A Black High School Student Says A Teacher Pushed Her Into A Wall For Not Saying The Pledge Of Allegiance

Jul 26, 2010
North Carolina
The family of a South Carolina ninth grader is suing her school after they said a teacher pushed the 15-year-old into a wall because she refused to take the Pledge of Allegiance.

The lawsuit filed on Feb. 13 alleges that Marissa Barnwell, who attends River Bluff High School, was on her way to class on Nov. 29, 2022, when special education teacher Nicole Livingston confronted her in the hall as the pledge was playing over the school’s loudspeaker. The teacher allegedly demanded she stop walking and recite the pledge.

The lawsuit names the South Carolina Department of Education, Lexington County School District One, Livingston, and principal Jacob Smith, accusing them of negligence and violating Barnwell’s civil rights.

Speaking at a press conference on Thursday, Barnwell said she was “completely and utterly disrespected” and that no one should ever have gone through what she experienced.

“I have never seen this lady a day in my life so when she approached me so angry and so upset I had not known what to react to her,” Barnwell said. “So she approached me, she grabbed me, she pushed me up against the wall, and I was not prepared for that.”

She said she stopped participating in the pledge of allegiance in third grade because she believes that the message of “liberty and justice for all” does not apply to everyone in the US.

“In those pledges, you say ‘liberty and justice for all’ but is America really liberty and justice for all?” she said.

Barnwell added she has continued attending the school, but she’s been upset by the fact that Livingston didn’t face any kind of consequence. The school district and the state department of education did not immediately return BuzzFeed News' request for a comment.

“No one has apologized, no one has acknowledged my hurt, the fact that the school is defending that kind of behavior is unimaginable,” Barnwell said.

According to the lawsuit, Livingston took an “upset and emotionally disturbed” Barnwell to the principal's office after the alleged assault. Smith, the principal, then allegedly told Barnwell he would review the security footage and sent her back to class.

Surveillance video provided to BuzzFeed News shows the teacher confronting Barnwell as other students and adults also walk through the hall. Shavell Barnwell, her father, questioned why she was singled out.

“Why would the teacher single out my daughter when you could clearly see that other students are walking in this video, but that particular day she zoomed in on my daughter and when she grabbed her, you could see the grab was a forceful grab and you could see she was holding on to her with aggression,” he said at the press conference.

Marissa Barnwell said she believes it was because she was the only Black girl in the hallway.

Is this teacher in the right or the wrong?
The family of a South Carolina ninth grader is suing her school after they said a teacher pushed the 15-year-old into a wall because she refused to take the Pledge of Allegiance.

The lawsuit filed on Feb. 13 alleges that Marissa Barnwell, who attends River Bluff High School, was on her way to class on Nov. 29, 2022, when special education teacher Nicole Livingston confronted her in the hall as the pledge was playing over the school’s loudspeaker. The teacher allegedly demanded she stop walking and recite the pledge.

The lawsuit names the South Carolina Department of Education, Lexington County School District One, Livingston, and principal Jacob Smith, accusing them of negligence and violating Barnwell’s civil rights.

Speaking at a press conference on Thursday, Barnwell said she was “completely and utterly disrespected” and that no one should ever have gone through what she experienced.

“I have never seen this lady a day in my life so when she approached me so angry and so upset I had not known what to react to her,” Barnwell said. “So she approached me, she grabbed me, she pushed me up against the wall, and I was not prepared for that.”

She said she stopped participating in the pledge of allegiance in third grade because she believes that the message of “liberty and justice for all” does not apply to everyone in the US.

“In those pledges, you say ‘liberty and justice for all’ but is America really liberty and justice for all?” she said.

Barnwell added she has continued attending the school, but she’s been upset by the fact that Livingston didn’t face any kind of consequence. The school district and the state department of education did not immediately return BuzzFeed News' request for a comment.

“No one has apologized, no one has acknowledged my hurt, the fact that the school is defending that kind of behavior is unimaginable,” Barnwell said.

According to the lawsuit, Livingston took an “upset and emotionally disturbed” Barnwell to the principal's office after the alleged assault. Smith, the principal, then allegedly told Barnwell he would review the security footage and sent her back to class.

Surveillance video provided to BuzzFeed News shows the teacher confronting Barnwell as other students and adults also walk through the hall. Shavell Barnwell, her father, questioned why she was singled out.

“Why would the teacher single out my daughter when you could clearly see that other students are walking in this video, but that particular day she zoomed in on my daughter and when she grabbed her, you could see the grab was a forceful grab and you could see she was holding on to her with aggression,” he said at the press conference.

Marissa Barnwell said she believes it was because she was the only Black girl in the hallway.

Is this teacher in the right or the wrong?
She should never have touched the kid.
That girl has a point when she explained why she doesn't say the pledge. Her issue is the end when we are to say, "With liberty and justice for all." I don't remember there ever once being justice for JonBenet Ramsey and Kaylee Anthony.

God bless you always!!!

The family of a South Carolina ninth grader is suing her school after they said a teacher pushed the 15-year-old into a wall because she refused to take the Pledge of Allegiance.

The lawsuit filed on Feb. 13 alleges that Marissa Barnwell, who attends River Bluff High School, was on her way to class on Nov. 29, 2022, when special education teacher Nicole Livingston confronted her in the hall as the pledge was playing over the school’s loudspeaker. The teacher allegedly demanded she stop walking and recite the pledge.

The lawsuit names the South Carolina Department of Education, Lexington County School District One, Livingston, and principal Jacob Smith, accusing them of negligence and violating Barnwell’s civil rights.

Speaking at a press conference on Thursday, Barnwell said she was “completely and utterly disrespected” and that no one should ever have gone through what she experienced.

“I have never seen this lady a day in my life so when she approached me so angry and so upset I had not known what to react to her,” Barnwell said. “So she approached me, she grabbed me, she pushed me up against the wall, and I was not prepared for that.”

She said she stopped participating in the pledge of allegiance in third grade because she believes that the message of “liberty and justice for all” does not apply to everyone in the US.

“In those pledges, you say ‘liberty and justice for all’ but is America really liberty and justice for all?” she said.

Barnwell added she has continued attending the school, but she’s been upset by the fact that Livingston didn’t face any kind of consequence. The school district and the state department of education did not immediately return BuzzFeed News' request for a comment.

“No one has apologized, no one has acknowledged my hurt, the fact that the school is defending that kind of behavior is unimaginable,” Barnwell said.

According to the lawsuit, Livingston took an “upset and emotionally disturbed” Barnwell to the principal's office after the alleged assault. Smith, the principal, then allegedly told Barnwell he would review the security footage and sent her back to class.

Surveillance video provided to BuzzFeed News shows the teacher confronting Barnwell as other students and adults also walk through the hall. Shavell Barnwell, her father, questioned why she was singled out.

“Why would the teacher single out my daughter when you could clearly see that other students are walking in this video, but that particular day she zoomed in on my daughter and when she grabbed her, you could see the grab was a forceful grab and you could see she was holding on to her with aggression,” he said at the press conference.

Marissa Barnwell said she believes it was because she was the only Black girl in the hallway.

Is this teacher in the right or the wrong?
All schools now have CCTVs to monitor the halls. Let's see the tapes. Do we have a reincarnation of Tawanna Brawley here?
The teacher is correct. Your high Schooler was disrespecting the flag and America.
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The family of a South Carolina ninth grader is suing her school after they said a teacher pushed the 15-year-old into a wall because she refused to take the Pledge of Allegiance.

The lawsuit filed on Feb. 13 alleges that Marissa Barnwell, who attends River Bluff High School, was on her way to class on Nov. 29, 2022, when special education teacher Nicole Livingston confronted her in the hall as the pledge was playing over the school’s loudspeaker. The teacher allegedly demanded she stop walking and recite the pledge.

The lawsuit names the South Carolina Department of Education, Lexington County School District One, Livingston, and principal Jacob Smith, accusing them of negligence and violating Barnwell’s civil rights.

Speaking at a press conference on Thursday, Barnwell said she was “completely and utterly disrespected” and that no one should ever have gone through what she experienced.

“I have never seen this lady a day in my life so when she approached me so angry and so upset I had not known what to react to her,” Barnwell said. “So she approached me, she grabbed me, she pushed me up against the wall, and I was not prepared for that.”

She said she stopped participating in the pledge of allegiance in third grade because she believes that the message of “liberty and justice for all” does not apply to everyone in the US.

“In those pledges, you say ‘liberty and justice for all’ but is America really liberty and justice for all?” she said.

Barnwell added she has continued attending the school, but she’s been upset by the fact that Livingston didn’t face any kind of consequence. The school district and the state department of education did not immediately return BuzzFeed News' request for a comment.

“No one has apologized, no one has acknowledged my hurt, the fact that the school is defending that kind of behavior is unimaginable,” Barnwell said.

According to the lawsuit, Livingston took an “upset and emotionally disturbed” Barnwell to the principal's office after the alleged assault. Smith, the principal, then allegedly told Barnwell he would review the security footage and sent her back to class.

Surveillance video provided to BuzzFeed News shows the teacher confronting Barnwell as other students and adults also walk through the hall. Shavell Barnwell, her father, questioned why she was singled out.

“Why would the teacher single out my daughter when you could clearly see that other students are walking in this video, but that particular day she zoomed in on my daughter and when she grabbed her, you could see the grab was a forceful grab and you could see she was holding on to her with aggression,” he said at the press conference.

Marissa Barnwell said she believes it was because she was the only Black girl in the hallway.

Is this teacher in the right or the wrong?
poor weak and helpless black people///always need big brother
to save them from those old mean white people
need big brother
to save them from those old mean white people

Isn't Big Brother a white person?

All schools now have CCTVs to monitor the halls. Let's see the tapes. Do we have a reincarnation of Tawanna Brawley here?
The teacher is correct. Your high Schooler was disrespecting the flag and America.
So why didn't she grab one of the white students?

What Law says I have to stop and do anything during the Pledge of Allegiance?
So why didn't she grab one of the white students?

What Law says I have to stop and do anything during the Pledge of Allegiance?
Can you prove the teachers never did the same to a white student?

Why do all whites have to pay for the actions of one?

Why do the black & brown assholes who injure whites never have to pay a dime?
Can you prove the teachers never did the same to a white student?

Why do all whites have to pay for the actions of one?

Why do the black & brown assholes who injure whites never have to pay a dime?
You must live in a cave and only come out every blue moon, because isn't any of that bullshit true.
You must live in a cave and only come out every blue moon, because isn't any of that bullshit true.
All white tax payers must pay for these black lawsuits against schools & police. That takes away from education of children.

I was hit & badly injured by a uninsured brown asshole who never paid me a dime. I've had lots of theft & property damage by blacks who never pay or get punished.
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The family of a South Carolina ninth grader is suing her school after they said a teacher pushed the 15-year-old into a wall because she refused to take the Pledge of Allegiance.

The lawsuit filed on Feb. 13 alleges that Marissa Barnwell, who attends River Bluff High School, was on her way to class on Nov. 29, 2022, when special education teacher Nicole Livingston confronted her in the hall as the pledge was playing over the school’s loudspeaker. The teacher allegedly demanded she stop walking and recite the pledge.

The lawsuit names the South Carolina Department of Education, Lexington County School District One, Livingston, and principal Jacob Smith, accusing them of negligence and violating Barnwell’s civil rights.

Speaking at a press conference on Thursday, Barnwell said she was “completely and utterly disrespected” and that no one should ever have gone through what she experienced.

“I have never seen this lady a day in my life so when she approached me so angry and so upset I had not known what to react to her,” Barnwell said. “So she approached me, she grabbed me, she pushed me up against the wall, and I was not prepared for that.”

She said she stopped participating in the pledge of allegiance in third grade because she believes that the message of “liberty and justice for all” does not apply to everyone in the US.

“In those pledges, you say ‘liberty and justice for all’ but is America really liberty and justice for all?” she said.

Barnwell added she has continued attending the school, but she’s been upset by the fact that Livingston didn’t face any kind of consequence. The school district and the state department of education did not immediately return BuzzFeed News' request for a comment.

“No one has apologized, no one has acknowledged my hurt, the fact that the school is defending that kind of behavior is unimaginable,” Barnwell said.

According to the lawsuit, Livingston took an “upset and emotionally disturbed” Barnwell to the principal's office after the alleged assault. Smith, the principal, then allegedly told Barnwell he would review the security footage and sent her back to class.

Surveillance video provided to BuzzFeed News shows the teacher confronting Barnwell as other students and adults also walk through the hall. Shavell Barnwell, her father, questioned why she was singled out.

“Why would the teacher single out my daughter when you could clearly see that other students are walking in this video, but that particular day she zoomed in on my daughter and when she grabbed her, you could see the grab was a forceful grab and you could see she was holding on to her with aggression,” he said at the press conference.

Marissa Barnwell said she believes it was because she was the only Black girl in the hallway.

Is this teacher in the right or the wrong?
You have already convicted her, so hang the wench because Honky is a crime!

Oh, the teacher should be in jail for assault but the parents shouldn’t be allow to breed seeing their fifteen year old is still in the ninth grade!

My bet it will be discovered the fifteen year old was saying something stupid but it still does not excuse Honky for touching that precious little Angel!
There is no law forcing you to say anything during the pledge.

Now go on hating the Country you thrive in while wishing you could be poor and starving in Kenya!
Amazing how that narrative changes when it comes to the folks who raided the Capitol on 1/6.

I am a disabled vet, WTF have you done?
You have already convicted her, so hang the wench because Honky is a crime!

Oh, the teacher should be in jail for assault but the parents shouldn’t be allow to breed seeing their fifteen year old is still in the ninth grade!

My bet it will be discovered the fifteen year old was saying something stupid but it still does not excuse Honky for touching that precious little Angel!
Dumbass if her birthday is in Octobershe would start school a year later, because she would miss the cutoff. Now what does that say about your dumb, racist ass.
Amazing how that narrative changes when it comes to the folks who raided the Capitol on 1/6.

I am a disabled vet, WTF have you done?
Have any proof that I invaded the capitol or supported their stupidity?

Of course not but you will make false accusations like the race baiting retard you are and why?

You are a loser!

Served in the Navy during Gulf War I and never voted for a Republican in my damn life loser!

Got any other accusations fake Vet?
A few things going on here:

The teacher should not have touched the student, within the context of this story, period.

In the article, the student says that she hasn't stood for the pledge since 3rd grade because she doesn't believe the pledge means what it says, "liberty and justice for all".

Since 3rd grade? How many 8 year olds can read and hear the pledge and make that distinction or decision for themselves? It's plausible, but unlikely. You're 8 years old, where does this idea come from?
Dumbass if her birthday is in Octobershe would start school a year later, because she would miss the cutoff. Now what does that say about your dumb, racist ass.
Cutoff is usually either end of September or November, so it tell me you dropped out in the third grade!

Also fifteen years old means she failed a year but a race baiting loser like you can’t do math!

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