9-11, 19 insanely motivated Saudis with pocket knives, nothing else

Yes 911IJ, this is going nowhere, but it is entertaining to watch.

well if you dont mind stepping in the shit that candyfag and parrot leave on the floor everytime they fart in their posts and can handle their stink,then have fun.:lol: My nose cant stand breathing shit though.:lol::lol::lol:
Yes 911IJ, this is going nowhere, but it is entertaining to watch.

well if you dont mind stepping in the shit that candyfag and parrot leave on the floor everytime they fart in their posts and can handle their stink,then have fun.:lol: My nose cant stand breathing shit though.:lol::lol::lol:

Then how do you breath? Your head is always so far up every other truthtards ass as you try to ingratiate yourself to them that it is surprising you haven't suffered from anal asphyxiation already. Then again, that might explain the brain damage. :lol:
Here Patriot 911

Please Explain the reason for these cuts in the WTC rubble.


I'll give you a hint, it wasn't caused by the "Pancake" Theory.

Hey Triton. Look close. I marked up the image. See those red lines that align with the "grooves" on that column? Those are made by torch cuts, not thermite.

How would thermite make 45 degree "grooves" in that plate of the column?

Here is a couple of pictures of a torch while cutting. Do the cuts look familiar? Hmmm?


See those same "grooves"?

When I saw the first tower collapse my first thought was that the building cannot collapse like that. No way.
What exactly is it this country seen fly into those buildings?
what is so hard to understand about this event?
People have allowed those who claim Conspiracy to make profit on them
to use them
9/11 Conspiracy Theories - Debunking the Myths - World Trade Center - Pentagon - Flight 93 - Popular Mechanics

They used box-cutters for one.

OBL took responsibility for the attacks.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (Arabic: خالد شيخ محمد*) confessed to planning it after being Waterboarded for 90 seconds.

So what? He would have admitted to being the leader of planet Krypton if that's what they wanted. Torturing people makes us no better than the 911 attackers.
What exactly is it this country seen fly into those buildings?
what is so hard to understand about this event?
People have allowed those who claim Conspiracy to make profit on them
to use them
9/11 Conspiracy Theories - Debunking the Myths - World Trade Center - Pentagon - Flight 93 - Popular Mechanics

They used box-cutters for one.

OBL took responsibility for the attacks.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (Arabic: خالد شيخ محمد*) confessed to planning it after being Waterboarded for 90 seconds.

So what? He would have admitted to being the leader of planet Krypton if that's what they wanted. Torturing people makes us no better than the 911 attackers.

And it was information gained from what you call torture that led us to UBL. I'd waterboard every detainee at gitmo if I thought we would get him.... And we got him. The shit worked....
Well there is zero evidence to say anything else happened.... Unless you know something these truthers around here don't know.... We've pretty much corrected everything they've come up with....
What exactly is it this country seen fly into those buildings?
what is so hard to understand about this event?
People have allowed those who claim Conspiracy to make profit on them
to use them
9/11 Conspiracy Theories - Debunking the Myths - World Trade Center - Pentagon - Flight 93 - Popular Mechanics

They used box-cutters for one.

OBL took responsibility for the attacks.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (Arabic: خالد شيخ محمد*) confessed to planning it after being Waterboarded for 90 seconds.

So what? He would have admitted to being the leader of planet Krypton if that's what they wanted. Torturing people makes us no better than the 911 attackers.
Torturing (waterboarding) or being crushed to death in collapsing buildings. I'm glad you're not in charge.
When I saw the first tower collapse my first thought was that the building cannot collapse like that. No way.
Do you get everything wrong or just 9/11?

A fire with a lot of smoke is a cold fire. You would be lucky to meld lead.
Actually it's "MELT" lead. Since you're such an "expert" name me one other building that was built like the WTC. Is it possible that the design was NOT what the builders hoped for?
Do you get everything wrong or just 9/11?

A fire with a lot of smoke is a cold fire. You would be lucky to meld lead.
Actually it's "MELT" lead. Since you're such an "expert" name me one other building that was built like the WTC. Is it possible that the design was NOT what the builders hoped for?

There was a fire in one corner of the building. A cold fire at that. Just for the sake of argument, that fire did cause structural failure in that corner. Then the building would flop over to that side not fall straight down.

For the building to fall straight down all the beams would have to fail at the same time under different levels of heat. The chance of that happening is zero.
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When I saw the first tower collapse my first thought was that the building cannot collapse like that. No way.

And you are welcome to your opinion. We can either believe your opinion or experts from around the world including the engineer who designed the towers in the first place. Hmmm. Gee. That is a tough one.

I think I will go with the experts and not the uninformed opinion of someone making a guess.
A fire with a lot of smoke is a cold fire. You would be lucky to meld lead.
Actually it's "MELT" lead. Since you're such an "expert" name me one other building that was built like the WTC. Is it possible that the design was NOT what the builders hoped for?

There was a fire in one corner of the building. A cold fire at that. Just for the sake of argument, that fire did cause structural failure in that corner. Then the building would flop over to that side not fall straight down.

For the building to fall straight down all the beams would have to fail at the same time under different levels of heat. The chance of that happening is zero.

Shit, you really expect us to believe your blatant lies and ignorant conclusions? :lol: Not bloody likely! First off, the video and photographic evidence proves the fires were across multiple floors and fully involved, not isolated to one corner. Again, who are we to believe? A now known, proven liar or our own eyes?

Second, only the South tower had a larger fire in one corner. Pretending both fires in the towers were identical only shows your complete lack of honesty in the matter.

Third, a building, especially one the size of the towers, wouldn't be able to fall to the side before the structures below it failed. This is simple engineering, which is apparently far beyond the ability of some to grasp.

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