9 reasons Denmark's government/economy is better than the US's

According to the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), the US spends twice as much per capita on healthcare than in Denmark, where taxpayer-funded universal healthcare is available for all citizens. 2009 OECD data shows that the U.S. spent an average of $7,290 per person on healthcare. Denmark spent just $3,512. World Bank data, as seen in the chart above, shows Danish healthcare costs are about $3,000 less per capita than in the US.

Everyone spends less than the U.S. on healthcare. Denmark spends more that Singapore though.

BTW: 2009 numbers...really. Are you that sloppy ?

There are more recent numbers.

And, of course, the US. is only 300,000,000 more people. You want to compare a system that handles roughly 64 times as many people ?


Could we please see a graph of growth. If the place is so great...people must be flocking there...right ?
The World Happiness Report, which determines which nation’s population is the “happiest” using criteria like life expectancy, GDP, social safety nets, as well as factors like “perception of corruption” and “freedom to make life choices,” found that Denmark was the happiest country. The US, in the meantime, ranked #17 on the same list.

This one is totally hysterical. We don't have the social nets that are used in this rating.

It's a miracle we get anywhere at all on this.
Here in the US, the cost of going to college has soared by over 500 percent in the last 30 years. But in Denmark, not only is college free, but students are actually paid $900 USD per month to go to school, provided they live on their own. And this funding lasts up to six years. By contrast, the average US student pays over $31,000 a year in tuition to attend a private university, out-of-state residents at public universities pay $22,000 a year in tuition, and tuition costs for in-state residents at those same universities is still over $9,000.

Can we see how many people attend school in Denmark...please. 22,000 a year in tuition...not in the midwest. You can go to school for a whole lot less...

Who is that stupid ?
Denmark's personal income tax rate is 56%
The sales tax is 25%
Denmark Personal Income Tax Rate | 1995-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar

If you want the government to take 56% of your income and pay 25% more for everything then feel free to get your ass on a plane and go.
Lol you're so dense. Personal tax doesn't exclusively mean income tax from your job which means it covers a range of different taxes. Meaning, not everyone is subjected to the same tax burden. If you make below a certain salary, you don't even come near this level.

Either way, Denmark has a much lower poverty rate than the US and it ranks as the best place to do business. Yeah, I know, facts are scary!

Cost of housing.....just a note.

in a phase where the falling has stopped. We’ve stabilized.” Continue reading the main story
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In the last few months, the market for small apartments in Copenhagen, those measuring 50 to 80 square meters (540 to 860 square feet), has seen small price increases, said Soren Jespersen, a managing broker of the Copenhagen branch of the real estate company EDC Poul Erik Bech. But, he added, “The larger apartments are still hard to sell,” he said, referring to those from 4 million to 4.5 million Danish kroner ($676,000 to $760,000). As for single-family homes in the suburbs and rural areas, Mr. Jespersen said, prices have fallen by 1 to 2 percent in the last six months.

The average price of housing in Denmark is $2,350 per square meter (about $218 a square foot),said Jesper Elle of Nybolig, a Copenhagen real estate company. However, prices range greatly. A luxury apartment in Copenhagen, for instance, typically costs $6,500 to $8,500 a square meter ($604 to $790 a square foot), he said. Some popular Copenhagen neighborhoods are Frederiksberg and the historic city center, along with Osterbro and the areas around Langelinie, a complex that includes a pier, a promenade and a park in the city center.

The evidence is quite compelling. This is the kind of stuff I love rubbing in republicans' faces. Repubs like to think that both they, and the US, is superior to anyone else in the world but the truth is countries like Denmark are really just laughing at them.

When those countries that laugh at us get in trouble, who do they call, the US or Denmark?

2) Denmark spends far less on healthcare than the US does.

Denmark also spends far less on defense than the US does. In fact, they spend half of what they are obligated to spend under their NATO treaty obligations. How do they get away with it?

Could it be they depend on the US to protect them while they look down their noses at us?

3) Denmark is the happiest place on Earth

How happy do you think they would be if we stopped carrying them? How many holes would their social safety net have if we stopped carrying them?
God I am so sick of this false sense of arrogance and superiority that Americans have about the rest of the world. It's so stupid. Is NATO and our defense budget the best rebuttal you can come up with? How else could you possibly elaborate on the US "carrying" Denmark? Get over yourself.

Yeah...facts are scary.
God I am so sick of this false sense of arrogance and superiority that Americans have about the rest of the world.
You know what the trade off of a bloated defense budget is? Way less money goes to our crumbing infrastructure system and safety net programs like job training for the poor. As a result, we have the worst child poverty rate in the developed world. I guess that's all okay because of our ridiculous and over compensating military force.

Which is what the Danes would face....if we let them take care of themselves....or are you to stupid to read ?
3) Denmark is the happiest place on Earth
Like little children in a nursery school, the happy Danes frolic about while Mommy and Daddy keep away the realities of the world from them so they can enjoy themselves.

Don't worry, little Danes. America will do all the heavy lifting and grownup work and keep you safe and sound in your little cocoon.

Our military has done a great job bringing peace to the Middle East...

Red Herring moron.

Let's drop NATO and the Danes.....when we bail them out again...they'll get a huge bill.
Denmark has a smaller population than most major metropolitan areas in America

Apples and oranges

Next time war breaks out in Europe you'll know why it sucks to live in Denmark

So you see success and just write it off?

Write it off?

how the fuck could we apply any of that to America?

We're massive and our governance structure is very different. 900 dollars for tuition in the American education market? How far is that going ot get you?

Oh that's the American way, it's impossible.

I think we should look at what they are doing and possibly take from it. It is free college plus $900. Think any student would be happy with that

Free anything is worth exactly what you pay and is appreciated just as much.

Yes it is so bad they are the happiest country in the world.

What say we have a happiest city in the world contest....

Or happiest state....after all, about half our states could kick Denmark's ass by themselves (they are bigger).
"The World Happiness Report, which determines which nation’s population is the “happiest” using criteria like life expectancy, GDP, social safety nets, as well as factors like “perception of corruption” and “freedom to make life choices,” found that Denmark was the happiest country. The US, in the meantime, ranked #17 on the same list."

THANK YOU! You are an outstanding FOIL, keep up the good work!

All these are typical bogus comparisons having no realism. They are frequently misused by the United Nations, run by hundreds of tin pot dictators who envy our money. Also, the information is provided by the country themselves.

Life Expectancy at birth.
This is based on heredity. Life expectancy in Denmark is nearly identical to that of Minnesota, both higher than the US average. The life expectancy of Japanese is nearly identical to that of people in Hawaii. Why do you suppose that happens?
Both Japan, Denmark, Norway and dozens of other countries are homogeneous. That means their population is made up of one race. The United State is a Multiracial country. We have millions of people of different races many of whom have shorter life expectancies than homogeneous nations.

GDP...well, look at the massive failure of Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama's economic policies. However, in 2015, the GDP per capita for Denmark is $51,424. For the United State: $56,421. You're wrong again.

Social Safety Nets
Easy, again the United Nations LOVES Socialist Nations, where they could get their hands on America's wealth. In the eyes of the UN, the more Socialist is a nation, they more the UN loves them.

PERCEPTION of Corruption
Well, that's easy. This is totally, 100% subjective. Much easier to keep a population of about half of New York City convinced of something than 330 MILLION. You are oh so EASY!

Freedom to make Life Choices.
Again, subjective.

Nice try.
Lol you're such doof. That metric is based on the same criteria that was used in the US. And obviously we are talking about something subjective. That's what happiness is. If is however based on objective information[/QUOTE]

Which means you either know nothing about statistics or are just lying.
Denmark's personal income tax rate is 56%
The sales tax is 25%
Denmark Personal Income Tax Rate | 1995-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar

If you want the government to take 56% of your income and pay 25% more for everything then feel free to get your ass on a plane and go.
Lol you're so dense. Personal tax doesn't exclusively mean income tax from your job which means it covers a range of different taxes. Meaning, not everyone is subjected to the same tax burden. If you make below a certain salary, you don't even come near this level.

Either way, Denmark has a much lower poverty rate than the US and it ranks as the best place to do business. Yeah, I know, facts are scary!

No one should be subjected to their outrageous taxes.

Why? That tax is buying healthcare, education, and pension. Most would be better off.

Yeah most people would be better off with a 25% sales tax, state city and town taxes as well as a very high federal tax

No thanks I'd rather make my own decisions about my life. But if you want to be someone's pet feel free to move to Denmark, little sheep

For their tax dollars they are getting a much better deal.

No they are just paying more so the government can tell them how to live
Why have we adopted the 40 hour work week anyway? Talk about time spent working....life goes buy as we run around in this godforsaken rat race only to look back and say wow I wasted away my life at work.
You might say that but the work I put in earlier has made it possible for me to work less now

The problem is we have it backwards these days. You put in the long hours and work multiple jobs when you are young, you save and invest as much as possible so you don't have to work until the day you die.

But we tell young people that it's better to have fun and act like an idiot rather than buckle down and work for their future
A distinction even the Danes don't understand. As for their quality of life, again, it all depends on the criteria. Kindly list them for us.
I already did lol. It was in the OP,

"The World Happiness Report, which determines which nation’s population is the “happiest” using criteria like life expectancy, GDP, social safety nets, as well as factors like “perception of corruption” and “freedom to make life choices,” found that Denmark was the happiest country. The US, in the meantime, ranked #17 on the same list."

Its way subjective. Like a lobster boiling in a pot, they don't know how much their life sucks because they don't know anything else.

Like you Billy...


They seem to have a lot of things that would make me happy.

Seriously, what good is a lot of free time, if you cannot afford to do anything but sit at home?

I'm sure they have plenty of money. They are saving on healthcare and college and retirement.

and paying it all in the additional exorbitant taxes
Denmark has a smaller population than most major metropolitan areas in America

Apples and oranges

Next time war breaks out in Europe you'll know why it sucks to live in Denmark

So you see success and just write it off?

Write it off?

how the fuck could we apply any of that to America?

We're massive and our governance structure is very different. 900 dollars for tuition in the American education market? How far is that going ot get you?

Oh that's the American way, it's impossible.

I think we should look at what they are doing and possibly take from it. It is free college plus $900. Think any student would be happy with that

Free anything is worth exactly what you pay and is appreciated just as much.

Yes it is so bad they are the happiest country in the world.
Happiness is 100% subjective

I would not be happy with a 56% tax rate, a 25% sales tax, a 27% municipal tax etc which boils down to the government not me determining my quality of life

Maybe you would so feel free to move
So you see success and just write it off?

Write it off?

how the fuck could we apply any of that to America?

We're massive and our governance structure is very different. 900 dollars for tuition in the American education market? How far is that going ot get you?

Oh that's the American way, it's impossible.

I think we should look at what they are doing and possibly take from it. It is free college plus $900. Think any student would be happy with that

Free anything is worth exactly what you pay and is appreciated just as much.

Yes it is so bad they are the happiest country in the world.

What say we have a happiest city in the world contest....

Or happiest state....after all, about half our states could kick Denmark's ass by themselves (they are bigger).

What does that even mean?
Lol you're so dense. Personal tax doesn't exclusively mean income tax from your job which means it covers a range of different taxes. Meaning, not everyone is subjected to the same tax burden. If you make below a certain salary, you don't even come near this level.

Either way, Denmark has a much lower poverty rate than the US and it ranks as the best place to do business. Yeah, I know, facts are scary!

No one should be subjected to their outrageous taxes.

Why? That tax is buying healthcare, education, and pension. Most would be better off.

Yeah most people would be better off with a 25% sales tax, state city and town taxes as well as a very high federal tax

No thanks I'd rather make my own decisions about my life. But if you want to be someone's pet feel free to move to Denmark, little sheep

For their tax dollars they are getting a much better deal.

No they are just paying more so the government can tell them how to live

...or, the way they want to live is identical with the policies of the government they put in place.
I already did lol. It was in the OP,

"The World Happiness Report, which determines which nation’s population is the “happiest” using criteria like life expectancy, GDP, social safety nets, as well as factors like “perception of corruption” and “freedom to make life choices,” found that Denmark was the happiest country. The US, in the meantime, ranked #17 on the same list."

Its way subjective. Like a lobster boiling in a pot, they don't know how much their life sucks because they don't know anything else.

Like you Billy...


They seem to have a lot of things that would make me happy.

Seriously, what good is a lot of free time, if you cannot afford to do anything but sit at home?

I'm sure they have plenty of money. They are saving on healthcare and college and retirement.

and paying it all in the additional exorbitant taxes

They are probably getting a much better deal than us. Look at how many go deeply in debt here to go to school.
No one should be subjected to their outrageous taxes.

Why? That tax is buying healthcare, education, and pension. Most would be better off.

Yeah most people would be better off with a 25% sales tax, state city and town taxes as well as a very high federal tax

No thanks I'd rather make my own decisions about my life. But if you want to be someone's pet feel free to move to Denmark, little sheep

For their tax dollars they are getting a much better deal.

No they are just paying more so the government can tell them how to live

...or, the way they want to live is identical with the policies of the government they put in place.

Yeah they voluntarily gave up their rights to choose the life they live and would rather let the government do it for them. If you want to do that feel free to move

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