9th/10th Amendment in action: Locals erect 3rdAmend Barrier against Feds and Illegals


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013


Texas Town (League City) invokes their Ninth and Tenth Amendment sovereignty and nullifies an undelegated (illegal) federal power:


» Texas Town: No Quarter for Illegals Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

A Texas town south of Houston has launched a pre-emptive strike prohibiting the federal government from using facilities in their community as shelters to house the overflow of illegal immigrants flooding the southern U.S. border.

“WHEREAS, the federal government has failed to protect the homeland in accordance with Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution,” the resolution states (see below), “Texas has the right and obligation to protect its citizens in accordance with Article 1, Section 1 of the Texas Constitution..”

Third Amendment:
No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

Now if the Federal Government attempts to commandeer their buildings to quarter federal LEO's and illegals, against the Consent of the local People, the Federal Government will be in violation of the Third Amendment.

They might be able to quarter a handful of them at the local (federal) post office in that town, but that's about it lol.
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You do realize that the town doesn't speak for 'Texas' right? That its a conversation between the State and the Feds?

And of course, the Feds aren't even proposing housing illegals in anyone's home. Making the 3rd amendment claims a demonstration of how hopelessly ignorant these south Texans actually are. And of course, those who ape them.

But way to quote Infowars! Why bother to educate yourself on the situation when you can let Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson do your thinking for you.
Bring it. My money is on the Feds, who the Supreme Court never dicks with when foreign policy is on the line.
You do realize that the town doesn't speak for 'Texas' right?

They never claimed to speak for Texas, that's why they invoked their local sovereignty via the Ninth Amendment to speak for themselves...hence the title of the thread...
Since the order of the Amendments doesn't matter, let us place the 10th before the 9th.

Tenth Amendment:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

In other words, all powers not expressly delegated to the Federal Government REMAIN with the States, or are RETAINED by the People if the those powers were not delegated to the State Government via the State Constitution.

Ninth Amendment:
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Just because the Third Amendment enumerates the right of the People to be free of the federal government quartering Soldiers among them, doesn't mean the federal Government can quarter a Legion of Illegal Immigrants among them instead. This would be a clear violation of the Ninth Amendment and of Popular Sovereignty therein. Popular Sovereignty is not just the CORE of the Ninth Amendment, but it's the CORE of the ENLIGHTENMENT.
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Bring it. My money is on the Feds, who the Supreme Court never dicks with when foreign policy is on the line.

This is InfoWars as the source. They're business plan is to whip hapless conspiracy lemmings into a frothing lather over next to nothing.

Its how they pay for their lunch.

In reality, we have a town council that voted against a proposed detention facility in their city borders. And from that we get the batshyte hysterics you see in this thread.
ms-13 murderers are hiding among those kids, since they are kids themselves.

so I'd ask the board leftist to tell the government how many they can take in.
Texas Town (League City) invokes their Ninth and Tenth Amendment sovereignty and nullifies an undelegated (illegal) federal power.


Texas and all of its jurisdictions remain subject to Federal law and the rulings of Federal courts.

They can play whatever ignorant, ridiculous partisan game they wish, but it doesn't change this fundamental, settled, and accepted fact of Constitutional jurisprudence: that Federal law is supreme.
You do realize that the town doesn't speak for 'Texas' right? That its a conversation between the State and the Feds?

Last time I checked, they were a part of the state...

Skylar doesn't understand that Ninth Amendment enshrines Popular Sovereignty, which is the CORE of the Enlightenment. Skylar believes that Feds > States > Local, but our Constitution makes it clear with the Ninth and Tenth Amendments that Local > States > Feds
ms-13 murderers are hiding among those kids, since they are kids themselves.

so I'd ask the board leftist to tell the government how many they can take in.

Why don't you stop sounding like a hysterical sissy...
Post a site supporting your idiocy and I'll post one discrediting it.
And for those of you too lazy to click on links:

WHEREAS, the citizens of League City, Texas recognize their duty as law-abiding citizens to act in accordance with the U.S. Constitution and the Texas Constitution, and agree that their right to life, liberty, and property shall not be infringed; and

WHEREAS, the federal government has failed to protect the homeland in accordance with Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, Texas has the right and obligation to protect its citizens in accordance with Article 1, Section 1 of the Texas Constitution:

Freedom and Sovereignty of State. Texas is a free and independent State, subject only to the Constitution of the United States, and the maintenance of our free institutions and the perpetuity of the Union depend upon the preservation of the right of local self- government, unimpaired to all the States.

And is supported by Article 1, Section 29 of the Texas Constitution:

Provisions of Bill of Rights Excepted from Powers of Government; To Forever Remain Inviolate. To guard against transgressions of the high powers herein designated, we declare that everything in this (Texas) "Bill of Rights" is excepted out of the general powers of government, and shall forever remain inviolate, and all laws contrary thereto, or to the following provisions, shall be void.

WHEREAS, the citizens of League City, Texas are greatly concerned regarding the ongoing massive influx of illegal aliens seeking unauthorized entry to the United States; and to remain in Texas cities and communities; and

WHEREAS, it is estimated that more than 90,000 minors will arive in the United States during the 2014 fiscal year and an additional 145,000 illegal alien minors in the 2015 fiscal year, with most expected to remain in Texas cities and communities; and

WHEREAS, the leaders of League City question the impact that the sudden influx of school-age illegal minors will have on our Independent School Districts' (ISD) educational funding, school resources, campus security, and health safety for our children; and

WHEREAS, the federal government is actively seeking more locations within Texas towns and counties to accommodate the unprecedented overflow of illegal aliens and unaccompanied minors; and

WHEREAS, the increasing colume of illegal aliens is already bankrupting some cities and counties in the State of Texas by overwhelming the local medical, educational, law enforcement, and judicial systems; and

WHEREAS, members of dangerous transnational criminal organizations and radical Islamic terror groups continue to exploit the situation to infliltrate the United States for purpose of establishing ciminal activity, terror cells, and training operations within our homeland; and

WHEREAS, without a secure border Texas cities and communities cannot protect the health and safety of their citizens;


Section 1. That all agencies of the City of League City are instructed to refuse requests or directives by federal agencies to permit or establish any facility for the purposes of processing, housing, or detaining any illegal aliens, designated as "refugee" or otherwise.

Section 2. That in order to control the potential threat of communicable diseases reported to be prevalent among illegal aliens, all appropriate agencies of the City of League City are instructed to prudently exercise the City's police power in any manner necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of League City.

Section 3. We hereby appeal to our state legislators and elected officials for action and accountablilty to urgently address the continuing influx of illegal aliens across our border.

- Through State executive and legislative actions demand that the Federal government provide additional resources for new and/or existing Border Patrol checkpoints, and employ a contiguous physical barrier where strategically prudent.

- Demand the Texas State Legislature to enhance state smuggling and human trafficking laws, and provide civil liability protections for Texan land owners against criminal trespassers.

- Demand the Texas State Legislature abolishes any and all state-controlled or sponsored magnets that exacerbate the problem of rampant illegal immigration, such as (but not limited to): in-state tuition subsidies, welfare benefits, and free non-emergency health care for illegal aliens.

- Require the State to perform a cost/benefit analysis of the illegal alien presence and report that cost to Texas taxpayers and state agencies.

- Pass legislation to prohibit “sanctuary cities” which restrict law enforcement from determining the immigration status of detainees after the commission of a crime within our communities.

Section 4. That civic responsibility demands that community and state leaders begin crisis planning immediately to address the unprecedented wave of foreign minor school age children that could be enrolled in Texas schools this summer; and

Section 5. That the City of League City, State of Texas, calls on other communities and jurisdictions to join with us in this action by passing similar Resolutions.

Section 6. That copies of this Resolution be immediately transmitted to the Governor of the State of Texas; the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Texas’ legislature; each individual legislator that represents our City in the State of Texas; the Commissioner’s Court of Galveston County; and the Sheriff of Galveston County.
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9th Amendment protected individual rights and 10th Amendment states right. Founders feared the federal government becoming tyrannical...kinda like what has happened today.
And for those of you too lazy to click on links:

WHEREAS, the citizens of League City, Texas recognize their duty as law-abiding citizens to act in accordance with the U.S. Constitution and the Texas Constitution, and agree that their right to life, liberty, and property shall not be infringed; and

WHEREAS, the federal government has failed to protect the homeland in accordance with Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, Texas has the right and obligation to protect its citizens in accordance with Article 1, Section 1 of the Texas Constitution:

Freedom and Sovereignty of State. Texas is a free and independent State, subject only to the Constitution of the United States, and the maintenance of our free institutions and the perpetuity of the Union depend upon the preservation of the right of local self- government, unimpaired to all the States.

And is supported by Article 1, Section 29 of the Texas Constitution:

Provisions of Bill of Rights Excepted from Powers of Government; To Forever Remain Inviolate. To guard against transgressions of the high powers herein designated, we declare that everything in this (Texas) "Bill of Rights" is excepted out of the general powers of government, and shall forever remain inviolate, and all laws contrary thereto, or to the following provisions, shall be void.

WHEREAS, the citizens of League City, Texas are greatly concerned regarding the ongoing massive influx of illegal aliens seeking unauthorized entry to the United States; and to remain in Texas cities and communities; and

WHEREAS, it is estimated that more than 90,000 minors will arive in the United States during the 2014 fiscal year and an additional 145,000 illegal alien minors in the 2015 fiscal year, with most expected to remain in Texas cities and communities; and

WHEREAS, the leaders of League City question the impact that the sudden influx of school-age illegal minors will have on our Independent School Districts' (ISD) educational funding, school resources, campus security, and health safety for our children; and

WHEREAS, the federal government is actively seeking more locations within Texas towns and counties to accommodate the unprecedented overflow of illegal aliens and unaccompanied minors; and

WHEREAS, the increasing colume of illegal aliens is already bankrupting some cities and counties in the State of Texas by overwhelming the local medical, educational, law enforcement, and judicial systems; and

WHEREAS, members of dangerous transnational criminal organizations and radical Islamic terror groups continue to exploit the situation to infliltrate the United States for purpose of establishing ciminal activity, terror cells, and training operations within our homeland; and

WHEREAS, without a secure border Texas cities and communities cannot protect the health and safety of their citizens;


Section 1. That all agencies of the City of League City are instructed to refuse requests or directives by federal agencies to permit or establish any facility for the purposes of processing, housing, or detaining any illegal aliens, designated as "refugee" or otherwise.

Section 2. That in order to control the potential threat of communicable diseases reported to be prevalent among illegal aliens, all appropriate agencies of the City of League City are instructed to prudently exercise the City's police power in any manner necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of League City.

Section 3. We hereby appeal to our state legislators and elected officials for action and accountablilty to urgently address the continuing influx of illegal aliens across our border.

- Through State executive and legislative actions demand that the Federal government provide additional resources for new and/or existing Border Patrol checkpoints, and employ a contiguous physical barrier where strategically prudent.

- Demand the Texas State Legislature to enhance state smuggling and human trafficking laws, and provide civil liability protections for Texan land owners against criminal trespassers.

- Demand the Texas State Legislature abolishes any and all state-controlled or sponsored magnets that exacerbate the problem of rampant illegal immigration, such as (but not limited to): in-state tuition subsidies, welfare benefits, and free non-emergency health care for illegal aliens.

- Require the State to perform a cost/benefit analysis of the illegal alien presence and report that cost to Texas taxpayers and state agencies.

- Pass legislation to prohibit “sanctuary cities” which restrict law enforcement from determining the immigration status of detainees after the commission of a crime within our communities.

Section 4. That civic responsibility demands that community and state leaders begin crisis planning immediately to address the unprecedented wave of foreign minor school age children that could be enrolled in Texas schools this summer; and

Section 5. That the City of League City, State of Texas, calls on other communities and jurisdictions to join with us in this action by passing similar Resolutions.

Section 6. That copies of this Resolution be immediately transmitted to the Governor of the State of Texas; the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Texas’ legislature; each individual legislator that represents our City in the State of Texas; the Commissioner’s Court of Galveston County; and the Sheriff of Galveston County.

Do you mind if I add that to the OP? I wasn't able to copy and paste the entire PDF
They never claimed to speak for Texas, that's why they invoked their local sovereignty via the Ninth Amendment to speak for themselves...hence the title of the thread...
Since the order of the Amendments doesn't matter, let us place the 10th before the 9th.
You didn't actually read the shyte you were posting, did you?

“WHEREAS, the federal government has failed to protect the homeland in accordance with Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution,” the resolution states (see below), “Texas has the right and obligation to protect its citizens in accordance with Article 1, Section 1 of the Texas Constitution..”

Um, they're not Texas. They don't speak for Texas. They don't represent Texas. Any resolution they want to make invoking the State of Texas is just noise. As they lack the authority to speak for an entire State.

In other words, all powers not expressly delegated to the Federal Government REMAIN with the States, or are RETAINED by the People if the those powers were not delegated to the State Government via the State Constitution.
The 10th amendment says nothing about 'if those powers were not delegated to the State Government via the State Constitution'. You just made that up.

And the council of this little town isn't the State of Texas.

Worse, issues of naturalization are explicitly within the authority of Congress. So any lawful action they take in pursuit of that power is constitutional. If the town disagrees, they can take it up with the courts.

Wait....you're not one of those hapless Sovereign Citizen idiots are you?

Just because the Third Amendment enumerates the right of the People to be free of the federal government quartering Soldiers among them, doesn't mean the federal Government can quarter a Legion of Illegal Immigrants among them instead.
You're adding words to the 3rd amendment. It doesn't say 'among them'. It says 'in any house'. And the government hasn't even suggested the illegals be held in someone's house.

You literally have to re-write the 3rd amendment for your silly argument to work.

This would be a clear violation of the Ninth Amendment and of Popular Sovereignty therein. Popular Sovereignty is not just the CORE of the Ninth Amendment, but it's the CORE of the ENLIGHTENMENT.

The core of the enlightenment isn't some 8 guys in a city council imagining they can re-write an amendment to mean whatever they imagine it does. Or for them to pretend they're the State of Texas.

If the State of Texas grants the Federal Government access to State territory for the incarceration of undocumented immigrants, the town is subject to the will of the State of Texas. Not the other way around.

Nor does the State's authority over its own territory magically vanish because you typed the words 'Popular Sovereignty'. Legal terms have meanings that aren't dependent on your agreement. And the constitution isn't violated just because you believe it does.

That's not 'Popular Sovereignty'.
And for those of you too lazy to click on links:

WHEREAS, the citizens of League City, Texas recognize their duty as law-abiding citizens to act in accordance with the U.S. Constitution and the Texas Constitution, and agree that their right to life, liberty, and property shall not be infringed; and

WHEREAS, the federal government has failed to protect the homeland in accordance with Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, Texas has the right and obligation to protect its citizens in accordance with Article 1, Section 1 of the Texas Constitution:

Freedom and Sovereignty of State. Texas is a free and independent State, subject only to the Constitution of the United States, and the maintenance of our free institutions and the perpetuity of the Union depend upon the preservation of the right of local self- government, unimpaired to all the States.

And is supported by Article 1, Section 29 of the Texas Constitution:

Provisions of Bill of Rights Excepted from Powers of Government; To Forever Remain Inviolate. To guard against transgressions of the high powers herein designated, we declare that everything in this (Texas) "Bill of Rights" is excepted out of the general powers of government, and shall forever remain inviolate, and all laws contrary thereto, or to the following provisions, shall be void.

WHEREAS, the citizens of League City, Texas are greatly concerned regarding the ongoing massive influx of illegal aliens seeking unauthorized entry to the United States; and to remain in Texas cities and communities; and

WHEREAS, it is estimated that more than 90,000 minors will arive in the United States during the 2014 fiscal year and an additional 145,000 illegal alien minors in the 2015 fiscal year, with most expected to remain in Texas cities and communities; and

WHEREAS, the leaders of League City question the impact that the sudden influx of school-age illegal minors will have on our Independent School Districts' (ISD) educational funding, school resources, campus security, and health safety for our children; and

WHEREAS, the federal government is actively seeking more locations within Texas towns and counties to accommodate the unprecedented overflow of illegal aliens and unaccompanied minors; and

WHEREAS, the increasing colume of illegal aliens is already bankrupting some cities and counties in the State of Texas by overwhelming the local medical, educational, law enforcement, and judicial systems; and

WHEREAS, members of dangerous transnational criminal organizations and radical Islamic terror groups continue to exploit the situation to infliltrate the United States for purpose of establishing ciminal activity, terror cells, and training operations within our homeland; and

WHEREAS, without a secure border Texas cities and communities cannot protect the health and safety of their citizens;


Section 1. That all agencies of the City of League City are instructed to refuse requests or directives by federal agencies to permit or establish any facility for the purposes of processing, housing, or detaining any illegal aliens, designated as "refugee" or otherwise.

Section 2. That in order to control the potential threat of communicable diseases reported to be prevalent among illegal aliens, all appropriate agencies of the City of League City are instructed to prudently exercise the City's police power in any manner necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of League City.

Section 3. We hereby appeal to our state legislators and elected officials for action and accountablilty to urgently address the continuing influx of illegal aliens across our border.

- Through State executive and legislative actions demand that the Federal government provide additional resources for new and/or existing Border Patrol checkpoints, and employ a contiguous physical barrier where strategically prudent.

- Demand the Texas State Legislature to enhance state smuggling and human trafficking laws, and provide civil liability protections for Texan land owners against criminal trespassers.

- Demand the Texas State Legislature abolishes any and all state-controlled or sponsored magnets that exacerbate the problem of rampant illegal immigration, such as (but not limited to): in-state tuition subsidies, welfare benefits, and free non-emergency health care for illegal aliens.

- Require the State to perform a cost/benefit analysis of the illegal alien presence and report that cost to Texas taxpayers and state agencies.

- Pass legislation to prohibit “sanctuary cities” which restrict law enforcement from determining the immigration status of detainees after the commission of a crime within our communities.

Section 4. That civic responsibility demands that community and state leaders begin crisis planning immediately to address the unprecedented wave of foreign minor school age children that could be enrolled in Texas schools this summer; and

Section 5. That the City of League City, State of Texas, calls on other communities and jurisdictions to join with us in this action by passing similar Resolutions.

Section 6. That copies of this Resolution be immediately transmitted to the Governor of the State of Texas; the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Texas’ legislature; each individual legislator that represents our City in the State of Texas; the Commissioner’s Court of Galveston County; and the Sheriff of Galveston County.

Do you mind if I add that to the OP? I wasn't able to copy and paste the entire PDF

Be my guest!
Skylar, did you ever once read the Federalist Papers, Anti-Federalist Papers or any of the Ratification Debates of ANY of the thirteen states? Are you familiar with the Articles of Confederation, the Magna Charta and Colonial Case Law and Pre-Revolution English Common Law? Have you read John Locke or Voltaire, like all of our Founders did?

Everything I wrote in that above quote is directly descended from all of those things I just listed. It goes without saying, via the Social Contract Theory, that the People, the Popular Sovereigns, delegate powers/rights to a Central Government and retain all other powers otherwise not delegated to that Government.

Two common documents, Common Sense by Thomas Paine, and The Declaration of Independence both contain this Social Contract Theory in their OPENING PARAGRAPHS.

You're a moron.

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