911 WTC Explosions, Flight 175, Creating the Myth


VIP Member
Oct 2, 2013
In software readily available on the consumer market in 2001, it only takes a couple minutes to make this:


Here is the hezerkhani clip from battery park that was on tv played 6 times each hour with the osama bin laden label attached

Of course these first plane clips were seen the next day after event so any armature could be used to modify these videos and insert a


not so jazzed up poorly done matrix effect.

But for the media and government to willfully present by any excuse computer generated images as factual onto the people of this country with the intent to cause one to believe they are real is a crime if it carries no disclaimer like war of the worlds did.

Its so odd that the fake plane just happens to look identical to what we are told is a real plane. So odd.

How come the video experts around here have not spotted these forgeries? So very odd.

So prove the contents of the hezerkhani clip are real?

and why do they look nearly identical?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y23WN9t_WVU"]Do You Believe in Magic?[/ame]

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I missed where being able to do something on a computer proves a video is fake.

So you're thinking there was no plane, they made various fake videos of planes, and all the people on the ground who saw a plane hit are in on the conspiracy, and the passengers who got on those planes are locked away somewhere so they won't tell?
Oh good. Yet another conspiracy asshole thread on the topic of 9/11 using videos to not prove any point whatsoever.

That's what USMB needed.
I missed where being able to do something on a computer proves a video is fake.

So you're thinking there was no plane, they made various fake videos of planes, and all the people on the ground who saw a plane hit are in on the conspiracy, and the passengers who got on those planes are locked away somewhere so they won't tell?

do you think the event looks that way when a plane impacts a solid object?

are you able to point out what is impossible in that video in real life?

They are numerous see if you can find just one.
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I missed where being able to do something on a computer proves a video is fake.

So you're thinking there was no plane, they made various fake videos of planes, and all the people on the ground who saw a plane hit are in on the conspiracy, and the passengers who got on those planes are locked away somewhere so they won't tell?

do you think the event looks that way when a plane impacts a solid object?

are you able to point out what is impossible in that video in real life?

They are numerous see if you can find just one.

You think a wall of glass is a solid enough object to deter the impact of a jet plane crashing into it?

In your uneducated and uninformed guesstimation, how "should" it have looked when the jet plane crashed into that wall of glass?
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I missed where being able to do something on a computer proves a video is fake.

So you're thinking there was no plane, they made various fake videos of planes, and all the people on the ground who saw a plane hit are in on the conspiracy, and the passengers who got on those planes are locked away somewhere so they won't tell?

do you think the event looks that way when a plane impacts a solid object?

are you able to point out what is impossible in that video in real life?

They are numerous see if you can find just one.

You think a wall of glass is a solid enough object to deter the impact of a jet plane crashing into it?

In your uneducated and uninformed guesstimation, how "should" it have looked when the jet plane crashed into that wall of glass?

wow you think the wtc was made out of glass? First time I ever heard that one!
do you think the event looks that way when a plane impacts a solid object?
I don't know, I've never seen a big plane hit a building. Do you have videos of airliners hitting other skyscrapers so we can attempt to determine whether the video is reasonable?

So I ask again to be clear... you're thinking there was no plane, they made various fake videos of planes, and all the people on the ground who saw a plane hit are in on the conspiracy, and the passengers who got on those planes are locked away somewhere so they won't tell? Then to top it off they organized this massive conspiracy but forgot to make the video have the plane blow up?

They are numerous see if you can find just one.
I cannot. Is your expertise on the subject from watching conspiracy videos on youtube?

do you think the event looks that way when a plane impacts a solid object?

are you able to point out what is impossible in that video in real life?

They are numerous see if you can find just one.

You think a wall of glass is a solid enough object to deter the impact of a jet plane crashing into it?

In your uneducated and uninformed guesstimation, how "should" it have looked when the jet plane crashed into that wall of glass?

wow you think the wtc was made out of glass? First time I ever heard that one!

wow cuckoocuckooMofo thinks that the windows in the towers were not made of glass.

Speaking of conspiracy NUTS!

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do you think the event looks that way when a plane impacts a solid object?
I don't know, I've never seen a big plane hit a building. Do you have videos of airliners hitting other skyscrapers so we can attempt to determine whether the video is reasonable?

So I ask again to be clear... you're thinking there was no plane, they made various fake videos of planes, and all the people on the ground who saw a plane hit are in on the conspiracy, and the passengers who got on those planes are locked away somewhere so they won't tell? Then to top it off they organized this massive conspiracy but forgot to make the video have the plane blow up?

They are numerous see if you can find just one.
I cannot. Is your expertise on the subject from watching conspiracy videos on youtube?

I am saying that all the video clips of all the planes have been faked.

you can draw whatever secondary conclusions from that, that you wish, however remember where my premise begins and ends.
There are dozens of videos of that 2nd plane hitting, but the lunatic must think they are all fake. And the people who watched it in person are all lying.

Nuttier than a fruitcake.
In the loopey land of CuckooMoFo, a jet plane full of passengers crashing into the towers SHOULD have --

bounced off?

I never said or implied that, ever.

Why would you say such dumb assed shit and credit me with it?

Are you scared?
I am saying that all the video clips of all the planes have been faked.
And be extension you are claiming all the people in New York who watched the plane fly into the tower are lying.

And you believe the government made such a massive conspiracy with dozens of fake videos and thousands of liars on the ground but oopsie forgot to make the plane explode on the building.

You are nuts.
There are dozens of videos of that 2nd plane hitting, but the lunatic must think they are all fake. And the people who watched it in person are all lying.

Nuttier than a fruitcake.

So prove the plane in the video is real.

There are many things that cannot be easily reproduced, there are many errors oversights etc in the video as a result of that.

However if no one here can point so much as one of the several oversights or errors out then I am most likely wasting my time on this board.

Can you point out one, there is one that is incredibly obvious even to completely computer illiterate laymen.
In the loopey land of CuckooMoFo, a jet plane full of passengers crashing into the towers SHOULD have --

bounced off?

Well, if KaKa really is a 7forever sock, like I suspect, he thinks the Twin Towers were brought down by mysterious balls, "orbs" or "black blobs". These mysterious objects were apparently filled with Super Thermite and firing Destructo rays (patent pending). :cuckoo:
In the loopey land of CuckooMoFo, a jet plane full of passengers crashing into the towers SHOULD have --

bounced off?

Well, if KaKa really is a 7forever sock, like I suspect, he thinks the Twin Towers were brought down by mysterious balls, "orbs" or "black blobs". These mysterious objects were apparently filled with Super Thermite and firing Destructo rays (patent pending). :cuckoo:

If you were paying attention I did not get in his face about it because he did not get into mine. He occasionally comes up with a point here or there that I agree with.

Did you know Nikola tesla used to hold a piece of wire in his hand and people would watch it disintegrate spewing hot metal into the audience and almost resulting in suits being filed against him? He stopped doing that trick. Its not part of this thread however I am not a neanderthal about where technology is at as you appear to be.
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