8th Grader arrested and suspended for wearing NRA T-Shirt to school

There was disagreement on that, Ernie S, about the dress code.

The student has the duty, prima facie, to obey the teacher and complain in the appropriate way later.

The student had the right to dispute the teacher's interpretation to the point where it became disruptive. The kid may have worn the shirt to make a statement, or he may have worn it because it was a cool shirt. I don't know, but the fact remains that the shirt was not a clear violation of dress code. This was between a supposed adult and an eighth grader. I'm thinking they both acted like children, but only one would be expected to.
The teacher should have dropped it and sought the opinion of someone further up the food chain.
He's a child, and I bet the father bought the shirt for his son to make a political point. A child should not be attending school in such a tshirt, especially not after what happened at Sandy Hook.
WTF does Newtown have to do with a tee-shirt? Are you so desperate to see yourself as caring about 20 dead kids that you will equate the First Amendment to killing babies? MY GOD Noomie!

If this was a first grader wearing this shirt, would you still support his right to wear it? A child should not be wearing such a shirt to school, period.
Of course I would, but then I actually support individual freedom. I had a gun belt with 2 toy revolvers when I was 4. By the time I was 9, I was a better shot than my father due to incredibly acute vision. When I was 12, I took my own rifle to school for "Show and Tell"
My children were all exposed to firearms from an early age and all 3 surviving children hold concealed carry permits and are confident, competent gun owners.

All 3 ride Harley Davidsons too. I'm SO proud!
The school policy will be reviewed, but the boy did not have the right to escalate a disagreement. If the parents get or indicate violence, then a whole new narrative begins. No student or parent has the legal right to cause a public disturbance in a public school.

End of story.

Then the law is an ass. As are those who advocate such laws.

P. S. I sincerely doubt the competence of a teacher who has to call law enforcement to aid in violating someone's right to free speech.

You have the right to your opinion, but in this case it's worthless. You are merely beating your chest. Beat away.

Somehow, I didn't think you'd have anything of merit to say.

Dunno why.
The school policy will be reviewed, but the boy did not have the right to escalate a disagreement. If the parents get or indicate violence, then a whole new narrative begins. No student or parent has the legal right to cause a public disturbance in a public school.

End of story.

Prove he escalated the argument. I contend a self righteous, Progressive teacher demanding adherence to her dogma escalated the situation. There should have been zero conflict, zero confrontation, zero escalation, zero punishment, all because there was zero infraction.
The school policy will be reviewed, but the boy did not have the right to escalate a disagreement. If the parents get or indicate violence, then a whole new narrative begins. No student or parent has the legal right to cause a public disturbance in a public school.

End of story.

Then the law is an ass. As are those who advocate such laws.

P. S. I sincerely doubt the competence of a teacher who has to call law enforcement to aid in violating someone's right to free speech.

Jake is an irrelevant asshole. The people have spoken.
Unfrikking believeable.

I would guess that a Teacher and School Administrator were Liberal Gun Grabbers and still butthurt over the Gungrabber bills losing in the Senate so they took their anger out on this young man.

8th grader gun T-shirt arrest: Arrest for NRA t-shirt has a father outraged - Jacksonville Top News | Examiner.com

New details on the 8th grader gun T-shirt arrest story have came in. Jared Marcum, an eighth grade student who attends Logan Middle School in West Virginia, has been arrested because he wore an NRA T-shirt. On April 19, Yahoo! revealed that the boy was suspended and is now facing charges for wearing the shirt to school which contained an image of a gun printed on it with the words "Protect Your Right."

After getting in a dispute with a teacher at the school, Marcum was arrested. He was shocked when he was arrested and he told WBOY that he didn't think there would be an issue.

“"I never thought it would go this far because honestly I don't see a problem with this. There shouldn't be a problem with this," Marcum said.

Jared's father Allen Lardieri is outraged at his 8th grade son's gun T-shirt arrest arrest and he told the local media,

“"I don't' see how anybody would have an issue with a hunting rifle and NRA put on a t-shirt, especially when policy doesn't forbid it," Lardieri said.

According to Logan Middle School, there policy regarding dress is as follows:

“"A student will not dress or groom in a manner that disrupts the educational process or is detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of others. A student will not dress in a manner that is distractive or indecent, to the extent that it interferes with the teaching and learning process, including wearing any apparel that displays or promotes any drug-, alcohol- or tobacco-related product that is prohibited in school buildings, on school grounds, in school-leased or owned vehicles, and at all school-affiliated functions."

The boy's father, Allen Lardieri, doesn't believe that the shirt violates the policy. He later said,

“"I will go to the ends of the earth, I will call people, I will write letters, I will do everything in the legal realm to make sure this does not happen again."

Jared Marcum was released, however the student is facing charges which include obstruction and disturbing the education process.

I wonder if the school allows those pro-gay T-Shirts?

My gut feeling is that except for foul language, all message shirts should be allowed if any message shirts are allowable. Honestly, I feel that school is not the place for billboards. In the 1950's and 1960's (and before) T-shirts were not even allowed in most public schools without a real shirt worn over it. Shirts needed to have a collar. Shorts were not allowed. No sandals and no canvas shoes were allowed in the classroom. T-shirts were considered underwear or beach wear. Perhaps it would be better if we returned to such standards. All advertizing was removed from clothing before they were worn. Look at all the old movies and TV shows and you never see anything but high school letters on sweaters.
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Ernie S., the story is what it is. If your child acted out in our school district when I was superintendent, I would have backed my administrators and teachers having your child sequestered until you got there. If you got loud and belligerent with them, you would have been on the way down to the county jail for booking then on to the magistrate. We found putting unruly parents under insurance bond based on performance always took care of the problem.

In public, we have laws. That you don't like them does not mean a fuck in there being executed.

Act out, and see what happens.

I would have gotten forceful, but I never get loud. I would have my say and walk out, throw my leg over the seat of my scooter and head for my attorney's office. It's very unlikely that the teacher would have a job in your school much longer and your future as Superintendent would be intenable, considering how much your wise-assed attitude cost the school district in civil damages.
Unfrikking believeable.

I would guess that a Teacher and School Administrator were Liberal Gun Grabbers and still butthurt over the Gungrabber bills losing in the Senate so they took their anger out on this young man.

8th grader gun T-shirt arrest: Arrest for NRA t-shirt has a father outraged - Jacksonville Top News | Examiner.com

New details on the 8th grader gun T-shirt arrest story have came in. Jared Marcum, an eighth grade student who attends Logan Middle School in West Virginia, has been arrested because he wore an NRA T-shirt. On April 19, Yahoo! revealed that the boy was suspended and is now facing charges for wearing the shirt to school which contained an image of a gun printed on it with the words "Protect Your Right."

After getting in a dispute with a teacher at the school, Marcum was arrested. He was shocked when he was arrested and he told WBOY that he didn't think there would be an issue.

“"I never thought it would go this far because honestly I don't see a problem with this. There shouldn't be a problem with this," Marcum said.

Jared's father Allen Lardieri is outraged at his 8th grade son's gun T-shirt arrest arrest and he told the local media,

“"I don't' see how anybody would have an issue with a hunting rifle and NRA put on a t-shirt, especially when policy doesn't forbid it," Lardieri said.

According to Logan Middle School, there policy regarding dress is as follows:

“"A student will not dress or groom in a manner that disrupts the educational process or is detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of others. A student will not dress in a manner that is distractive or indecent, to the extent that it interferes with the teaching and learning process, including wearing any apparel that displays or promotes any drug-, alcohol- or tobacco-related product that is prohibited in school buildings, on school grounds, in school-leased or owned vehicles, and at all school-affiliated functions."

The boy's father, Allen Lardieri, doesn't believe that the shirt violates the policy. He later said,

“"I will go to the ends of the earth, I will call people, I will write letters, I will do everything in the legal realm to make sure this does not happen again."

Jared Marcum was released, however the student is facing charges which include obstruction and disturbing the education process.

I wonder if the school allows those pro-gay T-Shirts?

My gut feeling is that except for foul language, all message shirts should be allowed if any message shirts are allowable. Honestly, I feel that school is not the place for billboards. In the 1950's and 1960's (and before) T-shirts were not even allowed in most public schools without a real shirt worn over it. Shirts needed to have a collar. Shorts were not allowed. No sandals and no canvas shoes were allowed in the classroom. T-shirts were considered underwear or beach wear. Perhaps it would be better if we returned to such standards. All advertizing was removed from clothing before they were worn. Look at all the old movies and TV shows and you never see anything but high school letters on sweaters.

Bbbb but that would violate their freedom of speech. Oops!
posting communist propaganda published by official organs of the Cuban government to this forum.

. . . as several sources from right to left in a thread where you posted ONLY Communist front propaganda from WHO.

You will lose on this every time, bripatcommunist.

every libturd in this forum has posted propaganda from the WHO, you fucking commie. are you saying they are all commies like you?
The school policy will be reviewed, but the boy did not have the right to escalate a disagreement. If the parents get or indicate violence, then a whole new narrative begins. No student or parent has the legal right to cause a public disturbance in a public school.

End of story.

Then the law is an ass. As are those who advocate such laws.

P. S. I sincerely doubt the competence of a teacher who has to call law enforcement to aid in violating someone's right to free speech.

It's only Fakey who'se the ass. The student caused no "disturbance," and the parents escalated nothing. Fakey is simply trying to justify his fascist conception of school discipline.
The school policy will be reviewed, but the boy did not have the right to escalate a disagreement. If the parents get or indicate violence, then a whole new narrative begins. No student or parent has the legal right to cause a public disturbance in a public school.

End of story.

Then the law is an ass. As are those who advocate such laws.

P. S. I sincerely doubt the competence of a teacher who has to call law enforcement to aid in violating someone's right to free speech.

Jake is an irrelevant asshole. The people have spoken.

you know the system is sick

most likely terminal

when a teacher boots a kid for from

the shape of a pistol out of the piece of pizza he is eating

which is sick

however the admin supporting the teacher

demonstrates it is terminal
Jake claims he would "sequester" my child until I arrived.

I have zero tolerance for inept school districts. The last one that "sequestered" one of my children, tied him to a chair and left a welt in the shape of a hand print on his face. He was 5.

They bought me a house.
Jake claims he would "sequester" my child until I arrived.

I have zero tolerance for inept school districts. The last one that "sequestered" one of my children, tied him to a chair and left a welt in the shape of a hand print on his face. He was 5.

They bought me a house.

for the most part

we didnt have much trouble with the schools

when my boys went to school

however when i was a kid (7th grade)

a teacher punched me on the back of the neck

dad went to school

i was switched into another class

he was able to continue to assault children
Jake claims he would "sequester" my child until I arrived.

I have zero tolerance for inept school districts. The last one that "sequestered" one of my children, tied him to a chair and left a welt in the shape of a hand print on his face. He was 5.

They bought me a house.

for the most part

we didnt have much trouble with the schools

when my boys went to school

however when i was a kid (7th grade)

a teacher punched me on the back of the neck

dad went to school

i was switched into another class

he was able to continue to assault children
When I was in 8th grade, a teacher grabbed a classmate and took him to the hall pinned him to the wall and was beating the crap out of him. The girls ran to get help and the boys mobbed the teacher. He left in handcuffs.
If he cant wear an NRA shirt because it promotes violence, then I suppose he cant wear a "TapouT" or "UFC" shirt either?

God dammit. Cops aren't supposed to be used as the disciplinarians of schools. When states started passing these "Disturbing Schools" laws and telling schools to call the cops, our nation went downhill. Exporting parental discipline responsibilities from parent, to teacher, and now to cops. I can promise you the cops DONT want that power either.
Jake claims he would "sequester" my child until I arrived.

I have zero tolerance for inept school districts. The last one that "sequestered" one of my children, tied him to a chair and left a welt in the shape of a hand print on his face. He was 5.

They bought me a house.

for the most part

we didnt have much trouble with the schools

when my boys went to school

however when i was a kid (7th grade)

a teacher punched me on the back of the neck

dad went to school

i was switched into another class

he was able to continue to assault children
When I was in 8th grade, a teacher grabbed a classmate and took him to the hall pinned him to the wall and was beating the crap out of him. The girls ran to get help and the boys mobbed the teacher. He left in handcuffs.


on the other hand

the wood shop teacher would punish students that acted badly

mostly fooling around with the shop tools

by a paddling from a chunk of board from the scrap box ( one whack)

at least you got to pick which piece he would use

Unfrikking believeable.

I would guess that a Teacher and School Administrator were Liberal Gun Grabbers and still butthurt over the Gungrabber bills losing in the Senate so they took their anger out on this young man.

I wonder if the school allows those pro-gay T-Shirts?

My gut feeling is that except for foul language, all message shirts should be allowed if any message shirts are allowable. Honestly, I feel that school is not the place for billboards. In the 1950's and 1960's (and before) T-shirts were not even allowed in most public schools without a real shirt worn over it. Shirts needed to have a collar. Shorts were not allowed. No sandals and no canvas shoes were allowed in the classroom. T-shirts were considered underwear or beach wear. Perhaps it would be better if we returned to such standards. All advertizing was removed from clothing before they were worn. Look at all the old movies and TV shows and you never see anything but high school letters on sweaters.

Bbbb but that would violate their freedom of speech. Oops!

Students don't have freedom of speech. They are in school to learn their lesson material. The school ideally assumes the role of the parent in the absence of the parent. Children do not have freedom of speech at home. My dad would have wooped my behind if I suggested I could say whatever I wanted... I'm sure Mr. Ward Cleaver felt the same way.
My gut feeling is that except for foul language, all message shirts should be allowed if any message shirts are allowable. Honestly, I feel that school is not the place for billboards. In the 1950's and 1960's (and before) T-shirts were not even allowed in most public schools without a real shirt worn over it. Shirts needed to have a collar. Shorts were not allowed. No sandals and no canvas shoes were allowed in the classroom. T-shirts were considered underwear or beach wear. Perhaps it would be better if we returned to such standards. All advertizing was removed from clothing before they were worn. Look at all the old movies and TV shows and you never see anything but high school letters on sweaters.

Bbbb but that would violate their freedom of speech. Oops!

Students don't have freedom of speech. They are in school to learn their lesson material. The school ideally assumes the role of the parent in the absence of the parent. Children do not have freedom of speech at home. My dad would have wooped my behind if I suggested I could say whatever I wanted... I'm sure Mr. Ward Cleaver felt the same way.


See, e.g., Guiles v. Marineau, where a middle school student’s T-shirt that insulted GWB was ruled to be protected speech.

But this thread has nothing to do with First Amendment rights.

The OP is attempting to contrive a controversy where none exists. The thread’s failed premise is that the student’s First Amendment rights were ‘violated’ by a ‘liberal’ public school because of the student’s T-shirt’s message advocating Second Amendment rights.

In fact the student’s arrest had nothing to do with his T-shirt’s ‘message,’ and everything to do with his behavior.
That doesn't preclude his right to wear a shirt. The State's rights do not EVER precede the rights of the individual

The rights of public safety always outweighs the right of a person's speech rights. No one gets to yell 'fire' in a theatre. No one is allowed to get overly vocal and belligerent with a teacher. The teacher is in charge and responsible for the welfare of the class, to which all class members must submit. Protocol exists for students to afterwards express complaints.

No one wonder the libertarian nonsense never gets much in the way of votes.

Yes, considering the state of American education, you're right. I'm surprised they get any votes at all since they are taught that the public rights (a fantasy) preclude individual rights.

That means no one has any rights but some nebulous concept called the public.

What a weak, silly country we've become.

And, if the shirt had a Vote For Obama message on it?
If it had a pro-gay rights message?
Pro-women's right to choose message?

All of you who are arguing for the kid's "right" to wear that message to school would be saying exactly the opposite if the message was for any of the above mentioned reasons. Every one of you have said you support giving away rights to The State.

As usual, the hypocrisy of the right wingers is just stunning.

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