A bridge too far. Trump equates Putin to American killers

If obozo said it I know I'b be pissed, it would have been nice to hear the rest of his response because I know he's off the cuff.

Obozo's speeches were planned. So they were deliberately undermining and marginalizing the country. With Trump I expect there was more said that clarified the context but cherry picking "objective journalists" at Al-CNN....

If obozo said it I know I'b be pissed, it would have been nice to hear the rest of his response because I know he's off the cuff.

Obozo's speeches were planned. So they were deliberately undermining and marginalizing the country. With Trump I expect there was more said that clarified the context but cherry picking "objective journalists" at Al-CNN....
Dear Leader said such things to play to his moonbat base. Of course, the same base that remained silent for the eight years that he maintained and accelerated the warmongering proclivities of his predecessors.

Trump's comment was far less in the realm of accepting all the blame, as was King Putt's apology tour, and far more in the context of acknowledging that all hands are dirty to varying extents.
If obozo said it I know I'b be pissed, it would have been nice to hear the rest of his response because I know he's off the cuff.

Obozo's speeches were planned. So they were deliberately undermining and marginalizing the country. With Trump I expect there was more said that clarified the context but cherry picking "objective journalists" at Al-CNN....

Every channel has covered this statement not just CNN.
I see this as more overplayed bullshit and nothing more.
Consider this:
Have people lost lives at the hands of our nations leaders directly or indirectly? Think early release of criminals who re-offend, think the open border policy and illegals who murder, think district leaders of dangerous shithole cities who refuse to get aggressive with criminals, think Hillary and Benghazi
Whether or not these so called leaders could be called "killers" is subjective. I'm not willing to engage in the semantics of that but don't be stupid....Trump was right on point with what he said and it's consistent with his hold nothing back style.
Putin indiscriminately kills in Syria & Ukraine. Putin has CLEARLY assassinated people in the past that opposed him.

There is NO comparison to modern day America.
Never heard of Obama's indiscriminate drone strikes, huh?

Never heard of the Clinton list of questionable and "convenient" deaths, have you?
Putin indiscriminately kills in Syria & Ukraine. Putin has CLEARLY assassinated people in the past that opposed him.

There is NO comparison to modern day America.
Never heard of Obama's indiscriminate drone strikes, huh?

Never heard of the Clinton list of questionable and "convenient" deaths, have you?
I supported Obama's drone program. As to the Clinton's, those deaths are weird but I have seen no proof.
The problem where homies here in the U.S. continually fail and fail and fail again is that what Trump says matters because we have to get along with other world leaders who are listening to him, too. That's why we try to elect someone with DIPLOMACY, not methane gas that billows out of his pie hole every time he opens his mouth. He considers himself a fucking king, not a public servant, as you can see from what is happening overseas.

Like it or not, you idiots don't live in the center of the universe. It's not all about YOU.

This is the cover of a German magazine that came out last week:


This is from a Chinese publication:

The problem where homies here in the U.S. continually fail and fail and fail again is that what Trump says matters because we have to get along with other world leaders who are listening to him, too. That's why we try to elect someone with DIPLOMACY, not methane gas that billows out of his pie hole every time he opens his mouth. He considers himself a fucking king, not a public servant, as you can see from what is happening overseas.

Like it or not, you idiots don't live in the center of the universe. It's not all about YOU.

This is the cover of a German magazine that came out last week:


This is from a Chinese publication:

You love that anti American propaganda don't you?
These are the kinds of things that Trump has to say in order for the Russians to respect him. They translate American killers into Ivanese, Putin reads it, praises Kek, and the world is a safer place for democracy.
The problem where homies here in the U.S. continually fail and fail and fail again is that what Trump says matters because we have to get along with other world leaders who are listening to him, too. That's why we try to elect someone with DIPLOMACY, not methane gas that billows out of his pie hole every time he opens his mouth. He considers himself a fucking king, not a public servant, as you can see from what is happening overseas.

Like it or not, you idiots don't live in the center of the universe. It's not all about YOU.

This is the cover of a German magazine that came out last week:


This is from a Chinese publication:

You love that anti American propaganda don't you?

You're too stupid to get it. It doesn't matter what I hate or love, idiot.

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