A 25-year-old black man was shot dead in Georgia while jogging, prompting online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling

According to the police report, Gregory McMichael, who was armed with a .357 Magnum handgun, and his son Travis, who was armed with a shotgun, attempted to interrupt Arbery’s run twice. During the first attempt Travis drove down Buford Road and tried unsuccessfully to cut off Arbery with the truck, the report says. During the second attempt Arbery had been “running back in the direction from which he came,” the report said. Travis McMichael again tried to cut Arbery off with the truck without any success, according to the report.

Travis McMichael then pulled up beside Arbery and again made it known they wanted to talk, the report says. At that point, Travis McMichael exited the vehicle, shotgun in hand, according to the police report.

Seriously??? No charges were brought against the two white guys? I jog all the time through different neighborhoods. So someone who wants to interrogate you is allowed to cut you off with their vehicle, then stop and pursue you with a shot gun? WTF????

Who said he was jogging?

Irrelevant. He can just go stand on the corner, walk up and down the street 100 times, run as fast as he can or whatever. Doesn't mean these guys have a right to harass him. The law about citizen's arrest is bullshit. There was no evidence of a crime committed. Sure as hell sounds like something is being covered up.
Or maybe youre just completely wrong. Since when have police covered up murders for random people? Thats absurd.

Random? did you read the article? smh
Did you read it? There is video evidence he was breaking and entering and trespassing on private property. There is video of the shooting itself, of the perp trying to get the shotgun so he could murder the two law abiding citizens.

I've read at least 5 articles on this. Where is the video of the shooting? Can you show me the article that says he was committing a crime at the moment which warranted a citizen's arrest?
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According to the police report, Gregory McMichael, who was armed with a .357 Magnum handgun, and his son Travis, who was armed with a shotgun, attempted to interrupt Arbery’s run twice. During the first attempt Travis drove down Buford Road and tried unsuccessfully to cut off Arbery with the truck, the report says. During the second attempt Arbery had been “running back in the direction from which he came,” the report said. Travis McMichael again tried to cut Arbery off with the truck without any success, according to the report.

Travis McMichael then pulled up beside Arbery and again made it known they wanted to talk, the report says. At that point, Travis McMichael exited the vehicle, shotgun in hand, according to the police report.

Seriously??? No charges were brought against the two white guys? I jog all the time through different neighborhoods. So someone who wants to interrogate you is allowed to cut you off with their vehicle, then stop and pursue you with a shot gun? WTF????

Who said he was jogging?

Irrelevant. He can just go stand on the corner, walk up and down the street 100 times, run as fast as he can or whatever. Doesn't mean these guys have a right to harass him. The law about citizen's arrest is bullshit. There was no evidence of a crime committed. Sure as hell sounds like something is being covered up.
Or maybe youre just completely wrong. Since when have police covered up murders for random people? Thats absurd.

Random? did you read the article? smh
Did you read it? There is video evidence he was breaking and entering and trespassing on private property. There is video of the shooting itself, of the perp trying to get the shotgun so he could murder the two law abiding citizens.

I've read at least 5 articles on this. Where is the video of the shooting? Can you show me the article that says he was committing a crime at the moment which warranted a citizen's arrest?
The video was shot by a third party witness. It has not been made public, but the police reviewed it. So obviously it exonerated the two men who dealt with the criminal.
According to the police report, Gregory McMichael, who was armed with a .357 Magnum handgun, and his son Travis, who was armed with a shotgun, attempted to interrupt Arbery’s run twice. During the first attempt Travis drove down Buford Road and tried unsuccessfully to cut off Arbery with the truck, the report says. During the second attempt Arbery had been “running back in the direction from which he came,” the report said. Travis McMichael again tried to cut Arbery off with the truck without any success, according to the report.

Travis McMichael then pulled up beside Arbery and again made it known they wanted to talk, the report says. At that point, Travis McMichael exited the vehicle, shotgun in hand, according to the police report.

Seriously??? No charges were brought against the two white guys? I jog all the time through different neighborhoods. So someone who wants to interrogate you is allowed to cut you off with their vehicle, then stop and pursue you with a shot gun? WTF????

Who said he was jogging?

Irrelevant. He can just go stand on the corner, walk up and down the street 100 times, run as fast as he can or whatever. Doesn't mean these guys have a right to harass him. The law about citizen's arrest is bullshit. There was no evidence of a crime committed. Sure as hell sounds like something is being covered up.
Or maybe youre just completely wrong. Since when have police covered up murders for random people? Thats absurd.

Random? did you read the article? smh
Did you read it? There is video evidence he was breaking and entering and trespassing on private property. There is video of the shooting itself, of the perp trying to get the shotgun so he could murder the two law abiding citizens.

I've read at least 5 articles on this. Where is the video of the shooting? Can you show me the article that says he was committing a crime at the moment which warranted a citizen's arrest?
The video was shot by a third party witness. It has not been made public, but the police reviewed it. So obviously it exonerated the two men who dealt with the criminal.

Where did you hear or read about a 3rd party video? I haven't been able to find anything on it.

Aside from walking on the premises of a wide open construction site, I still can't see what he did wrong or exactly what crime was committed. They say he's been caught on camera in the neighborhood. Well, so what. I job every day or night so I'm sure I'm on everyone's doorbell camera in area.

According to the police report, Gregory McMichael, who was armed with a .357 Magnum handgun, and his son Travis, who was armed with a shotgun, attempted to interrupt Arbery’s run twice. During the first attempt Travis drove down Buford Road and tried unsuccessfully to cut off Arbery with the truck, the report says. During the second attempt Arbery had been “running back in the direction from which he came,” the report said. Travis McMichael again tried to cut Arbery off with the truck without any success, according to the report.

Travis McMichael then pulled up beside Arbery and again made it known they wanted to talk, the report says. At that point, Travis McMichael exited the vehicle, shotgun in hand, according to the police report.

Seriously??? No charges were brought against the two white guys? I jog all the time through different neighborhoods. So someone who wants to interrogate you is allowed to cut you off with their vehicle, then stop and pursue you with a shot gun? WTF????

Who said he was jogging?

Irrelevant. He can just go stand on the corner, walk up and down the street 100 times, run as fast as he can or whatever. Doesn't mean these guys have a right to harass him. The law about citizen's arrest is bullshit. There was no evidence of a crime committed. Sure as hell sounds like something is being covered up.
Or maybe youre just completely wrong. Since when have police covered up murders for random people? Thats absurd.

Random? did you read the article? smh
Did you read it? There is video evidence he was breaking and entering and trespassing on private property. There is video of the shooting itself, of the perp trying to get the shotgun so he could murder the two law abiding citizens.

I've read at least 5 articles on this. Where is the video of the shooting? Can you show me the article that says he was committing a crime at the moment which warranted a citizen's arrest?
The video was shot by a third party witness. It has not been made public, but the police reviewed it. So obviously it exonerated the two men who dealt with the criminal.

Where did you hear or read about a 3rd party video? I haven't been able to find anything on it.

Aside from walking on the premises of a wide open construction site, I still can't see what he did wrong or exactly what crime was committed. They say he's been caught on camera in the neighborhood. Well, so what. I job every day or night so I'm sure I'm on everyone's doorbell camera in area.

Can you be this fucking stupid? It was in YOUR article that YOU linked, you moronic shitbag.

Another document the paper cites says Barnhill claims video exists of Arbery “burglarizing a home immediately preceding the chase and confrontation.” Barnhill also wrote a letter to police, citing yet another video, one of the shooting filmed by a third pursuer.

The Times reported that Barnhill said this supposed video, which the public has not seen, shows Arbery attacking Travis McMichael after the father-son duo pulled up to him in their truck.

Barnhill told police this video shows Arbery trying to grab the shotgun from Travis McMichael’s hands, which amounted to self-defense under Georgia law — for Travis McMichael. Barnhill told police Travis McMichael “was allowed to use deadly force to protect himself.”

According to the police report, Gregory McMichael, who was armed with a .357 Magnum handgun, and his son Travis, who was armed with a shotgun, attempted to interrupt Arbery’s run twice. During the first attempt Travis drove down Buford Road and tried unsuccessfully to cut off Arbery with the truck, the report says. During the second attempt Arbery had been “running back in the direction from which he came,” the report said. Travis McMichael again tried to cut Arbery off with the truck without any success, according to the report.

Travis McMichael then pulled up beside Arbery and again made it known they wanted to talk, the report says. At that point, Travis McMichael exited the vehicle, shotgun in hand, according to the police report.

Seriously??? No charges were brought against the two white guys? I jog all the time through different neighborhoods. So someone who wants to interrogate you is allowed to cut you off with their vehicle, then stop and pursue you with a shot gun? WTF????

Who said he was jogging?

Irrelevant. He can just go stand on the corner, walk up and down the street 100 times, run as fast as he can or whatever. Doesn't mean these guys have a right to harass him. The law about citizen's arrest is bullshit. There was no evidence of a crime committed. Sure as hell sounds like something is being covered up.
Or maybe youre just completely wrong. Since when have police covered up murders for random people? Thats absurd.

Random? did you read the article? smh
Did you read it? There is video evidence he was breaking and entering and trespassing on private property. There is video of the shooting itself, of the perp trying to get the shotgun so he could murder the two law abiding citizens.

I've read at least 5 articles on this. Where is the video of the shooting? Can you show me the article that says he was committing a crime at the moment which warranted a citizen's arrest?
The video was shot by a third party witness. It has not been made public, but the police reviewed it. So obviously it exonerated the two men who dealt with the criminal.

Where did you hear or read about a 3rd party video? I haven't been able to find anything on it.

Aside from walking on the premises of a wide open construction site, I still can't see what he did wrong or exactly what crime was committed. They say he's been caught on camera in the neighborhood. Well, so what. I job every day or night so I'm sure I'm on everyone's doorbell camera in area.

Can you be this fucking stupid? It was in YOUR article that YOU linked, you moronic shitbag.

Another document the paper cites says Barnhill claims video exists of Arbery “burglarizing a home immediately preceding the chase and confrontation.” Barnhill also wrote a letter to police, citing yet another video, one of the shooting filmed by a third pursuer.

The Times reported that Barnhill said this supposed video, which the public has not seen, shows Arbery attacking Travis McMichael after the father-son duo pulled up to him in their truck.

Barnhill told police this video shows Arbery trying to grab the shotgun from Travis McMichael’s hands, which amounted to self-defense under Georgia law — for Travis McMichael. Barnhill told police Travis McMichael “was allowed to use deadly force to protect himself.”

Go fuck yourself you piece of shit. I never took you for racist garbage but apparently I was wrong. I'm still calling bullshit on this. They person who talked abot the supposed video has already recused himself.
That story was more vague than a whores morals.

You can't make much of it until you know details, not supposition.
Unfortunately, this is a gift to the liberal race-baiters

unarmed black guy killed on a public street by two whites

based on the limited facts given it is a wrongful death

But it could have been avoided with a lick of common sense by everyone involved
It appears that in this forum this killing is a gift to white race baiting morons who want to create fiction out of thin air in order to justify this killing. It could have been avoided if those whites would have just let the man jog in peace.
It sounds like he was running from the scene of the crime. The only person who said he was jogging was a family member who wasnt even there.

Actually a number of people stated that he jogged regularly to stay in shape.

Using your logic, we shouldn't believe the two guys in the truck because they were the only ones standing over a dead body saying it was self defense...

It's not as if we have not seen this before and the same cast of characters come out to defend it.
It's not as if we have not seen this before and the same cast of characters come out to defend it.

The gentle giant michael brown comes to mind

the picture of him menacing a store clerk while he steals cigars is hard to forget
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According to the police report, Gregory McMichael, who was armed with a .357 Magnum handgun, and his son Travis, who was armed with a shotgun, attempted to interrupt Arbery’s run twice. During the first attempt Travis drove down Buford Road and tried unsuccessfully to cut off Arbery with the truck, the report says. During the second attempt Arbery had been “running back in the direction from which he came,” the report said. Travis McMichael again tried to cut Arbery off with the truck without any success, according to the report.

Travis McMichael then pulled up beside Arbery and again made it known they wanted to talk, the report says. At that point, Travis McMichael exited the vehicle, shotgun in hand, according to the police report.

Seriously??? No charges were brought against the two white guys? I jog all the time through different neighborhoods. So someone who wants to interrogate you is allowed to cut you off with their vehicle, then stop and pursue you with a shot gun? WTF????

Who said he was jogging?

Irrelevant. He can just go stand on the corner, walk up and down the street 100 times, run as fast as he can or whatever. Doesn't mean these guys have a right to harass him. The law about citizen's arrest is bullshit. There was no evidence of a crime committed. Sure as hell sounds like something is being covered up.
Or maybe youre just completely wrong. Since when have police covered up murders for random people? Thats absurd.

Random? did you read the article? smh
Did you read it? There is video evidence he was breaking and entering and trespassing on private property. There is video of the shooting itself, of the perp trying to get the shotgun so he could murder the two law abiding citizens.

I've read at least 5 articles on this. Where is the video of the shooting? Can you show me the article that says he was committing a crime at the moment which warranted a citizen's arrest?
The video was shot by a third party witness. It has not been made public, but the police reviewed it. So obviously it exonerated the two men who dealt with the criminal.

Where did you hear or read about a 3rd party video? I haven't been able to find anything on it.

Aside from walking on the premises of a wide open construction site, I still can't see what he did wrong or exactly what crime was committed. They say he's been caught on camera in the neighborhood. Well, so what. I job every day or night so I'm sure I'm on everyone's doorbell camera in area.

Can you be this fucking stupid? It was in YOUR article that YOU linked, you moronic shitbag.

Another document the paper cites says Barnhill claims video exists of Arbery “burglarizing a home immediately preceding the chase and confrontation.” Barnhill also wrote a letter to police, citing yet another video, one of the shooting filmed by a third pursuer.

The Times reported that Barnhill said this supposed video, which the public has not seen, shows Arbery attacking Travis McMichael after the father-son duo pulled up to him in their truck.

Barnhill told police this video shows Arbery trying to grab the shotgun from Travis McMichael’s hands, which amounted to self-defense under Georgia law — for Travis McMichael. Barnhill told police Travis McMichael “was allowed to use deadly force to protect himself.”

Go fuck yourself you piece of shit. I never took you for racist garbage but apparently I was wrong. I'm still calling bullshit on this. They person who talked abot the supposed video has already recused himself.
Nice try asshole. You claimed you “read five articles” on this case, yet didn’t even read the one you linked. Like most moronic shitbags, you read a click bait headline and assume it proves the headline, without actually reading the contents. Otherwise you’d see there is no actual proof to back up their claim.
According to the police report, Gregory McMichael, who was armed with a .357 Magnum handgun, and his son Travis, who was armed with a shotgun, attempted to interrupt Arbery’s run twice. During the first attempt Travis drove down Buford Road and tried unsuccessfully to cut off Arbery with the truck, the report says. During the second attempt Arbery had been “running back in the direction from which he came,” the report said. Travis McMichael again tried to cut Arbery off with the truck without any success, according to the report.

Travis McMichael then pulled up beside Arbery and again made it known they wanted to talk, the report says. At that point, Travis McMichael exited the vehicle, shotgun in hand, according to the police report.

Seriously??? No charges were brought against the two white guys? I jog all the time through different neighborhoods. So someone who wants to interrogate you is allowed to cut you off with their vehicle, then stop and pursue you with a shot gun? WTF????

Who said he was jogging?

Irrelevant. He can just go stand on the corner, walk up and down the street 100 times, run as fast as he can or whatever. Doesn't mean these guys have a right to harass him. The law about citizen's arrest is bullshit. There was no evidence of a crime committed. Sure as hell sounds like something is being covered up.
Or maybe youre just completely wrong. Since when have police covered up murders for random people? Thats absurd.

Random? did you read the article? smh
Did you read it? There is video evidence he was breaking and entering and trespassing on private property. There is video of the shooting itself, of the perp trying to get the shotgun so he could murder the two law abiding citizens.

I've read at least 5 articles on this. Where is the video of the shooting? Can you show me the article that says he was committing a crime at the moment which warranted a citizen's arrest?
The video was shot by a third party witness. It has not been made public, but the police reviewed it. So obviously it exonerated the two men who dealt with the criminal.

Where did you hear or read about a 3rd party video? I haven't been able to find anything on it.

Aside from walking on the premises of a wide open construction site, I still can't see what he did wrong or exactly what crime was committed. They say he's been caught on camera in the neighborhood. Well, so what. I job every day or night so I'm sure I'm on everyone's doorbell camera in area.

Can you be this fucking stupid? It was in YOUR article that YOU linked, you moronic shitbag.

Another document the paper cites says Barnhill claims video exists of Arbery “burglarizing a home immediately preceding the chase and confrontation.” Barnhill also wrote a letter to police, citing yet another video, one of the shooting filmed by a third pursuer.

The Times reported that Barnhill said this supposed video, which the public has not seen, shows Arbery attacking Travis McMichael after the father-son duo pulled up to him in their truck.

Barnhill told police this video shows Arbery trying to grab the shotgun from Travis McMichael’s hands, which amounted to self-defense under Georgia law — for Travis McMichael. Barnhill told police Travis McMichael “was allowed to use deadly force to protect himself.”

Go fuck yourself you piece of shit. I never took you for racist garbage but apparently I was wrong. I'm still calling bullshit on this. They person who talked abot the supposed video has already recused himself.
Nice try asshole. You claimed you “read five articles” on this case, yet didn’t even read the one you linked. Like most moronic shitbags, you read a click bait headline and assume it proves the headline, without actually reading the contents. Otherwise you’d see there is no actual proof to back up their claim.

You're sighting a video no one has seen except the guy that had to recuse himself? There is no proof of a crime being committed. What kind of dumb fuck are you?

Regardless, chasing the black man down while armed and confrontng him with no proof of anything does not equate to a citizens arrest.
According to the police report, Gregory McMichael, who was armed with a .357 Magnum handgun, and his son Travis, who was armed with a shotgun, attempted to interrupt Arbery’s run twice. During the first attempt Travis drove down Buford Road and tried unsuccessfully to cut off Arbery with the truck, the report says. During the second attempt Arbery had been “running back in the direction from which he came,” the report said. Travis McMichael again tried to cut Arbery off with the truck without any success, according to the report.

Travis McMichael then pulled up beside Arbery and again made it known they wanted to talk, the report says. At that point, Travis McMichael exited the vehicle, shotgun in hand, according to the police report.

Seriously??? No charges were brought against the two white guys? I jog all the time through different neighborhoods. So someone who wants to interrogate you is allowed to cut you off with their vehicle, then stop and pursue you with a shot gun? WTF????

Who said he was jogging?

Irrelevant. He can just go stand on the corner, walk up and down the street 100 times, run as fast as he can or whatever. Doesn't mean these guys have a right to harass him. The law about citizen's arrest is bullshit. There was no evidence of a crime committed. Sure as hell sounds like something is being covered up.
Or maybe youre just completely wrong. Since when have police covered up murders for random people? Thats absurd.

Random? did you read the article? smh
Did you read it? There is video evidence he was breaking and entering and trespassing on private property. There is video of the shooting itself, of the perp trying to get the shotgun so he could murder the two law abiding citizens.

I've read at least 5 articles on this. Where is the video of the shooting? Can you show me the article that says he was committing a crime at the moment which warranted a citizen's arrest?
The video was shot by a third party witness. It has not been made public, but the police reviewed it. So obviously it exonerated the two men who dealt with the criminal.

Where did you hear or read about a 3rd party video? I haven't been able to find anything on it.

Aside from walking on the premises of a wide open construction site, I still can't see what he did wrong or exactly what crime was committed. They say he's been caught on camera in the neighborhood. Well, so what. I job every day or night so I'm sure I'm on everyone's doorbell camera in area.

Can you be this fucking stupid? It was in YOUR article that YOU linked, you moronic shitbag.

Another document the paper cites says Barnhill claims video exists of Arbery “burglarizing a home immediately preceding the chase and confrontation.” Barnhill also wrote a letter to police, citing yet another video, one of the shooting filmed by a third pursuer.

The Times reported that Barnhill said this supposed video, which the public has not seen, shows Arbery attacking Travis McMichael after the father-son duo pulled up to him in their truck.

Barnhill told police this video shows Arbery trying to grab the shotgun from Travis McMichael’s hands, which amounted to self-defense under Georgia law — for Travis McMichael. Barnhill told police Travis McMichael “was allowed to use deadly force to protect himself.”

Look at democrats defend this criminal
According to the police report, Gregory McMichael, who was armed with a .357 Magnum handgun, and his son Travis, who was armed with a shotgun, attempted to interrupt Arbery’s run twice. During the first attempt Travis drove down Buford Road and tried unsuccessfully to cut off Arbery with the truck, the report says. During the second attempt Arbery had been “running back in the direction from which he came,” the report said. Travis McMichael again tried to cut Arbery off with the truck without any success, according to the report.

Travis McMichael then pulled up beside Arbery and again made it known they wanted to talk, the report says. At that point, Travis McMichael exited the vehicle, shotgun in hand, according to the police report.

Seriously??? No charges were brought against the two white guys? I jog all the time through different neighborhoods. So someone who wants to interrogate you is allowed to cut you off with their vehicle, then stop and pursue you with a shot gun? WTF????

Who said he was jogging?

Irrelevant. He can just go stand on the corner, walk up and down the street 100 times, run as fast as he can or whatever. Doesn't mean these guys have a right to harass him. The law about citizen's arrest is bullshit. There was no evidence of a crime committed. Sure as hell sounds like something is being covered up.
Or maybe youre just completely wrong. Since when have police covered up murders for random people? Thats absurd.

Random? did you read the article? smh
Did you read it? There is video evidence he was breaking and entering and trespassing on private property. There is video of the shooting itself, of the perp trying to get the shotgun so he could murder the two law abiding citizens.

I've read at least 5 articles on this. Where is the video of the shooting? Can you show me the article that says he was committing a crime at the moment which warranted a citizen's arrest?
The video was shot by a third party witness. It has not been made public, but the police reviewed it. So obviously it exonerated the two men who dealt with the criminal.

Where did you hear or read about a 3rd party video? I haven't been able to find anything on it.

Aside from walking on the premises of a wide open construction site, I still can't see what he did wrong or exactly what crime was committed. They say he's been caught on camera in the neighborhood. Well, so what. I job every day or night so I'm sure I'm on everyone's doorbell camera in area.

Can you be this fucking stupid? It was in YOUR article that YOU linked, you moronic shitbag.

Another document the paper cites says Barnhill claims video exists of Arbery “burglarizing a home immediately preceding the chase and confrontation.” Barnhill also wrote a letter to police, citing yet another video, one of the shooting filmed by a third pursuer.

The Times reported that Barnhill said this supposed video, which the public has not seen, shows Arbery attacking Travis McMichael after the father-son duo pulled up to him in their truck.

Barnhill told police this video shows Arbery trying to grab the shotgun from Travis McMichael’s hands, which amounted to self-defense under Georgia law — for Travis McMichael. Barnhill told police Travis McMichael “was allowed to use deadly force to protect himself.”

Look at democrats defend this criminal

I'm a Trump supporter. I'm embarrassed that both of you are as well. You guys are handing Dem the race card on a silver platter on this thread.
According to the police report, Gregory McMichael, who was armed with a .357 Magnum handgun, and his son Travis, who was armed with a shotgun, attempted to interrupt Arbery’s run twice. During the first attempt Travis drove down Buford Road and tried unsuccessfully to cut off Arbery with the truck, the report says. During the second attempt Arbery had been “running back in the direction from which he came,” the report said. Travis McMichael again tried to cut Arbery off with the truck without any success, according to the report.

Travis McMichael then pulled up beside Arbery and again made it known they wanted to talk, the report says. At that point, Travis McMichael exited the vehicle, shotgun in hand, according to the police report.

Seriously??? No charges were brought against the two white guys? I jog all the time through different neighborhoods. So someone who wants to interrogate you is allowed to cut you off with their vehicle, then stop and pursue you with a shot gun? WTF????

Who said he was jogging?

Irrelevant. He can just go stand on the corner, walk up and down the street 100 times, run as fast as he can or whatever. Doesn't mean these guys have a right to harass him. The law about citizen's arrest is bullshit. There was no evidence of a crime committed. Sure as hell sounds like something is being covered up.
Or maybe youre just completely wrong. Since when have police covered up murders for random people? Thats absurd.

Random? did you read the article? smh
Did you read it? There is video evidence he was breaking and entering and trespassing on private property. There is video of the shooting itself, of the perp trying to get the shotgun so he could murder the two law abiding citizens.

I've read at least 5 articles on this. Where is the video of the shooting? Can you show me the article that says he was committing a crime at the moment which warranted a citizen's arrest?
The video was shot by a third party witness. It has not been made public, but the police reviewed it. So obviously it exonerated the two men who dealt with the criminal.

Where did you hear or read about a 3rd party video? I haven't been able to find anything on it.

Aside from walking on the premises of a wide open construction site, I still can't see what he did wrong or exactly what crime was committed. They say he's been caught on camera in the neighborhood. Well, so what. I job every day or night so I'm sure I'm on everyone's doorbell camera in area.

Can you be this fucking stupid? It was in YOUR article that YOU linked, you moronic shitbag.

Another document the paper cites says Barnhill claims video exists of Arbery “burglarizing a home immediately preceding the chase and confrontation.” Barnhill also wrote a letter to police, citing yet another video, one of the shooting filmed by a third pursuer.

The Times reported that Barnhill said this supposed video, which the public has not seen, shows Arbery attacking Travis McMichael after the father-son duo pulled up to him in their truck.

Barnhill told police this video shows Arbery trying to grab the shotgun from Travis McMichael’s hands, which amounted to self-defense under Georgia law — for Travis McMichael. Barnhill told police Travis McMichael “was allowed to use deadly force to protect himself.”

Look at democrats defend this criminal

I'm a Trump supporter. I'm embarrassed that both of you are as well. You guys are handing Dem the race card on a silver platter on this thread.
Embarrassed that we know more of the facts of this case? The police investigated it, there were videos and other witnesses. But the BLM crowd needs another Trayvon to stir up resentment and hatred leading up to the election. Lord knows Sleepy Joe isn’t going to inspire the BLM crowd to get out and vote.
I'm a Trump supporter. I'm embarrassed that both of you are as well. You guys are handing Dem the race card on a silver platter on this thread.
I’m a trump supporter also

my first reaction was to say it looks bad for the white guys

then I said lets wait till we have more facts

which is still my position

the left is jumping to conclusions here and they are usually wrong about these things
I'm a Trump supporter. I'm embarrassed that both of you are as well. You guys are handing Dem the race card on a silver platter on this thread.
I’m a trump supporter also

my first reaction was to say it looks bad for the white guys

then I said lets wait till we have more facts

which is still my position

the left is jumping to conclusions here and they are usually wrong about these things
There is a pattern to these things. First the race-pimp media shows pictures of a cherubic child or a gentile giant with promise of refrigerator-college excellence, both of whom were unarmed when "murdered" while being raped or with their hands in the air pleading not to be shot.

Now we have a athlete innocently "jogging" in an unfamiliar area where he was run down and cold-bloodedly murdered by white men. At this point, we should probably wait for the rest of the story. Again, it's not our first rodeo.
According to the police report, Gregory McMichael, who was armed with a .357 Magnum handgun, and his son Travis, who was armed with a shotgun, attempted to interrupt Arbery’s run twice. During the first attempt Travis drove down Buford Road and tried unsuccessfully to cut off Arbery with the truck, the report says. During the second attempt Arbery had been “running back in the direction from which he came,” the report said. Travis McMichael again tried to cut Arbery off with the truck without any success, according to the report.

Travis McMichael then pulled up beside Arbery and again made it known they wanted to talk, the report says. At that point, Travis McMichael exited the vehicle, shotgun in hand, according to the police report.

Seriously??? No charges were brought against the two white guys? I jog all the time through different neighborhoods. So someone who wants to interrogate you is allowed to cut you off with their vehicle, then stop and pursue you with a shot gun? WTF????

Who said he was jogging?

Irrelevant. He can just go stand on the corner, walk up and down the street 100 times, run as fast as he can or whatever. Doesn't mean these guys have a right to harass him. The law about citizen's arrest is bullshit. There was no evidence of a crime committed. Sure as hell sounds like something is being covered up.
Or maybe youre just completely wrong. Since when have police covered up murders for random people? Thats absurd.

Random? did you read the article? smh
Did you read it? There is video evidence he was breaking and entering and trespassing on private property. There is video of the shooting itself, of the perp trying to get the shotgun so he could murder the two law abiding citizens.

I've read at least 5 articles on this. Where is the video of the shooting? Can you show me the article that says he was committing a crime at the moment which warranted a citizen's arrest?
The video was shot by a third party witness. It has not been made public, but the police reviewed it. So obviously it exonerated the two men who dealt with the criminal.

Where did you hear or read about a 3rd party video? I haven't been able to find anything on it.

Aside from walking on the premises of a wide open construction site, I still can't see what he did wrong or exactly what crime was committed. They say he's been caught on camera in the neighborhood. Well, so what. I job every day or night so I'm sure I'm on everyone's doorbell camera in area.

Can you be this fucking stupid? It was in YOUR article that YOU linked, you moronic shitbag.

Another document the paper cites says Barnhill claims video exists of Arbery “burglarizing a home immediately preceding the chase and confrontation.” Barnhill also wrote a letter to police, citing yet another video, one of the shooting filmed by a third pursuer.

The Times reported that Barnhill said this supposed video, which the public has not seen, shows Arbery attacking Travis McMichael after the father-son duo pulled up to him in their truck.

Barnhill told police this video shows Arbery trying to grab the shotgun from Travis McMichael’s hands, which amounted to self-defense under Georgia law — for Travis McMichael. Barnhill told police Travis McMichael “was allowed to use deadly force to protect himself.”

Go fuck yourself you piece of shit. I never took you for racist garbage but apparently I was wrong. I'm still calling bullshit on this. They person who talked abot the supposed video has already recused himself.
Nice try asshole. You claimed you “read five articles” on this case, yet didn’t even read the one you linked. Like most moronic shitbags, you read a click bait headline and assume it proves the headline, without actually reading the contents. Otherwise you’d see there is no actual proof to back up their claim.

You're sighting a video no one has seen except the guy that had to recuse himself? There is no proof of a crime being committed. What kind of dumb fuck are you?

Regardless, chasing the black man down while armed and confrontng him with no proof of anything does not equate to a citizens arrest.
What let me get this straight.... you are claiming the NEW DA appointed to review the case was to stupid to get the same video? Talk about a stretch....
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.
..I started reading about it, and I thought--this is worse than idiot Zimmerman....but, I read where this guy has a criminal record..is this true?

How would you know he had a criminal record if you see him jogging down the street? Oh you AssUMe that because he is black he must have one.
....wrong and wrong....what it means --and this is the same with the many other criminals shot/etc = it means the possibility that he was doing nefarious actions is greater = he's not an angel
....that's what they said about Michael Brown--the cop didn't know he attacked the clerk and stole [ hahahhahahah ].... it OBVIOUSLY and CLEARLY shows his HISTORY of being a jackass---so the cops' stories hold much more weight

Why, because they are WHITE.
so--no matter what race someone is, if someone has a history of doing bad things/crimes/etc, you would believe them over police who have not had a history of lying/etc???!!
..it's NOT about race most of the time
..I don't care what race they are--if you have committed crimes before, your credibility is lower
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.
Sorry, way too much going on to worry about a dead thug.

Well Shithead when it comes to you, it's par for the course.
If he doesnt act like a thug, he wont get shot.

So jogging down the road minding your own business is acting like a thug, kind of like walking down the street talking on a cellphone. We that only applies to black and brown folks though, when it comes to whites that is considered normal behavior.
Who said he was jogging?

Who said he was casing houses?
I'm a Trump supporter. I'm embarrassed that both of you are as well. You guys are handing Dem the race card on a silver platter on this thread.
I’m a trump supporter also

my first reaction was to say it looks bad for the white guys

then I said lets wait till we have more facts

which is still my position

the left is jumping to conclusions here and they are usually wrong about these things

Well, I certainly don't buy into the "can't jog while black" bullshit. Whatever happened here stands on its own and is the sole responsibility of those two white guys, or the black guy if he did something wrong. This is not due to white supremacy running wild in America which Democrats would have us believe. With that said, from what I've read and watched it just seems to me these white guys went to far regardless of what they think the black guy did. I find it hard to believe anyone can see someone run by and think they fit a description, grab their guns, hop in their truck and then chase the guy down for an interrogation which ends in the guy getting shot without at least a grand jury investigation. We'll find out with the new third prosecutor thinks.
According to the police report, Gregory McMichael, who was armed with a .357 Magnum handgun, and his son Travis, who was armed with a shotgun, attempted to interrupt Arbery’s run twice. During the first attempt Travis drove down Buford Road and tried unsuccessfully to cut off Arbery with the truck, the report says. During the second attempt Arbery had been “running back in the direction from which he came,” the report said. Travis McMichael again tried to cut Arbery off with the truck without any success, according to the report.

Travis McMichael then pulled up beside Arbery and again made it known they wanted to talk, the report says. At that point, Travis McMichael exited the vehicle, shotgun in hand, according to the police report.

Seriously??? No charges were brought against the two white guys? I jog all the time through different neighborhoods. So someone who wants to interrogate you is allowed to cut you off with their vehicle, then stop and pursue you with a shot gun? WTF????

Who said he was jogging?

Irrelevant. He can just go stand on the corner, walk up and down the street 100 times, run as fast as he can or whatever. Doesn't mean these guys have a right to harass him. The law about citizen's arrest is bullshit. There was no evidence of a crime committed. Sure as hell sounds like something is being covered up.
Actually they did not accost him over nothing, they identified him as a man that was breaking into local homes and sought to question him. He it seems chose confrontation and attempted to take a shotgun. The cops and DA by now have reviewed the evidence including any video proof and appear at this time to believe the man and son.

No. They think he resembled someone who was committing robberies. From the article,

"Ahmaud Arbery was jogging when Gregory McMichael spotted him and thought he resembled a suspect in a string of recent break-ins."

The white guys had no right to stop him. Certainly by cutting him off several times and stopping him with a gun in hand they were harassing him. The white guys had no right to stop and question him. Go read up on citizen's arrest here,

There's nothing about what the white guys did that even remotely resembles a citizen's arrest. There was no crime being committed at the moment, nor was there a crime commited just before they saw him.
You left out the main part. He was seen fleeing a house under construction THAT DAY, just before the confrontation.
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