A Boston Demon


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a Utopian capitalism-culture parable inspired by the vigilance-dramedy film The Boondock Saints.



Ana was a prophetic child sent from heaven down to Boston, Massachusetts in a time when consumerism and capitalism-culture was exploding and Donald Trump was elected U.S. President. North Korea was threatening nuclear war and it wasn't even two decades since the trauma of 9/11. Ana was given to parents, intellectual elites and professors at Harvard University, and they adored her but like all other Bostonians, they were 'swept up in commerce consciousness.'


Ana was given many toys to play with and a special male-nanny was assigned by her parents to tend to her needs. The nanny's name was Samuels, and he preferred to be called 'child-technician.' Samuels hand-picked a beautiful clear-plastic orange toy water-pistol for Ana to use to water the plants in the lavish intellectualite apartment of her parents. Samuels would help Ana hold the pistol and use it to water the plants and tell Ana about the magic and sacredness of flora. Samuels was something like an 'angel.'


Samuels also loved baseball and was a big fan of the Boston Red Sox. Samuels used to collect baseball cards as a youngster and his all-time favorite BoSox player was of course Wade Boggs. Samuels took Ana to a Red Sox game one summer, even though the threat of nuclear war from North Korea continued to loom in the skyline of America! Ana loved watching baseball with Samuels, and Ana's parents liked the way Samuels tended to Ana's emotional happiness. Samuels even read bedtime stories to Ana!


Well, nuclear war came, and Samuels shielded Ana from all the hell that ensued. Boston was devastated, and it was clear to Samuels that Ana was a prophetic child-messenger when Ana began reciting musical hymns during the nuclear attacks in Boston, D.C., NYC, and San Francisco. As the cities rebuilt themselves (North Korea was destroyed by a Trump war-initiative called 'Capital Storm'), Samuels continued to be Ana's 'guardian.' Samuels was now 30 and Ana was now 12. Samuels had built a time-machine (you see, he was something of a 'mad scientist' when he wasn't a 'child-technician'). Samuels and Ana went in the time-machine and landed in Boston way in the future, which was now very 'complex' and shaped like seashells and curves of architectural light.


Samuels would wear a ski-mask and sit in the 'new Boston Sanctuary Park' typing away on his laptop and posting messages on US Message Board and World Discussion Forum such as, "Ana, the prophetic child of peace will of course uplift our jaded democratic spirits!" and "Why does Boston still promote the sale of hand-guns to civilians and the untempered promotion of unbridled capitalism?" and "Any lunatic can purchase a chainsaw from a hardware store and use it to destroy the artificial trees on the New Boylston Street as a gesture of eco-terrorism!" Samuels had become something of a 'Democracy Messenger' (and it was all for Ana).


A deranged crime-boss named Kingpin read Samuels' posts and ordered his ghouls to steal chainsaws from a Boston hardware store and carry out the 'task' Samuels tried to warn people about, and the next day, the Boston Herald read, "Kingpin declares war on the commerce of New Boston!" Samuels realized nothing was changing despite the calamity of nuclear war, and he wondered if he and Ana should go back into his time-machine and return to his own time. However, before he left, he decided to take a chainsaw from this 'futuristic Boston' back with him (as a souvenir of commerce-culture timelessness).


Samuels had mis-pushed a button on the time-machine and he and Ana returned to a Boston before the onset of the devastating nuclear war! Samuels decided he and Ana should start taking photos and posting messages on the Internet such as, "Save Boston from capitalism cynicism!" and "Nuclear war is the only threat to democracy!" This time, there was no Kingpin to carry out deranged copycat-crimes modelled after Samuels' idealistic Internet posts, however, Samuels was still very worried about the frailty of capitalism-culture. Ana of course comforted her eccentric guardian Samuels with the Christian words, "We can defeat the AntiChrist!" Samuels meditated and thought 'maybe, just maybe, Boston will become a beacon of baseball...even in the future.'



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