A 9/11 Inter-Faith Diorama: GI Joe Comics (Fanfiction)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Can capitalism promote globalization peace, inter-faith coops, and real anti-terrorism dances? Here's a GI Joe comics inspired 9/11 patriotism fanfiction which attempts to address the question! Thanks for reading,


British Petroleum (BP) is such a great modern company for oil in the Western world, but it's threatened by new age anti-Western capitalism-rhetoric terrorism (e.g., ISIS, 9/11). Will the secret paramilitary group of American 'superheroes' known as 'GI Joes' be able to defend such a diadem/gem in this 20th-anniversary year of 9/11?


GI JOE: We all saw on the television the real global impact of anti-American fury on September 11, and we want to protect petroleum.


CNN: Is the terrorism-rogue underground in the world developing a special 'chemical agenda' for this anniversary-year of 9/11?


DR. AMLAN SATAN: I doubt Catholic-Protestant divisions or even 'Troubles' will be spotlighted in this age of Israel-Palestine woes!


Is Satan correct? Are issues/themes in the Catholic and/or Protestant church in the Western civilization be simply overshadowed because of post-or-pre 9/11 oriented/centric Israel-Palestine consciousness? Why're we making iconic Hollywood films about Catholic/Protestant folklore in the first place?


DR. AMLAN SATAN: We've got to end blood-diamond rogue financing in the political underworld threatening negotiations in Parliament.


Dr. Satan is a professor at Harvard teaching courses on democratic/capitalism folklore in modern Western civilization and modern media global access to ideas about revolutionary theory, guerrilla warfare, and terrorism management. He's been presenting ideas about blood-diamonds, Israel-Palestine petroleum bias, and of course Catholic-Protestant 'Troubles' in Northern Ireland (United Kingdom). He tells his students, "You can ironically find all this 'cool stuff' in modern political-action comics in the USA."


Of course, in America, we don't have Catholic-Protestant divisions that lead to warfare. No sir, we haven't had such 'ideology' controversy since our Civil War over slavery itself. No, these days, our brand of cultural anarchy is the Los Angeles Race Riots.


DR. SATAN: In Northern Ireland, Catholic-Protestant socioeconomic disparities have led to protests, riots, anarchy, and violence.


Why should people care about Catholic-Protestant divisions in the United Kingdom in this era of Israel-Palestine petroleum politics which dominate the modern media/journalism? Well, British Petroleum (BP) is indeed a major company seeking real Western investments for healthy competition with the Middle East, while the UK is dealing with Sinn Fein negotiations regarding the end of Catholic-Protestant socioeconomic disparities in past-troubled Northern Ireland. How will Americans market 'capitalism fortune' bravado films about great outlaws and lawmen engaged in furious emotions over the raw control over socialized dreams?


DR. SATAN: We saw anti-civilization terrorism in the 1972 Summer Olympics, a subject of a major motion-picture by Spielberg himself.


CNN: A major meeting between Catholic and Protestant figureheads in the United Kingdom served as a toast to the triumph of UK commerce.


SINN FEIN: Socioeconomic disparity dissolution in Northern Ireland will only facilitate healthy capital between Dublin and Belfast today!


MARGARET THATCHER: We'll listen in diplomatic environments to talks regarding modernized Northern Ireland life affairs!


Lifeline (GI Joe Super-Rescuer): As the United Kingdom and United States work with British Petroleum together, future negotiations between Sinn Fein and Parliament in the UK will facilitate Catholic-Protestant coops catering to real shared-space peace between Catholic minorities and the Protestant majority in Belfast, marketing to the modern world in this 20th-anniversary year of 9/11 that Western civilization is in full-gear dealing with the dark biases of inter-faith oversights!


AMERICAN PRESIDENT: We anticipate wondrous optimism on Remembrance Day, in this 20th anniversary of 9/11!


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)
The FIRST act of patriotism regarding 911 will be when W is in front of a firing squad and all patriotic Americans cheer.


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