A bitter pill from the heartland.

'It's the TRUTH. It's a FACT.'

People like the OP are a hoot
That you folks are not able to cope with the truth or the facts is not a hoot, it's an ongoing tragedy.
This is not subjective. We all saw it. Plenty of leaders today try to convince the masses we did not see what we saw, but our eyes don’t deceive. (If leaders began a yearslong campaign today to convince us that the Baltimore bridge did not collapse Tuesday morning, would you ever believe them?) Trust your eyes. Trump on Jan. 6 launched the most serious threat to our system of government since the Civil War. You know that. You saw it.

The facts involving Trump are crystal clear, and as news people, we cannot pretend otherwise, as unpopular as that might be with a segment of our readers. There aren’t two sides to facts. People who say the earth is flat don’t get space on our platforms. If that offends them, so be it.

Sorry that the truth offends you.
One asshole's OPINION. Which you agree with so you parrot it as fact. No matter how stupid you look.
I'd rather be on the side of randos creating a bonfire than Nazi's but that's just me. Evidently you're a bigger piece of shit than we thought.

You are the exact size piece of shit that we think that you are.
I'd rather be on the side of randos creating a bonfire than Nazi's but that's just me. Evidently you're a bigger piece of shit than we thought.
You're on the side of the Brownshirts. Your people do today exactly what Hitlers Brownshirts did in the 1930s

Member of an early Nazi paramilitary organization, the Sturmabteilung or SA (‘assault division’). The Brownshirts, recruited from various rough elements of society, were founded by Adolf Hitler in Munich in 1921. Fitted out in brown uniforms reminiscent of Mussolini's Blackshirts, they figured prominently in organized marches and rallies. Their violent intimidation of political opponents and of Jews played a key role in Hitler's rise to power. From 1931 the SA was led by a radical anti-capitalist, Ernst Röhm. By 1933 it numbered some two million, double the size of the army, which was hostile to them. Röhm's ambition was that the SA should achieve parity with the army and the Nazi Party, and serve as the vehicle for a Nazi revolution in state and society. For Hitler the main consideration was to ensure the loyalty to his regime of the German establishment, and in particular of the German officer corps. Consequently, he had more than 70 members of the SA, including Röhm, summarily executed by the SS in the ‘Night of the Long Knives’, after which the revolutionary period of Nazism may be said to have ended
You're on the side of the Brownshirts. Your people do today exactly what Hitlers Brownshirts did in the 1930s

Member of an early Nazi paramilitary organization, the Sturmabteilung or SA (‘assault division’). The Brownshirts, recruited from various rough elements of society, were founded by Adolf Hitler in Munich in 1921. Fitted out in brown uniforms reminiscent of Mussolini's Blackshirts, they figured prominently in organized marches and rallies. Their violent intimidation of political opponents and of Jews played a key role in Hitler's rise to power. From 1931 the SA was led by a radical anti-capitalist, Ernst Röhm. By 1933 it numbered some two million, double the size of the army, which was hostile to them. Röhm's ambition was that the SA should achieve parity with the army and the Nazi Party, and serve as the vehicle for a Nazi revolution in state and society. For Hitler the main consideration was to ensure the loyalty to his regime of the German establishment, and in particular of the German officer corps. Consequently, he had more than 70 members of the SA, including Röhm, summarily executed by the SS in the ‘Night of the Long Knives’, after which the revolutionary period of Nazism may be said to have ended
You literally just defended Nazi's.
And Jewish Space Lasers start wildfires. Got it. :abgg2q.jpg:

The NY Times confirms that there is a DeepState - and that they are awesome.
(in their opinion)

As America closes in on a major election, mistrust is brewing around the mysterious government entity that’s now denounced in scary-sounding terms — “the deep state” and “the swamp.” What do those words even mean? Who exactly do they describe?

We went on a road trip to find out. As we met the Americans who are being dismissed as public enemies, we discovered that they are … us. They like Taylor Swift. They dance bachata. They go to bed at night watching “Star Trek” reruns. They go to work and do their jobs: saving us from Armageddon.

Sure, our tax dollars pay them, but as you’ll see in the video above, what a return on our investment we get!

When we hear “deep state,” instead of recoiling, we should rally. We should think about the workers otherwise known as our public servants, the everyday superheroes who wake up ready to dedicate their careers and their lives to serving us. These are the Americans we employ. Even though their work is often invisible, it makes our lives better.

And a group of Biden supporters. Sure you want to play this game
Yeah, I'll play. Show me the evidence you have that the people in the photo you pasted are Biden supporters. Or that what they are doing is in support of Biden as what the 1/6 mob was in support of Trump.
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