A Black High School Student Says A Teacher Pushed Her Into A Wall For Not Saying The Pledge Of Allegiance

The real, underlying issue is this: many Blacks do not feel that America is their country.

I can absolutely understand this, but even if it's a completely wrong way to feel ... that is the way they feel.
Can Jews feel that Germany is their country? Could Armenians feel that Tur

This being the case, American patriots should start thinking about some way to accommodate them. The problem is one of real estate. If we could conjure up a large, fertile island somewhere, in the Caribbean say, then we could solve the problem easily. Help those Blacks who don't feel any allegiance to America to start a new new nation there.

We can't do that, of course. But is there some way we could approximate that solution? I'm thinking of the future, when we may see radical upheavals in America, which suddenly put things on the agenda of possibilities that were not there before. Many mass population transfers have occured in the wake of social collapse (think Soviet Union) or in the aftermath of wars.

In any case, patriots ought to be sympathetic to yearnings for independence on the part of quasi-national minorities in the US (not just Black people), and let it be known that we would not oppose, indeed we would help, attempts to found new nations on the part of people who do not want to be part of the American nation.
The real, underlying issue is this: many Blacks do not feel that America is their country.

I can absolutely understand this, but even if it's a completely wrong way to feel ... that is the way they feel.
Can Jews feel that Germany is their country? Could Armenians feel that Tur

This being the case, American patriots should start thinking about some way to accommodate them. The problem is one of real estate. If we could conjure up a large, fertile island somewhere, in the Caribbean say, then we could solve the problem easily. Help those Blacks who don't feel any allegiance to America to start a new new nation there.

We can't do that, of course. But is there some way we could approximate that solution? I'm thinking of the future, when we may see radical upheavals in America, which suddenly put things on the agenda of possibilities that were not there before. Many mass population transfers have occured in the wake of social collapse (think Soviet Union) or in the aftermath of wars.

In any case, patriots ought to be sympathetic to yearnings for independence on the part of quasi-national minorities in the US (not just Black people), and let it be known that we would not oppose, indeed we would help, attempts to found new nations on the part of people who do not want to be part of the American nation.

Black Americans are NOT "quasi-national minorities." What a stupid notion.
Black Americans are NOT "quasi-national minorities." What a stupid notion.
If they think they are, then they are. Black Americans don't like whites. Don't kid yourself about that.
If they were geographically concentrated into one area, like Mississippi, then a separatist movement, seeking to establish an independent Black nation, would be on the agenda. The inhabitants might not go for it. The inhabitants of Puerto Rico believe it's better to remain an American dependency than to go for independence. The Scottish nationalists have never quite managed to persuade enough of their countrymen to vote for national independence, but that could change.

In any case, no small-d democrat should support the forcible retention of a national minority that wants its independence. (The problem with such movements is always that there are non-members of the minority on territory where the minority is. This is always resolved through bloodshed.)

Right now, of course, it's not a realistic possibility. But it may be in the future.
This hoax turned out to be the disruptive student was told to face the corner and away from the class. She would not so the teacher turned her shoulders to face the wall
Next up we have Pearl clutching recounts of assault and the every single day liberal excuse making for poor conduct and blaming others.
Here's the lawsuit - DocumentCloud

"While M.B. was walking to her class, Defendant Nicole Livingstone violated M.B.'s constitutional rights by yelling and demanding that M.B. stop walking and physically assaulting her by pushing M.B. on the wall and forcefully touching M.B. in an unwanted way without her consent..""

She is going to get paid.
Here's the lawsuit - DocumentCloud

"While M.B. was walking to her class, Defendant Nicole Livingstone violated M.B.'s constitutional rights by yelling and demanding that M.B. stop walking and physically assaulting her by pushing M.B. on the wall and forcefully touching M.B. in an unwanted way without her consent..""

She is going to get paid.
Big boo hoo from a
Bad actor
My familiarity is that when the next word starts with a vowel then an and not a us used
You being an Asian Korean American may be unaware of that
The rule is around vowel and consonant sounds, not letters. The Asian Korean American is correct.
My familiarity is that when the next word starts with a vowel then an and not a us used
You being an Asian Korean American may be unaware of that


I'm not Asian, or Korean American.

The use of the indefinite article "an" as opposed to "a" depends on the initial sound of the noun being modified, not its spelling.
I am unaware of such a distinction of sounding trumping vowel or consonant
Also, is this thread about that?
No, but if you lob a softball in like that, I’m going to hit it. It’s good practice to know what you are talking about before trying to condescend.

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