A breakdown of who is really paying taxes

No, The Corporation is taxed only once. Only the gain on what the corp reinvests is taxed after that. The only time money is taxed twice while in the SAME hands is when the money is taxed once when it is earned and a second time when it is spent.

To make this simple
earn 1 million
pay 250,000 in taxes
invest 750,000
until you get back 250k in capital gains, your taxing wealth that has all ready been taxed
Bullshit, you have not paid one penny of taxes on that 250k before. You didn't make it until AFTER you invested the 750k so you couldn't have paid taxes on it before you made it from the investment!!! :cuckoo:

All I can say is we have found a place to agree to dis agree
you have paid taxes on 1 million dollars
Until you reach that 1 million level again your pay taxes on monies that has already been taxed
Partisan blindness is the only reason you cannot allow that to be seen
Its first grade math
To make this simple
earn 1 million
pay 250,000 in taxes
invest 750,000
until you get back 250k in capital gains, your taxing wealth that has all ready been taxed
Bullshit, you have not paid one penny of taxes on that 250k before. You didn't make it until AFTER you invested the 750k so you couldn't have paid taxes on it before you made it from the investment!!! :cuckoo:

All I can say is we have found a place to agree to dis agree
you have paid taxes on 1 million dollars
Until you reach that 1 million level again your pay taxes on monies that has already been taxed
Partisan blindness is the only reason you cannot allow that to be seen
Its first grade math

So you're saying that your income should be tax exempt up to your previous tax burden. That is you paid 250K so the next 250K you earn should be tax free?
No, the corp pays a tax once on their profits and the shareholder pays a tax once on his profit. The shareholder does not pay corporate taxes and the corp does not pay the shareholder's taxes. Each pays taxes only once and only on their own profits.

If you are going to claim that each time the same dollar changes hands it is taxed and therefore it is taxed more than once, that is true but it is taxed an infinite number of times not just double taxed, but in each pair of hands the same dollar is taxed once. The only exception is the sales tax where the same dollar in the same hands is taxed once when it is earned and once when it is spent, but corps are exempt from paying sales taxes.

You see, I’m not claiming that “each time a dollar changes hands it is taxed and therefore taxed more than once”; I’m claiming the dollar I invest in a corporation does not cease to be mine just because it has been invested, any more than a dollar I put in the bank ceases to be mine. You see a corporation as some kind of evil monolith; nothing could be further from the truth. A corporation is nothing more than a group of individuals deciding to pool their resources, generally to support larger operations and create a profit. The dollar invested in the corporation does not belong to the corporation; it is segregated into a capital account and used, as are loan proceeds, to grow the operations. You see “corporation tax” as somehow separate and distinct from “income tax”, however, they are both income tax, and they both tax the same dollar. As the corporation grows through these investments and profits, it pays tax on the income. This same income is what makes the stock worth more when it is sold. So I’m sorry, you are incorrect, there is double taxation. Even the IRS recognizes this as you’ll see from my previous posts; if you choose not to accept the word of the agency that is responsible for collecting taxes, I can’t help you.

That's right. They just give their tax exemption number for the goods and services they buy. Their customers pay the sales tax when they purchase the goods and services from the company.

It's just amazing how little you tax experts know about taxes!!!

Probably you should avoid personal attacks when discussing issues you obviously know nothing about. The sales tax “resale exemption” certificate can be used by any business (corporation, partnership or sole proprietor) if they are buying goods for resale. You see, that is how they avoid, you guessed it, double taxation. The end user of the item pays the sales tax; those manufacturers or distributors buying items for resale don’t pay sales tax when they purchase the goods because they collect the tax from the end user (often but not always a retail consumer). If they had to pay sales tax on those goods and then collect from the end user, they would be paying sales tax twice on the same item. However, it isn’t an exemption for all goods and services; items that are used in the business (vehicles, manufacturing equipment, office supplies, furniture, etc.) and not purchased for resale are sales taxable to the corporation (or other business form) since they are the end user of these items. Most corporations pay significant amounts of sales taxes. Most also pay “tangible personal property” taxes on those same items on which they were required to pay sales tax (with the exception of registered vehicles, which are taxed through the registration process), generally at the same rate as individuals pay on real estate.
OK so you admit corps do not get double taxed by sales taxes like wage earners do, and regarding office supplies etc., those sales taxes are deductible from their net and are not double taxed by the corporate tax.

Corps are still single taxed on their profits and stockholders are single taxed on their cap gains.

I knew he was way out of line as I have done some bean counting for large industrial construction companies
Permanent plant material would be bought typically by the owner as to not pay sales. The very items you mentioned would be taxed accordingly
Trying to discuss the things with this Libs has its moments of frustration, this is why they elected the people they choose to elect I guess
Bullshit, you have not paid one penny of taxes on that 250k before. You didn't make it until AFTER you invested the 750k so you couldn't have paid taxes on it before you made it from the investment!!! :cuckoo:

All I can say is we have found a place to agree to dis agree
you have paid taxes on 1 million dollars
Until you reach that 1 million level again your pay taxes on monies that has already been taxed
Partisan blindness is the only reason you cannot allow that to be seen
Its first grade math

So you're saying that your income should be tax exempt up to your previous tax burden. That is you paid 250K so the next 250K you earn should be tax free?

It should be part of the equation. Look most Cons claim that your dbl dipping because
well here

The tax rate on investors is unfair, but for the opposite reason. Our tax code layers taxation of dividends and capital gains on top of a top corporate tax rate of 35%—which even President Obama acknowledges is one of the highest in the world.

This is ironically the embodiment of the "corporate personhood" legal doctrine otherwise so decried by the left. The law taxes corporations as if they were separate beings from the shareholders who own them and then levies a separate tax on shareholder payouts and gains. This double taxation brings the effective tax rate on investment income to as much as 44.75%.


Taxing profit or income is not the same as taxing capital gains
until that point in which that original income hits its original value, as I see it your taxing that wealth again
call me names if you like, but that would be the fair way to asses capital gains
A single 15% rate with the amount taxed the previously years wrote off until you actual make a real gain in wealth
Hence the name capital gain

We need a fair tax system in place
A sales tax
A vat tax
A flat tax
Capital gains need taxation, but again
Corporations need not to have to pay taxes on those gains as described above and the individual needs not to pay taxes on gains until those gains are actually realized
All I can say is we have found a place to agree to dis agree
you have paid taxes on 1 million dollars
Until you reach that 1 million level again your pay taxes on monies that has already been taxed
Partisan blindness is the only reason you cannot allow that to be seen
Its first grade math

So you're saying that your income should be tax exempt up to your previous tax burden. That is you paid 250K so the next 250K you earn should be tax free?

It should be part of the equation. Look most Cons claim that your dbl dipping because
well here

The tax rate on investors is unfair, but for the opposite reason. Our tax code layers taxation of dividends and capital gains on top of a top corporate tax rate of 35%—which even President Obama acknowledges is one of the highest in the world.

This is ironically the embodiment of the "corporate personhood" legal doctrine otherwise so decried by the left. The law taxes corporations as if they were separate beings from the shareholders who own them and then levies a separate tax on shareholder payouts and gains. This double taxation brings the effective tax rate on investment income to as much as 44.75%.


Taxing profit or income is not the same as taxing capital gains
until that point in which that original income hits its original value, as I see it your taxing that wealth again
call me names if you like, but that would be the fair way to asses capital gains
A single 15% rate with the amount taxed the previously years wrote off until you actual make a real gain in wealth
Hence the name capital gain

We need a fair tax system in place
A sales tax
A vat tax
A flat tax
Capital gains need taxation, but again
Corporations need not to have to pay taxes on those gains as described above and the individual needs not to pay taxes on gains until those gains are actually realized

It is not part of the equation.

A couple more points. There are many tax loopholes for corporations so very few pay the 35%. Only long term capital gains get the 15% rate. All others are considered income.
So you're saying that your income should be tax exempt up to your previous tax burden. That is you paid 250K so the next 250K you earn should be tax free?

It should be part of the equation. Look most Cons claim that your dbl dipping because
well here

The tax rate on investors is unfair, but for the opposite reason. Our tax code layers taxation of dividends and capital gains on top of a top corporate tax rate of 35%—which even President Obama acknowledges is one of the highest in the world.

This is ironically the embodiment of the "corporate personhood" legal doctrine otherwise so decried by the left. The law taxes corporations as if they were separate beings from the shareholders who own them and then levies a separate tax on shareholder payouts and gains. This double taxation brings the effective tax rate on investment income to as much as 44.75%.


Taxing profit or income is not the same as taxing capital gains
until that point in which that original income hits its original value, as I see it your taxing that wealth again
call me names if you like, but that would be the fair way to asses capital gains
A single 15% rate with the amount taxed the previously years wrote off until you actual make a real gain in wealth
Hence the name capital gain

We need a fair tax system in place
A sales tax
A vat tax
A flat tax
Capital gains need taxation, but again
Corporations need not to have to pay taxes on those gains as described above and the individual needs not to pay taxes on gains until those gains are actually realized

It is not part of the equation.

A couple more points. There are many tax loopholes for corporations so very few pay the 35%. Only long term capital gains get the 15% rate. All others are considered income.

You are correct in the different rates as well as loop holes
This why its a must in my opinion to do a complete overhaul of the system we have in place

Any-way I hope these debates will actually lead to some changes in the whole system. Drudge re plays GE tax bill and the evasion of paying ant taxes

I do not know one conservative that has issue with paying there fair share
GE Filed 57,000-Page Tax Return, Paid No Taxes on $14 Billion in Profits | The Weekly Standard

Papa Obama almost spent in less than fours years what Bush did in eight

Obama is not working

Like most Republicans you're blinder than a goddam bat.

If you aren't smart enough to subtract nearly a half trillion dollars a year from Obama's spending and add it to the Reagan-Bushes debts you should stay out of traffic. Here's the annual interest payments and they must be paid or the nation goes into default. George W. Bush's last budget ended Sept. 30, 2009. The next day over $451 billion was due and payable:

..............................Annual Interest On The National Debt.................................


AND YOU dumb..f..K
Please explain where $9 trillion in losses due to
1) $5 trillion from the dot.com bust market blowing apart end of 2000?
2) A little event called 9/11 cost $2 trillion
3) Hurricanes worst in history another $1 trillion
4) $1.2 trillion in market losses in 2008
This $9 trillion in LOSSES are being written off (Just as Obama writes off $100,000 per year in what's called long term capital losses Obama's netting him a $125879 long-term capital loss)

This means nearly $306 billion a year in UNPAID IRS/taxes and it started in 2003!
When you take $300 billion a year from the $2 trillion tax revenue that's substantial.
SO again... please someone ... contradict this otherwise shut the f..k up about
taxing more!

All that and the stupid Republican left the tax cuts he forced through(a Republican congress)stay in place. Listen numbnuts....Bush had a Republican majority in the congress for six of the eight years he served(or phucked up) and if there was something he needed to do all he had to do was let them know. The toy cowboy draft dodging son-of-a-bitch screwed our country to the wall.
Like most Republicans you're blinder than a goddam bat.

If you aren't smart enough to subtract nearly a half trillion dollars a year from Obama's spending and add it to the Reagan-Bushes debts you should stay out of traffic. Here's the annual interest payments and they must be paid or the nation goes into default. George W. Bush's last budget ended Sept. 30, 2009. The next day over $451 billion was due and payable:

..............................Annual Interest On The National Debt.................................


AND YOU dumb..f..K
Please explain where $9 trillion in losses due to
1) $5 trillion from the dot.com bust market blowing apart end of 2000?
2) A little event called 9/11 cost $2 trillion
3) Hurricanes worst in history another $1 trillion
4) $1.2 trillion in market losses in 2008
This $9 trillion in LOSSES are being written off (Just as Obama writes off $100,000 per year in what's called long term capital losses Obama's netting him a $125879 long-term capital loss)

This means nearly $306 billion a year in UNPAID IRS/taxes and it started in 2003!
When you take $300 billion a year from the $2 trillion tax revenue that's substantial.
SO again... please someone ... contradict this otherwise shut the f..k up about
taxing more!

All that and the stupid Republican left the tax cuts he forced through(a Republican congress)stay in place. Listen numbnuts....Bush had a Republican majority in the congress for six of the eight years he served(or phucked up) and if there was something he needed to do all he had to do was let them know. The toy cowboy draft dodging son-of-a-bitch screwed our country to the wall.

If your going to play with the big boys you better get your facts straight
1)The Dems controlled the senate after Jim Jeffers jumped parties in 00
Tom D was the senate majority
2) those debt figures have very little to do with policy from 01-08. Long term debt and year to year deficits are a much different thing

President Bush expanded the federal budget by a historic $700 billion through 2008.
Federal Spending By the Numbers 2008
President Bush became the first President to spend 3 percent of GDP on federal antipoverty program
Welfare Spendathon: House Stimulus Bill Will Cost Taxpayers $787 Billion in New Welfare Spending
President Bush presided over a $2.5 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. Setting aside 2009 (for which Presidents Bush and Obama share responsibility for an additional $2.6 trillion in public debt),
The Obama Budget: Spending, Taxes, and Doubling the National Debt

Most of the debt was added after the Dems took over congress and as is stated herein during 2009 in which the Libs leave out the 50% BHO added as well as the massive job loss just prior to and after his election
This Washington Post graph shows the truth
The Truth about Obama's Budget Deficits, in Pictures

Now the way it really is, is that GWB added 2.5trillion and then on 09 added 1.3 trillion to the total debt

In 2007 we spent 2.7 trillion
in 09 we spent 3.5 trillion

2007 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All of this info has what we call links, so before any of you go ona tirad, this is not my info nor is it based on an opinion
its what we call facts

Published March 02, 2009. AP ... President Barack Obama will break a campaign pledge and sign a budget bill laden with
AND YOU dumb..f..K
Please explain where $9 trillion in losses due to
1) $5 trillion from the dot.com bust market blowing apart end of 2000?
2) A little event called 9/11 cost $2 trillion
3) Hurricanes worst in history another $1 trillion
4) $1.2 trillion in market losses in 2008
This $9 trillion in LOSSES are being written off (Just as Obama writes off $100,000 per year in what's called long term capital losses Obama's netting him a $125879 long-term capital loss)

This means nearly $306 billion a year in UNPAID IRS/taxes and it started in 2003!
When you take $300 billion a year from the $2 trillion tax revenue that's substantial.
SO again... please someone ... contradict this otherwise shut the f..k up about
taxing more!

All that and the stupid Republican left the tax cuts he forced through(a Republican congress)stay in place. Listen numbnuts....Bush had a Republican majority in the congress for six of the eight years he served(or phucked up) and if there was something he needed to do all he had to do was let them know. The toy cowboy draft dodging son-of-a-bitch screwed our country to the wall.

If your going to play with the big boys you better get your facts straight
1)The Dems controlled the senate after Jim Jeffers jumped parties in 00
Tom D was the senate majority
2) those debt figures have very little to do with policy from 01-08. Long term debt and year to year deficits are a much different thing

President Bush expanded the federal budget by a historic $700 billion through 2008.
Federal Spending By the Numbers 2008
President Bush became the first President to spend 3 percent of GDP on federal antipoverty program
Welfare Spendathon: House Stimulus Bill Will Cost Taxpayers $787 Billion in New Welfare Spending
President Bush presided over a $2.5 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. Setting aside 2009 (for which Presidents Bush and Obama share responsibility for an additional $2.6 trillion in public debt),
The Obama Budget: Spending, Taxes, and Doubling the National Debt

Most of the debt was added after the Dems took over congress and as is stated herein during 2009 in which the Libs leave out the 50% BHO added as well as the massive job loss just prior to and after his election
This Washington Post graph shows the truth
The Truth about Obama's Budget Deficits, in Pictures

Now the way it really is, is that GWB added 2.5trillion and then on 09 added 1.3 trillion to the total debt

In 2007 we spent 2.7 trillion
in 09 we spent 3.5 trillion

2007 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All of this info has what we call links, so before any of you go ona tirad, this is not my info nor is it based on an opinion
its what we call facts

Published March 02, 2009. AP ... President Barack Obama will break a campaign pledge and sign a budget bill laden with

Take that Republican bullschit and try to deposit it into the bank. It takes 60 votes to get something through the senate because of the filibuster. Right off the top of my head the Democrats opposed the tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 but the Republicans used reconciliation to keep them out of it. Then after starting two wars....one unnecessary and totally by choice Bush doubled the national debt and left Obama with nearly a half trillion dollars a year interest payment on his and the Reagan-Bush41 debt.

Bush ran his war expenses as OFF BUDGET emergency spending and the first time Obama asked for funds he put it back ON BUDGET. It's a fact man....all that well looked up horse schit doesn't change the cold hard facts.
All that and the stupid Republican left the tax cuts he forced through(a Republican congress)stay in place. Listen numbnuts....Bush had a Republican majority in the congress for six of the eight years he served(or phucked up) and if there was something he needed to do all he had to do was let them know. The toy cowboy draft dodging son-of-a-bitch screwed our country to the wall.

If your going to play with the big boys you better get your facts straight
1)The Dems controlled the senate after Jim Jeffers jumped parties in 00
Tom D was the senate majority
2) those debt figures have very little to do with policy from 01-08. Long term debt and year to year deficits are a much different thing

President Bush expanded the federal budget by a historic $700 billion through 2008.
Federal Spending By the Numbers 2008
President Bush became the first President to spend 3 percent of GDP on federal antipoverty program
Welfare Spendathon: House Stimulus Bill Will Cost Taxpayers $787 Billion in New Welfare Spending
President Bush presided over a $2.5 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. Setting aside 2009 (for which Presidents Bush and Obama share responsibility for an additional $2.6 trillion in public debt),
The Obama Budget: Spending, Taxes, and Doubling the National Debt

Most of the debt was added after the Dems took over congress and as is stated herein during 2009 in which the Libs leave out the 50% BHO added as well as the massive job loss just prior to and after his election
This Washington Post graph shows the truth
The Truth about Obama's Budget Deficits, in Pictures

Now the way it really is, is that GWB added 2.5trillion and then on 09 added 1.3 trillion to the total debt

In 2007 we spent 2.7 trillion
in 09 we spent 3.5 trillion

2007 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All of this info has what we call links, so before any of you go ona tirad, this is not my info nor is it based on an opinion
its what we call facts

Published March 02, 2009. AP ... President Barack Obama will break a campaign pledge and sign a budget bill laden with

Take that Republican bullschit and try to deposit it into the bank. It takes 60 votes to get something through the senate because of the filibuster. Right off the top of my head the Democrats opposed the tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 but the Republicans used reconciliation to keep them out of it. Then after starting two wars....one unnecessary and totally by choice Bush doubled the national debt and left Obama with nearly a half trillion dollars a year interest payment on his and the Reagan-Bush41 debt.

Bush ran his war expenses as OFF BUDGET emergency spending and the first time Obama asked for funds he put it back ON BUDGET. It's a fact man....all that well looked up horse schit doesn't change the cold hard facts.

I see it is 4 days later and he still doesn't understand the supplemental budgets Bush employed to make his stated budgets look better.

I'm guessing four days from now, we'll be on the cusp of a new month YET he still won't be able to grasp the concept of Bush and supplemental budgets. Or 4 months when this thread is still going.

There are those I disagree with who, I feel, are just here to see how many people they can disgust. He's not one of them; he doesn't understand how idiotic he is. But he has links which I guess he thinks proves something. Gotta give him that; he can cut and past links.
All that and the stupid Republican left the tax cuts he forced through(a Republican congress)stay in place. Listen numbnuts....Bush had a Republican majority in the congress for six of the eight years he served(or phucked up) and if there was something he needed to do all he had to do was let them know. The toy cowboy draft dodging son-of-a-bitch screwed our country to the wall.

If your going to play with the big boys you better get your facts straight
1)The Dems controlled the senate after Jim Jeffers jumped parties in 00
Tom D was the senate majority
2) those debt figures have very little to do with policy from 01-08. Long term debt and year to year deficits are a much different thing

President Bush expanded the federal budget by a historic $700 billion through 2008.
Federal Spending By the Numbers 2008
President Bush became the first President to spend 3 percent of GDP on federal antipoverty program
Welfare Spendathon: House Stimulus Bill Will Cost Taxpayers $787 Billion in New Welfare Spending
President Bush presided over a $2.5 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. Setting aside 2009 (for which Presidents Bush and Obama share responsibility for an additional $2.6 trillion in public debt),
The Obama Budget: Spending, Taxes, and Doubling the National Debt

Most of the debt was added after the Dems took over congress and as is stated herein during 2009 in which the Libs leave out the 50% BHO added as well as the massive job loss just prior to and after his election
This Washington Post graph shows the truth
The Truth about Obama's Budget Deficits, in Pictures

Now the way it really is, is that GWB added 2.5trillion and then on 09 added 1.3 trillion to the total debt

In 2007 we spent 2.7 trillion
in 09 we spent 3.5 trillion

2007 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All of this info has what we call links, so before any of you go ona tirad, this is not my info nor is it based on an opinion
its what we call facts

Published March 02, 2009. AP ... President Barack Obama will break a campaign pledge and sign a budget bill laden with

Take that Republican bullschit and try to deposit it into the bank. It takes 60 votes to get something through the senate because of the filibuster. Right off the top of my head the Democrats opposed the tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 but the Republicans used reconciliation to keep them out of it. Then after starting two wars....one unnecessary and totally by choice Bush doubled the national debt and left Obama with nearly a half trillion dollars a year interest payment on his and the Reagan-Bush41 debt.

Bush ran his war expenses as OFF BUDGET emergency spending and the first time Obama asked for funds he put it back ON BUDGET. It's a fact man....all that well looked up horse schit doesn't change the cold hard facts.

On budget spending raises the debt exactly like off budget spending raises the debt.
The fact is, Obama raised the debt in a little over three years by just as much as Bush did in eight.
If the job is too tough for Obama, he could resign today.....or whine some more.
If your going to play with the big boys you better get your facts straight
1)The Dems controlled the senate after Jim Jeffers jumped parties in 00
Tom D was the senate majority
2) those debt figures have very little to do with policy from 01-08. Long term debt and year to year deficits are a much different thing

President Bush expanded the federal budget by a historic $700 billion through 2008.
Federal Spending By the Numbers 2008
President Bush became the first President to spend 3 percent of GDP on federal antipoverty program
Welfare Spendathon: House Stimulus Bill Will Cost Taxpayers $787 Billion in New Welfare Spending
President Bush presided over a $2.5 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. Setting aside 2009 (for which Presidents Bush and Obama share responsibility for an additional $2.6 trillion in public debt),
The Obama Budget: Spending, Taxes, and Doubling the National Debt

Most of the debt was added after the Dems took over congress and as is stated herein during 2009 in which the Libs leave out the 50% BHO added as well as the massive job loss just prior to and after his election
This Washington Post graph shows the truth
The Truth about Obama's Budget Deficits, in Pictures

Now the way it really is, is that GWB added 2.5trillion and then on 09 added 1.3 trillion to the total debt

In 2007 we spent 2.7 trillion
in 09 we spent 3.5 trillion

2007 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All of this info has what we call links, so before any of you go ona tirad, this is not my info nor is it based on an opinion
its what we call facts

Published March 02, 2009. AP ... President Barack Obama will break a campaign pledge and sign a budget bill laden with

Take that Republican bullschit and try to deposit it into the bank. It takes 60 votes to get something through the senate because of the filibuster. Right off the top of my head the Democrats opposed the tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 but the Republicans used reconciliation to keep them out of it. Then after starting two wars....one unnecessary and totally by choice Bush doubled the national debt and left Obama with nearly a half trillion dollars a year interest payment on his and the Reagan-Bush41 debt.

Bush ran his war expenses as OFF BUDGET emergency spending and the first time Obama asked for funds he put it back ON BUDGET. It's a fact man....all that well looked up horse schit doesn't change the cold hard facts.

On budget spending raises the debt exactly like off budget spending raises the debt.
The fact is, Obama raised the debt in a little over three years by just as much as Bush did in eight.
If the job is too tough for Obama, he could resign today.....or whine some more.

Just another (innocent) ploy to hide his wars and the trillion dollars of debt which came with it. A lot of people have told me Carter was the worst president of the modern era but only a blind Republican would fail to see the unnecessary steps taken by the toy cowboy and his (GOD LIKE) activities. What a load of schit to put on the American working class. Borrowing from foreign governments to fund shortfalls which were the result of his two tax cuts(mostly for the wealthy) and two wars...one a war of choice.
If your going to play with the big boys you better get your facts straight
1)The Dems controlled the senate after Jim Jeffers jumped parties in 00
Tom D was the senate majority
2) those debt figures have very little to do with policy from 01-08. Long term debt and year to year deficits are a much different thing

President Bush expanded the federal budget by a historic $700 billion through 2008.
Federal Spending By the Numbers 2008
President Bush became the first President to spend 3 percent of GDP on federal antipoverty program
Welfare Spendathon: House Stimulus Bill Will Cost Taxpayers $787 Billion in New Welfare Spending
President Bush presided over a $2.5 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. Setting aside 2009 (for which Presidents Bush and Obama share responsibility for an additional $2.6 trillion in public debt),
The Obama Budget: Spending, Taxes, and Doubling the National Debt

Most of the debt was added after the Dems took over congress and as is stated herein during 2009 in which the Libs leave out the 50% BHO added as well as the massive job loss just prior to and after his election
This Washington Post graph shows the truth
The Truth about Obama's Budget Deficits, in Pictures

Now the way it really is, is that GWB added 2.5trillion and then on 09 added 1.3 trillion to the total debt

In 2007 we spent 2.7 trillion
in 09 we spent 3.5 trillion

2007 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All of this info has what we call links, so before any of you go ona tirad, this is not my info nor is it based on an opinion
its what we call facts

Published March 02, 2009. AP ... President Barack Obama will break a campaign pledge and sign a budget bill laden with

Take that Republican bullschit and try to deposit it into the bank. It takes 60 votes to get something through the senate because of the filibuster. Right off the top of my head the Democrats opposed the tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 but the Republicans used reconciliation to keep them out of it. Then after starting two wars....one unnecessary and totally by choice Bush doubled the national debt and left Obama with nearly a half trillion dollars a year interest payment on his and the Reagan-Bush41 debt.

Bush ran his war expenses as OFF BUDGET emergency spending and the first time Obama asked for funds he put it back ON BUDGET. It's a fact man....all that well looked up horse schit doesn't change the cold hard facts.

I see it is 4 days later and he still doesn't understand the supplemental budgets Bush employed to make his stated budgets look better.

I'm guessing four days from now, we'll be on the cusp of a new month YET he still won't be able to grasp the concept of Bush and supplemental budgets. Or 4 months when this thread is still going.

There are those I disagree with who, I feel, are just here to see how many people they can disgust. He's not one of them; he doesn't understand how idiotic he is. But he has links which I guess he thinks proves something. Gotta give him that; he can cut and past links.

Look Better......that is key. He was in the process of doubling the national debt and consequently the interest on it and wasn't even man enough to let common Americans know what he was doing. He should have taken back his tax cuts for the wealthy just as soon as the wars started.....'scuse me, the wars he started.
All that and the stupid Republican left the tax cuts he forced through(a Republican congress)stay in place. Listen numbnuts....Bush had a Republican majority in the congress for six of the eight years he served(or phucked up) and if there was something he needed to do all he had to do was let them know. The toy cowboy draft dodging son-of-a-bitch screwed our country to the wall.

If your going to play with the big boys you better get your facts straight
1)The Dems controlled the senate after Jim Jeffers jumped parties in 00
Tom D was the senate majority
2) those debt figures have very little to do with policy from 01-08. Long term debt and year to year deficits are a much different thing

President Bush expanded the federal budget by a historic $700 billion through 2008.
Federal Spending By the Numbers 2008
President Bush became the first President to spend 3 percent of GDP on federal antipoverty program
Welfare Spendathon: House Stimulus Bill Will Cost Taxpayers $787 Billion in New Welfare Spending
President Bush presided over a $2.5 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. Setting aside 2009 (for which Presidents Bush and Obama share responsibility for an additional $2.6 trillion in public debt),
The Obama Budget: Spending, Taxes, and Doubling the National Debt

Most of the debt was added after the Dems took over congress and as is stated herein during 2009 in which the Libs leave out the 50% BHO added as well as the massive job loss just prior to and after his election
This Washington Post graph shows the truth
The Truth about Obama's Budget Deficits, in Pictures

Now the way it really is, is that GWB added 2.5trillion and then on 09 added 1.3 trillion to the total debt

In 2007 we spent 2.7 trillion
in 09 we spent 3.5 trillion

2007 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All of this info has what we call links, so before any of you go ona tirad, this is not my info nor is it based on an opinion
its what we call facts

Published March 02, 2009. AP ... President Barack Obama will break a campaign pledge and sign a budget bill laden with

Take that Republican bullschit and try to deposit it into the bank. It takes 60 votes to get something through the senate because of the filibuster. Right off the top of my head the Democrats opposed the tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 but the Republicans used reconciliation to keep them out of it. Then after starting two wars....one unnecessary and totally by choice Bush doubled the national debt and left Obama with nearly a half trillion dollars a year interest payment on his and the Reagan-Bush41 debt.

Bush ran his war expenses as OFF BUDGET emergency spending and the first time Obama asked for funds he put it back ON BUDGET. It's a fact man....all that well looked up horse schit doesn't change the cold hard facts.

There is no such thing as off budget or on budget Dude
What ever liberal started that is an idiot and to follow it, well following people you look up too sometimes is not god
some good reading for adults, it is a another post I wrote

I keep reading this threads that state GWB added 5 billion dollars to the national Debt.
1 trillion in added budget with 3 trillion from previous debt in interest (including his 1 trillion)
follow along
The senate in 01-02 was controlled by the Dems and congress from 07 through the end of his presidency

The truth is that his (GWB) policies added 700 billion through 2008
Now this is spending, not deficit. This is key
From 2008 thru 2009 we went from a spending of 2.9 trillion to 3.5 trillion in 2009
most of that raise in spending was BHO (stimulus and 50% of tarp) as GWB had budgeted spending of 3.1
we will split 2009 spending addition with GWB and BHO

2008 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia base line 2008
2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia added 600 billion from 08
2010 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia added 800 billion from 2008 spending levels and 200 billion from 2009, but in reality he added 500 billion to GWB 09 spending levels
2011 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia added 300 billion from 08 levels and had a cut of 300 billion from 2010

lets make it simple
2008 spending was 2.9 trillion, GWB had added 700 billion to the federal budget to here from his first budget
2009 spending was 3.5 trillion, GWB had added about 1 trillion to the budget, ends his total addition here
BHO 300 billion, his begins
2010 spending was 3.7 trillion BHO had added 600 billion from GWB 09 levels
2011 spending was cut by the GOP house to 3.4 trillion from BHO request of 3.8 trillion

simply put GWB total additions to the federal budget was 1 trillion dollars
BHO to date has added 600 billion in 2.5 years

GWB had 9-11
2 wars
Katrina and 5 other major hurricanes
as I recall 3 stimulus with all of them going to the tax payer
Medicare part D
No child left behind

BHO had both wars but Iraq was far below the levels of GWB presidency
The Katrina expense is gone
Medicare part D is still there
no child left behind as I recall was extended

It is a common thread from the libs that GWB added 5 trillion dollars to the defict in his time
The truth is it closer to 4 trillion as the 09 debacle is at least 50% of BHO, This would include interest on debt for both

President Bush presided over a $2.5 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. Setting aside 2009 (for which Presidents Bush and Obama share responsibility for an additional $2.6 trillion in public debt)
The Truth about Obama's Budget Deficits, in Pictures

Now we can talk deficits from yearly budgets
simply put the 07 budget had a deficit of 163 billion, the last GOP budget
2007 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We went to a 450 billion dollar deficit in 08 (see above)
1.3 trillion in 09 Link above
same for 2010 Link above
about 1.1 trillion in 2011

The key here is BHO reset the budget base-line in 2009. If not for the GOP house on 2010 the 2011 base line would have grown another 300 billion.

In summary
GWB added 1 trillion dollars in spending thru 8 years
BHO has added 600 billion in 2.5 years, with the GOP house cutting 200 billion in spending in 2011

GWB added 4 trillion total debt in his 8 years to include interest on inherited debt
to date BHO had added about the same
Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2010

This graph by the Washington Post shows this yearly debt better than I can explain it
The Truth about Obama's Budget Deficits, in Pictures

Most all of this came under Dem control of congress
Increase spending has done little to create jobs
In BHO defense the crash in 08 was not his fault, nor was it GWB either

spending is the problem, and the 09 budget was were it got of control

Many including my self think the 2007 budget baseline is the place to start
Take that Republican bullschit and try to deposit it into the bank. It takes 60 votes to get something through the senate because of the filibuster. Right off the top of my head the Democrats opposed the tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 but the Republicans used reconciliation to keep them out of it. Then after starting two wars....one unnecessary and totally by choice Bush doubled the national debt and left Obama with nearly a half trillion dollars a year interest payment on his and the Reagan-Bush41 debt.

Bush ran his war expenses as OFF BUDGET emergency spending and the first time Obama asked for funds he put it back ON BUDGET. It's a fact man....all that well looked up horse schit doesn't change the cold hard facts.

I see it is 4 days later and he still doesn't understand the supplemental budgets Bush employed to make his stated budgets look better.

I'm guessing four days from now, we'll be on the cusp of a new month YET he still won't be able to grasp the concept of Bush and supplemental budgets. Or 4 months when this thread is still going.

There are those I disagree with who, I feel, are just here to see how many people they can disgust. He's not one of them; he doesn't understand how idiotic he is. But he has links which I guess he thinks proves something. Gotta give him that; he can cut and past links.

Look Better......that is key. He was in the process of doubling the national debt and consequently the interest on it and wasn't even man enough to let common Americans know what he was doing. He should have taken back his tax cuts for the wealthy just as soon as the wars started.....'scuse me, the wars he started.

I'll disagree a bit. Bush didn't submit cloak budgets--I knew about them when they happened and I'll wager you did to.

What Bush did do is, as you say, look better. When some JeRK 16 years from now looks at the 2000-2008 budgets they will see what Bush knew they would see. And they'll do what JeRK is doing; posting half-truths that don't begin to tell the whole story of the spending of those years. Supplemental budgets don't get that scrutiny; You know it, I know it. Bush knew it. JeRK hasn't learned yet. It's all a game.
If your going to play with the big boys you better get your facts straight
1)The Dems controlled the senate after Jim Jeffers jumped parties in 00
Tom D was the senate majority
2) those debt figures have very little to do with policy from 01-08. Long term debt and year to year deficits are a much different thing

President Bush expanded the federal budget by a historic $700 billion through 2008.
Federal Spending By the Numbers 2008
President Bush became the first President to spend 3 percent of GDP on federal antipoverty program
Welfare Spendathon: House Stimulus Bill Will Cost Taxpayers $787 Billion in New Welfare Spending
President Bush presided over a $2.5 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. Setting aside 2009 (for which Presidents Bush and Obama share responsibility for an additional $2.6 trillion in public debt),
The Obama Budget: Spending, Taxes, and Doubling the National Debt

Most of the debt was added after the Dems took over congress and as is stated herein during 2009 in which the Libs leave out the 50% BHO added as well as the massive job loss just prior to and after his election
This Washington Post graph shows the truth
The Truth about Obama's Budget Deficits, in Pictures

Now the way it really is, is that GWB added 2.5trillion and then on 09 added 1.3 trillion to the total debt

In 2007 we spent 2.7 trillion
in 09 we spent 3.5 trillion

2007 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All of this info has what we call links, so before any of you go ona tirad, this is not my info nor is it based on an opinion
its what we call facts

Published March 02, 2009. AP ... President Barack Obama will break a campaign pledge and sign a budget bill laden with

Take that Republican bullschit and try to deposit it into the bank. It takes 60 votes to get something through the senate because of the filibuster. Right off the top of my head the Democrats opposed the tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 but the Republicans used reconciliation to keep them out of it. Then after starting two wars....one unnecessary and totally by choice Bush doubled the national debt and left Obama with nearly a half trillion dollars a year interest payment on his and the Reagan-Bush41 debt.

Bush ran his war expenses as OFF BUDGET emergency spending and the first time Obama asked for funds he put it back ON BUDGET. It's a fact man....all that well looked up horse schit doesn't change the cold hard facts.

I see it is 4 days later and he still doesn't understand the supplemental budgets Bush employed to make his stated budgets look better.

I'm guessing four days from now, we'll be on the cusp of a new month YET he still won't be able to grasp the concept of Bush and supplemental budgets. Or 4 months when this thread is still going.

There are those I disagree with who, I feel, are just here to see how many people they can disgust. He's not one of them; he doesn't understand how idiotic he is. But he has links which I guess he thinks proves something. Gotta give him that; he can cut and past links.

My god in 2007 the US govt spent 2.7 trillion
In 2010 we spent 3.7 trillion

The wars were added to both, what is it exactly you libs are trying to prove is beyond me
Take that Republican bullschit and try to deposit it into the bank. It takes 60 votes to get something through the senate because of the filibuster. Right off the top of my head the Democrats opposed the tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 but the Republicans used reconciliation to keep them out of it. Then after starting two wars....one unnecessary and totally by choice Bush doubled the national debt and left Obama with nearly a half trillion dollars a year interest payment on his and the Reagan-Bush41 debt.

Bush ran his war expenses as OFF BUDGET emergency spending and the first time Obama asked for funds he put it back ON BUDGET. It's a fact man....all that well looked up horse schit doesn't change the cold hard facts.

On budget spending raises the debt exactly like off budget spending raises the debt.
The fact is, Obama raised the debt in a little over three years by just as much as Bush did in eight.
If the job is too tough for Obama, he could resign today.....or whine some more.

Just another (innocent) ploy to hide his wars and the trillion dollars of debt which came with it. A lot of people have told me Carter was the worst president of the modern era but only a blind Republican would fail to see the unnecessary steps taken by the toy cowboy and his (GOD LIKE) activities. What a load of schit to put on the American working class. Borrowing from foreign governments to fund shortfalls which were the result of his two tax cuts(mostly for the wealthy) and two wars...one a war of choice.

It might hide the spending, until you look at the supplemental spending bill, but it doesn't hide the debt.

A lot of people have told me Carter was the worst president of the modern era

They're right, he was.....
There is no such thing as off budget or on budget Dude

This is right up there with the claim that cutting from 1.25M to 1M is a 25% cut.

simply put GWB total additions to the federal budget was 1 trillion dollars

That's rich. Bush inherited a fiscal history of four straight years of unified surpluses and left office with a 1.3T deficit.
If your going to play with the big boys you better get your facts straight
1)The Dems controlled the senate after Jim Jeffers jumped parties in 00
Tom D was the senate majority
2) those debt figures have very little to do with policy from 01-08. Long term debt and year to year deficits are a much different thing

President Bush expanded the federal budget by a historic $700 billion through 2008.
Federal Spending By the Numbers 2008
President Bush became the first President to spend 3 percent of GDP on federal antipoverty program
Welfare Spendathon: House Stimulus Bill Will Cost Taxpayers $787 Billion in New Welfare Spending
President Bush presided over a $2.5 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. Setting aside 2009 (for which Presidents Bush and Obama share responsibility for an additional $2.6 trillion in public debt),
The Obama Budget: Spending, Taxes, and Doubling the National Debt

Most of the debt was added after the Dems took over congress and as is stated herein during 2009 in which the Libs leave out the 50% BHO added as well as the massive job loss just prior to and after his election
This Washington Post graph shows the truth
The Truth about Obama's Budget Deficits, in Pictures

Now the way it really is, is that GWB added 2.5trillion and then on 09 added 1.3 trillion to the total debt

In 2007 we spent 2.7 trillion
in 09 we spent 3.5 trillion

2007 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All of this info has what we call links, so before any of you go ona tirad, this is not my info nor is it based on an opinion
its what we call facts

Published March 02, 2009. AP ... President Barack Obama will break a campaign pledge and sign a budget bill laden with

Take that Republican bullschit and try to deposit it into the bank. It takes 60 votes to get something through the senate because of the filibuster. Right off the top of my head the Democrats opposed the tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 but the Republicans used reconciliation to keep them out of it. Then after starting two wars....one unnecessary and totally by choice Bush doubled the national debt and left Obama with nearly a half trillion dollars a year interest payment on his and the Reagan-Bush41 debt.

Bush ran his war expenses as OFF BUDGET emergency spending and the first time Obama asked for funds he put it back ON BUDGET. It's a fact man....all that well looked up horse schit doesn't change the cold hard facts.

There is no such thing as off budget or on budget Dude
What ever liberal started that is an idiot and to follow it, well following people you look up too sometimes is not god
some good reading for adults, it is a another post I wrote

I keep reading this threads that state GWB added 5 billion dollars to the national Debt.
1 trillion in added budget with 3 trillion from previous debt in interest (including his 1 trillion)
follow along
The senate in 01-02 was controlled by the Dems and congress from 07 through the end of his presidency

The truth is that his (GWB) policies added 700 billion through 2008
Now this is spending, not deficit. This is key
From 2008 thru 2009 we went from a spending of 2.9 trillion to 3.5 trillion in 2009
most of that raise in spending was BHO (stimulus and 50% of tarp) as GWB had budgeted spending of 3.1
we will split 2009 spending addition with GWB and BHO

2008 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia base line 2008
2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia added 600 billion from 08
2010 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia added 800 billion from 2008 spending levels and 200 billion from 2009, but in reality he added 500 billion to GWB 09 spending levels
2011 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia added 300 billion from 08 levels and had a cut of 300 billion from 2010

lets make it simple
2008 spending was 2.9 trillion, GWB had added 700 billion to the federal budget to here from his first budget
2009 spending was 3.5 trillion, GWB had added about 1 trillion to the budget, ends his total addition here
BHO 300 billion, his begins
2010 spending was 3.7 trillion BHO had added 600 billion from GWB 09 levels
2011 spending was cut by the GOP house to 3.4 trillion from BHO request of 3.8 trillion

simply put GWB total additions to the federal budget was 1 trillion dollars
BHO to date has added 600 billion in 2.5 years

GWB had 9-11
2 wars
Katrina and 5 other major hurricanes
as I recall 3 stimulus with all of them going to the tax payer
Medicare part D
No child left behind

BHO had both wars but Iraq was far below the levels of GWB presidency
The Katrina expense is gone
Medicare part D is still there
no child left behind as I recall was extended

It is a common thread from the libs that GWB added 5 trillion dollars to the defict in his time
The truth is it closer to 4 trillion as the 09 debacle is at least 50% of BHO, This would include interest on debt for both

President Bush presided over a $2.5 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. Setting aside 2009 (for which Presidents Bush and Obama share responsibility for an additional $2.6 trillion in public debt)
The Truth about Obama's Budget Deficits, in Pictures

Now we can talk deficits from yearly budgets
simply put the 07 budget had a deficit of 163 billion, the last GOP budget
2007 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We went to a 450 billion dollar deficit in 08 (see above)
1.3 trillion in 09 Link above
same for 2010 Link above
about 1.1 trillion in 2011

The key here is BHO reset the budget base-line in 2009. If not for the GOP house on 2010 the 2011 base line would have grown another 300 billion.

In summary
GWB added 1 trillion dollars in spending thru 8 years
BHO has added 600 billion in 2.5 years, with the GOP house cutting 200 billion in spending in 2011

GWB added 4 trillion total debt in his 8 years to include interest on inherited debt
to date BHO had added about the same
Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2010

This graph by the Washington Post shows this yearly debt better than I can explain it
The Truth about Obama's Budget Deficits, in Pictures

Most all of this came under Dem control of congress
Increase spending has done little to create jobs
In BHO defense the crash in 08 was not his fault, nor was it GWB either

spending is the problem, and the 09 budget was were it got of control

Many including my self think the 2007 budget baseline is the place to start
You really should learn to read....or at least try. These figures are locked in by the government and they are not about to change any more for you than they are for Fox News:

Total U S Debt

09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)

09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accomodate Tens of Trillions)

09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32

09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)

09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)

09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32

09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38(Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)

09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03
09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25
09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32
09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16
09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00
09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42
09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00
09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00
09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00

09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)

09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00
Take that Republican bullschit and try to deposit it into the bank. It takes 60 votes to get something through the senate because of the filibuster. Right off the top of my head the Democrats opposed the tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 but the Republicans used reconciliation to keep them out of it. Then after starting two wars....one unnecessary and totally by choice Bush doubled the national debt and left Obama with nearly a half trillion dollars a year interest payment on his and the Reagan-Bush41 debt.

Bush ran his war expenses as OFF BUDGET emergency spending and the first time Obama asked for funds he put it back ON BUDGET. It's a fact man....all that well looked up horse schit doesn't change the cold hard facts.

There is no such thing as off budget or on budget Dude
What ever liberal started that is an idiot and to follow it, well following people you look up too sometimes is not god
some good reading for adults, it is a another post I wrote

I keep reading this threads that state GWB added 5 billion dollars to the national Debt.
1 trillion in added budget with 3 trillion from previous debt in interest (including his 1 trillion)
follow along
The senate in 01-02 was controlled by the Dems and congress from 07 through the end of his presidency

The truth is that his (GWB) policies added 700 billion through 2008
Now this is spending, not deficit. This is key
From 2008 thru 2009 we went from a spending of 2.9 trillion to 3.5 trillion in 2009
most of that raise in spending was BHO (stimulus and 50% of tarp) as GWB had budgeted spending of 3.1
we will split 2009 spending addition with GWB and BHO

2008 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia base line 2008
2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia added 600 billion from 08
2010 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia added 800 billion from 2008 spending levels and 200 billion from 2009, but in reality he added 500 billion to GWB 09 spending levels
2011 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia added 300 billion from 08 levels and had a cut of 300 billion from 2010

lets make it simple
2008 spending was 2.9 trillion, GWB had added 700 billion to the federal budget to here from his first budget
2009 spending was 3.5 trillion, GWB had added about 1 trillion to the budget, ends his total addition here
BHO 300 billion, his begins
2010 spending was 3.7 trillion BHO had added 600 billion from GWB 09 levels
2011 spending was cut by the GOP house to 3.4 trillion from BHO request of 3.8 trillion

simply put GWB total additions to the federal budget was 1 trillion dollars
BHO to date has added 600 billion in 2.5 years

GWB had 9-11
2 wars
Katrina and 5 other major hurricanes
as I recall 3 stimulus with all of them going to the tax payer
Medicare part D
No child left behind

BHO had both wars but Iraq was far below the levels of GWB presidency
The Katrina expense is gone
Medicare part D is still there
no child left behind as I recall was extended

It is a common thread from the libs that GWB added 5 trillion dollars to the defict in his time
The truth is it closer to 4 trillion as the 09 debacle is at least 50% of BHO, This would include interest on debt for both

President Bush presided over a $2.5 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. Setting aside 2009 (for which Presidents Bush and Obama share responsibility for an additional $2.6 trillion in public debt)
The Truth about Obama's Budget Deficits, in Pictures

Now we can talk deficits from yearly budgets
simply put the 07 budget had a deficit of 163 billion, the last GOP budget
2007 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We went to a 450 billion dollar deficit in 08 (see above)
1.3 trillion in 09 Link above
same for 2010 Link above
about 1.1 trillion in 2011

The key here is BHO reset the budget base-line in 2009. If not for the GOP house on 2010 the 2011 base line would have grown another 300 billion.

In summary
GWB added 1 trillion dollars in spending thru 8 years
BHO has added 600 billion in 2.5 years, with the GOP house cutting 200 billion in spending in 2011

GWB added 4 trillion total debt in his 8 years to include interest on inherited debt
to date BHO had added about the same
Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2010

This graph by the Washington Post shows this yearly debt better than I can explain it
The Truth about Obama's Budget Deficits, in Pictures

Most all of this came under Dem control of congress
Increase spending has done little to create jobs
In BHO defense the crash in 08 was not his fault, nor was it GWB either

spending is the problem, and the 09 budget was were it got of control

Many including my self think the 2007 budget baseline is the place to start
You really should learn to read....or at least try. These figures are locked in by the government and they are not about to change any more for you than they are for Fox News:

Total U S Debt

09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)

09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accomodate Tens of Trillions)

09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32

09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)

09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)

09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32

09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38(Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)

09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03
09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25
09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32
09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16
09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00
09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42
09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00
09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00
09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00

09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)

09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00

You liberals blow me away with this constant lying and miss use of information
I hate to us the word lying, but damn

In 2007 the US govt spent 163 billion dollars more than they brought in, the last GOP budget
Yet according to you that somehow added 500 billion to the national debt

GWB and his inherited debts interest added 2.5 trillion through 2008
2009 over 50% of the debt added is BHO
Most revenue lost was under his watch
he also added about 400 billion to that debt with the failed stimulus and the 50% os the 700 billion tarp program he ended up with

The Truth about Obama's Budget Deficits, in Pictures
FROM THE WASHINGTON POST, and before 2007 what the Bush admin really added to the national debt was nothing



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