8th Grader arrested and suspended for wearing NRA T-Shirt to school

Says FakeSmarmy, the Irrelevant Asshole. (somewhat incomprehensibly)

The people have spoken!

You are the people? How many, you sound like a marxist.

You have to follow basic rules in society.

You know that, you just don't like it.

Jake is a "Main Stream Republican" 15 votes
Jake is "An irrelevant Asshole" 32 votes

You know that. You just don't like it.

You forgot "Jake is a Senile Nazi Asshole" 115 votes.
Nothing surprises me in today's State-Run Public Schools. Our Public School System is crashing. Homeschooling is the future...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnXdTikgmws]Ron Paul s Texas Straight Talk 4 8 13 Homeschooling The Future of Liberty - YouTube[/ame]
What's the crime, asshole

Hi, my little communist bripatricia: the police were called to make sure it did not evolve into a worse crime. If the student was told to cease and desist, and the student refused, the crime of public disorder has occurred. The arrival of the police prevented the student assaulting the teacher and being beaten down as a result.

the crime would be disorderly conduct...if yo uare causing a disturbance (at least here in Ohio) and dont leave or stop whatever disturbance you are causing, the police can be called and you can be arrested.

For example: Im in WalMart, you get into a verbal altercation with an employee or another customer. Soon, a small crowd forms to listen to you two yelling and arguing. The store manager comes over and tries to difuse the situation by asking you what the issue is. He thinks yo uare in the worng and asks you to leave, you refuse....hello mr officer

If you refuse to leave private property when asked, you are trespassing. A public school isn't private property. The law requires students to be there. It's an entirely different situation.
You are the people? How many, you sound like a marxist.

You have to follow basic rules in society.

You know that, you just don't like it.

Jake is a "Main Stream Republican" 15 votes
Jake is "An irrelevant Asshole" 32 votes

You know that. You just don't like it.

You forgot "Jake is a Senile Nazi Asshole" 115 votes.

They are losing big time when libertarians and reactionaries go into Froth Mode. :lol:
You are the people? How many, you sound like a marxist.

You have to follow basic rules in society.

You know that, you just don't like it.

Jake is a "Main Stream Republican" 15 votes
Jake is "An irrelevant Asshole" 32 votes

You know that. You just don't like it.

32 reactionary votes against me is a mark of my integrity and American virtue.

Reactionaries are nothing more than uber-sillies of the far right and don't count anymore.

Ironic that only 2 self professed Republicans out of 34 concluded that you are, in fact, a main stream Republican. All the other Progressives that once infested the GOP are now Democrats, save you and JoeB, but Conservative Republicans are "uber-sillies"?
Do you have any idea how stupid that makes you look?
I wonder if the school allows those pro-gay T-Shirts?

Gays aren't shooting people.

A 13-14 y/o has no business getting into a physical altercation with a teacher who had no way of knowing if he had a gun in his backpack. Remember - gun nutters have sent guns to school with their minor children.

The school was right to protect ALL students.

Neither was the kid or his T shirt. Since when do kids need protection from a t shirt?
Since when do kids need protection from a t shirt?

After gym class.

In the 20th century, the term "Reactionary" was first used during the Russian Revolution as a pejorative by Marxists to label anyone opposed to Socialism and Communism.
Following Boris Pasternak's being awarded the 1958 Nobel Prize for Literature for Dr Zhivago, the CPSU denounced him as a "reactionary" and eventually forced him to decline the prize.
In that context, I'm proud to be called reactionary. Thank you Fake.
but Conservative Republicans are "uber-sillies"?

You are not a conservative, only a Reactionary, which makes you look uber-silly.

Mainstream Republicanism cares nothing for you silly politics except your votes.

And you will vote mainstream because you have no other viable alternatives.
I am glad you agree that he should be arrested and the matter sorted out.

I agree that the matter should be sorted out. I do not know if he should be arrested. Do you think everyone should be arrested if some one accuses them of something? I always thought there had to be a minimum of "probable cause"?

I suppose we could just start throwing people into jail before we sort things out.. Is that what you are suggesting, Jake?
I am glad you agree that he should be arrested and the matter sorted out.

I agree that the matter should be sorted out. I do not know if he should be arrested. Do you think everyone should be arrested if some one accuses them of something? I always thought there had to be a minimum of "probable cause"?

I suppose we could just start throwing people into jail before we sort things out.. Is that what you are suggesting, Jake?

I imagine that is what the policeman is for when he gets there, hmmm?
If a student refuses to follow a teacher's instruction, and that resistance becomes vocal, yes, call the police.

In other words, public schools are for Authoritarian indoctrination?

Students are not in charge at a public school, any more than you would be as a parent, for instance.

We were having a Parents night at school while the school board was having a meeting. The HS principal walked in and said he had a parent who supposedly told a teacher that if he ever touched her child in discipline that she would kill him. Principal asked for advice.

I called told the Superintendent to call the police and have her arrested for a terroristic threat. She was handcuffed and led out in front of several hundred people. The magistrate put her under an insurance bond the next day after a night in jail. Never had any more problems like that.

In other words, you right wing reactionary freaks are subject to law and order as are the rest of us in a We the People constitutional republic.

Please take your Sovereign Citizen movement and shove it up your ass.

so you're not american and don't live in america

no wonder you don't jack about americans
It is plenty of reason if he did not stop mouthing off as instructed and became belligerent.
jake is a far left wing reactionary that wants to arrest any child for talking back

what a kook, then again, he is not american nor does he live here so his opinion is worthless
In other words, public schools are for Authoritarian indoctrination?

Students are not in charge at a public school, any more than you would be as a parent, for instance.

We were having a Parents night at school while the school board was having a meeting. The HS principal walked in and said he had a parent who supposedly told a teacher that if he ever touched her child in discipline that she would kill him. Principal asked for advice.

I called told the Superintendent to call the police and have her arrested for a terroristic threat. She was handcuffed and led out in front of several hundred people. The magistrate put her under an insurance bond the next day after a night in jail. Never had any more problems like that.

In other words, you right wing reactionary freaks are subject to law and order as are the rest of us in a We the People constitutional republic.

Please take your Sovereign Citizen movement and shove it up your ass.

so you're not american and don't live in america

no wonder you don't jack about americans

we have magistrates here in America, Yurt.
Students are not in charge at a public school, any more than you would be as a parent, for instance.

We were having a Parents night at school while the school board was having a meeting. The HS principal walked in and said he had a parent who supposedly told a teacher that if he ever touched her child in discipline that she would kill him. Principal asked for advice.

I called told the Superintendent to call the police and have her arrested for a terroristic threat. She was handcuffed and led out in front of several hundred people. The magistrate put her under an insurance bond the next day after a night in jail. Never had any more problems like that.

In other words, you right wing reactionary freaks are subject to law and order as are the rest of us in a We the People constitutional republic.

Please take your Sovereign Citizen movement and shove it up your ass.

so you're not american and don't live in america

no wonder you don't jack about americans

we have magistrates here in America, Yurt.

Thank you, Barb; yes, we have magistrates in America. Why is it that certain of our board members have such an aversion to the normal rules of the road when in public?
Students are not in charge at a public school, any more than you would be as a parent, for instance.

We were having a Parents night at school while the school board was having a meeting. The HS principal walked in and said he had a parent who supposedly told a teacher that if he ever touched her child in discipline that she would kill him. Principal asked for advice.

I called told the Superintendent to call the police and have her arrested for a terroristic threat. She was handcuffed and led out in front of several hundred people. The magistrate put her under an insurance bond the next day after a night in jail. Never had any more problems like that.

In other words, you right wing reactionary freaks are subject to law and order as are the rest of us in a We the People constitutional republic.

Please take your Sovereign Citizen movement and shove it up your ass.

so you're not american and don't live in america

no wonder you don't jack about americans

we have magistrates here in America, Yurt.

notice he does not deny that he is not american nor does he live here

i'm right about him

btw...unless he lives in the 5 jurisdictions that have magistrates, he does not live here

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