A bitter pill from the heartland.

Biden won the election by receiving more legitimate votes. That's an irrefutable, demonstrable fact. Your refusal to acknowledge it doesn't change anything.

That is not a fact. He won via having more electoral votes that were certified.

That all the votes were legitimate is a matter of opinion.
Neither do you. All you do is pretend opinions are facts.
If you have facts refuting the author's assertion that Trump fairly lost the election please present them.
Trump just responded to the anger of his supporters.
Trump (and RWM) incited the anger of his supporters with lies about voter fraud. Lies he is still telling.
Trump (and RWM) incited the anger of his supporters with lies about voter fraud. Lies he is still telling.

His supporters were already angry, and with good reason.
Seems that the affect of history and it realities are not one of your strong points.

"Following the end of World War I and during the interwar period, the German people suffered greatly under the Weimar Republic and, according to the Nazis, only Hitler as a messiah could save them and restore Germany's greatness, which in turn gave rise to the myth of the "Führer-cult".

Trump's Bibles and the evolution of his messianic message​

Few politicians have commanded the loyalty of the religious right like former President Trump, whose decision to begin selling $60 Bibles for Holy Week has outraged his critics — but drawn little reaction from evangelical leaders.

Those German leaders were mostly fans of the previous regime, and saw Weimar as unable to contain a possible communist overthrow. They also saw Hitler as a means to an end to re-armament.

The Nazis never talked about stolen elections, they made elections meaningless, much like the Dems are doing with ballot harvesting and other nefarious methods of rigging the vote.

I am not, and your constant attempt to make anyone to the right of Mitt Romney = Nazi is pathetic and seen through.
Seems that the affect of history and it realities are not one of your strong points.

"Following the end of World War I and during the interwar period, the German people suffered greatly under the Weimar Republic and, according to the Nazis, only Hitler as a messiah could save them and restore Germany's greatness, which in turn gave rise to the myth of the "Führer-cult".

Trump's Bibles and the evolution of his messianic message​

Few politicians have commanded the loyalty of the religious right like former President Trump, whose decision to begin selling $60 Bibles for Holy Week has outraged his critics — but drawn little reaction from evangelical leaders.

Not seeing the connection, because there isn't one except in the heads of deranged TDS sufferers.
A typical attribute to a "cultist" and their beliefs, refusing to make any type of real connection to reality.
Fall into the rabbit hole more and more!

Not seeing the connection, because there isn't one except in the heads of deranged TDS sufferers.
A typical attribute to a "cultist" and their beliefs, refusing to make any type of real connection to reality.
Fall into the rabbit hole more and more!

Non response is a non response.

If you want to make a more correct observation of the current status of American Politics, the French 3rd Republic right before the Battle of France would be a far more appropriate comparison.

Or even the Roman Empire before it's decline.
False equivalence. Got anything else?

Not at all. You just don't want to admit the BLM/Anti-fa crap is STILL going on, it's just switched to Trans Rage and Jew Hate.
Non response is a non response.

If you want to make a more correct observation of the current status of American Politics, the French 3rd Republic right before the Battle of France would be a far more appropriate comparison.

Or even the Roman Empire before it's decline.
Fatuous comparisons to history do not hide your efforts to obscure the present day truth.
Not at all. You just don't want to admit the BLM/Anti-fa crap is STILL going on, it's just switched to Trans Rage and Jew Hate.
So......another delusional analogy. I'm sure you do not lack for them.
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