9-11- the mother of october surprises?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
An October surprise is a political term for a dirty trick designed to undermine the administration of the opposition party. Bill Clinton had six or seven years to deal with the terrorists who tried to bring down the WTC on his watch. He called the terrorist attack "a stupid act by stupid people" and ignored the jihad threat. Bin Ladin was offered to him on a silver plate and he turned it down. Clinton's A.G. drafted an order that threatened FBI and CIA agents with arrest if they dared to share information while the terrorists were attending flight school learning how to glide a 747 into a building. Some of the 9-11 terrorists were in the US illegally but the Clinton administration did nothing. Would 9-11 have happened if Gore won the election? Probably not.
It makes sense doesn't it? Barney Frank told us that Fannie Mae was doing fine when it was on the verge of an economic catastrophe. Democrat banking committee chairman Frank had the responsibility to monitor Fannie Mae and he let the financial collapse happen just in time for the presidential election. The same could be said for 9-11. Clinton was in his 2nd term and it didn't look like Al Gore would be elected. Clinton's A.G. made sure that the FBI and the CIA could not share information and the INS was asleep. The 9-11 terrorists would graduate from flight school and the Clinton administration went on to bomb Yugoslavia while they were developing their plans. If Bush made any mistakes it was not firing every fat assed bureaucrat in the intelligence service who was appointed by Clinton but the fix was already in.

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