93-year-old Holocaust survivor wants AOC out of congress


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019

We all know that Alexandria Kotex is a blithering idiot, but she is making some enemies now. I predict she is a one-termer, especially considering the accidental way she got elected.

93-year-old Holocaust survivor wants AOC out of congress, given 'Nobel Prize in stupidity' for concentration camp comments
LINK: 93-year-old Holocaust survivor wants AOC out of congress, given 'Nobel Prize in stupidity' for concentration camp comments

While Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and her friends in the media, are quintupling down on comparing American detention facilities to concentration camps, a survivor of the real concentration camps in Nazi Germany is livid, and speaking out.

Ed Mosberg is 93 years old, and is one of the few people still alive who survived the Nazi camps. He lives in Morris Plains, NJ, and he spoke to the New York Post about the freshman congresswoman's comments.

"She should be removed from Congress. She's spreading anti-Semitism, hatred and stupidity," he said to the paper. "The people on the border aren't forced to be there — they go there on their own will. If someone doesn't know the difference, either they're playing stupid or they just don't care."

It's not just about the intent or the status of the people at the border, but the offensiveness of the comparison itself. Mosberg's whole family was killed, murdered by the Nazis. He was the lone survivor, and made it out of two concentration camps, Plaszów and Mauthausen.

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