9-11, 19 insanely motivated Saudis with pocket knives, nothing else

PF Tinmore, controlled demolition is the only feasible explanation for WTC 7's total symmetrical free fall collapse into its own foundation, pulverizing steel and concrete into areosolized particulates and leaving behind molten steel despite not being hit by a plane and only having sporadic fires on 7-8 floors with a gash on the south side.

There was no total symmetrical free fall collapse of 7 WTC. Anyone who has seen the videos can tell you that.

There were also much more than "sporadic fires" and the gash was said to be a quarter of the building scooped out.

One of them even used your typo to "debunk" you.


These guys can't explain in their own words how WTC 7 collapsed. :lol::lol::lol:

Just keep asking them, they won't tell you. :lol::lol::lol:

Its just too difficult to make up an explanation that is so blatantly opposed to the law of physics. :eusa_liar:

Unless your SFC Ollie of course and your explanation is "a building fell on top of it" :lol::lol::lol:

Um, in fact, a 110 story building did fall on it.

You don't have to say much when you recite facts. Nicely put.

- The failure of one of the supports is not sufficient to cause the symmetrical total, no resistance, type of collapse.
Re-read what I wrote. It wasn't the failure of one support alone.

Triton said:
-You fail to explain what initiated the failure of all of the supports, you do not account for the rate of fall in your explanation, the floors and other supports would provide resistance and prevent the symmetrical free fall collapse that WTC 7 experienced.
Yes I did. You're far too stupid to understand such stuff.

Triton said:
-You fail to account for what caused the pulverization into aerosolized particulates of the steel and concrete.
Happens in every collapse. High explosives simply initiate the collapse. Gravity does the rest. The pulverization is caused by the collapse.

Triton said:
-You fail to account for the molten steel that you claim does not exist.
You have failed utterly at proving molten steel. The MOST you've done is proven red hot metal.

Triton said:
-You fail to account for the nano-thermite found in the dust.
No nano-thermite found in the dust. This is an outright lie. The most Jones found was an "active thermitic compound" he could neither identify nor could he quantify the amount of energy released.

Triton said:
The progressive collapse theory for WTC 7's collapse has been thoroughly debunked.
By stupid fucktards like you who don't know shit. It has never been debunked by professionals. Sorry, shithead, but you're too fucking stupid to understand half this shit, much less the real engineering involved.

Triton said:
The Murrah Federal building's collapse has also been shown to not be a suitable comparison as well.
No shit sherlock. The Murrah building didn't collapse nor should it have.
and the disinfo agent troll has arrived.He so much hates the truth being told and can only fling shit in defeat like the moneky he is.:lol::lol:
Moneky??? You illiterate shit stain.:up_yours::asshole:

i had to take you off my ignore list briefly here candytroll.you are so hysterical,your so predictable its pathetic.I KNEW you would reply to ONLY this post of mine.you always expose yourself as candytroll because you ONLY replied to THIS post of mine,NONE of the others like i knew you wouldnt. plus you always take it so personal when I put you down.:lol::lol::lol: you do a lousy job of showing who you REALLY are.:lol::lol::lol: as always,this is all your ever contribute in your posts candytroll.back to ignore.see you later attention seeker.have fun trolling.
PF Tinmore, controlled demolition is the only feasible explanation for WTC 7's total symmetrical free fall collapse into its own foundation, pulverizing steel and concrete into areosolized particulates and leaving behind molten steel despite not being hit by a plane and only having sporadic fires on 7-8 floors with a gash on the south side.

One of them even used your typo to "debunk" you.


These guys can't explain in their own words how WTC 7 collapsed. :lol::lol::lol:

Just keep asking them, they won't tell you. :lol::lol::lol:

Its just too difficult to make up an explanation that is so blatantly opposed to the law of physics. :eusa_liar:

Unless your SFC Ollie of course and your explanation is "a building fell on top of it" :lol::lol::lol:

Gomer Pyle Ollies logic is hysterical isnt it?:lol: He makes Gomer Pyle look like a very brilliant smart man.:lol: Yeah the trolls Gomer Pyle,Candyfag and Parrot always blatantly ignore the testimony of Barry Jennings which is the smoking gun of bld 7 they cant get around,they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkeys they are.:lol::lol::lol:

btw,have you noticed how candyfag makes a moron out of himself and shows how desperate he is for attention? He exposes that by always quoting me when he knows I have him on my ignore list.THAT is someone who has a pathetic life and is seeking attention and needs help,the fact that he feels the need to talk to himself.:lol::lol: thats why i highly urge you IF you are going to feed the trolls,at least dont feed candyfag,cause your just giving him the attention he seeks.same with his lover parrot.
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"Happens in every collapse. High explosives simply initiate the collapse. Gravity does the rest. The pulverization is caused by the collapse. "

Are you admitting high explosives initiated the collapse of WTC 7? Patriot911?

Let me guess, Tom Sullivan is insane, right? Is a truthtard, has no knowledge of controlled demolition, etc

Explosive Evidence at WTC Cited by Former Controlled Demolition Incorporated Employee

This is not going to well for you guys, WTC 7 was brought down by controlled demolition, period.
And these guys are insane, and they have no credibility, too, right?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXD3bAbZCow"]9/11 NYC Firefighters Controlled Demolition[/ame]
"Happens in every collapse. High explosives simply initiate the collapse. Gravity does the rest. The pulverization is caused by the collapse. "

Are you admitting high explosives initiated the collapse of WTC 7? Patriot911?
:lol: In your dreams, shit for brains! It doesn't matter HOW the collapse is initiated, you're going to end with pulverization.

Let me guess, Tom Sullivan is insane, right? Is a truthtard, has no knowledge of controlled demolition, etc

Explosive Evidence at WTC Cited by Former Controlled Demolition Incorporated Employee

This is not going to well for you guys, WTC 7 was brought down by controlled demolition, period.[/QUOTE]
Wrong yet again! One day you may get something right, but pardon me if I don't hold my breath. Tom Sullivan was a loader, which is something akin to an apprentice. He is NOT a controlled demolitions expert. He does, however, bring up some exellent points, especially in regards to all the prep work that has to go into a building to get it to come down. Yet not one of you silly fucks can even begin to explain how they could have possibly gotten away with that kind of prep work throughout three skyscrapers. :lol:
And these guys are insane, and they have no credibility, too, right?

9/11 NYC Firefighters Controlled Demolition

They are very credible. Unfortunately for dishonest fucks like you, they're not saying what you want them to say. They're not saying it WAS a controlled demolition. They said it was LIKE a controlled demolition. You might want to go back to grade school and learn some English concepts like comparison. :lol:
Yea, SFC Ollie, sure looks like a 110 story fell right on top of it, maybe if the twin towers didn't have such a perfectly symmetrical total collapse you could make that argument.


Why does your image above not include the penthouse collapse? Typical. I guess that posting the whole video INCLUDING the penthouse would prove that you are lying about "total symmetrical collapse".

Here's real video that shows it was not "symmetrical".
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bjrAJVp4ds]YouTube - 9/11 - WTC 7 Collapse (penthouse)[/ame]

Why does your image leave this out?

Very telling.
"Happens in every collapse. High explosives simply initiate the collapse. Gravity does the rest. The pulverization is caused by the collapse. "

Are you admitting high explosives initiated the collapse of WTC 7? Patriot911?

Let me guess, Tom Sullivan is insane, right? Is a truthtard, has no knowledge of controlled demolition, etc

Explosive Evidence at WTC Cited by Former Controlled Demolition Incorporated Employee

This is not going to well for you guys, WTC 7 was brought down by controlled demolition, period.


A "powder carrier" and "photographer"! That's your "expert" witness????? That's like saying I could take someone who draws structural blueprints using AutoCAD and saying he can answer questions about structural design and engineering.

Nice try though.

And these guys are insane, and they have no credibility, too, right?

9/11 NYC Firefighters Controlled Demolition

Explosions are 100% proof of EXPLOSIVES? Is that what you are trying to get out of this? You guys are hysterical. You're just like Takeastepback. Keep turning what they say into what you want it to mean. That's typical for you truthers.

I suppose when people say a tornado sounded like a train came through we should look for train tracks right?

I am going to ask the million dollar question again to you
you had people jumping off of buildings that were not on fire, ot hot enough to cause them to collapse
the war was on
why blow up any buildings?
was 2 jets ramming them not enough?
was the death of the 1000s that would have died either way not enough?
Gamolon, if you don't believe WTC 7 had a total symmetrical free fall collapse, isT here really any point in debating?

You attack the credibility of the sources I provide.

Who are you, Gamolon? Just because you say the building didn't have a total symmetrical free fall collapse it must be so? Only the most irrational of mind would not agree that WTC 7 collapsed in that very manner, akin to controlled demolition.

You point to the buildings initiation of collapse, so what? Other examples of CD have a similar initiation.


Gamolon, if you don't believe WTC 7 had a total symmetrical free fall collapse, isT here really any point in debating?

You attack the credibility of the sources I provide.

Who are you, Gamolon? Just because you say the building didn't have a total symmetrical free fall collapse it must be so? Only the most irrational of mind would not agree that WTC 7 collapsed in that very manner, akin to controlled demolition.

You point to the buildings initiation of collapse, so what? Other examples of CD have a similar initiation.



Man, you are one sorry son of a bitch idiot! The collapse was NOT symmetrical. The collapse was NOT in freefall except for 2.25 seconds of the collapse. Did the building come straight down? Yes. Then again, there is no way for a building of that size to tip over because there is no structure that can withstand that kind of pressure, so you lose there as well. For you to whine and cry like a little bitch because people don't agree with you is hysterically funny, especially since you still can't even get the simplest of facts right.

Basically you are a loser of epic proportions. Thanks for the laughs though! See? You ARE good for something! It's not much, but anything is better than being a total loser like you would be if you didn't make people laugh at your stupidity.
Gamolon, if you don't believe WTC 7 had a total symmetrical free fall collapse, isT here really any point in debating?

You attack the credibility of the sources I provide.

Who are you, Gamolon? Just because you say the building didn't have a total symmetrical free fall collapse it must be so? Only the most irrational of mind would not agree that WTC 7 collapsed in that very manner, akin to controlled demolition.

You point to the buildings initiation of collapse, so what? Other examples of CD have a similar initiation.



UM, no it did not. Sorry but you must be blind.....

The building collapsed at just a fraction below the rate of no resistance, free fall.

The building had a total collapse.

The building fell symmetrically into its foundation.

This is indisputable, how could you ever consider yourself to be people bearing any semblance of reason and deny these facts. Oh wait.......

How about a nice compilation, just to make sure you realize the building collapsed in a manner that can only be explained by controlled demolition, enjoy.

9/11: High Quality Compilation Video of WTC7 Collapse
Several different TV stations' footage of WTC7

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