96% of Trump voters say: "No Regrets"...Really???

Yes, the latest ABC/Wash. Post poll yields that 96% "amazing" datum that Trump voters are still sticking with the orange charlatan......

Now, what would an objective viewer conclude from such a high ranking?

1. Loyalty is non-discerning?
2. Trump voters refuse to admit reality?
3. Trump voters were dumb 6 months ago and are STILL dumb?

Of all the promises made by Trump.....by his OWN admission.....of what he would do in the first 100 days in office ( , making American great, defeating ISIS, a Mexican paid-for wall, ban immigrants, tax reform, health care, working tirelessly in the oval office, infrastructure funding, etc.) ONLY two have been fulfilled......

a. Trump did get Gorsuch a SCOTUS seat; of course, given the right wing majority in congress and the nuclear option factor, Trump could have nominated a first-year law student and managed to get him or her seated....

b. Trump has drastically improved his golf game.......

(I'd go with number 3 above.....LOL)
There's a pretty good chance that he'll be able to nominate at least two more Supreme Court justices…
we need more fuel for the liberal waahmbulance

for those folks it's gonna be a long long long loooooooooong 8 years!
You almost gotta laugh that radical angry borderline psychotic lefties who depended on the polls that predicted Hillary would win are still depending on the polls that supposedly indicate "regret" among Trump voters. Get used to it lefties, Trump won the election and all the whining in the world ain't gonna change that fact.

Why do you keep saying such goofy shit? The polls predicted the popular vote, which she won by a landslide.
You almost gotta laugh that radical angry borderline psychotic lefties who depended on the polls that predicted Hillary would win are still depending on the polls that supposedly indicate "regret" among Trump voters. Get used to it lefties, Trump won the election and all the whining in the world ain't gonna change that fact.

Why do you keep saying such goofy shit? The polls predicted the popular vote, which she won by a landslide.

She won the popular vote by 2.1%, less than 50% of the vote and you consider that a landslide and you chastise others about posting goofy shit? Lol!
You almost gotta laugh that radical angry borderline psychotic lefties who depended on the polls that predicted Hillary would win are still depending on the polls that supposedly indicate "regret" among Trump voters. Get used to it lefties, Trump won the election and all the whining in the world ain't gonna change that fact.

Why do you keep saying such goofy shit? The polls predicted the popular vote, which she won by a landslide.

She won the popular vote by 2.1%, less than 50% of the vote and you consider that a landslide and you chastise others about posting goofy shit? Lol!

3 million votes isn't small.
Yes, the latest ABC/Wash. Post poll yields that 96% "amazing" datum that Trump voters are still sticking with the orange charlatan......

Now, what would an objective viewer conclude from such a high ranking?

1. Loyalty is non-discerning?
2. Trump voters refuse to admit reality?
3. Trump voters were dumb 6 months ago and are STILL dumb?

Of all the promises made by Trump.....by his OWN admission.....of what he would do in the first 100 days in office ( , making American great, defeating ISIS, a Mexican paid-for wall, ban immigrants, tax reform, health care, working tirelessly in the oval office, infrastructure funding, etc.) ONLY two have been fulfilled......

a. Trump did get Gorsuch a SCOTUS seat; of course, given the right wing majority in congress and the nuclear option factor, Trump could have nominated a first-year law student and managed to get him or her seated....

b. Trump has drastically improved his golf game.......

(I'd go with number 3 above.....LOL)
Most of them wanted Kasich, Cruz, Jeb, Rubio, etc so most of them regret a traditional Republican didnt win.

But they are happy because a Republican won. Any Republican would do. In fact most of them would rather have George Bush over a Democrat. That means they haven't learned their lesson.

I wonder how when their way fails are they gonna pin it on Democrats? I know Trump will try and Republicans will buy it.

Just like the 2008 recession was anyone but Bush fault. Or Tom delay and Dennis hastert
You almost gotta laugh that radical angry borderline psychotic lefties who depended on the polls that predicted Hillary would win are still depending on the polls that supposedly indicate "regret" among Trump voters. Get used to it lefties, Trump won the election and all the whining in the world ain't gonna change that fact.

Why do you keep saying such goofy shit? The polls predicted the popular vote, which she won by a landslide.

She won the popular vote by 2.1%, less than 50% of the vote and you consider that a landslide and you chastise others about posting goofy shit? Lol!

3 million votes isn't small.

2.1% and not getting 50% is not a landslide, no matter how hard you want it to be, had it been a landslide you would think she would have won the electoral college. Keep trying! Lol!
'96% of Trump voters say: "No Regrets"...Really???'


2 latest polls show:

1) 98% of Trump voters say they would vote for Trump again TODAY. Only 85% of Hillary voters say they would vote for HER again. 2% of her voters say they would vote for Trump today instead of her.

2) 67% of the country - to include Democrats, say DEMOCRATS have loss touch with Americans / voters rather than the GOP.

(* See new threads for each)

And snowflakes have to post threads like this, asking questions like the one above, because they are still in denial...

98%.....and 2% of Hillary voters say they would switch and vote for Trump.

How's that 'Popular vote' win coming along, snowflakes? :p
. 2% of her voters say they would vote for Trump today instead of her.

From the same poll......

That's not because former Clinton supporters would now back Trump; only 2 percent of them say they'd do so, similar to the 1 percent of Trump voters who say they'd switch to Clinton. Instead, they're more apt to say they'd vote for a third-party candidate or wouldn’t vote.

Queasy is a total :ahole-1:LOL
. 2% of her voters say they would vote for Trump today instead of her.

From the same poll......

That's not because former Clinton supporters would now back Trump; only 2 percent of them say they'd do so, similar to the 1 percent of Trump voters who say they'd switch to Clinton. Instead, they're more apt to say they'd vote for a third-party candidate or wouldn’t vote.

Queasy is a total :ahole-1:LOL
-15% for Clinton and -1% for Trump = Trump Reaganesque landslide.
Only 85% of those who voted for Hillary would still do so again today.
2% said they would vote for Trump.
13% say they would vote 3rd party.
That means Hillary would lose the popular Vote today.

As time goes on, more and more people realize just how F*ed up Hillary, the DNC's candidate, was / is.
That means Hillary would lose the popular Vote today.

Finally an admission that Clinton DID win the popular vote....Congrats, moron, you're learning....LOL

BTW, how do you know the 13% of those who'd vote 3rd party are not from KY, WV, AL, TX., MS, OK, etc. Trump country????? LOL
Trump at 100 days: 96 percent of his voters say they'd do it again (POLL)

Get ready for the left wing media to claim the first 100 days is the worst 100 days in history. Overly exaggerated stories.

They went all in on the Russians thing in order to completely undermine the election and make his entire presidency totally illegitimate. It did not work. They sure tried didn't they? Amazing though how uniformly they went after it. Look we all know how this works.

They put the narrative out, never proved a thing, and their stupid parrots are fully on the line and parrot the same narrative. Not even knowing that the media has moved on from the story. Their damage is done.

Now, get ready for the nonstop claims of a failed presidency. Oh, how they truly wanted that pajama boy to win that election in GA last week. Oh, how they sunk money into that inconsequential election. Oh, how they wanted that to propel them into the first 100 day fake poll numbers story. They needed to show proof positive of the "failed" presidency of the illegitimate president.

Well, it did not happen. Notice how that story went away real fast right? Right? Went away real fast about that GA election.

Well, here come the claims of the low poll numbers. Brought to you by the same people that claim Obama's numbers were so high. Yet for some strange reason no president in history ever lost as many seats as did Obama. Does that make any sense to you? How, if Obama's approval ratings are sooooo high, did the democrats lose over 1000 seats (well over) from mayors to governors to the House and the Senate?

Does that track with the claims of high approval ratings? Of course not. That is proof that ALL of their stories with polls are fake. Meaning flat out lies. Remember this was the same group of losers that sat their in their fat arrogant pathetic expressions on election night watching as Trump won the presidency in a LANDSLIDE.


Get ready for the poll claims everyone. They CANNOT have a successful Trump presidency.
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Trump's numbers aren't just being compared to Obama's numbers. They are being compared to every president we have ever had. His ratings are the lowest ever for any president at this point in his presidency, and have been since the day he was inaugurated.
That means Hillary would lose the popular Vote today.

Finally an admission that Clinton DID win the popular vote....Congrats, moron, you're learning....LOL

BTW, how do you know the 13% of those who'd vote 3rd party are not from KY, WV, AL, TX., MS, OK, etc. Trump country????? LOL

When will you realize that at least 5k of the votes she received were fraudulent? And no, I'm not going to provide a link as it isn't necessary.
Well he has North Korea so scare they are now gathering the few Americans in North Korea to use as human shields just in case Donald give the go ahead to bomb that worthless twat of a nation to dust.

Would you say that is a good thang!?!
That means Hillary would lose the popular Vote today.

Finally an admission that Clinton DID win the popular vote....Congrats, moron, you're learning....LOL

BTW, how do you know the 13% of those who'd vote 3rd party are not from KY, WV, AL, TX., MS, OK, etc. Trump country????? LOL

Even if you added the third party vote here in Texas to Clinton total she would have still lost the State of Texas.

Jill Stein killed you in other states but not here in Texas.

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