8th Grader arrested and suspended for wearing NRA T-Shirt to school

he is back in school and has not been charged

8th grader suspended over t-shirt returns to sc - WOWK 13 Charleston, Huntington WV News, Weather, Sports

liberal dictators like starkey are going to eat crow on this one

He wore the same shirt to school today. Damn! I would love to see the look on that teacher's face when he walked into class.

The teacher will have to take it, and he will.

The system is set up to work, and it is working. The shirt is OK, which is the school's responsibility to decide, not the student or the parents. No student thug is going to tell a teacher what and what not is going to happen. Let's see what happens with the DA.
he is back in school and has not been charged

8th grader suspended over t-shirt returns to sc - WOWK 13 Charleston, Huntington WV News, Weather, Sports

liberal dictators like starkey are going to eat crow on this one

He wore the same shirt to school today. Damn! I would love to see the look on that teacher's face when he walked into class.

Yup! The boy's got balls. It's a shame he can't be President for another 22 years.
He is Authoritarian????? Rather ridiculous that the guy who presumes to define "Main Stream Republican" and demand everyone else comply, would call someone else authoritarian.
You are a petty little man, Jake. Your huge ego is baffling.

Since petty little folks like you would turn this into a police state if you ever took control, your comments are laughable.

You are projecting. Your problem is that you are not in charge, and guess what, never will be.

America is a safer place for that.

You boneheads sound like the lefties and hippies of the 1960s: "The law is bogus, man, and I won't obey it." :lol: Fools.
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Talk about schools and permanent records. At one time, and maybe still, Texas state law permitted the institution to label an F grade with reason: such as, "Plagiarism". That went on the transcript and was permanent.

There is no such thing as a "permanent record"

Yes there is...

Mine still says......Chewing gum on line
When a child is confrontational and elevates an argument, the teacher must elevate the response level to make sure all personnel at the school, including the student, are safe.

Calling the police was exactly the right thing to do.

Once again, Jake, you weren't there, so you don't know if it was "exactly the right thing to do."
Talk about schools and permanent records. At one time, and maybe still, Texas state law permitted the institution to label an F grade with reason: such as, "Plagiarism". That went on the transcript and was permanent.

There is no such thing as a "permanent record"

Yes there is...

Mine still says......Chewing gum on line

:lol: Too bad, Skull. Yeah, your transcript can be annotated for reason for failure.
He is Authoritarian????? Rather ridiculous that the guy who presumes to define "Main Stream Republican" and demand everyone else comply, would call someone else authoritarian.
You are a petty little man, Jake. Your huge ego is baffling.

Since petty little folks like you would turn this into a police state if you ever took control, your comments are laughable.

You are projecting. Your problem is that you are not in charge, and guess what, never will be.

America is a safer place for that.

You boneheads sound like the lefties and hippies of the 1960s: "The law is bogus, man, and I won't obey it." :lol: Fools.

You are confusing me with some perverted image of yourself, Fake. I have no interest in a police state and I don't want to be "in control".
The fact that YOU want to give up MY rights so you feel an illusion of safety points to your Progressivism, if not outright Communism, putting you a damned site closer to the hippies of the 60's.
American IS a dangerous place, but not because I have a dozen guns in my home. It is not more dangerous because 100,000,000 people legally own firearms. It is dangerous because Progressives have made it too easy to raise children in a single parent home; because they excuse a culture that looks down on education as being "too white"; because society coddles those without the fortitude and ambition to make it on their own. In short, it's dangerous because of you and Progressives like you. It is the 100,000,000 of us standing in peaceful defiance of you that keeps us from falling into a hell hole like Mexico, Venezuela or Brazil.
He is Authoritarian????? Rather ridiculous that the guy who presumes to define "Main Stream Republican" and demand everyone else comply, would call someone else authoritarian.
You are a petty little man, Jake. Your huge ego is baffling.

Since petty little folks like you would turn this into a police state if you ever took control, your comments are laughable.

You are projecting. Your problem is that you are not in charge, and guess what, never will be.

America is a safer place for that.

You boneheads sound like the lefties and hippies of the 1960s: "The law is bogus, man, and I won't obey it." :lol: Fools.

You are confusing me with some perverted image of yourself, Fake. I have no interest in a police state and I don't want to be "in control".
The fact that YOU want to give up MY rights so you feel an illusion of safety points to your Progressivism, if not outright Communism, putting you a damned site closer to the hippies of the 60's.
American IS a dangerous place, but not because I have a dozen guns in my home. It is not more dangerous because 100,000,000 people legally own firearms. It is dangerous because Progressives have made it too easy to raise children in a single parent home; because they excuse a culture that looks down on education as being "too white"; because society coddles those without the fortitude and ambition to make it on their own. In short, it's dangerous because of you and Progressives like you. It is the 100,000,000 of us standing in peaceful defiance of you that keeps us from falling into a hell hole like Mexico, Venezuela or Brazil.

nice jake burn

way to destroy his arguments
The nation is gettiing softer every day in my opinion. Did the kid have a gun? Was he talking about shooting up the school? What exactly did he do? Refuse to turn his shirt inside out? Aren't teachers supposed to be all about freedom of expression?
from the article:

Jared returned to class, fresh off of suspension, wearing the same exact shirt that initiated the "t-shirt control" controversy in the first place.

He wore the same shirt to school today. Damn! I would love to see the look on that teacher's face when he walked into class.

Yup! The boy's got balls. It's a shame he can't be President for another 22 years.


i knew jake would eat crow on this

he wants the police to take over everything in this country

he loves the police state

Now that's odd given that it's deep in the "Clinging to their Guns" heart o' West Virginia but then maybe the article is playing down this:

""...After getting in a dispute with a teacher at the school, Marcum was arrested. He was shocked when he was arrested and he told WBOY that he didn't think there would be an issue."""

I wonder if someone else might have described it as a "confrontation"?

Look, you leftists are totalitarian thugs, dedicated to stripping every bit of liberty from the enslaved masses. We get it, we understand what motivates you.

But really, the teachers, administrators, and school board involved in this should have their legs broken with a sledge hammer.

If we allow you fucks to remove all liberty, then we deserve none.

You are the thugs, bub, and we have put you in the corner for time out.

Give us reason, and it will be more than time out.

You're having another outburst, kid...time for more medication, and don't you dare take that helmet off!
He is Authoritarian????? Rather ridiculous that the guy who presumes to define "Main Stream Republican" and demand everyone else comply, would call someone else authoritarian.
You are a petty little man, Jake. Your huge ego is baffling.

Since petty little folks like you would turn this into a police state if you ever took control, your comments are laughable.

You are projecting. Your problem is that you are not in charge, and guess what, never will be.

America is a safer place for that.

You boneheads sound like the lefties and hippies of the 1960s: "The law is bogus, man, and I won't obey it." :lol: Fools.

Are you LYING, are you STUPID, or are you just STONED, jackie?
Jarl, my bud, were you one of those stoned screwed-up folks from the sixties on the far left?

You were just as bad as the reactionaries are on the far right now.
Ernie S., the story is what it is. If your child acted out in our school district when I was superintendent, I would have backed my administrators and teachers having your child sequestered until you got there. If you got loud and belligerent with them, you would have been on the way down to the county jail for booking then on to the magistrate. We found putting unruly parents under insurance bond based on performance always took care of the problem.

In public, we have laws. That you don't like them does not mean a fuck in there being executed.

Act out, and see what happens.

You were never superintendent, dude...that was the voices in your head telling you that!

Doesn't matter that an empty head like you believes it or not : immaterial.

Jake, these people are hopeless. Thank God they are in the minority.
Unfrikking believeable.

I would guess that a Teacher and School Administrator were Liberal Gun Grabbers and still butthurt over the Gungrabber bills losing in the Senate so they took their anger out on this young man.

8th grader gun T-shirt arrest: Arrest for NRA t-shirt has a father outraged - Jacksonville Top News | Examiner.com

New details on the 8th grader gun T-shirt arrest story have came in. Jared Marcum, an eighth grade student who attends Logan Middle School in West Virginia, has been arrested because he wore an NRA T-shirt. On April 19, Yahoo! revealed that the boy was suspended and is now facing charges for wearing the shirt to school which contained an image of a gun printed on it with the words "Protect Your Right."

After getting in a dispute with a teacher at the school, Marcum was arrested. He was shocked when he was arrested and he told WBOY that he didn't think there would be an issue.

“"I never thought it would go this far because honestly I don't see a problem with this. There shouldn't be a problem with this," Marcum said.

Jared's father Allen Lardieri is outraged at his 8th grade son's gun T-shirt arrest arrest and he told the local media,

“"I don't' see how anybody would have an issue with a hunting rifle and NRA put on a t-shirt, especially when policy doesn't forbid it," Lardieri said.

According to Logan Middle School, there policy regarding dress is as follows:

“"A student will not dress or groom in a manner that disrupts the educational process or is detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of others. A student will not dress in a manner that is distractive or indecent, to the extent that it interferes with the teaching and learning process, including wearing any apparel that displays or promotes any drug-, alcohol- or tobacco-related product that is prohibited in school buildings, on school grounds, in school-leased or owned vehicles, and at all school-affiliated functions."

The boy's father, Allen Lardieri, doesn't believe that the shirt violates the policy. He later said,

“"I will go to the ends of the earth, I will call people, I will write letters, I will do everything in the legal realm to make sure this does not happen again."

Jared Marcum was released, however the student is facing charges which include obstruction and disturbing the education process.

I wonder if the school allows those pro-gay T-Shirts?

He walked back into school today wearing he same shirt.

Good for him and fuck you liberals

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