8th Grader arrested and suspended for wearing NRA T-Shirt to school

The rights of public safety always outweighs the right of a person's speech rights. No one gets to yell 'fire' in a theatre. No one is allowed to get overly vocal and belligerent with a teacher. The teacher is in charge and responsible for the welfare of the class, to which all class members must submit. Protocol exists for students to afterwards express complaints.

No one wonder the libertarian nonsense never gets much in the way of votes.

Yes, considering the state of American education, you're right. I'm surprised they get any votes at all since they are taught that the public rights (a fantasy) preclude individual rights.

That means no one has any rights but some nebulous concept called the public.

What a weak, silly country we've become.

And, if the shirt had a Vote For Obama message on it?
If it had a pro-gay rights message?
Pro-women's right to choose message?

All of you who are arguing for the kid's "right" to wear that message to school would be saying exactly the opposite if the message was for any of the above mentioned reasons. Every one of you have said you support giving away rights to The State.

As usual, the hypocrisy of the right wingers is just stunning.

your psychological projection is showing
The school policy will be reviewed, but the boy did not have the right to escalate a disagreement. If the parents get or indicate violence, then a whole new narrative begins. No student or parent has the legal right to cause a public disturbance in a public school.

End of story.

The teacher started the public disturbance when they commented on the shirt in public.

They should have taken it to the Administrators office and done it in private, not public.

If you feel that way, you should take your kid out of that school and put him in a school that allows openly violent messages on t-shirts.

If you want your kid in that school, then you must follow the rules.

In view of Sandy Hook and other school shootings, that shirt is especially disruptive. Obviously, the message is the same as what we see here and that's despicable.
Yes, considering the state of American education, you're right. I'm surprised they get any votes at all since they are taught that the public rights (a fantasy) preclude individual rights.

That means no one has any rights but some nebulous concept called the public.

What a weak, silly country we've become.

And, if the shirt had a Vote For Obama message on it?
If it had a pro-gay rights message?
Pro-women's right to choose message?

All of you who are arguing for the kid's "right" to wear that message to school would be saying exactly the opposite if the message was for any of the above mentioned reasons. Every one of you have said you support giving away rights to The State.

As usual, the hypocrisy of the right wingers is just stunning.

your psychological projection is showing

IOW, you know what I wrote is true.

And, if the shirt had a Vote For Obama message on it?
If it had a pro-gay rights message?
Pro-women's right to choose message?

All of you who are arguing for the kid's "right" to wear that message to school would be saying exactly the opposite if the message was for any of the above mentioned reasons. Every one of you have said you support giving away rights to The State.

As usual, the hypocrisy of the right wingers is just stunning.

your psychological projection is showing

IOW, you know what I wrote is true.


it certainly is not
If a student is told to do or not do something, and if that order does not jeopardize his welfare physically, he better do it, or else. He can argue later.

The shit you read these days......
Here we have a lib who is against peaceful protest? Thats your trademark.
But I guess thats only for lib causes.

In this case you want to hang the kid.
The rights of public safety always outweighs the right of a person's speech rights. No one gets to yell 'fire' in a theatre. No one is allowed to get overly vocal and belligerent with a teacher. The teacher is in charge and responsible for the welfare of the class, to which all class members must submit. Protocol exists for students to afterwards express complaints.

No one wonder the libertarian nonsense never gets much in the way of votes.

Yes, considering the state of American education, you're right. I'm surprised they get any votes at all since they are taught that the public rights (a fantasy) preclude individual rights.

That means no one has any rights but some nebulous concept called the public.

What a weak, silly country we've become.

And, if the shirt had a Vote For Obama message on it?
If it had a pro-gay rights message?
Pro-women's right to choose message?

All of you who are arguing for the kid's "right" to wear that message to school would be saying exactly the opposite if the message was for any of the above mentioned reasons. Every one of you have said you support giving away rights to The State.

As usual, the hypocrisy of the right wingers is just stunning.
I tried to illustrate that in a previous post, Luddley.
Students have freedom of speech, period. They can, in the absence of a dress code preventing it, wear whatever message they want on their clothing, short the support of an illegal act.
Pro choice, gay rights, Alan Grayson for President, anti abortion, anti gay marriage or Alan West for President tee-shirts are protected, despite my feelings or yours.
It is not a teacher's job to promote an agenda. It is their job to teach a subject and promote individual thought, regardless of whether or not that thought is offensive to them personally.

So you see, The hypocrite is you, little man, as usual.
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The school policy will be reviewed, but the boy did not have the right to escalate a disagreement. If the parents get or indicate violence, then a whole new narrative begins. No student or parent has the legal right to cause a public disturbance in a public school.

End of story.

The teacher started the public disturbance when they commented on the shirt in public.

They should have taken it to the Administrators office and done it in private, not public.

If you feel that way, you should take your kid out of that school and put him in a school that allows openly violent messages on t-shirts.

If you want your kid in that school, then you must follow the rules.

In view of Sandy Hook and other school shootings, that shirt is especially disruptive. Obviously, the message is the same as what we see here and that's despicable.

What is despicable is your eagerness to use the Sandy Hook tragedy to promote your agenda.
Never let a crisis go to waste, huh?
The school policy will be reviewed, but the boy did not have the right to escalate a disagreement. If the parents get or indicate violence, then a whole new narrative begins. No student or parent has the legal right to cause a public disturbance in a public school.

End of story.

Prove he escalated the argument. I contend a self righteous, Progressive teacher demanding adherence to her dogma escalated the situation. There should have been zero conflict, zero confrontation, zero escalation, zero punishment, all because there was zero infraction.

And you are probably wrong. It's children who are raised in that thinking of yours that hurt America.
Unfrikking believeable.

I would guess that a Teacher and School Administrator were Liberal Gun Grabbers and still butthurt over the Gungrabber bills losing in the Senate so they took their anger out on this young man.

8th grader gun T-shirt arrest: Arrest for NRA t-shirt has a father outraged - Jacksonville Top News | Examiner.com

New details on the 8th grader gun T-shirt arrest story have came in. Jared Marcum, an eighth grade student who attends Logan Middle School in West Virginia, has been arrested because he wore an NRA T-shirt. On April 19, Yahoo! revealed that the boy was suspended and is now facing charges for wearing the shirt to school which contained an image of a gun printed on it with the words "Protect Your Right."

After getting in a dispute with a teacher at the school, Marcum was arrested. He was shocked when he was arrested and he told WBOY that he didn't think there would be an issue.

“"I never thought it would go this far because honestly I don't see a problem with this. There shouldn't be a problem with this," Marcum said.

Jared's father Allen Lardieri is outraged at his 8th grade son's gun T-shirt arrest arrest and he told the local media,

“"I don't' see how anybody would have an issue with a hunting rifle and NRA put on a t-shirt, especially when policy doesn't forbid it," Lardieri said.

According to Logan Middle School, there policy regarding dress is as follows:

“"A student will not dress or groom in a manner that disrupts the educational process or is detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of others. A student will not dress in a manner that is distractive or indecent, to the extent that it interferes with the teaching and learning process, including wearing any apparel that displays or promotes any drug-, alcohol- or tobacco-related product that is prohibited in school buildings, on school grounds, in school-leased or owned vehicles, and at all school-affiliated functions."

The boy's father, Allen Lardieri, doesn't believe that the shirt violates the policy. He later said,

“"I will go to the ends of the earth, I will call people, I will write letters, I will do everything in the legal realm to make sure this does not happen again."

Jared Marcum was released, however the student is facing charges which include obstruction and disturbing the education process.

I wonder if the school allows those pro-gay T-Shirts?

Or pro Louis Farrakhan shirts?
see they want even teachers to fear their kids who act as billboards for death.

I would have social services look into the kids home.

His parents seem more concerned about guns than their kids well being
The teacher started the public disturbance when they commented on the shirt in public.

They should have taken it to the Administrators office and done it in private, not public.

If you feel that way, you should take your kid out of that school and put him in a school that allows openly violent messages on t-shirts.

If you want your kid in that school, then you must follow the rules.

In view of Sandy Hook and other school shootings, that shirt is especially disruptive. Obviously, the message is the same as what we see here and that's despicable.

What is despicable is your eagerness to use the Sandy Hook tragedy to promote your agenda.
Never let a crisis go to waste, huh?

This particular whine from the nutters is getting really tiresome. It has been the right and the nra that has used those horrendous deaths to sell even more fucking guns. The nra even made robo-calls to the community after the shooting. You just don't get more disgusting than that.

When your side is lily white, you can whine. Until then, just shut up because you're just digging a deeper hole.
The school policy will be reviewed, but the boy did not have the right to escalate a disagreement. If the parents get or indicate violence, then a whole new narrative begins. No student or parent has the legal right to cause a public disturbance in a public school.

End of story.

Prove he escalated the argument. I contend a self righteous, Progressive teacher demanding adherence to her dogma escalated the situation. There should have been zero conflict, zero confrontation, zero escalation, zero punishment, all because there was zero infraction.

And you are probably wrong. It's children who are raised in that thinking of yours that hurt America.

I was raised believing in the U. S. Constitution. It seems you were raised believing in Das Kommunistische Manifest.
Sorry about that.
Prove he escalated the argument. I contend a self righteous, Progressive teacher demanding adherence to her dogma escalated the situation. There should have been zero conflict, zero confrontation, zero escalation, zero punishment, all because there was zero infraction.

And you are probably wrong. It's children who are raised in that thinking of yours that hurt America.

I was raised believing in the U. S. Constitution. It seems you were raised believing in Das Kommunistische Manifest. Sorry about that.

You were understanding of the Consitutiton is perverse, as you continually demonstrate.
see they want even teachers to fear their kids who act as billboards for death.

I would have social services look into the kids home.

His parents seem more concerned about guns than their kids well being

And if they don't tow the party line? What next? Reedukation kamps?

What about your rights supersedes mine?
dear idiot,

teaching you kid to worship impliments of death and fight with athourities is not doing your child any good
Yes, considering the state of American education, you're right. I'm surprised they get any votes at all since they are taught that the public rights (a fantasy) preclude individual rights.

That means no one has any rights but some nebulous concept called the public.

What a weak, silly country we've become.

And, if the shirt had a Vote For Obama message on it?
If it had a pro-gay rights message?
Pro-women's right to choose message?

All of you who are arguing for the kid's "right" to wear that message to school would be saying exactly the opposite if the message was for any of the above mentioned reasons. Every one of you have said you support giving away rights to The State.

As usual, the hypocrisy of the right wingers is just stunning.
I tried to illustrate that in a previous post, Luddley.
Students have freedom of speech, period. They can, in the absence of a dress code preventing it, wear whatever message they want on their clothing, short the support of an illegal act.
Pro choice, gay rights, Alan Grayson for President, anti abortion, anti gay marriage or Alan West for President tee-shirts are protected, despite my feelings or yours.
It is not a teacher's job to promote an agenda. It is their job to teach a subject and promote individual thought, regardless of whether or not that thought is offensive to them personally.

So you see, The hypocrite is you, little man, as usual.


I really don't have time to waste on this but you can start by reading the 1st amend. Look very carefully for the word "government". Second, as was pointed out earlier, the kid cannot yell "fire" in a theater (or school), third, read the rules, first sentence. he broke that rule. Fourth, the nra pushes violence in schools. Schools have the right to do whatever they must to keep violence out. Fifth, the kid was physical with the teacher and the teacher has the right AND DUTY to keep the peace, if for no other reason than the safety of the other kids and teachers. The school is private property and just like your home, they have the right to disallow any message they want without having to explain themselves. They put that fact in writing and the parent/kid agreed to it.

The real culprit here is the shitty parent who used his kid to push a violent agenda. Read the link. He did not take responsibility for his actions and neither did the kid.

Just be glad no one in that classroom had a gun with which to settle the altercation.

Have a nice day.
Prove he escalated the argument. I contend a self righteous, Progressive teacher demanding adherence to her dogma escalated the situation. There should have been zero conflict, zero confrontation, zero escalation, zero punishment, all because there was zero infraction.

And you are probably wrong. It's children who are raised in that thinking of yours that hurt America.

I was raised believing in the U. S. Constitution. It seems you were raised believing in Das Kommunistische Manifest.
Sorry about that.

That's a bull shit cowardly way of saying you can't discuss this like an adult. You know its a lie and yet you hide behind it.
If you feel that way, you should take your kid out of that school and put him in a school that allows openly violent messages on t-shirts.

If you want your kid in that school, then you must follow the rules.

In view of Sandy Hook and other school shootings, that shirt is especially disruptive. Obviously, the message is the same as what we see here and that's despicable.

What is despicable is your eagerness to use the Sandy Hook tragedy to promote your agenda.
Never let a crisis go to waste, huh?

This particular whine from the nutters is getting really tiresome.
Translation: My only hope of disarming law abiding citizens is to capitalize on tragedies. You're not playing by my rules WAAAAAH!
It has been the right and the nra that has used those horrendous deaths to sell even more fucking guns.
The left and anti 2nd Amendment activists have used those horrendous deaths to infringe a right that "shall not be infringed".
The nra even made robo-calls to the community after the shooting. You just don't get more disgusting than that.

When your side is lily white, you can whine. Until then, just shut up because you're just digging a deeper hole.
Translation: I know that law abiding gun owners account for an almost insignificant number of gun deaths, but I've GOT to do something to make me feel good about myself, and you're ruining my buzz.

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