reputable four-year college.

I won't hire anyone with just a HS diploma so what's your point exactly?

And BTW kids who are home schooled outscore public school students across the board.

HSLDA: New Nationwide Study Confirms Homeschool Academic Achievement

Parents can and do do a better job at educating their kids than the government does.

Now that's odd given that it's deep in the "Clinging to their Guns" heart o' West Virginia but then maybe the article is playing down this:

""...After getting in a dispute with a teacher at the school, Marcum was arrested. He was shocked when he was arrested and he told WBOY that he didn't think there would be an issue."""

I wonder if someone else might have described it as a "confrontation"?

Look, you leftists are totalitarian thugs, dedicated to stripping every bit of liberty from the enslaved masses. We get it, we understand what motivates you.

But really, the teachers, administrators, and school board involved in this should have their legs broken with a sledge hammer.

If we allow you fucks to remove all liberty, then we deserve none.

Now that's odd given that it's deep in the "Clinging to their Guns" heart o' West Virginia but then maybe the article is playing down this:

""...After getting in a dispute with a teacher at the school, Marcum was arrested. He was shocked when he was arrested and he told WBOY that he didn't think there would be an issue."""

I wonder if someone else might have described it as a "confrontation"?

Look, you leftists are totalitarian thugs, dedicated to stripping every bit of liberty from the enslaved masses. We get it, we understand what motivates you.

But really, the teachers, administrators, and school board involved in this should have their legs broken with a sledge hammer.

If we allow you fucks to remove all liberty, then we deserve none.

You are the thugs, bub, and we have put you in the corner for time out.

Give us reason, and it will be more than time out.
Some libertarians and most reactionaries are among the most vicious of the country's hate groups.

Anyone can follow their hate-filled speech here and see it.
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Was the t-shirt a violation of school dress code?

That is where the quarrel rests, AN. The problem is the kid lipped off, was rebuked, got belligerent, and the police were called in.

The reactionaries here think kids can say whatever they want at a public school.

Nope, they can't.
Was the t-shirt a violation of school dress code?

That is where the quarrel rests, AN. The problem is the kid lipped off, was rebuked, got belligerent, and the police were called in.

The reactionaries here think kids can say whatever they want at a public school.

Nope, they can't.

No, they can't, in a State-Run Public School anyway. All the more reason to not send your child to State-Run messes.
Was the t-shirt a violation of school dress code?

Nope. But it violates the leftist dogma of hatred against those who support civil rights and the 2nd Amendment.

These treasonous fuckers need their legs broken, as warning to other treasonous fuckers that attacking constitutionally guaranteed civil rights isn't "cute."
Uncensored is talking through his butt; he has no idea.

Uh, 'treason' at the high school.

Reactionary loony.

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