Invading Iraq was legit because of the volatility of Saddam coupled with the shadow of 9-11, anthrax attacks and, where I lived, a sniper.I did, initially. Why are you dodging mine? Why do you continue to dodge the question of supporting an invasion of Iraq? Is it because you don't have one? I think that's your problem.Do you have an actual response to my post?
Working it's way toward? Dude, they have nukes! All Saddam ever had was chemical weapons and the very basics of nuclear weapon research. Nothing compared to what North Korea had even during the Clinton administration much less now. Yet you give North Korea a pass and support spilling American blood and treasure on Iraq. Again, why?N Korea is working its way towards what Iraq was. The comparison is not quite to the parallel level yet.
Bombing palaces would not have effected the necessary result. Gadaffy duck showed that.
Support the cost of invading Iraq or admit you are wrong. Personally, I strongly doubt you can do either.
Bombing destroys research facilities. The Israelis proved that in Iraq as did the US and Brits against the Germans in WWII.
So, like the Bush administration, are you admitting this wasn't about stopping Saddam's research into WMDs? Again, what was the purpose of invading Iraq at such a high cost and for what purpose?
Lefties suffer from the combination of a bad memory and a susceptibility to propaganda.