8th Grader arrested and suspended for wearing NRA T-Shirt to school

Uncensored made the claim, Ernie S., he's the one who has got to sustain it.

You know as well as I do that he can't.
I think if he was combative with the teachers that could be cause to call the police.

Apparently not. It appears from ALL reports that he simply refused to remove the shirt and turn it inside out.

They did in this case. Support of the constitution will not be tolerate by our public masters.

I've stated before, if the shirt wasnt agaisnt dress code then the school was out of line. However I don't buy this spin trying to make the kid seem like the 1st admendment Ghandi.

This was about the public masters crushing a message of support for the United States Constitution. The teachers, administrators, and cops. stand firmly against such displays and such support. If this nation is to be run purely for the benefit of public employees and their unions, then we can't have a bunch of snot nosed brats snooping around some old document written by dead white guys. And they owned slaves, and Ayn Rand took a social security check after paying into it for 50 years...

Standard Disclaimer: I think I got all the standard arguments of the left in there!

Uncensored, AmyNation, is not telling you the story correctly: that is what he does. The story is quite clear the boy was actively belligerent in his refusal with the type of "make me" nonsense that kids try. The cops made him.

prove it.

but we all know jake NEVER proves his claims because jake is a proven liar
Hey, Yurt, you are on Ignore, thus I can't see your PMs. Guess what?

You are on Ignore for a reason: you have nothing worthwhile to say. At least Ernie S has some comedy value.
i have not PM'd you lying sack of shit

and i'm not on your ignore list as you keep replying to me

you made the claim, back it up troll
Yurt, Ernie is like a Catch and Release fun fish.

You are just a bottom dweller.

proven liar and proven troll


Jakematters is a troll.

He will say anything to elicit a reaction. Sure, most of what he posts are blatant lies. And yes, he will always promote the radical left. But don't let him suck you in. He can't be reasoned with, he will never offer a valid argument. Any pretense of dialogue is purely to suck you into his trolling. He adds no value to any conversation, and isn't capable of conversation. He is a troll, nothing more. He desires nothing other than to get under your skin. If you react, he gets his jollies. He fears being ignored above all. So I put him on ignore.
Hey, Yurt, you are on Ignore, thus I can't see your PMs. Guess what?

You are on Ignore for a reason: you have nothing worthwhile to say. At least Ernie S has some comedy value.

Who's laughing at who, here, Jake? As far as I can see, the only people supporting you are the voices in your head.

proven liar and proven troll


Jakematters is a troll.

He will say anything to elicit a reaction. Sure, most of what he posts are blatant lies. And yes, he will always promote the radical left. But don't let him suck you in. He can't be reasoned with, he will never offer a valid argument. Any pretense of dialogue is purely to suck you into his trolling. He adds no value to any conversation, and isn't capable of conversation. He is a troll, nothing more. He desires nothing other than to get under your skin. If you react, he gets his jollies. He fears being ignored above all. So I put him on ignore.

He almost never answers questions. Try asking him a direct question and he will expound on his being a "Young Republican" or dismiss your premise and go off on something else, but anything that challenges him, is fluffed off as somehow beneath him.
He has been telling me that I'm irrelevant and that the GOP ignores the hard right. I feel I must dismiss him until he musters the courage to open a thread asking the open board who is closer to a contemporary "Republican".
The ball is in your court, Jake. PM me a link when you grow some balls.
Dear reactionaries: I rarely need to post evidence because I so easily am able to pull yours apart.

Troll? That's Uncensored to a T. Yurt has nothing at all to offer. Ernie S is a Catch and Release member.

No need to open any thread when you far righties keep up the nonsense.

You really need to get your act together, get back in the mainstream GOP, and stop acting with relentless stupidity.
As long as he didn't hit the teacher, I have no problem with him refusing, even quite vocally, to remove his T-Shirt.

He would have been better served to go ahead and remove the shirt, then sued the school like the girl did over the Gay Marriage shirt... But I can understand him refusing to take it off also.

1. Most school policies I have seen write it more clearly that "no slogans" are permitted except for school names, teams or related functions. This would have prevented vagueness.

2. At my workplace, if your shirt has a noncompany logo or slogan, you are asked to turn it inside out. Big deal. Next?

3. As for conflicts over school policies, every school should have training for students and teachers on what the procedures are, so you can tell if people are trying to follow, even if they disagree. There should be set steps so everyone knows what to expect. Also I'd recommend student peer mediation and also letting students hold their own hearing or court system to review conflicts against the written policies (with teacher supervision) so they learn how to enforce their own school rules and respect them more by ownership.

Schools that set up Teen Courts reviewing truancy and other minor cases report success in the impact this has on the students, while being an educational experience in due process.
See what I mean? He's a legend in his own mind.

no kidding...when have you ever seen him post something of value? all i see are ad homs, false accusations etc...he never backs up any claim and never actually debates. he just keeps saying reactionary over and over.

proven liar and proven troll


Jakematters is a troll.

He will say anything to elicit a reaction. Sure, most of what he posts are blatant lies. And yes, he will always promote the radical left. But don't let him suck you in. He can't be reasoned with, he will never offer a valid argument. Any pretense of dialogue is purely to suck you into his trolling. He adds no value to any conversation, and isn't capable of conversation. He is a troll, nothing more. He desires nothing other than to get under your skin. If you react, he gets his jollies. He fears being ignored above all. So I put him on ignore.

yep...i don't like ignore, only shaman is on ignore, but jake deserves it as he offers nothing to the board, zero debate, many lies, never backs anything up and you're right, he is just a troll....he simply is here to rile people up.

if enough people ignore him, he will get the hint.

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