8th Grader arrested and suspended for wearing NRA T-Shirt to school

And you are probably wrong. It's children who are raised in that thinking of yours that hurt America.

I was raised believing in the U. S. Constitution. It seems you were raised believing in Das Kommunistische Manifest. Sorry about that.

You were understanding of the Consitutiton is perverse, as you continually demonstrate.

Says FakeSmarmy, the Irrelevant Asshole. (somewhat incomprehensibly)

The people have spoken!
I was raised believing in the U. S. Constitution. It seems you were raised believing in Das Kommunistische Manifest. Sorry about that.

You were understanding of the Consitutiton is perverse, as you continually demonstrate.

Says FakeSmarmy, the Irrelevant Asshole. (somewhat incomprehensibly)

The people have spoken!

You are the people? How many, you sound like a marxist.

You have to follow basic rules in society.

You know that, you just don't like it.
dear idiot,

teaching you kid to worship impliments of death and fight with athourities is not doing your child any good

Dear idiot,
I've taught my kids to respect firearms and to handle them in a safe and lawful manner. I have taught them to stand up for their rights and to respect authority up to the point where authority conflicts with those rights. I have taught them to be independent thinkers; to form their own opinions.

I also taught them to spell and use proper punctuation so that their opinions might be taken seriously.
We were not allowed to wear t-shirts in school, but I do remember one particular girl for whom half the school would have paid a week's lunch money if she had been forced to remove it, if she had been wearing one.
If a student refuses to follow a teacher's instruction, and that resistance becomes vocal, yes, call the police.

What's the crime, asshole

Hi, my little communist bripatricia: the police were called to make sure it did not evolve into a worse crime. If the student was told to cease and desist, and the student refused, the crime of public disorder has occurred. The arrival of the police prevented the student assaulting the teacher and being beaten down as a result.

the crime would be disorderly conduct...if yo uare causing a disturbance (at least here in Ohio) and dont leave or stop whatever disturbance you are causing, the police can be called and you can be arrested.

For example: Im in WalMart, you get into a verbal altercation with an employee or another customer. Soon, a small crowd forms to listen to you two yelling and arguing. The store manager comes over and tries to difuse the situation by asking you what the issue is. He thinks yo uare in the worng and asks you to leave, you refuse....hello mr officer
And, if the shirt had a Vote For Obama message on it?
If it had a pro-gay rights message?
Pro-women's right to choose message?

All of you who are arguing for the kid's "right" to wear that message to school would be saying exactly the opposite if the message was for any of the above mentioned reasons. Every one of you have said you support giving away rights to The State.

As usual, the hypocrisy of the right wingers is just stunning.
I tried to illustrate that in a previous post, Luddley.
Students have freedom of speech, period. They can, in the absence of a dress code preventing it, wear whatever message they want on their clothing, short the support of an illegal act.
Pro choice, gay rights, Alan Grayson for President, anti abortion, anti gay marriage or Alan West for President tee-shirts are protected, despite my feelings or yours.
It is not a teacher's job to promote an agenda. It is their job to teach a subject and promote individual thought, regardless of whether or not that thought is offensive to them personally.

So you see, The hypocrite is you, little man, as usual.


I really don't have time to waste on this but you can start by reading the 1st amend. Look very carefully for the word "government". Second, as was pointed out earlier, the kid cannot yell "fire" in a theater (or school), third, read the rules, first sentence. he broke that rule. Fourth, the nra pushes violence in schools. Schools have the right to do whatever they must to keep violence out. Fifth, the kid was physical with the teacher and the teacher has the right AND DUTY to keep the peace, if for no other reason than the safety of the other kids and teachers. The school is private property and just like your home, they have the right to disallow any message they want without having to explain themselves. They put that fact in writing and the parent/kid agreed to it.

The real culprit here is the shitty parent who used his kid to push a violent agenda. Read the link. He did not take responsibility for his actions and neither did the kid.

Just be glad no one in that classroom had a gun with which to settle the altercation.

Have a nice day.
Why would I look for the word "Government"?
The only use of the word is in the phrase:
"and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
The phrase has nothing to do with a tee-shirt, but would protect the boy's right to protest what he sees as an unfair violation of his rights.

First point: The teacher was acting as an agent of government. She attempted to infringe his (a private citizen) freedom of speech.
Second point: He did nothing remotely akin to shouting fire in a crowded theater. What he did was make a visual statement that offended the Progressive sensibilities of a teacher acting as an agent of the government.
Third point: I read the rules that were posted. He did not come anywhere close to violating them by wearing a shirt with a mere likeness of a firearm.
Fourth point: Total bullshit! The NRA promotes the rights of gun enthusiasts and firearms training and safety. They do not promote violence in any manner perceptible to anyone with any degree of sanity.
Fifth point: I've read nothing to suggest the confrontation ever got past a shouting match. It would never have been an issue but for a liberal teacher's objection to the boy's First and Second Amendment rights.

The school is PUBLIC property, Luddley. As such, Constitutional protections are sacrosanct. While I agree that school boards can place reasonable restrictions on dress and comportment, limiting Constitutional rights is a rather sticky subject with me.
A careful reading of the dress code reproduced in an earlier post, shows that it in no way prohibits a shirt with a picture of a gun on it. Wearing the actual pictured weapon, slung from his shoulder would be both dangerous and disruptive, but a mere silk screened likeness of a weapon is harmless and only disruptive to someone who disagrees with the sentiment expressed.
It is no more a violation than a shirt that says "Vote obama" or "Support a woman's right to choose".

Why would anyone have had a gun in the classroom, Luddley? That WOULD be a clear violation of the rules.

Have a nice day.

Thank you. I will. I hope you do as well.
And you are probably wrong. It's children who are raised in that thinking of yours that hurt America.

I was raised believing in the U. S. Constitution. It seems you were raised believing in Das Kommunistische Manifest.
Sorry about that.

That's a bull shit cowardly way of saying you can't discuss this like an adult. You know its a lie and yet you hide behind it.

No. It's a way of dismissing FakeSmarmy who attempted to dismiss me with a little self righteous rant. I'll admit, I get the 2 of you confused, but you at least stand up for your dogma... well, until now.

Can't argue a point? dismiss with a holier than thou attitude. From the Saul Alinsky handbook?
The school is public property, the teacher is in charge and the student must obey unless life or limb is at risk, which was not the case.

The student had alternatives (go to the principal, go to the counselor, go to his parents), yet student escalated the problem by raising his voice. The 1st Amendment right of a student does not permit him to avoid his responsibility in adhering to social responsibility in avoiding escalating confrontation.

When such happened in our school district, the public safety officer immediately took custody of the student and transported the same to district offices, where the parents were called to come and talk to the counselor and principal. If the parents became excited, the public safety officer was nearby to intervene.

Never lost a suit to parents on these issues.
So easy to ire Ernie S. You reactionaries are losing your political might and that is fun to watch.
You were understanding of the Consitutiton is perverse, as you continually demonstrate.

Says FakeSmarmy, the Irrelevant Asshole. (somewhat incomprehensibly)

The people have spoken!

You are the people? How many, you sound like a marxist.

You have to follow basic rules in society.

You know that, you just don't like it.

Jake is a "Main Stream Republican" 15 votes
Jake is "An irrelevant Asshole" 32 votes

You know that. You just don't like it.
Says FakeSmarmy, the Irrelevant Asshole. (somewhat incomprehensibly)

The people have spoken!

You are the people? How many, you sound like a marxist.

You have to follow basic rules in society.

You know that, you just don't like it.

Jake is a "Main Stream Republican" 15 votes
Jake is "An irrelevant Asshole" 32 votes

You know that. You just don't like it.

32 reactionary votes against me is a mark of my integrity and American virtue.

Reactionaries are nothing more than uber-sillies of the far right and don't count anymore.

Gun Violence Victims Detained, Put Through Background Check For Yelling 'Shame On You' At Senators | ThinkProgress

"As they left the Senate gallery, a police officer approached and asked them to follow him. The three walked downstairs to a public hallway, where they were peppered with questions: “What’s your name?” “Where are you from?” “What are your Social Security numbers?” The officer left to run a background check on the women, who were instructed to sit on a bench. Another uniformed officer watched over them, even escorted Haas to the bathroom and told her she couldn’t lock the stall door.
An hour and a half later, another law enforcement official approached and quizzed the the two women further. He asked them about their intentions and where they were from, why they were in D.C., how long they planned to stay and when they were leaving.

The entire ordeal stretched for almost two hours — approximately 115 minutes longer than a background check at a federal gun dealer.
1st Amendment rights do not extend to public disorder.

Yelling continually is public disorder.

Do not you reactionaries get that?
Says FakeSmarmy, the Irrelevant Asshole. (somewhat incomprehensibly)

The people have spoken!

You are the people? How many, you sound like a marxist.

You have to follow basic rules in society.

You know that, you just don't like it.

Jake is a "Main Stream Republican" 15 votes
Jake is "An irrelevant Asshole" 32 votes

You know that. You just don't like it.

your dependence on rigged votes will not win you any elections anymore
Folks have to remember that this incident happened in West Virginia. The kid was suspended, because they thought that NRA stood for "No Redneck Assholes".
1st Amendment rights do not extend to public disorder.

Yelling continually is public disorder.

Do not you reactionaries get that?

Yes, I remember well the official actions taken against these people:

'Tea party' protesters accused of spitting on lawmaker, using slurs

and the actions taken against them as they overran and disrupted congressional district meetings:


The bitter divisions over an overhaul of the health care system have exploded at town-hall-style meetings over the last few days as members of Congress have been shouted down, hanged in effigy and taunted by crowds. In several cities, noisy demonstrations have led to fistfights, arrests and hospitalizations.

but I guess if wealthy backers are behind the actions, it's not SO much a "public disorder."

Charles And David Koch Exposed For Insidious Role In Crafting The Modern Right | ThinkProgress

For instance, in Virginia, a Koch-funded operative Ben Marchi assisted a birther who followed Rep. Tom Perriello (D-VA) around, yelling at him at town hall meetings.

Says FakeSmarmy, the Irrelevant Asshole. (somewhat incomprehensibly)

The people have spoken!

You are the people? How many, you sound like a marxist.

You have to follow basic rules in society.

You know that, you just don't like it.

Jake is a "Main Stream Republican" 15 votes
Jake is "An irrelevant Asshole" 32 votes

You know that. You just don't like it.

Now, stop feeding the troll...He's just an attention whore.
You are the people? How many, you sound like a marxist.

You have to follow basic rules in society.

You know that, you just don't like it.

Jake is a "Main Stream Republican" 15 votes
Jake is "An irrelevant Asshole" 32 votes

You know that. You just don't like it.

Now, stop feeding the troll...He's just an attention whore.

You reactionary trolls merely underline that you are no longer a viable national political force.

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