9/11 Goblins: Twitter for Trump($)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Did 9/11 change the way we conceive of creative patriotism (e.g., TrumpUSA dramatics)?


A political cartoonist collected 2 stick-figure doodles of Marvel Comics super-villains Gray Goblin and Venom from the public school art classes in Philadelphia. The Gray Goblin and Venom doodles were used for New Yorker editorials about the quality/nature of TrumpUSA patriotism among today's youth and how villainy was linked to capitalism-imagination among schoolchildren. The New Yorker wanted to present a series of TrumpUSA 'vignettes' about the nature of modern social consciousness.


After 9/11, when anti-American terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center in NYC by crashing two passenger airplanes into the twin-tower skyscrapers, the world became 'on edge' about the quality/nature of globalization-optimism and commerce/traffic idealism in modern civilization. As Republicans and Democrats in D.C. scrambled to ensure their parties were on pace in the emerged 'patriotism-propaganda' bazaar, political cartoonists wanted to re-present American culture/society as a lens for pedestrianism grudges (e.g., WikiLeaks). This was a time of great terrorism/espionage paranoia...


Gray Goblin is a jet-glider soaring urban maniac/terrorist. Venom is a brutish tongue-lashing modern monster. These two anti-social terrorists in Marvel Comics reflect a new civilization paranoia about the 'ugliness' of traffic turbulence. Basically, consumers were anxious about the stability of commercial highways/labyrinths.

GRAY GOBLIN: This is the era of hyper-active imagination!
VENOM: We need more folk-tales about American rights...
GRAY GOBLIN: Rebelliousness is natural in capitalism!
VENOM: Maybe the modern world needs more harmless gibberish.
GRAY GOBLIN: Consumerism creates a pure demand for conveniences.
VENOM: What if America becomes a 'tub' for traffic cholesterol?
GRAY GOBLIN: We simply monitor for serious media static!


After the Goblin/Venom cartoons were published in the New Yorker, female Post journalist Mary Jane Watson wanted to do a national story of American fervor towards OPEC policy in D.C. Watson was like Agatha Christie herself and wanted 'everyday sleuths' in society to dissect what made capitalism so 'ugly' to critics (and terrorists!). Was it Reaganomics? Was it Trumponomics? Was it Victoria's Secret? Mary Jane Watson wanted to understand/appreciate the ergonomics of American rituals in a capitalism-drenched culture.


President Trump pensively tweeted(!) 6 months later, "The killing of Post journalist Mary Jane Watson shocked every single American and reminded us why modern media feels like a shopping experience for thrill-seekers and roadside anarchists!" No one was delighted by Watson's death, so a new legion of pro-capitalism patriots rose to the challenge of glorifying consumerism cheer amidst so much anti-commerce chatter among super-terrorist groups. Mary Jane's death was more tragic than the death of John Lennon(!).


TRUMP: Mary Jane will be missed...
CARTER: This was a television nightmare, Mr. President!
TRUMP: We have to corral this 9/11 hysteria someday/somehow.
CARTER: Can Microsoft cure mischief, sir?
TRUMP: Americans want to believe in toys...
CARTER: I suppose we should secure Israel-Palestine!
TRUMP: We can't control globalization without media networking.
CARTER: This is the Age of Facebook.
TRUMP: Maybe Richie Rich is the new Mickey Mouse!
CARTER: I like this trend of 'streamlining mentality.'



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