9th Circuit Court Takes Maui Vacation at Taxpayer Expense

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Sounds like another GSA type scandal to me. Another example of government employees living like aristocrats off of our tax dollars.

Judges from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, federal district and bankruptcy courts in nine Western states and two Pacific island territories, along with lawyers practicing in those courts, and court staff, will gather at the luxurious Hyatt Regency Maui Resort and Spa from August 13 - 16, 2012 in what looks like a less than valiant attempt to ensure American justice is being served...at a cost to taxpayers of approximately one million dollars.

From tennis courts to the caddy shack and luau experience, justice will be served in a manner many Americans never get to experience. Breitbart News has reviewed a letter from the offices of the Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, Senator Jeff Sessions, and the offices of Senator Chuck Grassley, the Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, with several detailed questions they want answered by the Ninth District.

The letter cites the 2010 version of the Ninth Circuit's annual judicial conference that cost taxpayers over $657,000 in travel costs alone, along with $860,000 in combined travel costs for the Ninth Circuit's 2008 and 2009 annual conferences in Monterey, California and Sun Valley, Idaho, respectively. It also provides evidence of the Ninth Circuit's awareness of the Government's budget challenges in the face of a still suffering Obama economy, going on to challenge why the Ninth Circuit seems determined to go on spending large amounts of money on plush conferences, when a more prudent approach could provide the same value for professional purposes.

Exclusive: 9th Circuit Takes Plush Maui Vacation At Taxpayer Expense, As Others Cut Back
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I will reserve my outrage until a reputable news source emerges...then I'll be pissed and the phone calls will commence.

I knew people wouldn't like the Breitbart link. That's why I linked to the letter written by Sessions and Grassley.


Well, there ya go. Perfect, thanks! I'll spend my lunch hour making some phone calls tomorrow.

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More on this. Just incredible. I think what gets me more is the hubris involved in doing this, particularly in the wake of the GSA scandal.

Two senior Senate Republicans on Monday blasted plans by judges in the 9th Circuit to hold a conference in Hawaii this August that they said could run up a tab of $1 million or more, and includes a schedule of sport fishing, yoga, surfing lessons and Zumba dancing lessons.

Senate Judiciary Committee ranking member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Budget Committee ranking member Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) last week wrote to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Chief Judge Alex Kozinski to warn that the Hawaii meeting does not appear to fit with the 9th Circuit's own opinion that the federal budget is tight. The letter was sent just weeks after Republicans took the General Services Administration (GSA) to task for a notorious $800,000 conference that led several GSA officials to resign.

GOP blasts $1 million Hawaii conference for judges in wake of GSA scandal - The Hill's Floor Action
Apparently the 9th Circus Court didn't learn from the GSA fiasco. But then again, they're liberals, so what else is new.

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