9-11 Remembered

I don't know a single person who doesn't care about 9-11. Not one.
Straw man argument. She was referring to where she was and what she was doing.

OTOH, aside from all the lip-service and crocodile tears, I think many don't care. If they did, they'd be volunteering to serve their nation or, at a minimum, push to fix the problems of veterans who did serve.
I don't know a single person who doesn't care about 9-11. Not one.
Straw man argument. She was referring to where she was and what she was doing.

OTOH, aside from all the lip-service and crocodile tears, I think many don't care. If they did, they'd be volunteering to serve their nation or, at a minimum, push to fix the problems of veterans who did serve.

Eat shit. She said many people ( meaning her political opponents ) don't care about 9-11. That is bullshit. You fail.
it was a beautiful day like today.....sunny not too warm...just right...i was painting the ends of boards outside to prevent them checking.....my husband called me and told me to go turn on the t.v. ....the rest is a united history as we either watched in horror or listened in horror....the whole nation stopped as did the world...

Eat shit. She said many people ( meaning her political opponents ) don't care about 9-11. That is bullshit. You fail.
You're not only a fucking low-life liar, but also a dumb ass. It's people like you why I support abortion. Parents should have an IQ and education test before being allowed to breed.

I haven't forgotten and never will. I can tell you exactly where I was and what I was doing when that tragedy occurred.

Unfortunately there are many who couldn't care less.
Eat shit. She said many people ( meaning her political opponents ) don't care about 9-11. That is bullshit. You fail.
You're not only a fucking low-life liar, but also a dumb ass. It's people like you why I support abortion. Parents should have an IQ and education test before being allowed to breed.

I haven't forgotten and never will. I can tell you exactly where I was and what I was doing when that tragedy occurred.

Unfortunately there are many who couldn't care less.

Exactly...."there are many who couldn't care less". What do you...with your high IQ...think she was saying? Do you think she was saying that many people don't care if she remembers what she was doing when that tragedy occurred? Is that what your pea brain got from the post?

Also...why did you select a user name which glorify's an attack on the United States? If you don't know that it does....then you need to retake that IQ test.
Exactly...."there are many who couldn't care less". What do you...with your high IQ...think she was saying? Do you think she was saying that many people don't care if she remembers what she was doing when that tragedy occurred? Is that what your pea brain got from the post?

Also...why did you select a user name which glorify's an attack on the United States? If you don't know that it does....then you need to retake that IQ test.
Thanks for backtracking on your lie about Claudette. I think she said exactly as it says, that many couldn't care less where she was on 9/11. Why are you having such an emotional break over it?

It's a callsign I was given it in the Navy when I crossdecked from the Marine Corps. I was all gung-ho/do or die/come home with your shield or on it. By Navy standards, I was a "kamikaze" so they named me "Divine Wind". What did you do in the military?
Exactly...."there are many who couldn't care less". What do you...with your high IQ...think she was saying? Do you think she was saying that many people don't care if she remembers what she was doing when that tragedy occurred? Is that what your pea brain got from the post?

Also...why did you select a user name which glorify's an attack on the United States? If you don't know that it does....then you need to retake that IQ test.
Thanks for backtracking on your lie about Claudette. I think she said exactly as it says, that many couldn't care less where she was on 9/11. Why are you having such an emotional break over it?

It's a callsign I was given it in the Navy when I crossdecked from the Marine Corps. I was all gung-ho/do or die/come home with your shield or on it. By Navy standards, I was a "kamikaze" so they named me "Divine Wind". What did you do in the military?

That is retarded. She meant that many people don't care about 9-11. You are just a dummy who can't comprehend English.

It isn't an emotional break. I despise RW Nutbags who try to claim that they own patriotism. It's lame.

I wasn't in the military. But....I'm a military brat. That means I know enough blowhards to sink a ship. I now know one more.
Some truly sick commentary for such a sad day.

No, I haven't forgotten. And we really need to scrutinize how the Bush administration let the Saudis skate free without any kind of response, like it never happened. The Saudis need to PAY. We should have responded militarily and in any way possible, and we did NOTHING in reply. That is what is so painful about 9/11.
Afghanistan doesn't count?
No, I haven't forgotten. And we really need to scrutinize how the Bush administration let the Saudis skate free without any kind of response, like it never happened. The Saudis need to PAY. We should have responded militarily and in any way possible, and we did NOTHING in reply. That is what is so painful about 9/11.


Perhaps a severe retaliatory strike on a major city in the Middle East (Mecca comes to mind) would have put those people on notice that we're not going to put up with their crap and that they'd control their crazies or the next time it will be even worse.

And we could have pulled it off at the time because we had the entire civilized world on our side.


I lost friends and classmates from HS and a few were firefighters in the WTC

I am a New Yorker
I may no longer live in the five boroughs or on the Island or Upstate
I may now live hundreds or thousands of miles away
Or I may live just over the GW Bridge
But I am a New Yorker

I am a New Yorker
Whatever took me out of New York:
Business, family or hating the cold did not take New York out of me.
My accent may have faded and my pace may have slowed
But I am a New Yorker

I am a New Yorker
I was raised on Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and Rockefeller Plaza,
The Yankees or the Mets
Jones Beach or Rye Beach or one of the beaches on the sound
I know that THE END; means Montauk.
Because I am a New Yorker

I am a New Yorker
When I go on vacation, I never look up
Skyscrapers are something I take for granted
The Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty are part of me
Taxis and noise and subways and get outa heah; don't rattle me
Because I am a New Yorker

I am a New Yorker
I was raised on cultural diversity before it was politically correct
I eat Greek food and Italian food, Jewish and Middle Eastern food and
Chinese food
Because they are all American food to me.

I don't get mad when people speak other languages in my presence
Because my relatives got to this country via Ellis Island and chose to
They were New Yorkers

I am a New Yorker
People who have never been to New York have misunderstood me
My friends and family work in the industries, professions and businesses
that benefit all Americansl
My firefighters died trying to save New Yorkers and non-New Yorkers
They died trying to save Americans and non-Americans
Because they were New Yorkers.

I am a New Yorker
I feel the pain of my fellow New Yorkers
I mourn the loss of my beautiful city
I feel and dread that New York will never be the same
But then I remember:
I am a New Yorker

And New Yorkers have:
Tenacity, strength and courage way above the norm
Compassion and caring for our fellow citizens
Love and pride in our city, in our state, in our country
Intelligence, experience and education par excellence
Ability, dedication and energy above and beyond
Faith--no matter what religion we practice

Terrorists hit America in its heart
But America's heart still beats strong
Demolish the steel in our buildings, but it doesn't touch the steel in
our souls
Hit us in the pocketbook; but we'll parlay what we have left into a fortune
End innocent lives leaving widows and orphans, but we'll take care of
Because they are New Yorkers

Wherever we live, whatever we do, whoever we are
There are New Yorkers in every state and every city of this nation
We will not abandon our city
We will not abandon our brothers and sisters
We will not abandon the beauty, creativity and diversity that New York represents
Because we are New Yorkers
And we are proud to be New Yorkers

- Author Unknown

None of which applies to you because you're a vile anti-American.

No, little cocksuck, it is you with your putrid partisan hate that is anti-American. You, and the rest of the Trump supporters actually support Russia's dictator more than the United States of America.

Typical libtard liar. Libtards are the anti American pussies.
Exactly...."there are many who couldn't care less". What do you...with your high IQ...think she was saying? Do you think she was saying that many people don't care if she remembers what she was doing when that tragedy occurred? Is that what your pea brain got from the post?

Also...why did you select a user name which glorify's an attack on the United States? If you don't know that it does....then you need to retake that IQ test.
Thanks for backtracking on your lie about Claudette. I think she said exactly as it says, that many couldn't care less where she was on 9/11. Why are you having such an emotional break over it?

It's a callsign I was given it in the Navy when I crossdecked from the Marine Corps. I was all gung-ho/do or die/come home with your shield or on it. By Navy standards, I was a "kamikaze" so they named me "Divine Wind". What did you do in the military?

That is retarded. She meant that many people don't care about 9-11. You are just a dummy who can't comprehend English.

It isn't an emotional break. I despise RW Nutbags who try to claim that they own patriotism. It's lame.

I wasn't in the military. But....I'm a military brat. That means I know enough blowhards to sink a ship. I now know one more.
Otherwise you are a idiot libtard pussy.
The same can be said about the 4,500 who died looking for wmds. Those bodies were quickly swept under the rug.
Wrong. They're remembered and most Americans recognize that, like the Patriot Act, invading Iraq was a mistake. A mistake our nation made out of fear. Even Hillary and Kerry voted to go to war.....you know, before they were against it.

On a side note, it's one thing to lose almost 3000 Americans in one day and another to lose almost 4500 over a period of 7 years.

Perhaps a severe retaliatory strike on a major city in the Middle East (Mecca comes to mind) would have put those people on notice that we're not going to put up with their crap and that they'd control their crazies or the next time it will be even worse.

And we could have pulled it off at the time because we had the entire civilized world on our side.
Declaring war on 1.6 Billion Muslims isn't in our best interests nor is it the right thing to do.

While we had the world on our side taking down the Taliban and al-Qaeda, we pissed away all of that good will by invading Iraq. Attacking Mecca would just make us look worse.
That is retarded. She meant that many people don't care about 9-11. You are just a dummy who can't comprehend English.

It isn't an emotional break. I despise RW Nutbags who try to claim that they own patriotism. It's lame.

I wasn't in the military. But....I'm a military brat. That means I know enough blowhards to sink a ship. I now know one more.
Disagreed. Your claims of mindreading are what's retarded.

Disagreed as shown by your subsequent sentence of hate. You're obviously emotionally unstable.

No shit. It was obvious, but I had to ask the question. Like your other hateful statements, your dislike of those in the military shows a high degree of mental anguish on your part. Did you try to get in and failed or did you know you were a spineless blowhard who never wanted to try? Do you hate the military because you are a disappointment to those closest to you?

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