9/11 Conspiracy

The fact that anybody may be making a buck from selling the DVD's & T Shirts is offered up as a reason why 9/11 was the product of 19 suicidal Arabs hijacking airliners ( etc.... ) PLEASE do examine the evidence here.
The fact that any given "truther" web-page may or may not be run by crooks, is NOT proof of anything. The evidence in the physics alleged to have happened at the time is compelling, the whole 19 suicidal Arabs story is bogus.

Like many here I have examined the "Truther" evidence and find it not only specious but also that your multiple and conveniently lengthy disappearances when your pseudoscience was challenged by Gamelon to be most revealing. You are a coward and a fraud, Spammy and those are worms you can never put back in their can.

By YOUR definition I may be a fraud, HOWEVER, for the individual reader of this forum, I simply ask that you take a look at the Evan Fairbanks video ( + the others that actually show the south wall of the south tower ) and THINK, what should an aluminum airliner do upon meeting resistance? and people argue that the wall of the WTC tower(s) offered up virtually no resistance?

Arguments about WHO may have actually done it, and exactly how it was done are futile until we can reach agreement about the actual events as documented on video. The virtual disappearance of 4 airliners is NOT trivial. and arguments like "oh but the airliners were going SOOO fast" do NOT help to define anything.

This is totally about WAR, and war is about winning hearts & minds.
By YOUR definition I may be a fraud, HOWEVER, for the individual reader of this forum, I simply ask that you take a look at the Evan Fairbanks video...

Ah .. the ever-lame "I'm just asking questions" defense. You seem to forget that when your pseudoscience was challenged by Gamelon you twice took sudden, lengthy vacations from this board. Like most "Truthers" you aren't interested in truth, Spammy, and anyone who looks back into these threads will learn that quickly

...This is totally about WAR, and war is about winning hearts & minds.

Indeed it is and your actions are akin to those of a child-molester, offering candy to impressionable young minds because you were so enticed (and molested). Many here shine the light on cockroaches like you and when Gamelon's light hit you, you scattered. That is an inconvenient truth you can't escape and of which all newbies need to made aware.
The fact that anybody may be making a buck from selling the DVD's & T Shirts is offered up as a reason why 9/11 was the product of 19 suicidal Arabs hijacking airliners ( etc.... ) PLEASE do examine the evidence here.
The fact that any given "truther" web-page may or may not be run by crooks, is NOT proof of anything. The evidence in the physics alleged to have happened at the time is compelling, the whole 19 suicidal Arabs story is bogus.

Like many here I have examined the "Truther" evidence and find it not only specious but also that your multiple and conveniently lengthy disappearances when your pseudoscience was challenged by Gamelon to be most revealing. You are a coward and a fraud, Spammy and those are worms you can never put back in their can.

By YOUR definition I may be a fraud, HOWEVER, for the individual reader of this forum, I simply ask that you take a look at the Evan Fairbanks video ( + the others that actually show the south wall of the south tower ) and THINK, what should an aluminum airliner do upon meeting resistance? and people argue that the wall of the WTC tower(s) offered up virtually no resistance?

Arguments about WHO may have actually done it, and exactly how it was done are futile until we can reach agreement about the actual events as documented on video. The virtual disappearance of 4 airliners is NOT trivial. and arguments like "oh but the airliners were going SOOO fast" do NOT help to define anything.

This is totally about WAR, and war is about winning hearts & minds.
ah what do you call it when one fraud recommends a fraudulent and fictitious product?
The fact that anybody may be making a buck from selling the DVD's & T Shirts is offered up as a reason why 9/11 was the product of 19 suicidal Arabs hijacking airliners ( etc.... ) PLEASE do examine the evidence here.
The fact that any given "truther" web-page may or may not be run by crooks, is NOT proof of anything. The evidence in the physics alleged to have happened at the time is compelling, the whole 19 suicidal Arabs story is bogus.

Like many here I have examined the "Truther" evidence and find it not only specious but also that your multiple and conveniently lengthy disappearances when your pseudoscience was challenged by Gamelon to be most revealing. You are a coward and a fraud, Spammy and those are worms you can never put back in their can.

By YOUR definition I may be a fraud, HOWEVER, for the individual reader of this forum, I simply ask that you take a look at the Evan Fairbanks video ( + the others that actually show the south wall of the south tower ) and THINK, what should an aluminum airliner do upon meeting resistance? and people argue that the wall of the WTC tower(s) offered up virtually no resistance?

Arguments about WHO may have actually done it, and exactly how it was done are futile until we can reach agreement about the actual events as documented on video. The virtual disappearance of 4 airliners is NOT trivial. and arguments like "oh but the airliners were going SOOO fast" do NOT help to define anything.

This is totally about WAR, and war is about winning hearts & minds.
ah what do you call it when one fraud recommends a fraudulent and fictitious product?

How about the people recommending the NIST report(s) ( etc..... )

I am not here to even attempt to satisfy those who are so immersed in the official story that no amount of logic & truth will sway them from their path.

Have a nice day

The fact that anybody may be making a buck from selling the DVD's & T Shirts is offered up as a reason why 9/11 was the product of 19 suicidal Arabs hijacking airliners ( etc.... ) PLEASE do examine the evidence here.
The fact that any given "truther" web-page may or may not be run by crooks, is NOT proof of anything. The evidence in the physics alleged to have happened at the time is compelling, the whole 19 suicidal Arabs story is bogus.

Like many here I have examined the "Truther" evidence and find it not only specious but also that your multiple and conveniently lengthy disappearances when your pseudoscience was challenged by Gamelon to be most revealing. You are a coward and a fraud, Spammy and those are worms you can never put back in their can.

By YOUR definition I may be a fraud, HOWEVER, for the individual reader of this forum, I simply ask that you take a look at the Evan Fairbanks video ( + the others that actually show the south wall of the south tower ) and THINK, what should an aluminum airliner do upon meeting resistance? and people argue that the wall of the WTC tower(s) offered up virtually no resistance?

Arguments about WHO may have actually done it, and exactly how it was done are futile until we can reach agreement about the actual events as documented on video. The virtual disappearance of 4 airliners is NOT trivial. and arguments like "oh but the airliners were going SOOO fast" do NOT help to define anything.

This is totally about WAR, and war is about winning hearts & minds.
ah what do you call it when one fraud recommends a fraudulent and fictitious product?

How about the people recommending the NIST report(s) ( etc..... )

I am not here to even attempt to satisfy those who are so immersed in the official story that no amount of logic & truth will sway them from their path.

Have a nice day

since you possess neither you are talking out your ass as usual....
I see the "loyal opposition" chooses insult & abuse over fact & logic.
as I stated before you ass hats possess neither.
your arguments are specious and based on a false premise.
meaning no logic or facts are contained in them.
in essence you are making a myth ,as with any myth anything no matter how far outside logic, reason, science and probability is possible.
Can I add that this is all buls*t and the twin towers were brought down by islamic weirdo's? The same ones that behead people or burn them to death, islam does that ya know, from time to time. Ever notice it's mulims suicide bombers this, islamic terrorist blowing up THAT. Ever notice that?
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Can I add that this is all buls*t and the twin towers were brought down by islamic weirdo's? The same ones that behead people or burn them to death, islam does that ya know, from time to time. Ever notice it's mulims suicide bombers this, islamic terrorist blowing up THAT. Ever notice that?

Did those Islamist use black magic?, exactly by what means did they cause the complete & total destruction of WTC1, 2, & 7 ?

Why is it that 4 airliners virtually disappeared?

Also it was mentioned in a previous post about how the WTC skyscraper wall was "mostly glass" and I have the facts of the matter, that is the steel accounted for more than 2/3 of the wall area, the WTC tower blue prints are available on-line, look it up.

In the course of the discussion the allegation that the jet fuel fire would have been sufficient to soften steel so as to cause the collapse event, however I presented evidence to the contrary in the form of a scientific analysis of the BTU/gallon of fuel available and the temperature rise possible with a given amount of fuel.

In short the side promoting the 19 radical hijackers story, lacks foundation in physics and fundamental info about the towers & properties of materials.
Did those Islamist use black magic?, exactly by what means did they cause the complete & total destruction of WTC1, 2, & 7 ?

Why is it that 4 airliners virtually disappeared?

Also it was mentioned in a previous post about how the WTC skyscraper wall was "mostly glass" and I have the facts of the matter, that is the steel accounted for more than 2/3 of the wall area, the WTC tower blue prints are available on-line, look it up.

In the course of the discussion the allegation that the jet fuel fire would have been sufficient to soften steel so as to cause the collapse event, however I presented evidence to the contrary in the form of a scientific analysis of the BTU/gallon of fuel available and the temperature rise possible with a given amount of fuel.

In short the side promoting the 19 radical hijackers story, lacks foundation in physics and fundamental info about the towers & properties of materials.

All you have proven in your time here is your eagerness to blithely ignore the fact that your pseudoscience has been thoroughly debunked (as proven by your sudden, lengthy disappearances when it is challenged by Gamelon). You are a fraud, Spammy, trolling for weak-minded children and what's more you know it.
T-shirts and DVDs for everyone!

"My problem, and your problem as well, is that we have been blatantly misled by people who are only interested in selling dvds and t-shirts. This is supposed to be a truth movement. At this point, Alex Jones could pull every smoking gun out of [his] ass that proves without question that 9/11 was an inside job, but it will never excuse the fact that he had [to] lie so blatantly. Fuck you, fuck avery & bermas, fuck 9/11 mysteries, and fuck every true believer who goes out there and tells people that they've "done their research." - Confessions of an Ex-Truther Letter of Resignation Scroll Down for Newer Posts
Oh come now, not this shit again. I propose we rebuild the entire world trade center facility and yet again crash a couple of fully laden passenger planes into them. What think you the result would be, again?
Long before there were ever any T shirt vendors ( etc.... )
I saw the live video of the twin towers collapsing and then WTC7 also collapsing and I knew right then & there this was a FRAUD. Skyscrapers simply do not do as was shown in the newsreels without serious help from engineered demolition.
Oh come now, not this shit again. I propose we rebuild the entire world trade center facility and yet again crash a couple of fully laden passenger planes into them. What think you the result would be, again?

I would bet my life that if an accurate replica of the WTC towers could be produced and then airliners crashed into them, the result would NOT be the penetration as alleged for "FLT11" & "FLT175" and there would NOT be complete & total destruction of the towers.
Oh come now, not this shit again. I propose we rebuild the entire world trade center facility and yet again crash a couple of fully laden passenger planes into them. What think you the result would be, again?
constant repetition of a false perception is an indicator of mental illness.
again, NOBODY has so much as commented on the fact that I provided scientific rebuttal to:
> the burning jet fuel argument
> saying the WTC wall was mostly glass

I wonder why?
Long before there were ever any T shirt vendors ( etc.... )
I saw the live video of the twin towers collapsing and then WTC7 also collapsing and I knew right then & there this was a FRAUD. Skyscrapers simply do not do as was shown in the newsreels without serious help from engineered demolition.
bullshit! how could you KNOW. ?
making absurd and specious statements is smoking gun proof of your lunacy?
news reels.....no longer exist they when out with spats.
Oh come now, not this shit again. I propose we rebuild the entire world trade center facility and yet again crash a couple of fully laden passenger planes into them. What think you the result would be, again?

I would bet my life that if an accurate replica of the WTC towers could be produced and then airliners crashed into them, the result would NOT be the penetration as alleged for "FLT11" & "FLT175" and there would NOT be complete & total destruction of the towers.
I wish 9/11 never happened for such speculation as this. islam crashed those planes, that is what conformity is all about. Can I add, fuck islam?
again, NOBODY has so much as commented on the fact that I provided scientific rebuttal to:
> the burning jet fuel argument
> saying the WTC wall was mostly glass

I wonder why?
no you didn't it was pseudoscience .
[ ˌso͞odōˈsīəns ]
noun: pseudoscience · plural noun: pseudosciences · noun: pseudo-science · plural noun: pseudo-sciences · noun: pseudo-science · plural noun: pseudo-sciences

  1. a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method.
again, NOBODY has so much as commented on the fact that I provided scientific rebuttal to:
> the burning jet fuel argument
> saying the WTC wall was mostly glass

I wonder why?

You are lying, Princess. The moment Gamelon deigned to play "Physicist" with you, you disappeared for weeks ... twice.
As such you no longer have the creds to play that little game.
again, NOBODY has so much as commented on the fact that I provided scientific rebuttal to:
> the burning jet fuel argument
> saying the WTC wall was mostly glass

I wonder why?
no you didn't it was pseudoscience .
[ ˌso͞odōˈsīəns ]
noun: pseudoscience · plural noun: pseudosciences · noun: pseudo-science · plural noun: pseudo-sciences · noun: pseudo-science · plural noun: pseudo-sciences

  1. a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method.
Got a new name for it here: SPAMMYscience. :lmao:

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