9 Yr Olds Abortion Draws Catholic Excommunication

Abortion or no abortion the thing is who is the Catholic church to make the decision? It's the doctors job to weigh the risks for and against and suggest the option they think is best for the child to her parents, not a bunch of men who know nothing about the child or medicine. It's a life against a life. Chances are the girl would not carry to term because a 9 year old isn't developed enough to carry one baby much less twins.

Abortion at any age is dangerous because it is a medical proceedure with the same risks as any other operation. People tend to forget that. Giving birth could aslo kill the child and like I said,I doubt the babies would make it anyway as it would most likely end in miscarriage.

I have to respect the childs parents decision on this one with the hope that they got ALL the information and made the best decision for all involved. Excommunication IMO did nothing more then rub salt in the wounds instead of showing Christs love and forgiveness. This isn't a case of a teen or a woman having an abortion because it's inconvienient, It's a Child who has been abused. Shame on the Church for it's lack of compassion and shame on the church for making thinking the man's sin was less when the whole thing is in fact his fault.

One nation, and there is nothing to suggest this was the Pope's decision. Disgusting, yes, but I would learn more before condemning the church.

A. I am not condemning the whole Catholic Church. I am condeming those Hierarchy who excommunicated the mother for doing what she obviously thought was right by her child.

B. With something as serious as excommunication I would hope the Pope would hear about it. I assume that the church doesn't excommunicate people on a daily basis. They didn't have to excommunicate her to not condone the abortion.
How do you know she was trying to do what was right for her child? Was she doing what was right for her child when she let her husband rape her repeatedly?

I suspect she tried to get an abortion in order to hide the fact that she's a crap mother.
Abortion or no abortion the thing is who is the Catholic church to make the decision? It's the doctors job to weigh the risks for and against and suggest the option they think is best for the child to her parents, not a bunch of men who know nothing about the child or medicine. It's a life against a life. Chances are the girl would not carry to term because a 9 year old isn't developed enough to carry one baby much less twins.

Abortion at any age is dangerous because it is a medical proceedure with the same risks as any other operation. People tend to forget that. Giving birth could aslo kill the child and like I said,I doubt the babies would make it anyway as it would most likely end in miscarriage.

I have to respect the childs parents decision on this one with the hope that they got ALL the information and made the best decision for all involved. Excommunication IMO did nothing more then rub salt in the wounds instead of showing Christs love and forgiveness. This isn't a case of a teen or a woman having an abortion because it's inconvienient, It's a Child who has been abused. Shame on the Church for it's lack of compassion and shame on the church for making thinking the man's sin was less when the whole thing is in fact his fault.

One nation, and there is nothing to suggest this was the Pope's decision. Disgusting, yes, but I would learn more before condemning the church.

I linked you up the thread to the Pope's spokesperson. He's not going to go around saying something the Pope disagrees with.

Thanks, this should be a subject in parishes, and both the Archbishop & Pope should see the injustice taking place.
Abortion or no abortion the thing is who is the Catholic church to make the decision? It's the doctors job to weigh the risks for and against and suggest the option they think is best for the child to her parents, not a bunch of men who know nothing about the child or medicine. It's a life against a life. Chances are the girl would not carry to term because a 9 year old isn't developed enough to carry one baby much less twins.

Abortion at any age is dangerous because it is a medical proceedure with the same risks as any other operation. People tend to forget that. Giving birth could aslo kill the child and like I said,I doubt the babies would make it anyway as it would most likely end in miscarriage.

I have to respect the childs parents decision on this one with the hope that they got ALL the information and made the best decision for all involved. Excommunication IMO did nothing more then rub salt in the wounds instead of showing Christs love and forgiveness. This isn't a case of a teen or a woman having an abortion because it's inconvienient, It's a Child who has been abused. Shame on the Church for it's lack of compassion and shame on the church for making thinking the man's sin was less when the whole thing is in fact his fault.

This isn't making sense, I know Catholic women who have been 'forgiven' after having had abortions.
The little girl isn't going to be excommunicated, her mother is.

Her mother, who had the care of her when her STEPFATHER raped her repeatedly, and got her pregnant. The mother who obviously doesn't give a shit about her daughter, and probably prostituted her to her stepfather.

I imagine there's more to this than just the abortion issue.

That's a pretty big conclusion to jump too. Evidence of the mother knowing and prostituting the child and not giving a shit about the child. Maybe She should have divorced the perv of a stepfather. Oh wait, Catholic church doesn't allow divorce either, guess she gotta stay married to the perv. Hope she takes birth control so no other children she has get molested. Oh wait the Church doesn't believe in Birthcontrol does it? OK So the mother has to stay with the the pedo, possibly have more kids and she was supposed to let her 9 year old die to give birth to two children who might possibly get molested by the same man who in essence killed their 9 year old mother? And your blaming the 9 year olds mother for allowing it? I hope you can substantiate that claim. How about sharing some of that blame with the church for not giving her much choice.
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How do you know she was trying to do what was right for her child? Was she doing what was right for her child when she let her husband rape her repeatedly?

I suspect she tried to get an abortion in order to hide the fact that she's a crap mother.

Evidence that the mother knew the child was being moslested? The article at the OP didn't say the mother knew. So please enlighten me with some PROOF of your claims or stop bearing false witness against your neighbor.
So we are to conclude that those who are using this to attack the Catholic Church, whether justified or not, are doing so because they actually care about the people involved? Isnt it interesting how the attacks on the Catholic Church are almost always the same regardless of individuals involved?
The little girl isn't going to be excommunicated, her mother is.

Her mother, who had the care of her when her STEPFATHER raped her repeatedly, and got her pregnant. The mother who obviously doesn't give a shit about her daughter, and probably prostituted her to her stepfather.

I imagine there's more to this than just the abortion issue.

That's a pretty big conclusion to jump too. Evidence of the mother knowing and prostituting the child and not giving a shit about the child. Maybe She should have divorced the perv of a stepfather. Oh wait, Catholic church doesn't allow divorce either, guess she gotta stay married to the perv. Hope she takes birth control so no other children she has get molested. Oh wait the Church doesn't believe in Birthcontrol does it? OK So the mother has to stay with the the pedo, possibly have more kids and she was supposed to let her 9 year old die to give birth to two children who might possibly get molested by the same man who in essence killed their 9 year old mother? And your blaming the 9 year olds mother for allowing it? I hope you can substantiate that claim. How about sharing some of that blame with the church for not giving her much choice.

Naw, the church will allow annulment on the grounds of adultery and child abuse.

Try again.

And I'd bet she wasn't even married to the "stepfather".

You guys sure go the extra mile to excuse people whose kids get raped while in their care.
So we are to conclude that those who are using this to attack the Catholic Church, whether justified or not, are doing so because they actually care about the people involved? Isnt it interesting how the attacks on the Catholic Church are almost always the same regardless of individuals involved?
Justified or not?

I don't know about anyone else, but I am disgusted with the Church. They reap what they sow.

At the same time, I hope they will one day quit being fucktards.
That's right, because 9 year old girls deserve abortions! After all, they're sexually active...it's right and good that they get victimized 2 times instead of just once, the little sluts!
How do you know she was trying to do what was right for her child? Was she doing what was right for her child when she let her husband rape her repeatedly?

I suspect she tried to get an abortion in order to hide the fact that she's a crap mother.

Evidence that the mother knew the child was being moslested? The article at the OP didn't say the mother knew. So please enlighten me with some PROOF of your claims or stop bearing false witness against your neighbor.

That's not an important enough Commandment for her to follow.
That's right, because 9 year old girls deserve abortions! After all, they're sexually active...it's right and good that they get victimized 2 times instead of just once, the little sluts!

Thanks KG.

Whenever I feel a little bit bad about my stance on abortion rights not quite meshing with the religious tradition in which I was raised, hearing from people as hardcore as you makes me feel better about holding the line against the religious right on this issue.
I don't see how taking a stand against douchebags who victimize children, and defend those who victimize children, is being pro-Catholic church.

I'm not even Catholic.

But you see it through that pro-child abuse filter, that's what you see, I guess. The girl is secondary to the *issue*, you see!
Thanks, bod. I already read it.

And the title of the thread is misleading, though not precisely dishonest. The child isn't in danger of excommunication. Her mother is.

How far along was her pregnancy? Did any of you yahoos who are pretending to care about the child think to check?
Mal, are you saying you think a 9-year-old should bring a twin pregnancy to term?

Regardless of whether her doctors think she will survive it?

I'm Observing some Realities...

Here's another one... She's Pregnant... If her Body couldn't handle it wouldn't have happened.

Having said that, NO Option is good here but Deliberately Killing seems like the Worst Option IMO.



Are you fucking kidding me? :eek:

I loved the "if her body couldn't handle it, it wouldn't have happened" bit.
It comes down to this...

As usual, the pro-abortion, anti-child loons are frantically screaming
"ABORT ABORT ABORT MUST ABORT!" before they even know what the fuck the situation is.

They don't give a shit about this little girl.

they don't know anything about the story. They don't know the situation that resulted in her pregnancy..but I can tell you this, I've never heard of a young girl being repeatedly raped (and the chances of a 9 y.o. getting pregnant as the result of one incident is pretty much impossible) without the Mom being aware. They ALWAYS know.

You don't know how far along she was. She might have been 4 or 5 months pregnant, in which case an abortion is every bit as risky as carrying the babies.

You seize on a pro-abortion article and you run with it....turning the mother into some sort of hero, and abortion as a cure-all for child rape and whatever ails little miss.

Insensitive, stupid butchers. And you say you care about women. What a joke.

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