95,000 non-citizens are registered to vote in Texas, state officials discover

What voter fraud does voter ID stop?
Good point. California gives DLs to illegals. California also auto-registers all new DL recipients to vote, so ID will do jack shit in California.

Why bother, right?

It's hysterical watching rightards demonstrate the inability to learn as they repeat the same tired, debunked nonsense, over and over again.

No, rightard, California does not register illegal aliens to vote. They don't qualify for a regular driver's license which can be used to register. They're given an AB60 license which can't be used to register or to vote.
Of course they do. Anyone can register to vote in California with no questions asked. In addition anyone can just walk in to vote. No ID required. Why do you like Russians voting for Hillary?

See, you were proven to be a lying fuck & yet you continue.

There are no statistics that show significant voter fraud that a photo ID would prevent.
How can they check for voter fraud if they can't check IDs?
It's very obvious that the Democrats use voter fraud to subvert our elections.
Hmm, that must explain why you can't actually find any illegal aliens who voted in 2016 or 2018.
Which is more fradulant

A tweet by a state official

VOTER FRAUD ALERT: The @TXsecofstatediscovered approx 95,000 individuals identified by DPS as non-U.S. citizens have a matching voter registration record in TX, approx 58,000 of whom have voted in TX elections. Any illegal vote deprives Americans of their voice.

Any the guy who claims to know fake news are very own Trump tweeted this 2 days later

58,000 non-citizens voted in Texas, with 95,000 non-citizens registered to vote. These numbers are just the tip of the iceberg

Secretary of State David Whitley issued an advisory to county voter registrars that this was a soft match over a 22 YEAR period and that this was a WEAK match

This means voter registrars had to verifity if the name were in fact non citizens

Why because if they gain citizenship at a later date there was no requirement to update driver records with the new status

The government official should have did more research and verification other than shouting FIRE because someone was smoking in the bathroom

Week later state officials had to publicly admit that some of the name should not have been on the list

Colorado did the same thing and in the end were only able to verify less than 1% of 4,000 names initially identified

Such numbers will not effect National elections, local elections are more susceptible

Second they didn't provide number of who voted repub or demo or donald duck

Which is more fraudulent the actual number of illegal voters discovered ?

or State officials who will report FAKE number that make it sound like a big problems simply for political purposes.
Once again, proof of massive voter fraud. We all know the Dims will continue to maintain that voter fraud doesn't happen:

95,000 non-citizens are registered to vote in Texas, state officials discover

About 95,000 non-citizens are registered to vote in Texas, and more than half of those have cast ballots in at least one election, Texas Secretary of State David Whitley announced on Friday. Whitley's office, along with the Texas Department of Public Safety, had been investigating possible voter fraud for the last year, according to a news release. Of the 95,000 non-citizens registered, 58,000 have voted in one or more elections since 1996.
This thread ended embarrassinly:
Texas Voting Chief Who Led Botched Voter Purge Resigns
Actually it went as expected. Democrats protected the illegals voting.

“Whitley, who was appointed by Gov. Greg Abbott in December, needed a two-thirds vote from the state Senate to be permanently confirmed to the position, but voting-rights groups put pressure on Texas Democrats to stop the confirmation following his voter purge efforts.”
Your quote says nothing about illegals voting.
What voter fraud does voter ID stop?
Good point. California gives DLs to illegals. California also auto-registers all new DL recipients to vote, so ID will do jack shit in California.

Why bother, right?

Simply not true Bootney....

Immigrants getting licenses go thru a different process to get their driver's licenses in California, with a license that identifies them as non citizens, and where they are NOT registered to vote automatically.

The licenses are remarkably similar in appearance.


The trump cultists are so far gone....This Republican,in a republican state, was forced to resign because of scandal. He was caught so red handed and full of shit that he resigned instead of fighting it. But the trump cultists, who now see their cult leaser as the OWNER of the republican party, refuse to accept that this disgraced liar did anything wrong. Because, trump cult.

You are not going to reason with the cultists. They left the building loooong ago.
The trump cultists are so far gone....This Republican,in a republican state, was forced to resign because of scandal. He was caught so red handed and full of shit that he resigned instead of fighting it. But the trump cultists, who now see their cult leaser as the OWNER of the republican party, refuse to accept that this disgraced liar did anything wrong. Because, trump cult.

You are not going to reason with the cultists. They left the building loooong ago.
Only 6 more years left. You can return from Bakin Faso then.

Sorry, but it doesn’t result in illegals voting
Nice try though

Actually, it does, but you already know that to be a fact.

GOWDY: [...] Clinton said ‘I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. Was that true?
COMEY: There was classified material e-mail

Well Clinton only said that she did not email classified material

Comey only said that classified material was found

Yeah she was not up to the task of determining what was classified and maybe she was expected big letters saying classified instead of a (c) which supposedly means classified material.

he didn't say that the she emailed classified material, as people may have emailed her classified material or it may have been classified at a later date as it has to go through a process of being classified.

He just said that FBI found some

Once material is classified it should be secured and not available to be emailed.

Yet Trump told secrets to the Russian ambassador in a meeting in the white house

Yeah the president determines what is classified but there is a process and the process is not after you blurt it out because Trump wasn't up to understanding classified material. The president delegates this authority to those who understand classified material

GOWDY: [...] Clinton said all work-related e-mails were returned to the State Department. Was that true?
COMEY: No. We found work-related e-mails, thousands that were not returned.

Of course it wasn't true as they recovered emails from other sources or from other people email accounts. Also they probably recovered emails that were already deleted prior to Clinton turning available email still in her email account

from Clinton's perspective she had turned everything over that was available
from Comey's perspective they had found more work related emails

Should Gowdy have asked for more clarification, yeah he should have but the snippet was good enough for his motives

Comey said Clinton wasn't sophisticated enough to understand what
information was classified and what wasn't.

Yeah apparently the (c) means classified, yeah she should have known

FBI had completed its investigation and the recommendation "that no charges are appropriate in this case" was determined by professionals.
The trump cultists are so far gone....This Republican,in a republican state, was forced to resign because of scandal. He was caught so red handed and full of shit that he resigned instead of fighting it. But the trump cultists, who now see their cult leaser as the OWNER of the republican party, refuse to accept that this disgraced liar did anything wrong. Because, trump cult.

You are not going to reason with the cultists. They left the building loooong ago.
Only 6 more years left. You can return from Bakin Faso then.
You're not making any sense. Put down the crack pipe, sir.

I gotta tell ya...it was pretty hilarious to watch you do your proud little peacock dance over this, insisting that texas was finally going to validate your nutball fantasies. And then, when it turned out this way, insisting you knew that it would end this way. Though i would never wish to be an ignorant, delusional freak like you, it must be quite a luxury to be "right", even when you are ass backwards wrong.
What voter fraud does voter ID stop?
Good point. California gives DLs to illegals. California also auto-registers all new DL recipients to vote, so ID will do jack shit in California.

Why bother, right?

Simply not true Bootney....

Immigrants getting licenses go thru a different process to get their driver's licenses in California, with a license that identifies them as non citizens, and where they are NOT registered to vote automatically.

The licenses are remarkably similar in appearance.


So what if they look similar? The process used to register voters is an automated electronic transfer. One that electronically excludes AB60 license holders.
The trump cultists are so far gone....This Republican,in a republican state, was forced to resign because of scandal. He was caught so red handed and full of shit that he resigned instead of fighting it. But the trump cultists, who now see their cult leaser as the OWNER of the republican party, refuse to accept that this disgraced liar did anything wrong. Because, trump cult.

You are not going to reason with the cultists. They left the building loooong ago.
None, involved where a voter ID would have stopped it or did stop it....

and the Mexican lady in Texas with the American husband and two American children, convicted for voter fraud that you have given two links on, WAS A REPUBLICAN.

And please tell us, WHAT do you have to say on the rampant voter fraud case in North Carolina that Republicans orchestrated with absentee ballots?
So what if they [California Drivers Licenses] look similar? The process used to register voters is an automated electronic transfer. One that electronically excludes AB60 license holders.

Come on, you know as well as I do that the far left Progressives in California are from loonie bins. Of course, they think illegal aliens should vote. Their effort to overwhelm thinking people.

What's True
California has implemented a law providing for the automatic voter registration of motorists who obtain or renew driver's licenses, and critics contend that the law will make it easier for non-citizens to unlawfully vote.

What's False
California has not implemented a law authorizing non-citizens to vote in federal elections.

FACT CHECK: Did California Pass a Law Allowing Undocumented Immigrants to Vote in Federal Elections?
What voter fraud does voter ID stop?
Good point. California gives DLs to illegals. California also auto-registers all new DL recipients to vote, so ID will do jack shit in California.

Why bother, right?

Simply not true Bootney....

Immigrants getting licenses go thru a different process to get their driver's licenses in California, with a license that identifies them as non citizens, and where they are NOT registered to vote automatically.

The licenses are remarkably similar in appearance.


Driver license do not determine eligibility to vote

As once you get your license and become a citizen, you are not required to get a new license

Voting eligibility in the U.S. is determined by Federal and state laws thus it is up to each state to establish if anyone voting meets the criteria

You are eligible to vote in federal elections if:
  • You are a U.S. citizen (either by birth or naturalization)
There are other things but nowhere does it say that a license establishes citizenship

This is not a bar where fake ID's are flashed and the person says good enough for me

State has a responsibility to verify things but unfortunately they want the easy way out and not put in the effort
We need a national issued ID for citizens only. Or they need to stop giving state issued id to illegals.
None, involved where a voter ID would have stopped it or did stop it....

and the Mexican lady in Texas with the American husband and two American children, convicted for voter fraud that you have given two links on, WAS A REPUBLICAN.

And please tell us, WHAT do you have to say on the rampant voter fraud case in North Carolina that Republicans orchestrated with absentee ballots?

Not voter ID, photo IDs.

Unlike Democrats, I care if there is anyone who is ineligible to vote, casting a ballot.

Are you familiar with the Cloward-Piven Strategy?

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