A Big Way To Help Climate Change Just Discovered

We don't live in utopia; we live on a planet that cannot support infinite resource-extraction. Has nothing to do with the right-left paradigm.

You're stuck in a world of specialization and hierarchy based on roles that people are assigned to indefinitely.
so women and weak men are going to do just as much hard manual physical farm labor as big rugged strong men are eh ? after all we dont want to use trackters and other mechanical polluters to farm now do we .
You wanna control farms b/c a large pct of farmers are cons and white... and we can't have that

Nah, I want to control farms because they are wasteful. They waste public resources for private gain. We allow Saudi Arabia and a bunch of other Islamic authoritarian nations to use our resources for their gain because the capitalist system allows and incentivizes them to use/waste land. Someone's a money-changer. It ain't you or me, or most people.
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so women and weak men are going to do just as much hard manual physical farm labor as big rugged strong men are eh ? after all we dont want to use trackters and other mechanical polluters to farm now do we .

Not sure why you keep making this a thing about rugged men. You seem obsessed with male strength. Maybe big, brawny, sweaty men turn you on?
Hardly a political issue but there is no evidence that groundwater shifted the world's axis. The Fukashima category 9 earthquake of 2011 actually shifted the earth about 6 inches and moved the entire island of Japan about 8 feet. The problem for the left is that you can't make any money off a natural event so they makeup absurd pseudo scientific junk that they feed to their ignorant greenies.
Nah, I want to control farms because they are wasteful. They waste public resources for private gain. We allow Saudi Arabia and a bunch of other Islamic authoritarian nations to use our resources for their gain because the capitalist system allows and incentivizes them to use/waste land. Someone's a money-changer. It ain't you or me, or most people.
the biggest polluter by far on the planet is a communist nation !

Humans just need to quit drinking water. Problem solved.

We do not need to fund idiots like the climate "scientists"

The fresh water depletion issue is very real and humans are responsible. That is not climate change at all. It is human overpopulation, and why Bill Gates is invested in phony murderous vaccines....

the biggest polluter by far on the planet is a communist nation !

"Communist" nation with a mixed economy, which includes market forces.

But for the record, even if China were a fully-Marxist economy, they'd be just as guilty as Western capitalist economies of polluting the environment and destroying the planet. Never argued otherwise. In fact Eastern Europe and Russia had probably worse emissions than anything we had in the West. They were competing with us, which is why they raped the planet the way we did. What I propose is total global cooperation. Easy to write about on an anonymous message board and not so easy to plan and implement in real life I agree. I'm not saying my ideas will positively work. In fact, I'm not sure what my 'ideas' really are. All I know is that the path were on is fatal. We cannot live as we have abundance when we are living in a world of scarcity.
the biggest polluter by far on the planet is a communist nation !

Greenhouse gas emissions are bullshit. Earth climate change is 99% about where land is near to the poles, and land moves.

That Greenland froze while North America thawed rules out atmosphere and sun as suspects.
Greenhouse gas emissions are bullshit. Earth climate change is 99% about where land is near to the poles, and land moves.

That Greenland froze while North America thawed rules out atmosphere and sun as suspects.

Dude no offense but I'm sick of this denialist bullshit. You're just regurgitating nonsense.
Wouldn't it be easier and less complicated to just shoot "climate change" activists??

Some of the activists are just morons. All of the climate "scientists" know Co2 is complete fraud, as does two thirds of Congress and the entire media.

The ones who know it is fraud, the ones who fudge data, yeah, firing squad and total asset forfeiture for the greatest ever science hoax and the worst ever crime against the actual environment.
Dude no offense but I'm sick of this denialist bullshit. You're just regurgitating nonsense.

You have absolutely nothing. Co2 in the atmosphere increased and atmospheric temps didn't budge according to the two and only two measures we have.


And, of course, you cannot explain how Co2 melted North America and froze Greenland at the same time, nor can you explain Alaska vs Greenland now...

In short, the Earth climate data during the entire Co2 fraud has read precisely



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