A Baby is a Baby

Baby could have been adopted for all any of those fuktards know!!!

Todays "people" is what you get from NOT teaching manners, etiquette, social responsibility, social decorum to your little abominations. This is what you get when when you pop out kids and sit them in front of the fucking TV/Video game/internet for 18 years!!!!
OR we could follow natures instruction manual and stay within our own tribes...simple shit for animals....should be simple for humans.
That is not what occurred naturally with humans for 100s of thousands of years. We mixed. Everywhere, people are mixed. Nobody stayed in their tribe. We didn't even stay in our species, since at least 6 other Homo species have been found intermixed with our genome.

Europeans are mixed mostly of nearly half a dozen types. Mesolithic, Neolithic, Yamnaya, Uralic, and the first comprises several types (going by ancestral DNA markers), the 2nd mostly 3 types mixed, the Yamnaya result from 2 groups mixing, and Uralics are mixed with Yamnaya and Siberians from further east. It is the same in Africa or wherever you look.

Racism is always in contradiction to science as well as ethics.
That is not what occurred naturally with humans for 100s of thousands of years. We mixed. Everywhere, people are mixed. Nobody stayed in their tribe. We didn't even stay in our species, since at least 6 other Homo species have been found intermixed with our genome.

Europeans are mixed mostly of nearly half a dozen types. Mesolithic, Neolithic, Yamnaya, Uralic, and the first comprises several types (going by ancestral DNA markers), the 2nd mostly 3 types mixed, the Yamnaya result from 2 groups mixing, and Uralics are mixed with Yamnaya and Siberians from further east. It is the same in Africa or wherever you look.

Racism is always in contradiction to science as well as ethics.
LefTard Logic:
”I know this ONE interracial couple...therefore interracial couples are EVERYWHERE!”

Tell us storyteller....what percentage of humans are engaged in interracial relationships?
Baby could have been adopted for all any of those fuktards know!!!

Todays "people" is what you get from NOT teaching manners, etiquette, social responsibility, social decorum to your little abominations. This is what you get when when you pop out kids and sit them in front of the fucking TV/Video game/internet for 18 years!!!!

Some people are thoughtlessly hurtful. We need to bang some heads together, because there will only be more and more such families.

I was at the zoo, several years ago, and my daughter (5ish?) was playing with a slightly older girl who was very dark and her mother who was white came over.

My daughter asked about the obvious discrepancy, and the mom explained that she adopted her daughter.

My daughter explained how I, her father had been adopted.

And that was teh end of it.

If you choose a non-standard life path, people will ask about it. That is human nature.
Btw, for the record I think that a person with black and white skin is really pretty and I also believe that love is love, it doesn't matter what color you are. :)
Are you seriously fucking kidding me right now!? If you want to stay within your own tribe then I guess you best mate with a pig!! :mad:
You wouldn’t crossbreed your French Bulldog with a mutt or a poodle would you? So why and the fuck should humans pollute their bloodlines? Most cultures around the world understand this clearly…only twisted American whackos, incels, the desperate and traumatized and filthy whores with daddy issues don’t. This shit is simple, follow your genetic coding and do what most everybody already does.

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