A blast from the past. Aka I told ya so

If we want to get serious about terrorism, maybe we should ban all men from entering this country since you rarely see women committing these crimes.

Makes more sense than singling out Muslims but logic has never been in the repertoire of conservatives.
So you support Illegals coming in and killing US born Citizens, because as long as US citizens kill others , it is no big deal?

"As long as US citizens kill others , it is no big deal." I've never heard a gun nut's beliefs put so directly.
Seems that in Chicago, you know where Rahm Emmanuel(the Obama aide) is now mayor, they are setting a record for deaths from black on black crime. Why do we need to import more people from places that want to do US harm when we cant even get a grip on our own problems? Because liberals want people to kill other people, liberals are miserable wretches and love death, even their own.

Take your meds.
Typical retort when a liberal gets a smack down with facts....
The awful and counterproductive pursuit of "diversity" is the biggest Supreme Court scam ever.

"Diversity" was invented by the court when it was no longer able to avoid the blatant unconstitutionality of the "affirmative action" policies that the court had previously demanded. They said, in effect, "Well, you can't actually discriminate against white people, but if your objective is to create a DIVERSE student body/workplace, then that's OK."

But the benefits of "diversity" are an illusion. It has no benefits. And yet the Left has made it a perpetual campaign to perdition.

Yuks galore.
Legal immigrants granted visas based on some mutually-beneficial purpose commit far less crime than inner-city thug trash. I agree.

Illegal immigrants and terrorists who are legally brought in by bullshit PC "lottery" drawings for no other purpose but political virtue signaling are much more likely to commit crime than the average U.S.-born citizen, excluding inner-city thug trash.

Your stats, although true, are complete horseshit in the message you are trying to convey.
How many people brought into this country under the lottery system have committed terror attacks over the past 27 years the progam existed? You say the stats are correct but don't show any indication as to how many terror attacks these people are linked. Put up your stats or STFU
Irrelevant liberal tripe that has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SUBJECT

One or two data points prove nothing. They are out-liars+

+In statistics, an outlier is an observation point that is distant from other observations. An outlier may be due to variability in the measurement or it may indicate experimental error; the latter are sometimes excluded from the data set.

In short it proves nothing but the bias of those with an agenda.
So you support Illegals coming in and killing US born Citizens, because as long as US citizens kill others , it is no big deal?

"As long as US citizens kill others , it is no big deal." I've never heard a gun nut's beliefs put so directly.
Seems that in Chicago, you know where Rahm Emmanuel(the Obama aide) is now mayor, they are setting a record for deaths from black on black crime. Why do we need to import more people from places that want to do US harm when we cant even get a grip on our own problems? Because liberals want people to kill other people, liberals are miserable wretches and love death, even their own.

Take your meds.
Typical retort when a liberal gets a smack down with facts....

Yes. I've read your posts. I can tell how concerned you are about black victim crime, Archie.
If we want to get serious about terrorism, maybe we should ban all men from entering this country since you rarely see women committing these crimes.

Makes more sense than singling out Muslims but logic has never been in the repertoire of conservatives.
No problem. More fish in the sea is a nice proposition
So you support Illegals coming in and killing US born Citizens, because as long as US citizens kill others , it is no big deal?

"As long as US citizens kill others , it is no big deal." I've never heard a gun nut's beliefs put so directly.
Seems that in Chicago, you know where Rahm Emmanuel(the Obama aide) is now mayor, they are setting a record for deaths from black on black crime. Why do we need to import more people from places that want to do US harm when we cant even get a grip on our own problems? Because liberals want people to kill other people, liberals are miserable wretches and love death, even their own.

Take your meds.
Typical retort when a liberal gets a smack down with facts....

Yes. I've read your posts. I can tell how concerned you are about black victim crime, Archie.
Why should I be concerned when during the 8 years of Obama, all that was done was # ing.


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