93% Of Democratic Senate Or Governor Candidates Are White


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
93% of Democratic Senate or Governor Candidates Are White

The last primaries ended last night, and down to defeat in the Rhode Island Governor’s race went Providence Mayor Angel Tavares, the last chance for the Democrats to nominate a Hispanic candidate for one of the two big statewide offices (Senate and Governor) – while Republicans will be running two Hispanic Governors for re-election, Democrats will not have a single Hispanic candidate heading a statewide ticket. We can revisit my analysis from May of the demographic breakdown of the Democrats’ statewide candidates, now that we have final results. In the 71 races they are contesting, 66 of the 71 candidates the Democrats are running (93%) are white, 56 of the 71 (79%) are male, and 53 of 71 (75%) are white males. That could spell trouble for the Democrats’ hopes of turning out a voting base that is disproportionately non-white and female. For all the Democrats’ rhetoric about race, they are running fewer non-white candidates than the Republicans are, and fewer in races they are seriously contesting.
93 of Democratic Senate or Governor Candidates Are White RedState

Geno get in here!!!

I like that we're still running our people for office of our country, but the left are hyocrites!
It's a matter of wanting people to listen to what they say, not look at what they do. Republicans have long had a better track record when it comes to supporting minorities and women in high places. And the left viciously attacks all women and minorities on the right with far more vigor than they attack white males.
The long term trend for whites in the Democratic Party is not favorable and even less so for white politicians. The minority masses don't like the plantation symbolism of being ruled over by whites. Eventually minority politicians will displace white leadership and take control of the party for themselves, just as black politicians displaced white politicians in Compton, CA and like Hispanic politicians are now challenging blacks for control.

Politically ambitious whites will soon find the only home available to them is in the non-racist Republican Party.
Vote for a hispanic you get Bell California. Vote for a black you get Detroit.
Sad fact is that 90% of Blacks will vote Democrat nationally. They will re-elect sub standard members to the House such as Sheila JacksonLee and Chuck Rengal.
Does anyone believe rdean and company will accuse the Democrat party of being racist because of this?

93 of Democratic Senate or Governor Candidates Are White RedState

The last primaries ended last night, and down to defeat in the Rhode Island Governor’s race went Providence Mayor Angel Tavares, the last chance for the Democrats to nominate a Hispanic candidate for one of the two big statewide offices (Senate and Governor) – while Republicans will be running two Hispanic Governors for re-election, Democrats will not have a single Hispanic candidate heading a statewide ticket. We can revisit my analysis from May of the demographic breakdown of the Democrats’ statewide candidates, now that we have final results. In the 71 races they are contesting, 66 of the 71 candidates the Democrats are running (93%) are white, 56 of the 71 (79%) are male, and 53 of 71 (75%) are white males. That could spell trouble for the Democrats’ hopes of turning out a voting base that is disproportionately non-white and female. For all the Democrats’ rhetoric about race, they are running fewer non-white candidates than the Republicans are, and fewer in races they are seriously contesting.

Race By The Numbers

As distasteful as this sort of racial bean-counting is, it’s impossible to discuss the Democrats’ current political coalition and their voter-turnout operations without race, and so it is worth considering how that is reflected in their candidates for major office. There are 35 Senate races this fall, including a couple of special elections, and 37 Governors races. Republicans are running candidates in all 72. Democrats failed to contest one Senate race (Jeff Sessions is running unopposed in Alabama), and in two other races, the Kansas Senate race and the Alaska Governor’s race, their candidate withdrew (or attempted to withdraw) so the party could back a candidate running nominally as an independent (in Alaska, the Democrats’ candidate is actually running as the “independent” candidate’s running mate). For demographic purposes, I simply counted these latter two races as the Democrats running a white male, since their original candidates were white males and so are the nominal independents.
Yet minorities favor Dems over Reps. I guess they're not falling for the Reps saying "Hey I have black friends. Really"
Diversity in the 113th Congress

While 94 percent of the U.S. Senate is white, 19% of the House of Representatives is made up of minority groups. There are 28 Hispanics serving in the House— 25 Democrats and three Republicans. The Senate is made up of 1% African American, I % Asian, 2% Hispanic, 2% not Stated, and 94% White. The House is made up of 9% African American, 25% Asian, 1% Japanese American, 1% Asian American, 5% not stated, and 77% White.
Yet minorities favor Dems over Reps. I guess they're not falling for the Reps saying "Hey I have black friends. Really"
Lol I love it when cons pay attention to facts and statistics only when it benefits their ideology somehow. God forbid they pay attention to the ones that matter.

My response to this? So the fuck what? Mostly white people run for office. This doesn't make either party racist.
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Both parties need to do better with minority candidates, but the Dems do better than the GOP.

Here are the more important stats, though, that reveal the GOP better change and immediately.

All millennials will be of age to vote by 2020 and will make up 40% of those eligible to vote. 68% of professionals vote Democratic. http://cdn.americanprogressaction.org/wp-content/uploads/issues/2010/06/pdf/voter_demographics.pdf

If women decided to elect HRC in 2016, the GOP as we know it is doomed.
oh yeah I was just reading about this

how about that Rdean? where are you now?

anyone notice rdean hasn't been around? seems he goes on vacation and his cousin Billyzero steps in
Both parties need to do better with minority candidates, but the Dems do better than the GOP.

Here are the more important stats, though, that reveal the GOP better change and immediately.

All millennials will be of age to vote by 2020 and will make up 40% of those eligible to vote. 68% of professionals vote Democratic. http://cdn.americanprogressaction.org/wp-content/uploads/issues/2010/06/pdf/voter_demographics.pdf

If women decided to elect HRC in 2016, the GOP as we know it is doomed.

Dems are better at exploiting minorities. If the Rs run another mccain they would lose big to mickey mouse.
Like the pubs have won five of the last six national votes, and four of the last six presidencies, hmmm.
Diversity in the 113th Congress

While 94 percent of the U.S. Senate is white, 19% of the House of Representatives is made up of minority groups. There are 28 Hispanics serving in the House— 25 Democrats and three Republicans. The Senate is made up of 1% African American, I % Asian, 2% Hispanic, 2% not Stated, and 94% White. The House is made up of 9% African American, 25% Asian, 1% Japanese American, 1% Asian American, 5% not stated, and 77% White.

Republicans have elected six blacks to higher office in the last 100 years

That is all you need to know
Diversity in the 113th Congress

While 94 percent of the U.S. Senate is white, 19% of the House of Representatives is made up of minority groups. There are 28 Hispanics serving in the House— 25 Democrats and three Republicans. The Senate is made up of 1% African American, I % Asian, 2% Hispanic, 2% not Stated, and 94% White. The House is made up of 9% African American, 25% Asian, 1% Japanese American, 1% Asian American, 5% not stated, and 77% White.

Republicans have elected six blacks to higher office in the last 100 years

That is all you need to know

Electing someone just because of their ethnicity or color means nothing.
Diversity in the 113th Congress

While 94 percent of the U.S. Senate is white, 19% of the House of Representatives is made up of minority groups. There are 28 Hispanics serving in the House— 25 Democrats and three Republicans. The Senate is made up of 1% African American, I % Asian, 2% Hispanic, 2% not Stated, and 94% White. The House is made up of 9% African American, 25% Asian, 1% Japanese American, 1% Asian American, 5% not stated, and 77% White.

Republicans have elected six blacks to higher office in the last 100 years

That is all you need to know

Electing someone just because of their ethnicity or color means nothing.

Electing only six non whites over a hundred years proves something

Republicans will not vote for a black
Diversity in the 113th Congress

While 94 percent of the U.S. Senate is white, 19% of the House of Representatives is made up of minority groups. There are 28 Hispanics serving in the House— 25 Democrats and three Republicans. The Senate is made up of 1% African American, I % Asian, 2% Hispanic, 2% not Stated, and 94% White. The House is made up of 9% African American, 25% Asian, 1% Japanese American, 1% Asian American, 5% not stated, and 77% White.

Republicans have elected six blacks to higher office in the last 100 years

That is all you need to know
And Democrats, by contrast, have elected some 100 representatives to Congress since 1930.

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