90 % of all companies has sold out the nation for GREED

Remember America's democracy was a limited democracy for only the most wise to vote. As America became a wider and wider democracy it became weaker and weaker

Why do you want to take the right to vote away from yourself?

All people voting with the highest logic helps everyone the best.

I understand that. but you have the logic of a head of cabbage, so by your own rules you would not be allowed to vote

People with logic will understand how a logic test for voters must come

Without logic one cannot understand that value
Companies have no nation, they have the singular purpose to make a profit.

Not true. There are millions of companies not intended to make a profit and millions of others are non-profit companies.

Correct. A successful group comes from a non democratic system The success comes from the top logic intellect is obeyed by the rest

Armies and football teams win with this system. Nations and also long term for profit corporations success comes from anti democracy system

Unfairly, how can anyone disagree that the simple word GREED has been bestowed with a negative connotation?

Isn't being tough competition the same thing?

In a rare minority of instances greed is bad, someone pushes too far and cheats or uses unfair practices.

As a Realtor for more than 40 years, I was greedy. I could not have existed had I NOT been greedy. I WANTED each and every listing I went after. If, on the rare occasions where that listing went to another agent, I WANTED TO KNOW WHY! I would inquire of the owner, WHAT COULD I HAVE DONE BETTER to have won your confidence.

Did Henry Ford invent and raise the wages of his workers out of the generosity of his heart? Of course not, he wanted to sell the most cars and drive his competitors out of business.

Did Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne found Apple to be just a fun little company building computers?

The list goes on and on!

Companies have no nation, they have the singular purpose to make a profit.

Not true. There are millions of companies not intended to make a profit and millions of others are non-profit companies.

A business cannot remain a business without making a profit, that is their whole point for existing.

Short term profit companies destroys the future and all then loses

Long term profit system works the best

Globalists are shorter. Term. But then loses

Unfairly, how can anyone disagree that the simple word GREED has been bestowed with a negative connotation?

Isn't being tough competition the same thing?

In a rare minority of instances greed is bad, someone pushes too far and cheats or uses unfair practices.

As a Realtor for more than 40 years, I was greedy. I could not have existed had I NOT been greedy. I WANTED each and every listing I went after. If, on the rare occasions where that listing went to another agent, I WANTED TO KNOW WHY! I would inquire of the owner, WHAT COULD I HAVE DONE BETTER to have won your confidence.

Did Henry Ford invent and raise the wages of his workers out of the generosity of his heart? Of course not, he wanted to sell the most cars and drive his competitors out of business.

Did Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne found Apple to be just a fun little company building computers?

The list goes on and on!

The cycles of life has greed ripening like an apple to then rot and fall

Greed works to help but then to destroy in every cycle.
Egypt rulers greed got so strong they did not want to pay their wise Jews good wages

They saw other lower logic people to replace and then Egypt got destroyed

When not the wise correctly the wise will leave and in time over throw the insane greed types
Dark ages comes back when greed becomes too much. Humanity goes back and loses the progress

A wisdom test for voters would keep insane greed to stop only crooks wants low wisdom voters. Crooks with the insane greed runs in to vote the low iqs and from their voting everything falls
Its greedy to want to keep moochers from vampire sucking your company dry with taxes?
In short greed ripens and then destroys nations

Only wisdom tests for voters can stop their ripening to destruction
yes 90 % of all people --- companies-- websites have sold out the nation for insane greed

Including the whole educational system. Professors work for more students to increase their greed ... They work to give students big money from tax payers ... No matter if the degrees are worthless

Insane greed has ripened and the Rot and Fall of the nation has come

This is universal law
Corporations are not charities. They work to squeeze every cent they can out as profit. That's why they are anti environment and anti worker.

And that's why we have government to oversee those corporations.

The problem is that Republicans have been brainwashed into believing their own freedoms are compromised if you reign in corporations. It's an unbelievable job that's worked incredibly well on an ignorant GOP base. That's why we have to defeat them at the polls. Their superstitious beliefs endanger us all. Corporations are NOT people.
Corporations represent the PEOPLE who hold stock in them.
yes 90 % of all people --- companies-- websites have sold out the nation for insane greed

Including the whole educational system. Professors work for more students to increase their greed ... They work to give students big money from tax payers ... No matter if the degrees are worthless

Insane greed has ripened and the Rot and Fall of the nation has come

This is universal law
Corporations are not charities. They work to squeeze every cent they can out as profit. That's why they are anti environment and anti worker.

And that's why we have government to oversee those corporations.

The problem is that Republicans have been brainwashed into believing their own freedoms are compromised if you reign in corporations. It's an unbelievable job that's worked incredibly well on an ignorant GOP base. That's why we have to defeat them at the polls. Their superstitious beliefs endanger us all. Corporations are NOT people.
Corporations represent the PEOPLE who hold stock in them.

Yeah, the teachers unions for example. Pretty much any Democrat with a job has their pensions and 401k's invested in corporations.
In short greed ripens and then destroys nations

Only wisdom tests for voters can stop their ripening to destruction

Greed is how the USA became the most powerful country in all of human history.

Wrong Dead Wrong

America had the highest logic voters coming from the system made by the highest logic leaders

The wise of the world recognized the value and came here to help further
yes 90 % of all people --- companies-- websites have sold out the nation for insane greed

Including the whole educational system. Professors work for more students to increase their greed ... They work to give students big money from tax payers ... No matter if the degrees are worthless

Insane greed has ripened and the Rot and Fall of the nation has come

This is universal law
Corporations are not charities. They work to squeeze every cent they can out as profit. That's why they are anti environment and anti worker.

And that's why we have government to oversee those corporations.

The problem is that Republicans have been brainwashed into believing their own freedoms are compromised if you reign in corporations. It's an unbelievable job that's worked incredibly well on an ignorant GOP base. That's why we have to defeat them at the polls. Their superstitious beliefs endanger us all. Corporations are NOT people.
Corporations represent the PEOPLE who hold stock in them.

Short term profit greed is the destruction greed
paying someone 10 cents an hour will give the best short term profit but then totally destroys with the destruction of the worker

Only a wisdom test for voters can regulate greed to stay under control
Companies have no nation, they have the singular purpose to make a profit.

Not true. There are millions of companies not intended to make a profit and millions of others are non-profit companies.

Millions! What part is not clear? What is the percentage of for-profit hospitals in the United States?

you do know that "not for profit hospitals" still have to make a profit to survive, they just have to use it on the hospitals and not return it to investors. If they do not make a profit to use for facility improvements, equipment and training they will go under...which is happening a lot thanks to the ACA.

My wife's hospital is a "not for profit" hospital and I can tell you they care a shit ton about how much they make
Logic is what decides what type of greed that works

So make a high logic ability test for voters and then success for all
Running in more people and especially the lower logics which are more easy to fool is what insane greed does

The insane greed works the systems of communicating to brainwash these lower logics

Yes they get higher profits for a short while ... But their lower logics then makes other areas fall and then the whole nation falls

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