Zone1 A Biblical Understanding of the Rise in Transgenderism

What is that evidence? You can certainly play the what if game all day long.

I do love a good conspiracy theory.
No conspiracy. Hugh Nibley went there when called by the Jesuits. You can understand why it has never come out.
Is reading second skill to you? Jesuits who found them and other scholars of other Christian faiths and Jews.
All these people have seen them but they are still secret? What is in them that only LDS people want them public?
LOL!!! And you do? Funny. You have no clue about the judgment day and who will be there.
I know very well the reality of judgement day. The darkness doesn't
God has already judged sin the wages of sin = death, thus when one dies has paid in full those wages and cannot be rejudged on them. Romans :7 is clear--one is aquitted of all sin at death. Thus is the resurrection, those get a chance to learn and apply Gods will in a more perfect state of being. But that's why satan gets loosed for a little while to test the resurrected ones faith, many will fall and be destroyed Rev 20 shows. The faithful will get their names written in Gods book of life. What a tremendous love God has. The righteous who live through Harmageddon have passed the faith test already. But will be tested then as well.
I know very well the reality of judgement day. The darkness doesn't
God has already judged sin the wages of sin = death, thus when one dies has paid in full those wages and cannot be rejudged on them. Romans :7 is clear--one is aquitted of all sin at death. Thus is the resurrection, those get a chance to learn and apply Gods will in a more perfect state of being. But that's why satan gets loosed for a little while to test the resurrected ones faith, many will fall and be destroyed Rev 20 shows. The faithful will get their names written in Gods book of life. What a tremendous love God has. The righteous who live through Harmageddon have passed the faith test already. But will be tested then as well.
You deny the Holy Ghost, don’t you. There is no forgiveness for that.
You deny the Holy Ghost, don’t you. There is no forgiveness for that.
The holy spirit is Gods active force. Thus i do not deny it. Your judging is total error,Why? Because you aren't the judge. Thus have brought judgement upon yourself for what you judge with.
This is a spiritual war against a nation that has abandoned God. Nature abhors a vacuum. This is what we are left with when we reject God

“As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.”

“But you need to be aware that in the final days the culture of society will become extremely fierce. People will be self-centered lovers of themselves and obsessed with money. They will boast of great things as they strut around in their arrogant pride and mock all that is right. They will ignore their own families.”
The holy spirit is Gods active force. Thus i do not deny it. Your judging is total error,Why? Because you aren't the judge. Thus have brought judgement upon yourself for what you judge with.
So, you believe that the Holy Ghost is God's power in action. No. The Priesthood is God's power in action given to man to do His work. The Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead that is our telephone line to the Father in the name of the Son. The Holy Ghost testifies truth to us after we pray to the Father in the name of the Son. 'How did your scholars mess that one up.
So, you believe that the Holy Ghost is God's power in action. No. The Priesthood is God's power in action given to man to do His work. The Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead that is our telephone line to the Father in the name of the Son. The Holy Ghost testifies truth to us after we pray to the Father in the name of the Son. 'How did your scholars mess that one up.
What's the holy spirits name? Every living being has a personal name. The Father and son both have personal names.
What's the holy spirits name? Every living being has a personal name. The Father and son both have personal names.
Define "name." The Holy Ghost is known by many names. The Comforter. The Testifier. There are many other names he's known by along with The Holy Ghost. Aside from that, where in the scripture does every living being need a personal name? And, remember, you talking about those with human earthly bodies. Not just spirit bodies. When Moses asked the Lord what his name was, he said "I am." Why? in your logic, it's because Jehovah didn't have a body yet. You still don't think he does because you don't recognize Jehovah as the Son who came down off His portion of the throne of God to take upon him a human physical earthly body as Jesus of Nazareth. And by the way, Jesus CHRIST is not his last name either. That's his title. Jesus THE Christ or Messiah. The Savior. Emmanuel. You and your stupid nonsense from bad scholarship. What day is the end of the world now?
Yep, we're real devil worshippers. :rolleyes:

I have never worshiped The Devil ... I have, however, done his taxes.

Define "name." The Holy Ghost is known by many names. The Comforter. The Testifier. There are many other names he's known by along with The Holy Ghost. Aside from that, where in the scripture does every living being need a personal name? And, remember, you talking about those with human earthly bodies. Not just spirit bodies. When Moses asked the Lord what his name was, he said "I am." Why? in your logic, it's because Jehovah didn't have a body yet. You still don't think he does because you don't recognize Jehovah as the Son who came down off His portion of the throne of God to take upon him a human physical earthly body as Jesus of Nazareth. And by the way, Jesus CHRIST is not his last name either. That's his title. Jesus THE Christ or Messiah. The Savior. Emmanuel. You and your stupid nonsense from bad scholarship. What day is the end of the world now?
Those are titles at best--The Father=Jehovah, The son = Jesus--The holy spirit= no name because its Gods active force, not a living being.
Those are titles at best--The Father=Jehovah, The son = Jesus--The holy spirit= no name because its Gods active force, not a living being.
Again, where in the Bible does it say the Holy Ghost is an active force and not a living being? Where does it say that living beings all have to have names? The fact is, names are titles. Jesus, Joshua, Jehovah, Jeshua are all titles of the Savior or God is Salvation. The Savior. Same with your name. It is actually a title. So, your little nonsense about "Living Beings" is just plain stupid.
The fact is, the Holy Spirit is a living being. It has a body of spirit with intelligence equaling that of Elohim and Jehovah. It's through the HG that Father and Son know everything in the universe and in our hearts and minds as well. The power of God is the Priesthood in which you do not hold.
Again, where in the Bible does it say the Holy Ghost is an active force and not a living being? Where does it say that living beings all have to have names? The fact is, names are titles. Jesus, Joshua, Jehovah, Jeshua are all titles of the Savior or God is Salvation. The Savior. Same with your name. It is actually a title. So, your little nonsense about "Living Beings" is just plain stupid.
The fact is, the Holy Spirit is a living being. It has a body of spirit with intelligence equaling that of Elohim and Jehovah. It's through the HG that Father and Son know everything in the universe and in our hearts and minds as well. The power of God is the Priesthood in which you do not hold.

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