Zone1 A Biblical Understanding of the Rise in Transgenderism

The bibles can't be amended but the interpretations can!

Ask any Catholic!
Actually the Bible was amended several times until Gutenberg put an end to that.
I wasn't aware of that, but wasn't Gutenberg's the first bible? I thought that all the earlier attempts were so varied as to not being able to refer to them as bibles.

Hasn't there been many amendments to Gutenberg's bible?

In any case, none of that counts for anything since the Catholics granted their flock permission to ignore the whole thing anyway.
I wasn't aware of that, but wasn't Gutenberg's the first bible? I thought that all the earlier attempts were so varied as to not being able to refer to them as bibles.
Gutenberg was the first Bible printed with moveable type, meaning it was accessible to people who were not wealthy. There were Bibles as we know them today once the cannon was agreed upon.

Hasn't there been many amendments to Gutenberg's bible?
None I know of. I know some chapters were added to Mark early on and some a story added to John.
Gutenberg was the first Bible printed with moveable type, meaning it was accessible to people who were not wealthy. There were Bibles as we know them today once the cannon was agreed upon.

None I know of. I know some chapters were added to Mark early on and some a story added to John.
You might as well join in on his theme.
Actually the Bible was amended several times until Gutenberg put an end to that.
There's been a volume of new amended bibles since Gutenberg. Every time it's re done by someone, it's re-interpreted and words changed.
There's been a volume of new amended bibles since Gutenberg. Every time it's re done by someone, it's re-interpreted and words changed.
True but I don't mean just rewording, I'm talking about adding things that were not in the original gospels.

One of the most famous moral teachings of the New Testament is “Judge not lest ye be judged.” It’s a favorite with pastors and politicians alike, and no individual story so exemplifies this maxim as Jesus’ encounter with the woman caught in adultery in the Gospel of John. A woman "caught in the act" is brought to Jesus by the scribes and Pharisees. They ask him if she should be stoned to death in accordance with the law given by Moses. At first Jesus ignores them and writes on the ground. When the accusers continue to challenge Jesus, he does not take the bait. Instead he asks that the person who is “without sin” cast the first stone. Nobody condemns the woman and Jesus tells the woman that he does not condemn her either and that she should go and sin no more.

The problem is that this story wasn’t originally in the Gospel of John. It didn’t become part of the Bible until at least a hundred years after the Gospel of John was written.
99% on earth are mislead, they are all in the same boat-up the creek without a paddle. Jesus said-FEW will find the road that leads off into life) He as well compared these last days( 2 Tim 3) to Noahs day(99.9% mislead) at Luke17:26)
So while this mislead one condemns that mislead one for their sin, thinking its worse than their own sin, ride in the same boat. Its called the darkness, it has 99% mislead.
True but I don't mean just rewording, I'm talking about adding things that were not in the original gospels.

One of the most famous moral teachings of the New Testament is “Judge not lest ye be judged.” It’s a favorite with pastors and politicians alike, and no individual story so exemplifies this maxim as Jesus’ encounter with the woman caught in adultery in the Gospel of John. A woman "caught in the act" is brought to Jesus by the scribes and Pharisees. They ask him if she should be stoned to death in accordance with the law given by Moses. At first Jesus ignores them and writes on the ground. When the accusers continue to challenge Jesus, he does not take the bait. Instead he asks that the person who is “without sin” cast the first stone. Nobody condemns the woman and Jesus tells the woman that he does not condemn her either and that she should go and sin no more.

The problem is that this story wasn’t originally in the Gospel of John. It didn’t become part of the Bible until at least a hundred years after the Gospel of John was written.
When was the gospel of John written? Maybe it was once there and taken out or lost. Then, another of his copies or original was found with it. Or, it was in another writing of his but not found until later. There is evidence that the story was being told in 110 AD. Not too long after John died. There may be other writings of John that are lost. In 1967, there were writings of John dug up in Jerusalem by Jesuits. They had scholars from several Churches come and view them. It’s never been shown to the public because of what’s in it. The writings stated rituals being done in the temple with Jesus and his disciple. The rituals were things the LDS Church do in their temples. So, they will never disclose the writings. And any other Church won’t because their members would convert to the LDS Church for sure in droves. I know about this from a special meeting in the LA Temple back in the 80’s where this was disclosed to members. So, John had other writings.
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99% on earth are mislead, they are all in the same boat-up the creek without a paddle. Jesus said-FEW will find the road that leads off into life) He as well compared these last days( 2 Tim 3) to Noahs day(99.9% mislead) at Luke17:26)
So while this mislead one condemns that mislead one for their sin, thinking its worse than their own sin, ride in the same boat. Its called the darkness, it has 99% mislead.
youre 1 of the 99 percent- youre in a cult- you have no excuse when you stand before God on judgement day.
Does the Bible also say to love and forgive those who put you on trains and put you to death in concentration camps, and to do nothing?

Where is that happening and why are you changing the topic? Are you talking about what they're doing to President Trump?
When was the gospel of John written? Maybe it was once there and taken out or lost. Then, another of his copies or original was found with it. Or, it was in another writing of his but not found until later. There is evidence that the story was being told in 110 AD. Not too long after John died. There may be other writings of John that are lost.
What is that evidence? You can certainly play the what if game all day long.

In 1967, there were writings of John dug up in Jerusalem by Jesuits. They had scholars from several Churches come and view them. It’s never been shown to the public because of what’s in it. The writings stated rituals being done in the temple with Jesus and his disciple. The rituals were things the LDS Church do in their temples. So, they will never disclose the writings. And any other Church won’t because their members would convert to the LDS Church for sure in droves. I know about this from a special meeting in the LA Temple back in the 80’s where this was disclosed to members. So, John had other writings.
I do love a good conspiracy theory.

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